
Aから読むKent:Agaricus muscariusクイズ①


What are the distinct and key characteristics of the Agaricus muscarius?

A) Strong emotions and mood swings
B) Pronounced twitching and trembling in muscles, sensitivity to cold, and symptoms worsening after sexual intercourse
C) Uncontrolled laughter and crying
D) Increased thirst and frequent urination

答え:B) Pronounced twitching and trembling in muscles, sensitivity to cold, and symptoms worsening after sexual intercourse

"Generalities: The most striking things running through this medicine are twitchings and tremblings, jerkings of the muscles and trembling of the limbs; quivering and tremors... The patient is extremely nervous and sensitive to cold. All the symptoms of Agaricus are also aggravated after sexual intercourse..."

解説:A) and C) aren't highlighted in the materia medica and do not represent key characteristics of the remedy. While D) might be a symptom, it's not one of the key characteristics mentioned here.


What are the primary mental symptoms associated with the Agaricus muscarius?

A) Severe anxiety and panic attacks
B) Obsessive-compulsive tendencies
C) Memory loss and confusion
D) Changeability, mental depression, issues with learning, and a state of confusion like delirium

答え:D) Changeability, mental depression, issues with learning, and a state of confusion like delirium

"Mind: The mental symptoms are such as you would expect. Great changeability, irritability, mental depression and complaints which come on from overexertion of the mind and prolonged study... Children who cannot remember, make mistakes and are slow in learning... The whole mind and sensorium seem paralyzed; the patient is sluggish, stupid, at times seems to be delirious; there is confusion of the mind so nearly like delirium that it is not unlike intoxication."

解説:A), B), and C) aren't directly mentioned in the highlighted materia medica and hence, they aren't accurate reflections of the mental symptoms associated with the remedy.


How is Agaricus muscarius manifested in the physical body?

A) Prominent skin rashes and lesions
B) Severe joint pain and muscle stiffness
C) Distinct muscle twitching and jerking, sensation of ants crawling, cold and hot needles sensations, and itching all over the body
D) Uncontrollable shaking and loss of balance

答え:C) Distinct muscle twitching and jerking, sensation of ants crawling, cold and hot needles sensations, and itching all over the body

"Generalities: The most striking things running through this medicine are twitchings and tremblings, jerkings of the muscles... Throughout the body there is a sensation of creeping and crawling. It is hardly confined to the skin, it is felt as if in the flesh, a sensation as if of ants... Itching of the skin all over which changes place from scratching... sensations of cold needles and of hot needles; stinging and burning..."

解説: While A), B), and D) could potentially be symptoms, they aren't specifically mentioned in the highlighted materia medica. Hence, they do not correctly represent the physical manifestation of the remedy.




