
①日本語から英語を想起 ノートに英単語に対応する日本語250個書いてそれを復習する
覚え方。 move into a sloping position と書いてtilt sth イメージと組み合わせて覚える。

perplex sth を混乱させる
cause someone to be confused or uncertain over something that is not understood:
The symptoms of the disease have continued to perplex her doctors.

magnify sth を拡大する
to make something look larger than it is, especially by looking at it through a lens:
Although our skin looks smooth, when magnified it is full of bumps and holes.
This microscope can magnify objects 50000 times

accordance 一致
obeying a rule, law, wish, etc.:
In accordance with her wishes, she was buried in France.
"there is good accordance between the values"
Act in accordance with the law

clean-up 清掃
the act of making a place clean and tidy:
It's time you gave your bedroom a good clean-up.
Residents have called for a clean-up campaign to keep their streets free from rubbish.

immerse sth をひたす
dip or submerge in a liquid.
"immerse the paper in water for twenty minutes"
Immerse the bottle in boiling water to sterilize it

situate sth を置く
to put something in a particular position:
They plan to situate the bus stop at the corner of the road.
To understand this issue, it must first be situated in its context.

industrialize sth を工業化する
develop industries in (a country or region) on a wide scale.
"the breakneck attempt to industrialize the country broke an already weak economy"

breakneck むちゃくちゃなスピードの
carelessly fast and dangerous:
They were riding along at breakneck speed/at a breakneck pace.
the breakneck pace of technological change  

surpass sth を超える
to do or be better than:
His time for the 100 metres surpassed the previous world record by one hundredth of a second.
He continued to surpass me at all games

expend sth を費やす
to use or spend time, effort, or money:
You expend so much effort for so little return.
Governments expend a lot of resources on war.
I expended a lot of energy into this issues

nourish sth に栄養を与える
to provide things with food in order to make them grow and keep them healthy:
This cream is supposed to help nourish your skin.
This oil will nourish your hair
A well nourished child

compress sth を詰める
to press something into a smaller space:
Firmly compress the soil in the pot so that the plant is secure.
compressed air
The scarf can be folded and compressed into a relatively small bag

disillusioned 幻滅した
disappointed in someone or something that one discovers to be less good than one had believed.
I soon became disillusioned with the job.
They felt bitter and disillusioned by the decision.

heighten sth を高める
to increase or make something increase, especially an emotion or effect:
The strong police presence only heightened the tension among the crowd.
we have to heighten public awareness about animal welfare

aggression 攻撃性
actions or behavior that use threats or force against others:
We regard the presence of troops on our border as an act of aggression.
dog showing aggression towards people

instinctual 本能的な
based on instinct
Aggression is one of the basic human instinctual drives.

cripple sb を不自由にする
cause (someone) to become unable to walk or move normally.
"a young student was crippled for life"
The accident crippled her for life.
He was crippled in the accident

halve sth を半分にする
divide something into two equal parts, or to reduce something to half of its original size, number, or degree:
The doctor decided to halve the dose of the drug.
Halve the tomatoes and scoop out the pips

shellfish 甲殻類
sea creatures that live in shells and are eaten as food, or one of these creatures:
Lobsters, crabs, and oysters are all shellfish.

perseverance 我慢強さ
persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.
"his perseverance with the technique illustrates his single-mindedness"
Show great perseverance in the face of difficulties

northward 北の
towards the north:
She drove off in a northward direction.
The current that runs northward up this coastline

tickle sth をくすぐる
lightly touch or prod (a person or a part of the body) in a way that causes mild discomfort or itching and often laughter.
"I tickled him under the ears"
The sweater tickles me

detach sth を切り離す
separate or remove something from something else that it is connected to:
You can detach the hood if you prefer the coat without it.
first detach the application form from the magazine

batter ころも
a semi-liquid mixture of flour, egg, and milk or water, used for making pancakes or for coating food before frying.
"pancake batter"

pebble 小石
a small stone made smooth and round by the action of water or sand.
"a narrow pebble beach"

intolerant  我慢できない
disapproving of or refusing to accept people, behavior, or ideas that are different from your own:
As a historian, she was intolerant of poorly done research.
He was intolerant in religious matters

misconception 誤解
an idea that is wrong because it is based on a failure to understand a situation:
It’s a common misconception that Americans think only about money.

straight up or vertical:
Please return your seat to an upright position and fasten your belt.

upright 垂直に
vertical and as straight as possible:
to sit/stand upright
The sound of breaking glass made her sit bolt upright (= sit with her back straight).

upright 正直な
honest, responsible, and moral:
She behaved as any upright citizen would have under the circumstances.

ventilate sth を換気する
to cause fresh air to enter and move around a closed space:
Ventilate the room well while applying the paint.
I work in a very poorly-ventilated building.

ventilate 人工呼吸を施す
to force air in and out of the lungs of a person who cannot breathe easily on their own, using a special machine called a ventilator:
If her condition deteriorates, she will need to be ventilated and admitted to intensive care.
intensive 集中的な

satisfy 満足させる
please someone by giving them what they want or need:
They have 31 flavours of ice cream - enough to satisfy everyone!
Come on, satisfy my curiosity (= tell me what I want to know) - what happened last night?

satisfy conditions/needs/requirements条件満たす
to have or provide something that is needed or wanted:
She satisfies all the requirements for the job.
I’d like to go to that college if I can satisfy the entrance requirements.

satisfy 納得する
to make someone believe that something is true:
His explanation satisfied the court.
I satisfied myself (that) I had locked the door.
The authorities were satisfied of (= they accepted) the seriousness of his situation.
seriousness 真面目なこと
situation 立場

be as good as someone or something else:
It would be difficult to match the service this airline gives its customers

retrieve sth を取り出す
to find and bring back something:
We taught our dog to retrieve a ball.
Computers are used to store and retrieve information efficiently.
Afterward, I had to retrieve frozen items from the food depot
depot 倉庫

comfort sb を慰める
make someone feel better when they are sad or worried:
The girl's mother was at home today, being comforted by relatives.
It comforts me to know that you're always there for support.
I tried to comfort him, but it was no use.
relatives 親族

no use 無駄だ
the thing someone tries cannot be or was not successful:
People tried to stop her, but it was no use.
There's no use asking me about it, because I don't know anything.

satisfied 安心した
To be satisfied is also to be sure, with all your doubts removed:
I’m satisfied that the doctors did all they could to save her.

feel at home in sth にほっとする
to feel comfortable and relaxed:
be/feel at home in
By the end of the week she was beginning to feel at home in her new job.

bring about sth 引き起こす
to cause something to happen:
He brought about his company's collapse by his reckless spending.
Many illnesses are brought about by poor diet and lack of exercise.
poor 質の低い
diet 食事
exercise 運動

sth collapse が倒れる
to fall down suddenly because of pressure or having no strength or support:
Thousands of buildings collapsed in the earthquake.
The chair collapsed under her weight.
He thought his whole world had collapsed when his wife died.
weight 重さ

sb collapse が倒れる
If someone collapses, they fall down because of being sick or weak:
He collapsed and died of a heart attack.
She felt her legs give way and she collapsed to the floor.

give way 譲る
to allow other vehicles to go past before you move onto a road:
You have to give way to traffic coming from the right.
traffic 交通

sth give way が壊れる
to break, especially when under pressure from strong forces:
Because of an unusually strong current, the bridge's central support gave way, tipping a coach into the river.
The wooden seats gave way under the weight of the crowd.
crowd 群集
current 流れ
central 中心の
coach 長距離バス

give way 屈する
to stop arguing or fighting against someone or something:
Neither of them will give way, so they could be arguing for a very long time.
Don't give way to your fears.
feat 不安

telling that you disagree with them:
They were arguing over which film to go and see.

pour sth
to make a substance flow from a container
Pour the honey into the bowl
Would you like me to pour you some more wine?

sth pour
cause to flow quickly
The bus was pouring out thick black exhaust fumes.
blood pouring from my leg.
Refugees have been pouring into neighbouring countries

it is raining heavily:
You’d better take an umbrella  
it’s pouring out there.

pour sth out
to tell all your feelings to someone, especially privately
He spends every lunchtime pouring out his emotional problems to me

bring back sth
to return from somewhere with something:
Can you bring me back some milk?

a photograph taken from a short distance that gives a very detailed picture:
She took a stunning close-up of him.

stick sth
to put something somewhere,
"Where shall I put these books?" "Oh, just stick them on the table for now."
She stuck her fingers in her ears so that she couldn't hear the noise.
Don't stick your middle finger to me

feel sorrow for the misfortunes of.
"I could see from their faces that they pitied me

be of the right shape and size for.
"those jeans still fit me"

can't get enough
I really love, I want to keep experiencing
I can’t get enough of this song

be convenient for or acceptable to.
"what time would suit you?"

be annoyed or worried by something:
Do you think he'd mind if I borrowed his book?

claim; express the view that.
"rumour had it that although he lived in a derelict house, he was really very wealthy"

feel concern , attach importance to something.
"they don't care about human life"

break suddenly with a sharp cracking sound.
"guitar strings kept snapping"

to be one thing rather than another
It was more of a holiday than a training exercise.

recover quickly and easily from an illness or period of difficulty.
"our bodies can snap back pretty well from short-term bouts of stress"

to give someone help:
Could you give me a hand with these suitcases?

something that you hope will happen but is very unlikely to happen:
Their plans to set up their own business are just pie in the sky.

to be good at noticing a particular type of thing:
She has an eye for detail.

to provide the power to keep a machine working, or to make something happen:
The engine drives the wheels.

to force someone officially to stay in a place:
A suspect has been detained by the police for questioning.

a person or organization making a formal offer for something, especially at an auction.
"she was the highest bidder for this rare portrait"

(of a substance) containing a lot of matter in a small space:
Plutonium is very dense.

wholly directed to one thing; intense.
"a concentrated campaign"

make cold but not freeze
Chill the pudding before serving.

close to sth
I thought it would only take two or three minutes, but it ended up taking more like half an hour.

when agreeing with something: 'Flying is quick, but it's very expensive. ' 'Yes, there is that. '

move something forward, or to develop or improve something:
He's just trying to advance (= improve) his own career.

hire (someone).
"he was engaged as a trainee copywriter"

used before an amount for showing how small it is, when this is surprising
It takes as little as four seconds for a car thief to break into a car.

a half-year term in a school or university, especially in North America, typically lasting for fifteen to eighteen weeks.
"the opening week of Harvard's autumn semester"

have a strong desire for something.
"an opponent thirsting for revenge"

the state of being completely functional or operational.
"the locomotive is back in running order in time to appear alongside other railway icons at the event"

obtain someone or something. Often used in passive constructions. The political party has sought after control of parliament for years.

attracts a lot of attention or publicity.
...the high-profile reception being given to the president.

a person's character:
As a child, Juliana had a very sensitive nature.

a good moral quality in a person, or the general quality of goodness in a person:
[ C ] Patience is a virtue.

team up
to join with someone to work together They teamed up to get the work done quickly
We're teaming up with @playSHRAPNEL for the ultimate AMA + NFT Giveaway

the first from top
i would like the first one from top

extremely exciting:
The book is a thrilling adventure story

a scary movie/story
what a scary roller coaster  

a small amount of something that remains after the main part has gone or been taken or used.
"the fine residue left after the sorting of tea"

bring or gather together (a number of things).
"he went round the office collecting old coffee cups

widespread in a particular area or at a particular time.
"the social ills prevalent in society today"

not moving at all or feeling unable to move, usually because of fear:
He was too frozen with fear to do anything.
She felt frozen, unable to decide which way to go.
the game screen is frozen

mprove or enhance the quality or value of.
"her exposure to museums enriched her life in France"

to work hard:
Farm workers have been toiling in the 100-degree heat over the past week.
After toiling away at work all week, it's good to relax.
the chief toiled all day

not done or happening when expected or when needed; late:
My library books are a week overdue.
The baby is two weeks overdue (= the baby was expected to be born two weeks ago).

believing that very good things can be achieved, often when this does not seem likely to other people:
When I was young and idealistic I believed it was possible to change the world.

cause to stop sleeping.
"she was roused from a deep slunder by a hand on her shoulder"
rouse his sleeping son

a small, thin branch of a tree or bush, especially one removed from the tree or bush and without any leaves:
We collected dry twigs to start the fire.

to react in an extreme, especially an angry or frightened, way:
Try not to overreact to criticism.

a shape with a flat, round or oval base and a top that becomes narrower until it forms a point:
a traffic cone

lack of proportion or relation between corresponding things.
"tension is generated by the imbalance of power"

their moods change suddenly and they become angry or unhappy easily:
a moody teenager

If an unpleasant situation or a storm is brewing, you feel that it is about to happen:
It was too quiet - I felt that trouble was brewing.
A storm was brewing in the distance.

move something with a scoop or with something used as a scoop:
He scooped the sand into a bucket with his hands.
He scooped some ice cream

at a point that is far away:
On a clear day you can see the temple in the distance.
In the distance we could see three giraffes walking to the watering hole.

a large amount of goods sent together to a place, or the act of sending them:
A shipment of urgent medical supplies is expected to arrive very soon.

to (make something or someone) become difficult to see clearly:
As she drifted into sleep, the doctor's face began to blur and fade.

an ability to understand or know something without needing to think
[ U ] You should trust your intuition in making your decision.

to remember something:
[ I ] There were five young men in the car, as near as I can recollect.
Can you recollect this

interrupt (an event, activity, or process) by causing a disturbance or problem.
"flooding disrupted rail services"

stick onto or hold something or someone tightly
We got so wet that our clothes clung to us.
His T-shirt cling to his body

complete control of something:
her mastery of the situation
achieve mastery over the country

the state of depending on or trusting in something or someone:
The region's reliance on tourism is unwise.
You place too much reliance on her ideas and expertise.

the point where a new or different situation is about to begin:
Extreme stress had driven him to the brink of a nervous breakdown.
Scientists are on the brink of (= extremely close to) a major new discovery.

arrange (something long and flexible) in a coil.
"he began to coil up the heavy ropes"
coil a rope around the rock

undoubtedly; undeniably.
"he looked decidedly uncomfortable"

to cause something or someone to turn in a different direction:
Our flight was diverted from San Francisco to Oakland because of the fog.
divert his gaze from the bloody scene

to grow, develop, or be successful:
His business thrived in the years before the war.
She seems to thrive on stress.

used in units of volume to show when the length of something has been multiplied by its width and height:
A cubic centimeter is a centimeter high, a centimeter long, and a centimeter wide.
"a cubic room"

landmark 画期的な出来事
an important stage in the development of something:
The invention of the silicon chip is a landmark in the history of technology.
The deal is a landmark in the company's rapid international expansion.

impersonal 人間味のない
without human warmth; not friendly and without features that make people feel interested or involved:
She has a very cold and impersonal manner.
even her children found him strangely impersonal  

underwater 水中の
situated, occurring, or done beneath the surface of water.
"there are underwater caves in the region"
underwater camera

pest 害虫
an insect or small animal that is harmful or damages crops:
pest control
an effective method for controlling insect pests

posture 姿勢
the position in which someone holds their body when standing or sitting.
"I got out of the car in an alert posture"
keep good posture

runway 滑走路
ground with a hard surface which an airplane takes off from or lands on.
The plane started taxiing down the runway.
the jet braked hard as its wheels touched the runway

bungalow 平家住宅
a small house all on one level
There were small, white bungalows dotted over the hillside.
I live in a bungalow

commonplace 日常茶飯事
a usual or ordinary thing.
"bombing has become almost a commonplace of public life there"

bait 釣り餌
a small amount of food on a hook
They were digging up worms to use for bait.
The fish let go of the bait

stout ずんぐりした
(especially of older people) fat and solid-looking, especially around the waist:
Mrs Blower was the stout lady with the glasses.
stout face

projection 見通し
an estimate or forecast of a future situation based on a study of present trends.
"plans based on projections of slow but positive growth"
population projection is essential for planning

pane ガラス一枚
a flat piece of glass used in a window or door:
a window pane
they broke nearly every pane of glass.


erode sth を侵食する
(of wind, water, or other natural agents) gradually wear away (soil, rock, or land).
"the cliffs on this coast have been eroded by the sea"
The soil has been eroded by the rainwater

unyielding 不屈の
completely unwilling to change a decision, opinion, demand, etc.:
Korea is unyielding in its demands for a new treaty.
unyielding opinion

sth topple がバランス失う
cause to lose balance and fall down:
The tree toppled and fell.
She toppled over when I touched her

yolk 卵黄
the yellow, middle part of an egg:
I like eggs lightly cooked so that the yolk is still runny.

sth spawn が卵を産む
to produce eggs:
The frogs haven't spawned yet.
The fish can locate the precise stream in which they  spawned

refute sth の証明を否定する
to prove a statement, opinion, or belief to be wrong or false:
Are you refuting the evidence?
He attempted to refute Einstein 's theory

denounce sth を非難する
to criticize something or someone strongly and publicly:
The government's economic policy has been denounced on all sides.
We must denounce injustice and oppression.

impair sth を悪化させる
weaken or damage (something, especially a faculty or function).
"a noisy job could permanently impair their hearing"
Alcohol impairs ability to drive

go along ついていく
to go to a place or event, usually without much planning:
I might go along to the party later.
I would like to go along with u

obstruct sth をふさぐ
to block a road, passage, entrance, etc. so that nothing can go along it,
After the earthquake many roads were obstructed by collapsed buildings.

unveil sth を初公開する
If you unveil something new, you show it or make it known for the first time:
The company recently unveiled a test version of its new search engine.
unveil the new product

unify sth を団結させる
to bring separate parts of something together so that they are one:
With his speech, the president sought to unify the country.

sprawl 都市の広がり
a large area of land covered with buildings, especially ones that have been added gradually over a period of time:
the urban sprawl of South Florida

propel sth を推進する
to push or move something somewhere, often with a lot of force:
a rocket propelled through space
The Kon-Tiki sailed across the Pacific Ocean propelled by wind power.
the engine propelled the car forward

hurl sth を強く投げる
throw or impel (someone or something) with great force.
"rioters hurled a brick through the windscreen
A boy hurled a stone into window

sth synchronize がシンクロする
cause to occur at the same time
"their breathing slowly synchronized"  

sth is topped がトッピングされてる
provide with a top or topping.
"toast topped with baked beans"
Gyudon topped with ontama that compliments the flavor of szchuan spice
the helicopter is topped by propeller

top sth を超える
exceed (an amount, level, or number); be more than.
"losses are expected to top £100 m this year"
Annual sales topped fifteen million

company 連れ
people to be with
I enjoyed your company.
I didn’t realise you had company.
Would you like some company?

nowhere どこもない
not in any place
"plants and animals found nowhere else in the world"
My home is nowhere
I will go nowhere without you
This animal is found in australia and nowhere else

either どちらか
used to indicate a similarity of statement with negative
I don't like either meat or fish.
I don't like either of them

catch up with sth とコミュニケーションする
to communicate with someone by talking in person
She spends hours on the phone, catching up with old friends.
I sometimes have hard time catching up with you are saying

take effect 有効になる
achieve the results you want
"the ban is to take effect in six months"
They are hoping the economy will recover when these tax cuts have taken effect.
The cancellation will take effect on December 12.

sth end が終わる
to finish
When is your meeting due to end?
Their marriage ended in 1991.
Your membership will end on December 12

else 他に
in addition with indefinite pronoun and adverb  
Anything else you need to know

otherwise もしそうでなければ
or else
My conscience was my only brake,otherwise I would have done whatever I want.
Hurry up otherwise we will be late

nor もない
used to introduce a further negative statement
I don't see how ,nor do I
He didn't like the idea,nor do I.
I can't believe what he said,nor me .
Bill was not disappointed ,nor was I surprised

abandon sth 中止する
to stop an activity before it is finished
The car maker has abandoned its plans to build a giant new plant.
Remember back when every story and analyst note on Nintendo demanded they abandon their own hardware and move to mobile gaming?

forgive sth を許す
no longer feel angry about an offense
"I was willing to forgive all her faults for the sake of our friendship"
To enter,you must be forgiven by everyone you killed

assign sth を割り当てる
you give them things to do.
When I taught, I would assign a topic to children which they would write about.
Later in the year, she'll assign them research papers.
When teachers assign homework, students usually feel an obligation to do it.

legit ガチで
"his superhero outfit is legit awesome"

misleading 誤解を招く
giving the wring idea
"your article contains a number of misleading statements

tumor 腫瘍
a mass of diseased cells that might become a lump
They found a tumor in her breast.

outnumber sth を超える
be more than a particular number or amount:
Men outnumber women by two to one

desperation 絶望
a state of despair
"she wrote to him in desperation"

expatriate 国外居住者
a person who live outside their native country  
"American expatriates in London"

keep sb out of sth に関わらない
avoid being involved in sth  
keep my wife’s name out of your fucking mouth
I prefer to keep out of arguments about money.

involvement 巻き込み
the association with sth
I will deny any involvement in the affair
The government produced evidence of his involvement in drug trafficking.

slap sth をたたく
strike sb with a palm
"my sister slapped my face"

asymptomatic 自覚症状のない
showing no symptoms
"infection is usually asymptomatic"

stir up sth をあおる
cause an unpleasant problem to begin
The teacher told him to stop stirring up trouble.

punch sth をパンチする
strike sth with the fist
the drunk tried to punch the waiter on the nose

sb chuckle くすっと笑う
laugh quietly
"I chuckled at the astonishment on her face"

sth pass through が通る
go through
the bus will be passing through

bent ゆがんだ
curved and not straight
The metal bars were bent and twisted.

pressure sth にプレッシャーをかける
try to force someone into doing something
Our teacher never pressures us to join in with class discussions unless we want to.
I feel pressured to drink alcohol

passable 許容できる
good enough to be acceptable
Mary can speak passable Russian.
the volume of beer is passable

play up sth を誇張する
emphasis sth especially beyond the normal
"the mystery surrounding his death was played up by the media"
The official report plays up the likely benefits of the plan

testament 証明
The detail of her wildlife paintings is (a) testament to (= proof of) her powers of observation.

bumpy でこぼこの
not smooth
We drove along a narrow, bumpy road.

indebted 借金のある
owing money
heavily indebted country

jerk sth を急に動かす
move with a quick movement
"the van jerked forward"
She jerked the phone out of my hand
jerk the door open

authorize sth を許可する
give official permission for approval
"the troops were authorized to use force"

bead しずく
a very small amount of liquid
Beads of sweat stood out on his forehead.

differentiate sb を区別する
recognize what makes sth different
We do not differentiate between people on the basis of their race

fumes 有害ガス
an amount of gas that is dangerous to inhale.
the strong fumes of the acid

socialize with sb と社交する
to spend time when you are not working with friends or with other people in order to enjoy yourself:
I tend not to socialize with my colleagues.
They're content to socialize with a very small circle of people.
We're usually too tired to socialize during the week.

overlap 重なり
the amount by which two things cover the same area
There are some overlaps between the products of the two companies.
an overlap of 50 centimeters

premium 割増料金
an amount that is more than usual
We're willing to pay a premium for the best location.
Customers are reluctant to pay a premium for organic fruit

spare 予備の
additional to what is required
few people put spare cash in the bank

conventional 従来の
in accordance with what is generally done before
the politician is critical of conventional methods of education
A DVD reproduces finer sounds than a conventional CD

frequency 頻度
rate of occurrence
the frequency of meeting was increased
to four times a week

rub sb
take property unlawfully from the person
she was robbed of her handbag
He rubbed the guy of that

readily いつでも
Such information is readily available on the internet
He readily agreed to help.
Larger sizes are readily available.

unity 団結
the state of being united
the company shows unity in a different situation

psychological 心理的な
related to an emotional state of person
the doctor has been studying the psychological effects of the war

context 文章の前後関係
the parts of sth written
the actor felt his remark had been taken out of context

profile 横顔
side view of face
the actress was described as having a beautiful profile

bulk  サイズ
the size of sth large
the bulk of her writing work
residents jump up and down on the rubbish to reduce its bulk
buy these in bulk

demanding きつい
requiring much effort
the mans doctor advised me to avoid physically demanding work

resolve sth 解決する
find a solution to sth
the matter can be resolved overnight
the firm aims to resolve problems within 30 days

moderate 適度な
average in amount
moderate eating habits keep you in good shape

sympathetic 思いやりのある
feeling sympathy for someone
I am sympathetic to your problem  

imply sth をほのめかす
strongly suggest sth by not stating
the article seemed to imply that the politician would resign

outlook 考え方
a persons point of view
it’s important to have a positive outlook on life

stir sth をかき混ぜる
move a spoon around in the liquid of sth
the man slowly stirred his coffee with a spoon
use the wooden spoon to stir the mixture

spray sth に吹き付ける
apply liquid or gas to sth
the police sprayed the crowd with tear gas
water was sprayed on the ground
spray the door with paint

fold sth
bend something over on itself
the machine was designed to fold paper and cut it

a component of activity
at regular intervals
at 10 minute intervals  

drag sth
pull sth along with difficulty
she was dragging her legs
we dragged the boat up the beach

a quantities that fills the hand
the child picked up a handful of snow
only a handful of people were in the pub

in an even manner
The earth's temperature has risen steadily
the business has been growing steadily

almost not
because of the storm there was scarcely anyone outside
I can scarcely hear what he is saying

at the present time
nowadays the computers are smaller and faster than ever before

substitute sth
replace sth with another
it is possible to substitute margarine for butter in this recipe

existing in a material
there is no concrete evidence to prove the recession is over

an outer garment covering from the waist to the ankle
I have only three pairs of trousers

bet on sth
risk a sum of money
I will bet on baseball games

sth roll
move by turning over and over
the bottle rolled down the pavement

the whole of a place
Everywhere looks so grey and depressing in winter.

Any chance if you can translate the title into english

you should not make plans that depend on something good happening before you know that it has actually happened:
She wanted to buy a dress in case someone asked her to the dance, but I told her not to count her chickens before they are hatched.

to be easy and without problems:
Once we got out of rush-hour traffic, it was smooth sailing the rest of the way home.

the art and knowledge involved in preparing and eating good food
I like the values ​​of the country, its customs, gastronomy, etc.

without any imperfections or defects; perfect.
"her smooth flawless skin"
How can I appreciate your flawless face

fact of being related to a particular person or group of people who lived in the past
Because only parents are of Malay descent

to start to be familiar with someone or something
It took a while to get to know the city properly.
How did you get to know so many people? :

required by law or a rule; obligatory.
"compulsory military service"

lacking qualities of sympathy, pity, warmth, compassion, or the like; cruel; brutal:
an inhuman master.

tentative 仮の
(of a plan or idea) not certain or agreed,
I am forwarding the e-mail with the tentative schedule I received this morning.
I have tentative plans to take a trip to Seattle in July.
The proposals are tentative and subject to bargaining.

after next 次の
the next day​/​week​/​year etc that follows a particular one
I can start work tomorrow or the day after next
when it is May, the month after next is July.

due 予定である
expected at or planned for at a certain time.
"the baby's due in August"
the passenger boat is due in London on Tuesday
The next bus is due in ten mins
You are due at the meeting in 5 mins

missing 行方不明の
if someone or something is missing, they are not included in something
Candidates’ names were missing from ballot papers.
You can fill in the missing details later

on offer 提供された
it is available to be used or bought.
There are so many vegan meat substitutes now on offer.
They have a leaflet telling you about the range of services on offer.

compulsive 中毒性の
doing something a lot and unable to stop doing it:
compulsive gambling
compulsive eating

justification 良い理由
a good reason or explanation for something:
There is no justification for treating people so badly.
Being an older person has never of itself been sufficient justification for receiving resources.

elderly 老人
old people considered as a group:
The city is building new housing for the elderly.

spike とげ
a thin, pointed piece of metal, wood, or another rigid material.
There were large spikes on top of the railings to stop people climbing over them.

tolerate sth を受け入れる
to accept behaviour and beliefs that are different from your own, although you might not agree with
I will not tolerate that kind of behaviour in my class.
I'm looking for plants that can tolerate shade.

receive sb を迎えに行く
to meet someone when they arrive somewhere:
My friend offered to receive me at the railway station.
"representatives of the club will be received by the Mayor"

have the nerve to do する気がある
To have the will to do something bold,
Wow, I can't believe that intern had the nerve to ask for a raise on her first day!
They've got a nerve, complaining about our behaviour.

retain sth を保持する
continue to have something:
She succeeded in retaining her lead in the second half of the race.
I have a good memory and am able to retain facts easily.

stringent ルールの厳しい
(of regulations, requirements, or conditions) strict, precise, and exacting.
"stringent guidelines on air pollution"

sheen つや
a smooth surface:
The conditioner gives hair a beautiful soft sheen.
the walls glow with a satiny sheen


the state of being perfect.
the satiny perfection of her skin

verbalize sth
express ideas in words
"they are unable to verbalize their real feelings"

keep sth company
spend time with someone
at weekends I kept my father company"

on the back of sth
helped by something
Share prices rose sharply on the back of a rise in profits.

can be used in a different situation
Students gain transferable skills, the school says.

able to adjust to new conditions.
rats are highly adaptable to change

an acceptance that something exists without proof.
"his belief in extraterrestrial life"

put an animal to death humanely.
older dogs may find loving homes instead of being euthanized"

a quantity of food suitable for or served to one person.
"a large serving of spaghetti"

drive sb crazy
make someone upset or annoyed: We love our two-year-old, but sometimes she drives us crazy.

of a substance having healing properties.
medicinal herbs

expressed in rather too many words.
"a wordy and repetitive account"

counting everyone or everything
In total over 100 people attended.

not changing and therefore boring:
a monotonous job
The music became monotonous after a while.

extreme in a way that is unpleasant:
After he had spoken, a deathly silence/hush fell on the room.

great care and attention to detail.
"his scholarship was marked by thoroughness and accuracy"

in regular increases, additions, or stages.
"change occurs incrementally for most people"

study intensively over a short period of time just before an examination.
"lectures were called off so students could cram for the semester finals

you are giving your own opinion.
As far as I'm concerned the officials incited the fight.

very cheap:
a budget holiday/hotel/price

present (food or drink) to someone.
"they serve wine instead of beer"

completely deserves to have because of the way they have behaved
She is working hard and doing a good job, and her promotion is well deserved.

make (something) into a matter of routine; subject to a routine.
"communication was routinized to ensure consistency of information"

making the sound of, or a sound like, food cooking in hot oil:
There was a delicious smell wafting from the sizzling bacon.

make way for sth
open a path
land is due to be concreted over to make way for a car park

(of a tune or phrase) instantly appealing and memorable.
"catchy pop melodies"

being heard over and over again in one's mind
The song is stuck in my head.

a person who is very unlikely or unwilling to do a particular thing
He is the last person to deceive someone.

make an exact copy of.
"information sheets had to be typed and duplicated"

: at a speed that suits someone We encourage you to hike the trail at your own pace.

strange and frightening:
It was a spooky coincidence.

a device to urinate in, used by men and boys and usually attached to a wall
Urinals for men, available now from prestigious bathroom brands such as RAK ceramics and Grohe.

all the person or things who
For it will come like a snare on all those who dwell on the surface of all the earth

supporting something such as an idea
All those in favor of the motion, please raise your hands.

precisely after the time
at three (o'clock) sharp.

in a careful way when using money
We had very little money, so we ate frugally in cheap cafés.

any of a range of combinations of colours in which a style or design is available.
"our sweater comes in two colourways"

a famous person, especially in entertainment or sport.
"he became a sporting celebrity"

as you think
I feel the same way as u
I think the same way ,your father was the same way

in the middle of sth
busy doing something:
When she called, I was in the middle of making dinner.

to move your eyes upwards as a way of showing that you are annoyed after someone has said something "Don't pay any attention to what he says," Carrie said rolling her eyes.

feel comfortable in a place or with a person
I’m already feeling at home in the new apartment.

out of date ,no longer in use
this remarkably aircrafts render all other fighters obsolete

make an attack in return for a similar attack.
"the blow stung and she retaliated immediately"

shame sb に恥ずかしい思いをさせる
to make someone feel ashamed, or to make someone or something lose honour and respect:
It shames me that I treated her so badly.
His ready forgiveness shamed us all

humiliate sth に恥をかかせる
make (someone) feel ashamed by injuring their dignity and pride
How could you humiliate me by questioning my judgment in front of everyone like that?
England were humiliated in last night's match.

back to square one 振り出しに戻る
you have to start working on a plan from the beginning because it failed
If this doesn't work we're back to square one.
Did the team like the idea?No. Back to square one.

hands down 間違いない
without doubt
Hands down best game of all time.
If we had a race, he’d win hands down.
It was hands down the best race I've ever seen

believe it or not 信じないかもしれないけど
this is surprising but true:
Believe it or not, they got married after knowing each other only a week.
Believe it or not, I'm already sixty years old.
It's up to you whether you believe that or not.

telepathy 以心伝心
communication with another person by thinking rather than by using words
communicate with each other by telepathy

psycho サイコパス
person who is crazy and frightening:
The man's a psycho.
My ex is a total psycho

When you finish writing this letter, please send it over to me so that I can approve it.
Can you send over a plumber to help us?

to cause ideas, feelings, or memories to be in your mind again
Seeing him again brought it back
Your words bring back many memories.

there is not much of it left
Supplies of food were running low.
I'm running low on protein powder

to some degree, but not completely:
His attractiveness is partly due to his self-confidence.

showing impressive beauty or dignity
majestic mountain scenery

To treat someone gently or leniently
ok take it easy on me then

having an ability to change to suit changing conditions:
Effective leaders need to be highly adaptive.

work out in most effective way
the calculation work best in all situations

to give someone responsibility for dealing with something:
I've left the paperwork for you.
Leave it to me

far away in distance or in time
The end of the pandemic is a long way off.
Retirement seems such a long way off. I’m only 30.

the quality of being graceful and stylish in appearance or manner  
a slender woman with elegance  

beautiful in a dramatic and eye catching way
the spectacular mountain

of course,I will do with pleasure
"‘May I make a suggestion?’ ‘By all means.’

something someone else has said is wrong. for example, "hey, is it true that you're going out with sarah?"
"Nope. You're totally off on that. we're just friends"

seem to be something when heard You sound like you're tired.
It sounds like he is quite angry at you.
Sounds like a plan!!

to seem good in combination with something
Which shoes go best with this dress?

means that they are a good, decent, high quality person.
high-caliber executive

a person who is lazy and not helpful or useful:
She told him he was a lazy good-for-nothing and should get a job.

Containing too much water
watery eyes watery soup

short conversation
There was a brief exchange between the two leaders.
heated exchange with him

a young child, esp. one just learning to walk:
Are these toys suitable for toddlers?

to promise the same room, seat, ticket, etc. to more than one person or group:
The room was double-booked so they had to give us a different one.

work together
you work together or help them for a particular purpose
The U.N. had been cooperating with the State Department on a plan to find countries willing to take the refugees

to hope that something you want will be made real because of good luck or magical powers:low possibility than hope
[ + that ] I remember blowing out the candles on my birthday cake and wishing that John Lee would be my boyfriend.

arrive at; get as far as.
It took me more than am hour to reach the university.

refuse to obey sth
A woman who defies convention

A way in which something is done
the convention of bowing

update the display on (a screen).
"refresh the screen frequently to make mistakes easier to identify"

a formal meeting of people with a shared interest
"an international conference on the environment
Imagine if the owner of the karaoke club decided to hold a conference for local business owners on how to increase their customer base.

announce sth
make a formal public statement about sth
The researchers announced they had developed new treatment for cancer  

the food which is eaten on such an occasion
He took the whole team out for a meal at the end of the project.
I have my main meal at midday.

in need
in a condition of needing something
a charity that raises money for women and children in need

out for sth
intending to do something, for an unpleasant reason
She doesn't usually help the charity - she's only out for the publicity.
He's always been out to cause trouble between us.
He doesn't care about the cause - he's just out to make money.
They're only out to advance their own financial interests.
These people are just out for what they can get.

go against sth
disagree with something
What you're asking me to do goes against everything I believe in.
Don't go against the Islamism  

raise sth
to cause something to increase
The government plan to raise taxes.
I had to raise my voice (= speak more loudly) to make myself heard over the noise.

money returned to someone as the balance of the sum paid for something.
I think you gave the wrong change
This isn't the right change

an arrangement in which something such as a seat  is kept for you:
I'd like to make a table reservation for two people for nine o'clock.
Please confirm your reservation in writing by Friday.

hold sth
to have something such as a meeting
Could we hold a meeting to discuss this tomorrow afternoon?
The election will be held on 8 August.
I find it's almost impossible to hold a sensible conversation with her.

Before a noun with a determiner (articles, demonstratives and possessive pronouns), we use some of
Some of my friends live abroad.

a trace of a colour.
"there was a faint pink tinge to the sky"

'any of the sth mean 'one or more of the things , up to and including all of them'.
"the illness may be due to any of several causes"

it becomes more unpleasant or difficult:
It looks like the weather is changing for the worse.

one after another, without anything different happening in between
They clocked up seven wins in a row

strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end.
"the minority attempted to control the Council by a delaying tactic"

If someone combines two or more qualities, they have both of those qualities:
As a writer, he combined wit and/with passion.


make someone upset or angry:
[ + that ] I think she was offended that she hadn't been invited to the party.

Any one of the things ' would mean 'one thing only
in order not to offend any one of these people

to make you feel extreme dislike or disapproval:
Doesn't all this violence on TV disgust you?

to make a situation worse
He laughed at her and then, to make matters worse, he accused her of lying!

you are successful in achieving something difficult, or in surviving through a very difficult period.
I believe I have the talent to make it.

want something to happen wish sth
They hope to visit us next year.

continuing for a long time:
The noise just went on and on.

state a fact or belief confidently and forcefully.
"the company asserts that the cuts will not affect development"

making you feel tired:
I've had a very tiring day.
Looking after the kids is extremely tiring.

to solve a problem by considering the facts
I can’t work out what to do.

express something definitely or clearly in speech or writing.
"the report stated that more than 51 per cent of voters failed to participate"

a person who makes a formal application for something, especially a job.
"applicants for the degree course"

used ironically to assert that something desired is never likely to happen.
"in your dreams, man, in your dreams!"

ask yourself questions or express a wish to know about something:
He's starting to wonder whether he did the right thing in accepting this job.

not be the right type of person for something:
I'm not cut out for an office job.

