
Aから読むKent:Aethusa cynapiumクイズ①


According to the description of Aethusa, which symptom is particularly significant in infants?

A) Extreme agitation and restlessness
B) Extreme prostration, vomiting, and diarrhea
C) Chronic fever with night sweats
D) Prolonged episodes of laughter

答え:B) Extreme prostration, vomiting, and diarrhea

"It applies to the cases that come on very suddenly in hot weather in infancy, with extreme prostration." and "this little one fills its stomach with milk and almost before it has had time to coagulate or form into curds the milk comes up partly in curds and partly liquid, and accompanying the vomiting there is a thin, yellow greenish, slimy stool."


In what condition has Aethusa shown effectiveness in adults?

A) Severe muscle pain after exercise
B) Insomnia and restlessness at night
C) Digestion issues related to constant feeding
D) Chronic cough and chest pain

答え:C) Digestion issues related to constant feeding

"It has cured dyspepsia from constant feeding, in those nibblers, those hungry fellows who are always eating, always nibbling, always taking crackers in their pockets until there comes a time when the stomach ceases to act."


Which of the following is a characteristic symptom of Aethusa in cases of convulsions in children?

A) Uncontrollable trembling and shivering
B) Clammy hands, deathly countenance, and exhaustion followed by sleep
C) Sudden high fever with hallucinations
D) None of the above

答え:B) Clammy hands, deathly countenance, and exhaustion followed by sleep

"Sometimes the brain trouble does not affect the stomach, but the child goes into convulsions, with clammy hands, deathly countenance, and the sweat, exhaustion and sleep."




