

a system of payment based on a percentage of the value of sales
As a real estate agent, her commission is between 4% and 6% on every sale.

to put something down heavily or suddenly:
[ M ] She plunked the trashcan down in the driveway.

having a lot of space:
Her new apartment is very roomy.

floating in the atmosphere
to go up in the air
The wind is strong up in the air.
The balloon is high up in the air.

maintain a calm and controlled attitude.
"I have to keep my cool and run my own race"

A volatile liquid or solid substance will change easily into a gas:
The substance is highly volatile.

the ability to produce or use original and unusual ideas:
Too many rules might deaden creativity.
Creativity, ingenuity, and flair are the songwriter's real talents.

skill in a particular craft.
"I admire his engineering skills and craftsmanship"

to be going to do something very soon:
As we were on the point of giving up hope, a letter arrived. My mother died on [at] the point of my marriage

to do very well in an exam:
I was up all night studying, but it was worth it - I aced my chemistry final.

without careful thought or investigation.
I can’t think of any off the top of my head. Let me think…

a magazine that is published regularly:
The library subscribes to a number of periodicals dealing with the arts and sciences.

to eat, especially in an informal situation:
You can't just chow down on a slice of pizza in class.

to begin to do something again, sometimes in a different way:
We decided to abandon the first draft of the report and start over.

something that makes a chemical reaction happen more quickly without itself being changed
The high suicide rate acted as a catalyst for change in the prison system.

a night spent by children or young people at a friend's house.
"it's Gretchen's birthday next week and she's having a sleepover"

a strong but temporary feeling of liking someone:
She has a crush on one of her teachers at school.

not important as the rest.
"he was convicted of a lesser assault charge"
My work is of lesser importance than his

one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence.
What are these mob doing here if they like Ji so much?

to force someone to leave a country, especially someone who has no legal right to be there
The refugees were deported back to their country of origin.

the place where someone or something comes from
Can you tell me the country of origin of this food ?

fail to use an opportunity to enjoy or get an advantage from something:
Don't miss out on the fantastic bargains in our summer sale.

based on a desire or idea or chance rather than reason:
Her outfit was an arbitrary choice but was just perfect.

try to conceal or disguise something unfavourable by treating it briefly
Educators want to gloss over the more brutal chapters of our history

doubting that something is true or useful:
Many experts remain skeptical about/of his claims.

do something that you do not want to do because you cannot find any other way of achieving something:
I had to resort to violence/threats to get my money.
When she didn't answer the phone, I resorted to calling up to her from the street.

give something such as a service
The singers rendered the song with enthusiasm.
We see that freight railroads make good profits while rendering excellent service.

the quality of being done in an open way without secrets:
We want more transparency in government.

cause to become known generally, as through the news media. Her resignation was made public this morning.

a person who behaves in an uncontrolled way, not worrying about risks
I won't get in the car with Richard - he drives like a maniac!

the curved path that an object follows after it has been thrown or shot into the air:
the trajectory of a bullet/missile

recall and show respect for (someone or something).
"a wreath-laying ceremony to commemorate the war dead"

inclined to avoid conflict or aggression; peaceable.
"a peace-loving citizen"

(of the weather) unpleasantly cold or wet.
"walkers should be prepared for inclement weather"

The investigation focused on the underlying causes of the fire.

relaxed and pleasant or not severe:
a mellow mood/atmosphere
After a few drinks, he became very mellow.

the belief that war and violence are unjustifiable and that all disputes should be settled by peaceful means.
"there remains a powerful undercurrent of pacifism"

(in) total:
A person's gross income is the money they earn before tax is deducted from it.

And the saleswoman was looking at me like, "Oh, these are way too expensive for you.".

resolve a problem or difficulty.
"the teacher helps the children to sort out their problems"
I'm sure it will sort itself out soon.

If someone does something persistently, they do it in a determined but often unreasonable way:
They have persistently ignored our advice.
He persistently called at her home, sent letters, and made phone calls.

laugh at someone, often by copying them in a funny but unkind way:
They were mocking him because he kept falling off his bike.
She made fun of him by mocking his limp.

a person who is believed to have a special power that allows them to say what a god wishes to tell people,
Let us hear the words of the prophet Isaiah on the coming of the Prince of Peace.

walk with difficulty, typically because of a damaged or stiff leg or foot.
"he limped heavily as he moved

repair and improve something, especially a building:
He renovates old houses and sells them at a profit.

a person who someone admires and whose behaviour they try to copy:
Sports stars are role models for thousands of youngsters.

a single item that is one of other similar items:
a piece of furniture/equipment/luggage/paper
I have an important piece of information for you.

has no purpose, and it is a waste of time doing it:
This is a pointless exercise.
It seemed pointless to continue.

cut food into very small pieces
Mince two pounds of chicken finely.
The lamb is minced, mixed with spices
mince an onion

officially choose someone for a job or to do something:
She was nominated as the delegation's official interpreter.

hide something, or to hide the truth about something:
He camouflaged the payments by listing them as "building materials".

a set of principles or ideas that someone believes in:
the gospel of hard work
spread the gospel of feminism

provide, and sometimes serve, food:
I'm catering for twelve on Sunday - the whole family is coming.
Which firm will be catering at the wedding reception?

a connection between two things, organizations, etc.:
The new design sticks to the conventional direct linkage of cables and hydraulic pipes.

charm someone a lot:
He was enchanted by stories of the Old West.

characteristic of citrus fruit in taste, scent, or colour.
"some find the citrusy scent of lemon to be soothing"

knowing or using several languages.
"New Orleans has always been a polyglot city"

destroy or damage (metal, stone, or other materials) slowly by chemical action.
"acid rain poisons fish and corrodes buildings"

refusing to admit the truth or reality of something unpleasant a patient in denial about his health problems.

rub (someone or something) hard so as to clean them, typically with a brush and water.
"he had to scrub the floor"

readiness for duty or immediate deployment.
"buses were placed on standby for the journey to London"

keep a person or animal away from others because they have a disease, or may have one
It's not uncommon to quarantine passengers after a widespread illness appears to be present on board a plane.

you are reminding or warning them about something important which they should remember.
Bear in mind that petrol stations are scarce in the more remote areas.

an exclamation of surprise or alarm.
"good grief, is it that time already?"

written or arranged in advance:
The meeting was scripted, which means there was no real discussion.

acceptable behavior by groups
you have to conform to the social norm

growing or developing quickly:
A burgeoning tourist industry lifted the state’s economy.

move (someone or something) in a downward direction.
"he watched the coffin being lowered into the ground"

to move something from a lower to a higher position:
Could you help me lift this table, please?

put (something) down gently or carefully.
"she laid the baby in his cot"

to finally be in a particular place or situation:
They're travelling across Europe by train and are planning to end up in Moscow.
Much of this meat will probably end up as dog food.

small pieces of rubbish that have been left lying on the ground in public places:
About two percent of fast-food packaging ends up as litter.

it is in that place, position, or direction:
There's an old pair of shoes of yours lying at/in the bottom of the wardrobe.
The river lies 30 km to the south.
The team is lying third in the league.

Her knowledge is still only rudimentary

in a natural or unfinished state, especially before being treated in an industrial process:
crude sugar cane
crude steel

an illness in which the body's solid waste is more liquid than usual
diarrhoea and sickness
an attack of diarrhea

a hundred thousand.
"they fixed the price at five lakhs of rupees"

following a course that is likely to result in success.
"we are on the right track for continued growth"

unlikely to be successful or correct
The project seems to have gone a little off track.

impossible for one to understand mysteries that are beyond our comprehension.

(of weather conditions) indicating that bad weather is likely.
"black threatening clouds"

(of an illness) persisting for a long time or constantly recurring.
"chronic bronchitis"

put a soft substance on a surface and make it cover it,
She spread a thick layer of butter on her toast.

intended to produce a good result or avoid a problem, rather than waiting until there is a problem:
The agency decided to take a proactive approach to better serve its clients.

something bad or unpleasant happening We should stop for more gas. We probably have enough, but I don't want to risk it.

to feel that you belong to a particular group and are accepted by that group:
It's no surprise she's leaving - she never really fitted in. I don't usually have a problem fitting in somewhere new.

without enough money or equipment to operate effectively
under-resourced schools"

to give support, strength, or a basic structure to something:
He presented data to underpin his argument.

If a situation involves someone or something, he, she, or it is affected by it:
My intention is not to involve you in any trouble.

interrupt (an event, activity, or process) by causing a disturbance or problem.
"flooding disrupted rail services"

passed from the genes of a parent to a child
a hereditary disease
Depression is often hereditary.

give an incentive or encouragement to (someone).
"her sons' passion for computer games spurred her on to set up a software business"
Ambition spurred him on.

widely known and well thought of.
"a highly reputed company"

be in a situation that could lead to a good result for you.
Scientists believe they are onto something big.
You may be onto something.

to meet and go through or across:
Weaver Street intersects Palmer Avenue at the next corner.

the quality of having a solid, almost unyielding surface or structure.
"he tested the firmness of the mattress"

the quality of being morally good or the state of not having sex:
the purity and innocence of children
For Christians, the Virgin Mary is a symbol of purity.

divide something such as a total amount into separate parts
The amount doesn’t seem quite so bad when you break it down into monthly payments.

everywhere around something
The shop draws customers from many surrounding areas.

partly cover something with a layer of something else:
The edges of the wallpaper should overlap slightly.

move into or through something:
The drill isn’t sharp enough to penetrate into the rock.

combine chemically with oxygen.
"when coal is burnt any sulphur is oxidized to sulphur dioxide"

of material or a garment able to stretch or be stretched easily.
"stretchy miniskirts"

able to operate without being controlled directly by humans:
an autonomous vehicle

try to discover information that other people do not want you to know, by asking questions
The interviewer probed deep into her private life.
Detectives questioned him for hours, probing for any inconsistencies in his story.

praising with enthusiasm:
In her speech, she paid a glowing tribute to her predecessor.
His latest book has received glowing reviews.

have the high possibility of sth
If first-time buyers are not buying, then they are most likely renting.

a person or thing that is mysterious or difficult to understand.
"Madeleine was still an enigma to him"

doing something for the first time
first-time home buyers
a first-time visitor

There are some really dense people in our class.

remain hidden so as to wait in ambush for someone or something.
"a ruthless killer still lurked in the darkness

all the rest of the people or things in a group
Two of the bolts were loose, but every other bolt I checked was fine
I've lost every other umbrella but this one

offer to do something that you do not have to do, often without having been asked to do
volunteer to be on the PTA committee

look for a long time with the eyes wide open,
stare absently out of the window

right now at the current time
At the moment she is working on a novel.

If you assign a piece of work to someone, you give them the work to do.
When I taught, I would assign a topic to children which they would write about.
"Congress had assigned the task to the agency"

seeming not to need any effort
She runs so effortlessly

a thing or person that takes the place of something
There is a fee for replacements
regular replacement of tires

take the place of sth
to be used instead of someone or something:
These portable machines can take the place of your desktop PC.

the act of looking at something carefully,
on closer inspection, it was found to have been altered.

noise or other electronic signals that stop you from getting good pictures
He hates interference with his work.

a check used to pay an employee
And I don’t get my paycheck until next week

not interesting
"I've got a boring job in an office

it is at a distance from that person or place.
The two women were sitting as far away from each other as possible away from heat and moisture

not operating because it is broken
the elevator is out of order

a change made to something in order to correct or improve it
make corrections in a cost estimate
her essay returned with a huge number of corrections in red ink.

a copy of information held on a computer
Before we leave work each day, we make a backup of all the records

a list of things provided or work done together with their cost
Invoice for mobile telephone service

write using a machine, either a computer keyboard
Will you type this letter out for me?

the best things has experienced
This book is the best of all.

make information generally known
Why don’t I put a sign out ?
The senator has put out a statement denying the allegations.

a Muslim place of worship
A mosque is a place of worship for Muslims.

stop or destroy something
Our first goal is to stamp out hunger
I think we need to stamp out racism in this country

make someone believe something by repeatedly telling them that it is true and preventing any other information
Their government is trying to brainwash them into thinking that war cannot be avoided.

tell someone confidently that something is true, especially so that they do not worry
did you say this car never had any problem in the past?" "That's right, sir. I assure you

In the beginning
We should never have agreed to let him borrow the money in the first place

a policy of extending a country's power and influence
Western imperialism

deceive someone
I was tricked into signing
The boy was tricked out of all his money

completely or extremely
What an utterly stupid thing to do!
This is utterly insane.

side entrance
an exterior door at one side of a building
They had to sneak in through a side entrance.

bad at doing something.
I suck at sports badly

the fact that something can be bought, used
I would like to know the availability of these cameras listed below
Please let me know your availability

exchange sth for something else, typically as a commercial transaction.
"they trade mud-shark livers for fish oil

In a way that is considered inadequate
He plays tennis poorly.

Copy sth exactly (computer data
I tried to clone a vector image

in a situation that is somewhat unexpected or surprising
I sometimes find myself talking to my dog.

Appear unexpectedly
Her name keeps cropping up in conversation.

Look at sth with attention
Can I have a look at your phone?
Have a look at this
I’ll have a look at it later.

anything that requires little thought
The decision was a complete no-brainer.

fail to notice.
"he seems to have overlooked one important fact"

an occasion when someone is unfriendly or shows that they do not like something:
open [hidden] hostility
feel [have] hostility toward a person

the business environment:
To remain competitive the company has to be able to adapt to the changing marketplace

naturally existing in a place
This plant is indigenous to Mexico
Love and hate are emotions indigenous to humankind.

a small light that is held in the hand
She flashed the torch into the dark room.

the shop to sell a company's products  using the company's name
a fast-food franchise
a franchise holder

a form of sexual desire
He has a fetish for/about high heels

We have social distancing measures in place
Covid-19 restrictions are still in place in Tokyo.

someone who is not accepted by other people because their behaviour is strange
I was a bit of a social misfit at college

a building where supplies or vehicles are kept:
an weapons depot

You mean more to me than anyone else in the whole wide world

make someone worried
It still upsets him when he thinks about the

make someone upset or angry
I think she was offended that she hadn't been invited to the party.
He looked offended when you called him middle-aged.

Master’s cource(degree )
an advanced college degree
An MA and an MSc are both Master's degrees.
Taking master’s

When you tingle with an emotion, such as excitement or fear, you feel it very strongly:
She tingled with fear as she entered the dark alleyway.

different from what is usual in a bad way
abnormal behaviour/weather/conditions

one of a group of people who are the first to embrace a new technology ahead of the general population.
The best example of early adopters is that of the first iPhone by Apple.

sweatshirt that has a hood to cover the head
the croaked man with hoodie

say something critical about.
"no-one likes to speak ill of the dead"

extremely impressive or attractive.
"she looked stunning"stunning beauty

assume responsibility.
"the candidate must take charge of an actual flight"

It is between "sometimes" and "frequently". It is similar to "about every day".
he visits our house so fairly often

necessary to make a whole complete
"games are an integral part of the school

to be friendly to someone:
While at college, he had befriended a young student from China.

having the ability to create new things
"the most inventive composer of his time"

: a television series that involves a continuing cast of characters in a succession of comedic circumstances

That which is next; the next to be up. Next up is a performance you won't want to miss.

highly advanced
"cutting-edge technology"

showing respect:
an honorific title

remove goods from (a vehicle, ship, container, etc.).
"she hadn't finished unloading the car"

If a ship docks, it arrives at a dock and if someone docks a ship, they bring it into a dock:
Hundreds of people turned up to see the ship dock at the pier.

feeling or showing annoyance and displeasure.
"he was displeased with your work"

dismay someone
cause (someone) to feel concern and distress.
"they were dismayed by the U-turn in policy"

greatly dismay or horrify.
"bankers are appalled at the economic incompetence of some ministers"

something that involves seeing and hearing:
audiovisual equipment/aids/software

take (a machine or structure) to pieces.
"the engines were dismantled and the bits piled into a heap"

a decline in economic, business, or other activity.
"a downturn in the housing market"

to provide transportation for someone. I've got to get into town. Can you give me a ride ?

remove something from something else that it is connected to:
Detach the lower part of the form from this letter and return it to the above address.

spend time producing or improving something. He'll have to work on getting fit before the game

Like create or spread propaganda
we can’t embrace such a propagandist idea

to write a book, article, etc. for another person to publish under their own name:
A writer friend of his was ghosting the autobiography of a jockey

feeling or showing extreme tiredness, especially as a result of excessive exertion.
"he gave a long, weary sigh"

(of food or drink) sweet with a bitter aftertaste.
"she sipped the bittersweet drink"

to talk in an insulting way about someone, especially an opponent in a sport:
He didn't boast or trash-talk opponents.

unity or agreement of feeling or action, especially among individuals with a common interest; mutual support within a group.
"factory workers voiced solidarity with the striking students"

a little finger
a pinkie ring

drink (something) by taking small mouthfuls.
"I sat sipping coffee"

the act of getting rid of something, especially by throwing it away
waste disposal

n English, we use "brain-fried" to describe your brain shutting down after you did some mentally exhausting work.
Have you ever felt brain-fried after a long day?

lasting for or throughout a year.
"his year-long battle with lung cancer"

to force someone officially to stay in a place:
A suspect has been detained by the police for questioning.

short and rather fat.
"a small, tubby man"

in a way that gives out warmth; with comfortable heat.
"the sun shone warmly"

If two or more things harmonize with each other, they fit in well with each other.
...slabs of pink and beige stone that harmonize with the carpet.

The ability to read and write.
"tests of literacy and numeracy"

(of water or air) not flowing
a stagnant pond

operating more slowly with less energy
A heavy lunch makes me sluggish in the afternoon.

with clouds in the sky and therefore not bright and sunny:
The sky/weather was overcast.
a depressing, overcast winter morning

the place where a public event or meeting happens:
The hotel is an ideal venue for conferences and business meetings.

under the influence of drugs, especially cannabis.
very drunk.
"they're in the local pubs getting stoned"

used to express anger with someone or something:
This damned printer won't work.

decimate sth
to kill a large number of something, or to reduce something severely:
Populations of endangered animals have been decimated.

a state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority or other controlling s

loud and clear 大きくはっきり
very clear and easy to understand:
I can hear you loud and clear.

put sb off sth をーから意欲をなくさせる
to discourage someone from doing something, or from liking someone or something:
I was put off by his appearance.
The experience put me off politics.

to deal with dangerous or difficult things without fear:
He braved the anger of his father by quitting law school and becoming an artist.
Let's brave the snow and go for a walk

be trained  を向いている
aim or point a gun, camera, light, etc. at someone
With five guns suddenly trained on him,

train sbをトレーニングする
to teach a person a habit:
I'm trying to train my kids to pick up after themselves.
I had to train myself to be more assertive at work.

train 仕事の訓練する
to prepare someone by learning skills
She trained as a pilot.
John trained to be an accountant.

get going
leave a place in order to go somewhere else.
"it's been wonderful seeing you again, but I think it's time we got going"

go too far
exceed the limits of what is  acceptable.
"she's been causing trouble—one of these days she'll go too far"

the sooner the better
when you think something should be done as soon as possible.
The kidnapper is a man we must catch and the sooner the better.

a man who is not  married.
"one of the country's most eligible bachelors"

pop the question
to ask someone to marry you:
So did he pop the question, then?

regular series of activities that are not very exciting
an endless round of meetings and interviews
Round of applause

newly weds
a recently married person.
"the newly-weds shared a kiss"

to spend a large amount of money, especially on things that are not really necessary:
When I got paid I blew it all on a night out.

(of women's clothing) having a neckline that exposes the upper part of the breasts.
"a low-cut evening dress"

get up
If the wind gets up, it starts to grow stronger:
The wind is getting up.

(of a destination) close enough to be reached by walking.
"this hotel is walkable from the bus station"

shoo in
sth who is certain to win an election or a competition:
He's a shoo-in for the White House.
Arsenal's a shoo-in to win the title this season.

a whirlwind event happens very fast, and often unexpectedly:
They married three months after they met - it was a real whirlwind romance.

a cinema film.
"a Hollywood action flick"

cleanse something by causing large quantities of water to pass through it.

wake up call
it should make you realize that you need to take action to change a situation:
For the insurance industry, these floods were a wake-up call.

hit the spot
be exactly what is required.
"the cup of coffee hit the spot"

like a dog.
"his doggy brown eyes"

visit (a place) often.
"pubs frequented by soldiers"

discomfort in the stomach associated with difficulty in digesting food.
"you know crisps give me indigestion"

not together.
they arrived together but left separately"

set foot
to go to a place:
He refuses to set foot in an art gallery.

good value
a high quality but is offered at a low price

creep up
amount creeps up, it slowly increases:
Over the last year, the rate of inflation has crept up to almost seven percent.

mouth watering
smelling, looking, or sounding delicious.

hit something noisily:
He whacked the tree trunk with his stick.

sth is done for
it is badly damaged that it cannot be used
We’re going to have to buy a new photocopier – this one’s done for.

have done for sth
to seriously damage something
Driving on those rough roads has really done for my car.

root for
giving them your support while trying to defeat another person.
Good luck, we'll be rooting for you.

filled with a layer of food:

have the curved shape
"a beautiful bridge that arched over a canal
A vivid rainbow arched over the sky

a close grouping of people or things.
"a huddle of huts"

a total failure.
"the play had been a flop"

a product that is extremely good in a particular place:
Oysters are a local speciality

put down
to put something onto a surface, especially the floor
Emma put her bag down and went upstairs.

dip in a liquid.
"immerse the paper in water for twenty minutes"

having a hard outer layer:
fresh, crusty bread

very good, exciting, or unusual:
a sensational sports car
She looks sensational (= extremely attractive) in her new dress.

simplicity 単純さ
the condition of being plain
Recipes will be judged on taste,appearance and simplicity

prank いたずら
a trick that is intended to be funny but not to cause harm
When I was at school we were always playing pranks on our teachers.
I've had enough of your childish pranks.

lead sth をリードする
(especially in sports or other competitions) to be in front, to be first, or to be winning:
After 30 minutes the challengers were leading by two goals.
With two laps to go Ngomo led by less than two seconds.
The Lions are leading the Hawks 28–9.

go out 外に出る
to leave a room or building
Please close the door as you go out.
Do you want to go out for a drink after work ?
It's terribly smoky in here - I'm just going out for a breath of fresh air .

a breath of fresh air 新鮮な変化をもたらすもの
someone or something that is new and different and makes everything seem more exciting:
Angela's so cheerful and lively - she's like a breath of fresh air when she visits.
The last band was a breath of fresh air in an otherwise boring night of music.

interpret sth  解釈する
to decide what the intended meaning of something is:
It's difficult to interpret these statistics without knowing how they were obtained.
A jury should not interpret the silence of a defendant as a sign of guilt.

murmur sth ささやく
say something in a low or indistinct voice.
"Nina murmured an excuse and hurried away"

convey sth
to express a thought that is understood by other people:
His poetry conveys a great sense of religious devotion.
Please convey our condolences to the family.

deflect sth をそらす
to change direction after hitting something
He had changed his name to deflect the attention of the people from what is really happening.
the bullet was deflected sideways

decompose sth 分解する
break something into smaller parts
Microbes decompose organic waste into a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide.

individualistic 個人主義な
more interested in individual people
Her approach is highly individualistic and may not be suitable for everyone.

observe sth
watch carefully the way sth happens
the second highest temperature ever observed.
I could observe people whispering about me

Menial 技術のいらない
work which makes you boring, makes you feel tired
It's fairly menial work, such as washing dishes and cleaning floors.
I took a menial job in the factory

waste 無駄
an unnecessary or wrong use of money, substances, time, energy, abilities, etc.:
She's been unemployed for two years and it's such a waste of her talents.
My mother couldn't stand waste - she always made us eat everything on our plates.

waste 廃棄物
unwanted matter what is left after useful substances have been removed:
This city produces 20 million tons of household waste each year.
Millions of gallons of untreated human waste flow into the river every day.

fairly まあまあ
to a moderately high degree    
It is fairly easy
we get along fairly well

have no business doing する権利はない
have no right to do something.
"he had no business interfering with this matter
You have no business coming in here.

musical instrument
an object which you play in order to produce music.
The drum is one of the oldest musical instruments

moderately ほどよく
to a certain degree
the event was moderately successful

get along 仲がいい  
like each other and are friendly to each other:
I don't really get along with my sister's husband.

degree 度合い
extent to which sth happens
To what degree is he trustworthy
They achieved some degree of success
The degree to which we depend on parents

weighty 重い
it's pretty weighty.

sth go to waste が無駄になる
to not be used, eaten,
Each year, the leftover flu vaccine goes to waste.

sth squeak
make a high-pitched sound
the rat squeaked

dropping 糞
solid waste of animals.
dogs droppings

a very small organism that causes disease:
Wash your hands so you don't get germs on the food.

in the first place そもそも
at the beginning
but he never should have been there in the first place.

constrain sth 抑制する
to control and limit something:
The country's progress was constrained by a leader who refused to look forward.

longevity 寿命
long life.
"the greater longevity of women compared with men"

publicize sth 公表する
make (something) widely known.
"use the magazine to publicize human rights abuses"
The event was well publicized all over town.

ahead 早めに
earlier than or before someone or something:
we were asked to check in two hours ahead.
10 AM in Moscow when the news broke in London that morning, because Moscow is three hours ahead.

liable to change unpredictably, especially for the worse.
"the political situation was becoming more volatile"

the quality in a sound of being deep
"the resonance of his voice"

automatic reaction to something:
He’s strong, always has good positioning, and his reflexes are fantastic.

continuing in a determined way without any interruption:
relentless criticism

placebo 偽薬
a substance given to someone who is told that it is to make that person feel as if they are getting better

distaste 嫌悪
a dislike of something that you find unpleasant
His distaste for publicity of any sort is well known.
She looked at the advertisement with distaste before walking quickly on.

unnoticed  気づかれない
without being seen or noticed:
We managed to slip away unnoticed.
His contribution did not go unnoticed

slip away 無言で帰る
depart without saying goodbye; leave quietly or surreptitiously.
"I slipped away from the guided tour"

entail sth を伴う
involve something as a necessary consequence.
"a situation which entails considerable risks"

the condition of being seriously mentally ill:
He was found not guilty of murder by reason of insanity.

fracture ひび
the cracking of a hard objec.
"ground movements could cause fracture of the pipe"

backdrop 背景
an object which you see behind it.
Leeds Castle will provide a dramatic backdrop to a fireworks display next Saturday.

ludicrous 馬鹿げた
deserving to be laughed at:
a ludicrous idea
He looked ludicrous in that suit!

rift  裂け目
a large crack in the ground
The stream had cut a deep rift in the rock.
a rift in the clouds

upbringing しつけ
the way in which someone is treated and trained as a child:
She had had an christian upbringing

sweetheart 恋人
a boyfriend or girlfriend:
She eventually married her childhood sweetheart.

repetitive 繰り返しの
characterized by repetition
"a repetitive task"

characterize sth 特徴づける
describe something by stating its main qualities:
In her essay, she characterizes the whole era as a period of radical change.
A disease characterized by fever

fragile もろい
hard but liable to break easily.
"her bones became fragile

arthritis 関節炎 ɑːˈθraɪ.tɪs
a serious condition in which a person's joints become painful, swollen

large land masses on the earth's surface
the North American continent

a type of product made by a particular company
This isn't my usual brand of deodorant.

a substance to hide unpleasant smells

metabolism 代謝
all the chemical processes in your body
Exercise is supposed to speed up your metabolism.

sizable かなり大きい
fairly large.
a sizable proportion of the population
sizable sum of money

the degree to which objects that are far away can be seen outside
There will be reduced visibility because of the fog.
A reduction in police presence and visibility

respondent 回答者
a person who replies to something such as a survey or set of questions.
60 percent of the respondents said they disapproved of the president's performance.

central and important:
The focal figure of the movie is Annette Corley, a dancer who has boyfriend troubles.

a mark on something that spoils its appearance:
freckles, scars, and other minor skin blemishes

generic 後発医薬品
a product, especially a drug, that is no longer owned by a particular company:

sb opt が選ぶ
make a choice, especially of one thing or possibility instead of others:
Mike opted for early retirement.
Most people opt to have the operation.

parameter 範囲
a limit that affects how something can be done
We have to operate within the parameters of the budget.
the parameters within which the media work

tangible 有形の
able to be touched:
Other tangible benefits include an increase in salary
if you purchase a tangible object ,rather than an object Vat is usually included in this

terrain 地形
an area of land, when considering its natural features:
The car handles particularly well on rough terrain.
I was delayed by rough terrain

geometric 幾何学の
made up of shapes such as squares, triangles, or rectangles:
a geometric design of overlapping circles
geometric pattern

merciless 無慈悲な
showing no forgiveness .
"a merciless attack with a blunt instrument"
He was merciless to his enemies

national 国民
someone who officially belongs to a particular country:
30 people, including six Mexican nationals, were killed in yesterday's plane crash.
All foreign nationals were advised to leave the country following the outbreak of civil war.

someone who follows people in order to commit a crime against people
a sexual predator

more important than anything else.
"the interests of the child are of paramount

skilled スキルのある
having the special abilities and experience to do a particular job well:
The temporary visas are available for skilled foreign workers.
The highly-successful supermarket giant is skilled at obtaining products cheaply.

corporal 身体の
of or relating to the body
He believes that corporal punishment is necessary to rear children.

proximity 近くにあること
the state of being near in space
The best thing about the location of the house is its proximity to the town centre.
in the proximity of the entrance

incompatible 相容れない
not able to work well with someone or within a company:
Human resources found the two managers to be mutually incompatible
the two approaches are incompatible
She is incompatible with her brother

elusive 理解し難い
difficult to describe, find, achieve, or remember:
The answers to these questions remain as elusive as ever
Things get clearer at the end, but a lot of evidence remains elusive.

glossy 艶のある
smooth and shiny
She has wonderfully glossy hair.
a dog with a glossy coat
the glossy wooden floor

to order someone to do something:
Our delegates have been mandated to vote against the proposal at the conference.

militant 攻撃的な
often willing to use force:
The army are in conflict with militant extremists
The group has taken a militant position on the abortion issue and is refusing to compromise.

swap を取り替える
give something and be given something else instead:
When you've finished reading your book, and I've finished mine, can we swap?
I swap the orange for a knife
I'd swapped some toy cars for a set of dice

excited activity and movement.
all the noise and the traffic and the bustle

a vehicle with wheels that you push to transport objects
a shopping trolley

robust 強靭な
strong or healthy
She was in robust health.
This is a robust cardboard box
A robust metal cabinet

shared by all members of a community
"a communal bathroom and kitchen"

increasing in quantity by successive additions.
"the cumulative effect of two years of drought"

open and direct.
"an outright refusal"

the fact or condition of being severe.
"sentences should reflect the severity of the crime

waste water and excrement conveyed in sewers.
"sewage treatment"

a religious group, often living together, whose beliefs are considered extreme or strange by many people:
Their son ran away from home and joined a religious cult.

a mass of small bubbles formed on or in liquid, typically by agitation or fermentation.
"a beer with a thick head of foam"

an action that is performed intentionally
"doing good deeds"

repeat exactly what someone else says, without understanding it or thinking about its meaning:
She doesn't have an original thought in her head - she just parrots anything that Sara says.

the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities.
"an organization aiming to promote racial equality"

If something ceases, it stops happening or existing.
the engineer decided to cease work
At one o'clock the rain had ceased.

compound sth をさらに悪化させる
to make a problem or difficult situation worse:
His financial problems were compounded when he unexpectedly lost his job.

surrender sth を引き渡す
hand over (a person, right, or possession), typically on compulsion or demand.
"in 1815 Denmark surrendered Norway to Sweden"

get in, through, under, etc. with difficulty:
She squeezed through the crowd and found a seat at the front.
They managed to squeeze under the fence and get into the festival without paying.

plants that are found in a particular area:
The railway track will have to be cleared of vegetation if it is to be used again.

willingness 快く快諾すること
the quality of being happy to do something
Many people have expressed a willingness to help

expectancy 期待
the feeling that something exciting or pleasant is going to happen:
There was air of expectancy
our expectancies about the future

drain sth
to allow liquid to flow away from something:
Drain the lettuce and then pat it dry with paper towels.

flow が流れ続ける
continue to arrive or be produced:
Please keep the money flowing in!
Offers of help are flowing into the disaster area from all over the country.
My thoughts flow more easily if I work on a computer.
wine flows By eleven o'clock, the wine was starting to flow.
conversation flows After they'd all had a drink or two, the conversation began to flow.

flow の髪がたれる
to hang down loosely and often attractively:
Her long red hair flowed down over her shoulders.

sth flow が流れる
(especially of liquids, gases, or electricity) to move in one direction, especially continuously and easily:
flow down Lava from the volcano was flowing down the hillside.
flow into Many short rivers flow into the Pacific Ocean.
flow through The river flows through three counties before flowing into the sea just south of here.
traffic flows With fewer cars on the roads, traffic is flowing (= moving forward) more smoothly than usual.

crack  ひびを与える
to break something so that it does not separate, but very thin lines appear on its surface, or to become broken in this way:
A stone hit the window and cracked the glass.
I cracked my tooth as I fell.
The walls cracked and the roof collapsed in the earthquake.

crack 脆弱になる
become mentally and physically weak:
Stress and overwork are causing teachers to crack (up).

crack を割って開ける
to break something open, especially in order to reach or use what is inside:
Crack three eggs into a bowl and mix them together.
He cracked (open) the nuts with his hands.

crack を解く
to find a solution to a problem:
They cracked the code and read the secret message.
I've been trying to solve this problem all week, but I still haven't cracked it.

crack ぶつける
to hit something or someone:
I cracked my head on/against the door.
They cracked him over the head with a baseball bat.

crack 音鳴らす
to make a sudden, short noise, or to cause something to make this noise:
The whip cracked over the horses' heads.
He's always cracking his knuckles (= pulling the joints of his fingers to make a noise).

crack 動揺して声出す
If a voice cracks, its sound changes because the person is upset:
Her voice cracked with emotion as she told the story.

(just) a crack ほんの少しだけ開ける
so that there is a very small space:
She opened the door just a crack to listen to the conversation.

upset 動揺させる
to make someone worried, unhappy, or angry:
It still upsets him when he thinks about the accident.
Don't upset yourself by thinking about what might have been.

upset を狂わせる
to change the usual or expected state or order of something, especially in a way that stops it from happening or working:
Any mechanical problems would upset our plans of driving across the desert.
The accident has upset all my plan

upset をひっくり返す
to push or knock something out of its usual position, usually by accident, especially causing it to fall:
Our dog upset the picnic table, spilling food everywhere.

upset 調子を悪くさせる
to make someone feel slightly sick:
He can't eat grapes - they upset him/his stomach.
Eating fast can upset the stomach

deserving to be admired
a dramatic landscape of magnificent mountains

locate sth
discover the exact place of sth
engineers were working to locate the fault

very sudden
a dramatic change
We watched scenes of the dramatic rescue on the news.

having great influence on someone or something.
"her work is influential in feminist psychology"

admire sth
regard with respect
"I admire your courage"

a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.
"they made certain assumptions about the market"

to (cause something or someone to) change in form or character:
Could we convert the small bedroom into a second bathroom?
What's the formula for converting pounds into kilograms?

the particular combination of qualities in a person
Politeness is traditionally part of the British character.
One of the joys of being a parent is watching the child's character develop.

a mark, object, or other indication of the existence
"remove all traces of the old adhesive"

sth vanish
disappear suddenly
"Moira vanished without trace

conquer sth 克服する
successfully overcome a problem
a fear she never managed to conquer
conquer cancer

to intentionally annoy, upset, or hurt someone:
I almost think he died without making a will just to spite his family.

overlook sth
fail to notice.
he seems to have overlooked one important fact"

inherit sth
receive money at the death of the previous holder.
she inherited a fortune from her father

spark sth 引き起こす
to cause the start of something, especially an argument or fighting:
This proposal will almost certainly spark another countrywide debate about immigration.


limbs 手足
an arm or leg of a person or four-legged animal, or a bird's wing.
"they got out, stretching their cramped limbs"

cramped 狭い
not having enough space or time:
a cramped room/house
We have six desks in this room, so we're a little cramped (for space).
I have a very cramped schedule.

a feeling of unhappiness and anger because someone has something or someone that you want:
He broke his brother's new bike in a fit of jealousy.

fierce 暴力的な
physically violent
a fierce attack/battle
Two men were shot during fierce fighting last weekend.

repeat the words that someone else has said or written:
He's always quoting from the Bible
Can I quote you on that

regarded by society to be good, proper, or correct.
"they thought the stage no life for a respectable lady"

a small, simple, single-storey house or shelter.
"a beach hut"
a fishing hut

a new growth of activity or interest in something, especially art, literature, or music:
Opera is enjoying a long-awaited renaissance.
Renaissance of his country’s economy

the technical equipment needed for a particular purpose.
"firemen wearing breathing apparatus"

apply (liquid) to someone or something in the form of tiny drops.
"the product can be sprayed on to wet or dry hair"
She sprayed herself with perfume.

If you stall an event, you delay it or prevent it from making progress:
Commandos stalled the enemy attack by destroying three bridges.
Fears are growing that a tax increase may stall economic recovery.

engage sb を雇う
to employ someone:
I have engaged a secretary to deal with all my paperwork.
We've recently engaged a cleaner.
A professional coach was immediately engaged.
For these services he would otherwise have to engage a psychotherapist.

be engaged as sth として働いている
to be working as something:
At that time she was engaged as an adviser to several government departments.

be engaged in sth に参加している
involved in something:
They've been engaged in a legal battle with the council for several months.
She's part of a team of scientists who are engaged on cancer research.

involve sth  を伴う
to include someone or something in an activity:
The accident involved two cars and a truck.
The operation involves inserting a small tube into the heart.

freeze sth を冷凍する
to make food last a long time by storing it at a very low temperature so that it becomes hard:
I'll freeze any food that's left over.
She'll prepare the food ahead of time and freeze it.
If required, freeze on day of purchase.

sb smirk が何かやってニヤニヤ笑う
to smile in a way that expresses satisfaction or pleasure about having done something
I don't like the way he winks and smirks at me whenever he sees me.
He smirked his way through the interview.

off putting ドン引きするような
unpleasant, disconcerting, or repellent.
Her Instagram posts are always off-putting

something that you hope to achieve:
I've never had any political aspirations

will try to do something.
you should just give it a try ,even if you aren't willing

care less about についてあまり気にしない
not care at all:
Most fans could care less about how players behave off the field.

reach out to sth に連絡する
to try to communicate with a person
The new mayor is reaching out to inner city communities to involve them in his plans for the city.

ember 燃え木
a small piece of burning or glowing coal or wood in a dying fire.
"the dying embers in the grate"

to be very successful:
She's very ambitious but I doubt she'll ever make it to the top.

come through 困難を乗り越える
to succeed in a difficult situation:
He's a great leader who always comes through under pressure.

faithless sexレスの
not faithful sexually to your marriage partner or usual sexual partner:
a faithless husband

if i were in your shoes. もしあなたの立場なら
what you would do in their situation:
If I were in your shoes, I think I'd write to her rather than try to explain over the phone.

clutch sth をにぎる
grasp (something) tightly.
"he stood clutching a microphone"

settle down 定住する
to start living in a place where you intend to stay for a long time, usually with your partner:
Eventually I'd like to settle down and have a family, but not yet.
After years as a travelling journalist, she settled down in Ireland.

help yourself セルフサービスでする
to take some of what you want, without asking permission used especially when offering food to someone
Please help yourself to some cake.
Help yourself to anything on the table

You say that a particular quality is not in your vocabulary if you never show it or experience it:
Did you say "tact"? The word isn't in his vocabulary!

at the most.
"some civil servant earning twenty-eight thousand a year, tops"

ungrateful 感謝してない
not feeling or showing gratitude.
"she's so ungrateful for everything we do"

in exchange fir sth と交換に
If you do or give something in exchange for something else, you do it or give it in order to get that thing.
The kidnapers demanded a ransom in exchange for her safe return

the state of mind 心理状態
a person's mood and the effect that mood has on the person’s thinking and behavior:
I was not in the right state of mind to laugh at his jokes.

to suddenly become too frightened to do something you had planned to do, especially something important such as getting married
I was going to try bungee jumping, but I got cold feet.

the dot used between the whole numbers
To divide by ten, move the decimal point one place to the left.

in a way that is likely to have a strong or far-reaching effect.
"now her fortunes have changed drastically

sound vaguely familiar.
"the name rings a bell"

an entrance to a room
"Beth stood there in the doorway"

becoming greater
"prices were on the rise"

attracting much attention or publicity.
"a high-profile military presence"

to take care of someone and provide a place for them:
Several families took in foreign students.

reconnect with sb
to improve a relationship that has become less good
The candidate is making an effort to reconnect with rural voters.

used to emphasize the complete accuracy
"at 2.00 precisely, the phone rang"

without end, limit, or boundary.
"our resources are not limitless"

to annoy someone:
He never helps with the housework and it's starting to piss me off.

the conditions that are part of an agreement or arrangement, or the features of an activity or idea:
He violated the terms of the agreement.

to start to want to travel or do something different:
After three years in the job she began to get itchy feet.

used to draw attention to something surprising or interesting that you are about to mention
And the whole thing only cost – get this – $12.95.

to make someone want to do something:
We need to incentivize our sales managers to achieve these targets.

a poisonous substance secreted by animals such as snakes, spiders, and scorpions and typically injected into prey or aggressors by biting or stinging.
"snake venoms have different effects"

a belief that all political and religious organizations are bad, or a system of thought that says that there are no principles or beliefs that have any meaning or can be true

the action of making most effective use
"companies interested in the optimization of the business"

an entire page of a newspaper or magazine.
"full-page advertisements"

to be someone who often criticizes and speaks in a severe way:
Jane has a sharp tongue, so be warned.

used to describe people who strongly believe in something:
hard-core party members

a person who takes little or no exercise and watches a lot of television.
"it is no good you being a couch potato and having a Dobermann"

the fact of not obeying a rule or law:
non-compliance with sth Non-compliance with environmental laws can be both costly and dangerous.

make a new beginning.
"could you face going back to school and starting over?"

a person whose sexual behaviour is regarded as abnormal and unacceptable.
don’t look at him as a pervert

to store information in a careful and particular way:
We file these reports (= put them in a file) under country of origin

at some moment in time that is not made specific
At some point I decided she was no longer my friend.

(pack into something) to fit into a place
At least 150,000 people packed into Manezh Square.

located or taking place out of doors.
"an open-air swimming pool"

excited and full of anticipation.
"we've told him you were coming—he's really psyched"

Go with sth
(go with something) to choose or accept something
I think we should go with yellow for the walls.

containing a large amount :
The market is flooded with cheap imports.

having or showing practical knowledge and experience:
Teenagers are savvier about handling their digital information than adults.

draw a line under (a word or phrase)
"certain phrases had been underlined

risky; dangerous.
"we work in hazardous conditions

The amount required to send a letter or parcel by post.
"the prices include postage and packing"

a disadvantage or the negative part of a situation:
One of the drawbacks of living with someone is having to share a bathroom.

Customer service
the part of an organization that answers customers' questions, exchanges goods that are not satisfactory, etc.

Next of kin近親者
a person's closest living relative or relatives.
"the police notified the next of kin"

feed (a baby) at the breast.
"the women nursed their babies"

become progressively worse.
"relations between the countries had deteriorated sharply"

uncomfortably hot.
"a sweltering English summer"

a collapse of a mass of earth or rock from a mountain or cliff.
"the road was blocked by a landslide"

means that the forecast is calling for rain to fall periodically throughout the day, but not continuously.
the forecast broadcast the chance of isolated rain

a sudden violent gust of wind or localized storm, especially one bringing rain, snow, or sleet.
"low clouds and squalls of driving rain"

always telling people what to do arrogantly
She's strong without being bossy.

rain containing some ice as when snow melts
"driving sleet and rain made conditions horrendous"

a sudden loud noise as of something breaking or hitting another object.
"he slammed the phone down with a crash"

mean that something someone else has said is wrong.
hey, is it true that you're going out with sarah?"
"Nope. You're totally off on that. we're just friends"

at the time of year when a place is less popular
"English seaside resorts out of season famously possess a melancholy charm"

force (someone) to leave their home, typically because of war, persecution, or natural disaster.
"thousands of people have been displaced by the civil war"

makes it difficult to see into the distance:
The morning will start off misty.

(of the air or weather) hot and humid.
"the sultry late summer weather had brought swarms of insects"


a prolonged period of abnormally hot weather.
"when a heatwave occurs many people become increasingly bad-tempered"

oppressive 空気が重苦しい
causing people to feel worried and uncomfortable:
an oppressive silence

stay in a place longer than necessary because of a reluctance to leave.
"she lingered in the yard, enjoying the warm sunshine"

to cover a larger area:
Soldiers spread out among the trees.
Dark clouds began to spread out across the sky.

subtract or take away (an amount or part) from a total.
"tax has been deducted from the payments"

derived from or related to citrus fruit.
"a citric flavour"

to feel angry because you have been forced to accept someone or something that you do not like:
She bitterly resented her father's new wife.

a thing regarded as representative or symbolic of something else.
"the amounts of money being lost by the company were enough to make it a metaphor for an industry that was teetering"

a short journey usually made for pleasure
This year's annual excursion

on your toes with the heel of your foot lifted off the ground:
The children stood on tiptoe in order to pick the apples from the tree.

the state of being useful

talk trash
to say things that do not have a lot of meaning:

a situation that seems impossible to understand because it contains two opposite facts
It's a curious paradox that drinking a lot of water can often make you feel thirsty.

able to be reached or entered.
"the town is accessible by bus"

having one's feeling  under control.
composed young player"

left over
it remains when the rest has been used or eaten:
How much will we have left over once we've paid all the suppliers?.
There was lots of food left over.

lacking physical strength,  as a result of age or illness.

take over
to replace something:
Some workers will lose their jobs as machines take over.

easy to perceive
"the residents will see through any transparent attempt to buy their votes"

beautiful in a dramatic and eye-catching way.
"spectacular mountain scenery"

happening one after the other:
It was the team’s third successive defeat.

of food no longer fresh and delicious

close to the side of
she was sitting alongside him

rain very lightly.
"it began to sprinkle"

they are extremely happy and having a good time:
They'd had a couple of drinks and were in high spirits.

making progress and likely to succeed:
They're on track to make record profits.

the basic material from which a product is made.
"these could be used as raw material"

to a great extent; on the whole; mostly.
"he was soon arrested, largely through the efforts of Tom Poole"

to a moderate extent or by a moderate amount; rather.
"matters have improved somewhat since then"

the amount of work to be done by a person:
If we share the organization of the party, that will help spread the load.

Split into sth
To divide cleanly or evenly into some smaller number of things. The mirror toppled over and split into three nearly identical shards.

in a way that shows someone or something is liked or approved of:
New recruits are usually desperate to be judged favourably by their superiors.

take up
occupy time
"I don't want to take up any more of your time"

an act of asking for information.
"the police were making inquiries in all the neighbouring pubs"

a group of similar things that are close together
Have a look at the cluster of galaxies in this photograph.

turn it over quickly one or more times
I flipped the book to look at the back cover.

more desirable or suitable.
"lower interest rates were preferable to higher ones"

lacking sophistication or good taste.
a vulgar check suit"

based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.
"his views are highly subjective"

occurring or existing at the end of or as a result of a process or period of time.
"it's impossible to predict the eventual outcome of the competition"

relating to the conditions that affect hygiene and health, especially the supply of sewage facilities and clean drinking water.
"a sanitary engineer"

an arrangement to do something or go somewhere at a fixed time.
"a dinner engagement"

neatly and methodically arranged.
"an orderly arrangement of objects"

strongly believing in religion, and living in a way that shows this belief:
She is a pious follower of the faith, never missing her prayers.

intended for or travelling towards (a particular place).
"the shipment of illegal drugs destined for American and European markets"

(of a person) tending to choose carefully.
"he is very selective in his reading"

grasp (something) tightly.
"he stood clutching a microphone"

having qualities or an appearance traditionally associated with women.
"the snowdrops gave a feminine touch to the table"

to give something a quality that makes it better in some way:
lWe hope that these measures will lend stability to the economy.

glance through written or printed material quickly or curiously. Why don't you browse over this and call me

something that serves as a sign or evidence of a specified fact, event, or quality.
"growing attendance figures are a testament to the event's popularity"

form a mental image of; imagine.
"it is not easy to visualize the future"

an occasion when two or more things join or are combined:
nuclear fusion

having a special mental ability, for example so that you are able to know what will happen in the future or know what people are thinking:
psychic powers

(of an amount) extremely large.
"he wanted an astronomical fee"

entirely lacking or free from.
"Lisa kept her voice devoid of emotion"

load with too great a burden or cargo.
"both boats were overloaded and low in the water"

curved and not straight or flat:
The metal bars were bent and twisted.

not having enough of a specified quality or ingredient.
"this diet is deficient in vitamin B"

lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
"widespread apathy among students"

mark or stain (something).
"dark patches of dirt blotted the grey dress

each of four equal or corresponding parts into which something is or can be divided.
"she cut each apple into quarters

assess the importance, effect, or value of (something).
"it is hard to measure teaching ability

perform the process of calculating the total value of two or more numbers or amounts.
"I wonder how many people get ripped because they can't add up those

to try to make other people notice and pay attention to you:
She always seemed to be pushing herself forward and not giving anyone else a chance.

restricted to the person, group, or area concerned.
"the couple had exclusive possession of the flat"

If you put something on hold, you decide not to do it, deal with it, or change it now, but to leave it until later.
He put his retirement on hold until he had found a solution.

(of a plant) to become weak and begin to bend towards the ground, or (of a person) to become weaker, tired, or less confident:
Cut flowers will soon wilt without water.

a tear, hole, or loose thread in a piece of clothing or cloth caused by a sharp or rough object:
This sweater's full of snags.

grateful because of help given:
We're deeply indebted to you for your help.

to enter a place:
I looked through the window, but I didn't actually go in.

If someone comes on to you, they show that they are interested in starting a sexual relationship with you.
I don't think that a woman, by using make-up, is trying to come on to a man. [

a classification or ranking of someone or something based on a comparative assessment of their quality, standard, or performance.
"the hotel regained its five-star rating"

the removal of things from land
slum clearance accelerated during the 1960s"

a machine that removes harmful substances
a water purifier

sth glow
to produce a continuous light
A nightlight glowed dimly in the corner of the children's bedroom.

cause (pain, distress, or difficulty) to become less severe or serious.
"the drug was used to promote sleep and to relieve pain"

a piece of a solid substance with no particular shape
a sugar lump

pull (someone or something) along forcefully, roughly, or with difficulty.
"we dragged the boat up the beach"

an act of biting something in order to eat it.
"Stephen ate a hot dog in three big bites"

conclude sth
arrive at a judgement by reasoning.
"the doctors concluded that she had suffered a stroke

an occasion when a medical operation involving cutting open the body is performed on someone :
He has had three surgeries on his wrist in the past two years.

to buy or pay for something for another person:
I'm going to treat you to this
I treated myself to a stay in paris

sb grieve  
express great sadness when someone dies:
He is still grieving for his wife.

more than sth
I receive 10 or more spam emails a day

return to a previous state.
He reverted to eating meat after being a vegetarian.
life will revert to normal

screen out sth
to prevent something undesirable from coming in:
Home water filtration systems are supposed to screen out toxins

in a flash
without any delay
I’m sorry. I’ll be there in a flash!

a polluting substance that makes something impure.
people were exposed to airborne contaminants

disrupt sth
interrupt sth by causing problem.
"flooding disrupted rail services"

get what sb deserves
to be correctly punished for your mistakes.
I don't feel sorry for him. He got what he deserved.

moral in an honest way
His followers believe they are fighting for a noble cause.

able to be recognized
"there are no easily identifiable features

the fact of being responsible for what you do to give a reason for it
There must be a clear accountability for the expenditure of public money.

a pattern made from horizontal and vertical lines crossing each other
A metal grid had been placed over the hole to prevent people from falling in.

a component part of something.
"the essential constituents of the human diet"

consisting of two parts, elements, or aspects.
"their dual role at work and home"
dual citizenship

about to happen.
"they were in imminent danger of being swept away"

empty, simple, or obvious, especially without decoration or anything that is not necessary:
It was a stark room with a bed and chair as the only furniture.

very powerful, forceful, or effective:
Surprise remains the terrorists' most potent weapon.
This is a very potent drug and can have unpleasant side-effects.

feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems.
"dogs which have been mistreated often remain very wary of strangers"

used to refer to, or relating to, the people who originally lived in a place, rather than people who moved there from somewhere else :
So who are the indigenous people of this land?

famous for something bad:
one of Mexico's most notorious criminals
The company is notorious for paying its bills late.

a space with nothing in it:
Some parents use television to fill the void they have created by not spending enough time with their kids, he said.

gradually weaken or destroy someone or something:
The incompetence and arrogance of the city’s administration have undermined public confidence in government.

not affected or upset by a particular type of behaviour or emotion:
The press had criticized her so often that in the end she had become immune (to it).

(of weather conditions) neither very hot nor very cold:
a temperate climate

a bad person who harms other people or breaks the law:
He's either a hero or a villain, depending on your point of view.

awake from the slumber my lords !
I didn't want to rouse you from your slumbers.

in the near future in negative sentence
Things will not improve anytime soon.

the death of the kind caused the anarchy
