
Aから読むKent:Aethusa cynapiumクイズ②

Which symptom is characteristic of Aethusa cynapium in infants?

A) High fever and rash
B) Frequent bouts of crying
C) Immediate vomiting of milk and exhaustion
D) A strong appetite with no adverse effects

答え:C) Immediate vomiting of milk and exhaustion

"this little one fills its stomach with milk and almost before it has had time to coagulate or form into curds the milk comes up partly in curds and partly liquid, and accompanying the vomiting there is a thin, yellow greenish, slimy stool. The child sinks into an exhausted sleep."

解説:While B) could be a general sign of discomfort in infants, C) is a specific indication of Aethusa cynapium. A) and D) are not mentioned in the materia medica.


Which of the following best describes the condition Aethusa cynapium is suited for?

A) Infants with regular, healthy feeding patterns
B) Infants improperly fed or overfed
C) Infants who prefer solid food over milk
D) Infants with skin ailments

答え:B) Infants improperly fed or overfed

"Now Aethusa suits improperly fed babies. It is at the head of the list of medicines for that condition; that is, when digestion has absolutely ceased from brain trouble."

解説:A), C) and D) are not described in the context of Aethusa cynapium in the materia medica. The focus of Aethusa is more on digestive and feeding issues.


What adult condition can be addressed by Aethusa cynapium?

A) Chronic migraines
B) Sleep disorders
C) Dyspepsia from constant feeding
D) Joint inflammation

答え: C) Dyspepsia from constant feeding

"It has cured dyspepsia from constant feeding, in those nibblers, those hungry fellows who are always eating, always nibbling, always taking crackers in their pockets until there comes a time when the stomach ceases to act."

解説:While A), B) and D) might be relevant health issues, this materia medica specifically links Aethusa cynapium with treating dyspepsia from overeating.




