

trouble or problems:
it's really no bother.
Please don't go to any bother on my account

inflammation of the mouth

a theme running throughout a piece of writing.
This is one of the most imp thread if u want to know about how world affairs happen and how Globalist work

a strong wish to achieve something:
His ambition is ultimately to run his own business.
She doubts whether she'll ever be able to fulfil her ambition.

a state of extreme happiness
We shared a moment of ecstasy as the chocolate melted on our tongues.

a lack of care or effort:
The work has been criticized for sloppiness and errors.

same sex marriage
marriage between partners of the same sex

the joint between the foot and the leg
I fell over and twisted my ankle.

someone who hurts someone else,
Teachers usually know who the bullies are in a class.

something that is regularly done, often as a habit, tradition, or custom:
Japanese business practices
It's common practice in the States to tip the hairdresser.

efficiency ɪˈfɪʃ.ən.si
achieving the largest amount of useful work using as little energy,
fuel efficiency.

a red, painful,  often swollen area
Aspirin reduces pain and inflammation.

the child of your son or daughter

a person whose job is to supply and connect or repair water pipes, baths, toilets
When is the plumber coming to repair the burst pipe?

group of criminals

a large criminal organization

action rather than thought or ideas:
How do you intend to put these proposals into practice?

a substance that sticks things together:
Dentists use cement to hold crowns and bridges in place.

the process of teaching

training that makes people more willing to obey rules
There should be tougher discipline in schools.
I don't have enough discipline to save money.

a group of people who support in a particular thing
The candidate has a large following among young people.

the amount of money needed to buy
It's difficult for most people to deal with the rising cost of healthcare.

the bother
the effort that is necessary to achieve something:
Some people don't get married because they don't want the bother.
It hardly seems worth the bother to go all that way just for two nights.

an annoying person or situation:
I'm sorry to be a bother, but could I have that number again?
It's such a bother having to do everything twice.

the feeling of being annoyed
One of the greatest annoyances was being bitten by mosquitoes

a feeling of physical suffering
Her symptoms included abdominal pain and vomiting.

emotional or mental suffering:
The parents are still in great pain over the death of their child.

something that has been added to something else:
He admits tofu is a useful addition to the range of meat alternatives available.
Her latest novel is a worthy addition to the spy thriller genre.
this orchid is my latest addition.

someone new who has joined
We have had several new additions to the family recently.

the act of adding thing to something else:
Most working environments are improved by the addition of a few plants and pictures.

a new part added to building:
We're building an addition to our house.

the act of adding to something in order to make it bigger
The extension of police powers in the province has been heavily criticized.
The article is an extension of the ideas

an exercise in which you extend your arm or leg,
Ask the instructor to show you how to do leg extensions.

physical activity that you do to make your body healthy:
Swimming is my favourite form of exercise.
I do stomach exercises most days.

an action intended to improve something
It would be a useful exercise for you to say the speech aloud several times.

a difference between two similar things:
There's a clear distinction between the dialects spoken in the two regions.

an advantage or benefit:
Please do it, for David's sake.
Their parents only stayed together for the sake of the children.

a situation in which people are governed in an unfair way
the oppression of women

a feeling of being very uncomfortable and worried:
Several people had experienced the same feeling of oppression when they slept in that room.

an unfair action:
He has done us a great wrong.
She was trying to right the wrongs of the past.

they have made a mistake or sth bad
The driver was unquestionably in the wrong.

a person who claims that someone has done something morally wrong,

the money that you keep in an account
He spent all his savings on an expensive car.

making it possible to use less of the stated thing:
a time-saving recipe

one of a set of competitions:
The women's 200 metre event will be followed by the men's 100 metres.

in the event
used to emphasize that what happened was not what you expected:
We had expected to arrive an hour late, but in the event we were early.

in the event of something
if something happens:
In the event of a strike, the army will take over responsibility for firefighting.

in any event
whatever happens:
I might go home next month, but in any event, I'll be home for Christmas.

in either event
in either of two situations:
I can't decide whether to accept the New York or the Chicago job, but in either event I'll have to move.

in that event
if that happens:
There's a possibility of my flight being delayed. In that event I'll phone to let you know.

a simple, quickly-made drawing
My mother made a sketch of my brother reading a book.

someone who is famous

the act of blinking

a sudden, powerful emotional or mental experience:
The idea came to her in a flash of inspiration.

the device used to produce a bright light
It's dark in here, I'll have to use the flash.

the force that some people think controls what happens in the future
You can't fight destiny.
He is a tragic victim of destiny.

my turn
an opportunity to do something
Is it my turn yet?
I waited so long for my turn to see the careers adviser that I missed my bus.

an action that causes something to move in a circle

a change in the direction
When you see the school on the left, make a right turn.
The path was full of twists and turns.

on the turn
starting to change direction:
The tide is on the turn.

on the turn
starting to become better or worse:
There are fears that the housing market is on the turn.
The world economy would appear to be on the turn.

(of food or drink) starting to decay:
This milk smells funny – I think it's on the turn.
Often the fruit is so ripe that it is on the turn.

the turn of something
the point at which something changes or moves in a different direction:
the turn of the tide

the turn
the middle point in a round of golf, usually after the ninth hole:
at the turn He was six under at the turn.
reach the turn She reached the turn in 39.

take a turn for the better/worse
suddenly become better or worse:
Their relationship took a turn for the worse when he lost his job.

an object that is beautiful
a glass ornament
garden ornaments such as statues and fountains

decoration that is added to increase the beauty of something:

the activity of covering the walls with paint

the quality of a person that makes him deserving of respect,
Laws of privacy are designed to protect the dignity of individuals.

a way of dealing with something:
Follow this strategy for avoiding minor mistakes.

a set of similar things:
I offered her a range of options.
There is a whole range of opinions on this issue.

goods of one particular type that are sold in a shop
This jacket is part of our spring range.

the amount of something between an upper and a lower limit:
The price range is from $100 to $500.
18–25 age range.

the distance within which you can see
The ship was out of range of our guns.
He was shot at close range

the period of time in the future within which something is planned
short range weather forecasting

the amount of space between two places:
What's the distance between Madrid and Barcelona

from a distance
from a place that is not near:
From a distance he looks a bit like Johnny Depp.

in the distance
at a point that is far away:
On a clear day you can see the temple in the distance.

the feeling of wanting to give your attention to something
I've always had an interest in astronomy.
He never seems to show any interest in his children.

something that brings advantages to someone
In the interests of safety, please do not smoke.

money that is charged by a bank or other financial organization for borrowing money:
Interest charges on an overdraft are usually quite high.
You should put the money in a savings account where it will earn interest.

an involvement or a legal right, usually relating to a business or possessions:
He is a multi-millionaire with business interests around the world.
When they divorced she retained a legal interest in the property.

a temporary position or job in an organization:
I think we can find a placement for you in the sales department.
The trainee teachers do a school placement in the summer term.

the position of something, or the act of putting something in a particular position:
We put a lot of thought into the placement of the furniture.
The architecture and the placement of shops is not random: everything is minutely planned.

a thing that you can see or touch but that is not usually a living animal, plant, or person:
a solid/material/physical object
a collection of precious objects
Several people reported seeing a strange object in the sky.

a noun or noun phrase that is affected by the action of a verb or that follows a preposition:
In the sentence "I like ice cream", "ice cream" is the object of the verb "like".

a reason for doing something, or the result you wish to achieve by doing it:
The object of their expedition was to discover the source of the River Nile.

something that you hope to achieve:
I've never had any political aspirations.
It's a story about the lives and aspirations of poor Irish immigrants.

something good that you want to happen in the future, or a confident feeling about what will happen in the future:
hope for What are your hopes and dreams for the future?
hope of Is there any hope of getting financial support for the project?
beyond/past hope The situation is now beyond/past hope (= unlikely to produce the desired result).
give up hope We never gave up hope (= stopped hoping) that she would be found alive.
a glimmer/ray of hope The letter offered us a glimmer/ray of (= a little) hope.
in the hope that I didn't phone until four o'clock in the hope that you'd be finished.
not hold out much hope of I don't hold out much hope of getting (= I don't expect to be able to get) a ticket.

the feeling that something desired can be had or will happen:
[ U ] We never entirely gave up hope.
[ U ] This research offers hope of developing better ways to treat cancer.
[ C ] He had hopes of being chosen for the leading part in the play.

the act of picking someone or something up, or the place where it happens:
pickup point The pickup point for the long-distance coaches is now
in the new bus station.
Your purchase will be available for pick-up in an hour.

a person who is picked up:
The taxi driver said I was the first pickup that he'd had all evening.

a small device with a sharp blade for removing hair

something that happens that delays a process from developing:
There has been a temporary setback in our plans.

the situation in which you have to wait longer than expected
This situation needs to be tackled without delay.

actions or behavior that use threats or force against others:
We regard the presence of troops on our border as an act of aggression.

physical or other injury or damage:
Both deny conspiring to cause actual bodily harm.
do something harm A mistake like that will do his credibility a lot of harm.
do someone harm Missing a meal once in a while never did anyone any harm.
(there's) no harm in You could always ask Jim if they need any more staff in his office - (there's) no harm in asking (= no one will be annoyed and you might benefit).
mean no harm She meant no harm (= did not intend to offend) - she was only joking.

an examination of something in order to make certain that it is correct
The pilot runs a few checks before taking off.

a pattern of squares in two or more colours:
a shirt with a pattern of blue and yellow checks
I chose the red and white check.

a bill in a restaurant, etc.:
Can I have the check, please?

a request for payment of money owed, or the piece of paper on which it is written:
an electricity/gas/phone bill
bill for They sent us a bill for the work they had done.
run up a bill She ran up (= caused herself to have) a huge phone bill.
They asked the waitress for the bill.

a piece of paper money:
a dollar/one-dollar bill
a ten-dollar bill

a hat with a flat, curved part at the front:
a baseball cap

something that is put on or over something else, usually to protect it, to keep something in, etc.:
I keep my computer printer under a protective plastic cover.
Remove the packaging and pierce the plastic cover before microwaving.

the stiff outside part of a book or magazine, usually made of thick paper or cardboard:
Who should we put on the cover of the magazine this month?
Paperback books have soft covers.

shelter or protection in an unpleasant or dangerous situation:
take cover We took cover from the storm in a bus shelter.
under cover of The burglar broke into the house under cover of darkness.

financial protection so that you get money if something bad happens:
cover for I've got £20,000 worth of cover for the contents of my house.
Do you have cover for accidental damage?

a short piece of written work that you do to practise something you are learning:
The book has exercises at the end of every chapter.

a feeling of sadness about something sad or wrong or about a mistake that you have made, and a wish that it could have been different and better:
I left school at 16, but I've had a great life and I have no regrets.
The manager expressed deep regret at/for the number of staff reductions.
We think, much to our regret (= and we are very sorry about this), that we will not be able to visit you next year.

send (someone) your regrets
to send a polite message that you cannot go to a party, etc.:
We did have an invitation, but we had to send Graham our regrets.

a strong request:
You can't give in to children's demands all the time.
The government is unlikely to agree to the rebels' demands for independence.
UK They received a final demand (= a last request) for payment.

a need for something to be sold or supplied:
There was little demand for tickets.
Good teachers are always in (great) demand (= are always needed).

demands [ plural ]
the difficult things that you have to do:
The demands of nursing are too great for a lot of people.

at any time that someone wants or needs something:
They believe that abortion should be available on demand.
The heat-controlled implant delivers insulin on demand.

a part of a building consisting of rooms that are partly or completely below the level of the ground:
Our kitchenware department is in the basement.
a basement flat

dry dirt in the form of powder that covers surfaces  
The furniture was covered in dust and cobwebs.
A cloud of dust rose in the air as the car roared past.
coal dust

fast food
cheap, often hot food that is prepared and served quickly in a restaurant

the materials in which objects are wrapped before being sold:
All our packaging is biodegradable.

a light container, often with a handle, that is made of thin strips of wood, metal, or plastic twisted together, used for carrying or storing things:
a shopping/picnic basket
a wicker basket
a laundry/clothes basket

a food made from flour, water, and usually yeast, mixed together and baked:
loaf of bread She went to the store to get a loaf of bread.
slice of bread He ate his soup with a slice of bread.
wholemeal (US wholewheat) bread
sliced bread sliced bread

the sound an animal makes
The whale has a very distinctive call.
She could hear calls for help from inside the burning building.

the fact of people wanting a particular thing:
There's not much call for fur coats these days.
I certainly don't think there's any call for that sort of language, young lady!

a decision:
The decision to extend Army tours from one year to 15 months was a good call.

a demand that requires a specified degree of effort
"it is a big ask for him to go and play 90 minutes"

a request, especially for a donation.
"it was an awkward ask for more funding"

a place where people are allowed to leave their rubbish:
I'm going to clean out the basement and take everything I don't want to the dump.

a place where things of a particular type are stored, especially by an army:
an ammunition/arms/weapons/food dump

something that is of low quality:
I can't believe that someone of his intelligence can read such trash!
There's nothing but trash on TV tonight.

waste material that are no longer wanted
The trash really stinks - why don't you take it out?
He threw a valuable drawing out, thinking it was trash.

an insulting way of referring to a person that you have no respect for
He finished their relationship, and told her she was trash.

small pieces of rubbish that have been left lying on the ground
About two percent of fast-food packaging ends up as litter.

be someone's type
someone thinks is attractive:
He's a nice enough guy - he's just not my type.

leave of absence
time away from your work or studies that is formally given to you by your organization:
Luckily I was allowed to take a leave of absence now and then to work on the movies.

take leave
to say goodbye:
He decided the time had come to take leave of his home town.

somewhere quiet or far away:
They live in a remote corner of Scotland, miles from the nearest store.

the fact that you plan to do something:
I spent half the morning on the phone, which wasn't really my intent.
It was not his intent to hurt anyone.
She was charged with possessing weapons with intent to endanger life.

a shock to the system
an unpleasant feeling that you experience when something new or unusual happens:
It's really hard getting back to work after three months off - it's quite a shock to the system.

get a shock
an electric shock
Ow! - I got a shock from that lamp!

a plan in a sport:
The new pitcher made a great play on that throw to first base.

chit chat
informal conversation that are not important:

from start to finish
from the beginning to the end:
The whole party was a disaster from start to finish.

for a start
as the first in a set of things:
We'll take names and phone numbers for a start, then later on we can get more details.

things that are considered to be of no use
I can't stand watching the junk that's on TV these days.

The flowers are purple with tinges of pink.

a word or form that expresses more than one:
"Geese" is the plural of "goose".
"Woman" in the plural is "women".

man/woman of the match
the person who has scored the most points or played the best in a match:
The goalkeeper was replaced by an impressive stand-in who went on to win woman of the match.

a short, thin stick made of wood or cardboard and covered with a special chemical at one end that burns when rubbed firmly against a rough surface:
a box of matches
You should always strike a match away from you.

something that is similar to or combines well with something else:
The curtains look great - they're a perfect match for the sofa.

If two people who are having a relationship are a good match, they are very suitable for each other:
Theirs is a match made in heaven (= a very good relationship).

a building or set of buildings having a particular purpose, or a place connected with a particular activity:
a shopping center
the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
New York is a center for the arts.

an area of land or sea that has been divided from other areas and is controlled by a particular country:
What is the total oil output from the British sector of the North Sea?
The buildings are in an industrial sector in the southern part of the city.

something that is produced by a person, machine
The output from the printer is almost photo quality.
He was so bored with the radio station's output
Last year manufacturing output

a period of time during which something is in liquid:
Most dried beans need a soak before they're cooked.
Showers are all right but there's nothing like a good long soak in the bath.

the action of sucking something:
Can I have a suck of your lollipop, please?

a button on an electronic device that makes it silent:
I pressed the mute on my phone
He was watching TV with the mute button on.

on mute
so that it does not produce any sound:
Place your phone on mute

sounds that can be heard behind other sounds
there was too much background noise.
If you listen carefully to this piece of music, you can hear a flute in the background.

the conditions that existed before a particular event happened, and that help to explain why it happened:
These decisions have had to be made against a background of high unemployment.

information about something that helps people understand it :
Can you give me some background on the situation?
The official website has a wealth of background on the history of the tournament.

the background
they are not or it is not the main point of attention:
He stayed in the background, but the others would do nothing without his approval.

your family and your experience of education, living conditions
She has a background in publishing
The school has students from many different ethnic backgrounds.

a person, especially a child at school
The school has over 400 pupils.

the sounds that are made when people speak
She has a loud voice.
She lowered her voice to a whisper.
I have a cold and I think I'm losing my voice

be in good voice
to be singing well:
The choir seems to be in good voice today!

an expression of opinion, or the right to express your opinion:
There was only one dissenting voice during the discussion.
make your voice heard Unfortunately a strike was the only way to make our voices heard.
the voice of The committee represents the voice of the students.
Developing countries are demanding a stronger voice (= right to express opinions) in the debate.
give someone a voice Millions of women sit in silence and loneliness. Give them a voice, please.

extreme fear:
They fled from the city in terror.
There was sheer/abject terror in her eyes when he came back into the room.
What he said struck terror in my heart (= made me very frightened).
Heights have/hold no terrors for me (= do not frighten me).

violent action or threats designed to cause fear among ordinary people, in order to achieve political aims:
The separatists started a campaign of terror to get independence.
We need to form global partnerships to fight terror.
a terror suspect/attack/plot

the most important facts, ideas, etc. from which something is developed:
form the basis for This document will form the basis for our discussion.
on the basis of Decisions were often made on the basis of (= using) incorrect information.
Their proposals have no proven scientific basis.

a way or method of doing something:
on a voluntary basis Most of our staff work for us on a voluntary basis (= they work without being paid).

the amount of space that is contained within an object or solid shape:
Which of these bottles do you think has a greater volume?

the number or amount of something in general:
It's the sheer volume of traffic in the city that is causing the problems.

the level of sound produced by a television, radio, etc., or the switch or other device controlling this:
Could you turn the volume down, please, I'm trying to sleep.
I'll turn it up if you tell me which one is the volume (= switch).

an empty area that is available to be used:
space for Is there any space for my clothes in that cupboard?
make space I need to make (some) space for Mark's things.
space between When the roads are wet, you've got to leave plenty of space between you and the car in front.

open space
land, especially in a town, that has no buildings on it:
What I like about this town is that there's so much open space.

in/within a short space of time
very soon:
Within a short space of time you could be speaking perfect English!

in/within the space of six weeks, three hours, etc.
during a period of six weeks, three hours, etc.:
It all happened in the space of ten minutes.

the empty area outside Earth's atmosphere, where the planets and the stars are:
space exploration/travel
a space rocket
in/into space Who was the first human being in space/the first to go into space?

a kick, hit, or throw of the ball that is intended to score points in a sport such as cricket, football, tennis, or golf:
And that was a great shot by Márquez!
Murray drove a forehand shot down the line to win the match.

the action of firing a gun or another weapon:
fire a shot He fired four shots at the car as it drove off.

an attempt to do or achieve something that you have not done before:
have a shot at I thought I'd have a shot at making my own wine.
give something a shot I've never tried bowling before, but I thought I'd give it a shot.

a photograph:
get/take a shot I got/took some really good shots of the harbour at sunset.

a small amount of a strong alcoholic drink:
shot of Mick poured himself a shot of whisky.
do shots They were at the bar doing shots (= drinking many small, strong alcoholic drinks).

a small amount of a non-alcoholic drink with a strong taste or effect:
He downed a shot of espresso.
I like my coffee with a shot of vanilla.
You can make your own healthy orange and turmeric shots.

an injection (= the act of putting a drug or vaccine into someone's body with a needle), or an amount of the drug or vaccine put into the body by a single injection:
It's important to get regular flu shots.
give someone a shot The doctor gave him a shot of morphine.

a piece of clothing that covers the lower part of the body from the waist to the feet, consisting of two cylinder-shaped parts, one for each leg, that are joined at the top:
I need a new pair of trousers to go with this jacket.
Why aren't you wearing any trousers, David?

something very good and difficult that you have succeeded in doing:
sense of achievement It gives you a sense of achievement if you actually make it to the end of a very long book.
An Olympic silver medal is a remarkable achievement for one so young.
The Tale of Genji has been described as the greatest achievement of Japanese literature.

the flat part on a knife or similar tool or weapon, with a very thin edge used for cutting:
a sword with a steel blade
a packet of razor blades

a wide, flat part on a tool or machine, used to push back water or air:
a propeller blade
windscreen wiper blades

a long, narrow leaf of grass or a similar plant:
a blade of grass

passenger train
a train carrying people rather than goods:
Two passenger trains were involved in the accident.

a person who is traveling in a vehicle but is not operating it or working as an employee in it:
airline passengers
Taxis are allowed to carry no more than four passengers.

the act of taking goods, letters, parcels, etc. to people's houses or places of work:
delivery of We get two deliveries of mail (= it is delivered twice) a day.
on delivery You can pay for the carpet on delivery (= when it is delivered).
take delivery of We expect to take delivery of (= receive) our new car next week.
out for delivery Your order is out for delivery (= it has been given to the person who will deliver it) and will be with you soon.
free delivery Delivery is free on orders over £30.
next-day delivery The price includes next-day delivery anywhere in the UK.
delivery van After school he got a job driving a delivery van.

the supply of something, for example power to an engine, or the way that it is supplied:
The power delivery is extremely smooth, but the car is let down by the steering.
delivery of The drug increases the delivery of oxygen to muscles in the body.
The procedure promises great benefits in accurate delivery of radiation to treat tumours.
New media includes new methods of content delivery such as internet streaming.

the fact of achieving or producing something that has been promised:
delivery of Delivery of the hoped-for improvements hit a snag when they failed to recruit enough staff for the expansion.
There were plenty of promises, but no delivery.

the act of taking goods, letters, or packages to people's houses or places of work:
[ C ] The company gets two deliveries a day.
[ U ] You can pay for the rug on delivery (= when it is received).

the manner in which someone speaks, esp. in public:
His dialogue was offbeat, his delivery fast.

(the management of) a supply of money:
corporate/personal/public finance
the minister of finance/the finance minister
finance department You need to speak to someone in the finance department.
finance committee The finance committee controls the school's budget.

the money that a person or company has:
We keep a tight control on the organization's finances.

the amount of money that you have to pay for something, especially for an activity or service:
Is there a charge for children or do they go free?
They will also check your tyres for a small charge.
Water and bread are placed on the table at no additional charge.

a formal police statement saying that someone is accused of a crime:
criminal charges The 19-year-old will be appearing in court on Thursday where she will face criminal charges.
on a charge of He has been arrested on a charge of murder.
bring a charge against The police brought a charge of theft against him.
drop charges against The police have had to drop (= stop) charges against her because they couldn't find any evidence.
trumped-up charge He claimed he had been arrested on a trumped-up (= false) charge.

the act of accusing someone of something bad:
[ + that ] The president responded angrily to the charge that she had lost touch with her country's people.
Her refusal to condemn the violence left her open to the charge of positive support for the campaign (= allowed people to say that she supported it).

responsibility for controlling or caring for something:
have charge of Her ex-husband has charge of the children during the week and she has them at the weekend.
take charge His boss asked him to take charge of the office for a few days while she was away.

the amount or type of electricity that an electrical device stores or that a substance carries:
My phone had run out of charge.
negative charge The electron has a negative charge.
positive charge The proton has a positive charge.

a reddish-brown substance that forms on the surface of iron and steel as a result of reacting with air and water:
patches of rust
There was an enormous bath with big rust stains.

any of various plant diseases that cause reddish-brown spots:
Rust has infected the wheat fields.
The current approach is to plant those seeds assumed to be most rust resistant.

put something into reverse
controlling a vehicle that makes it go backwards
To go backwards, you must put the car into reverse

the reverse
the opposite of what has been suggested:
You might think that people who don't worry about their diet are fatter and more unhealthy; in fact, the reverse is true.
Whatever official news broadcasts claimed, he believed the reverse.

the back of a coin, medal, etc.:
The coin has a royal coat of arms on the reverse.

something that you say, giving your opinion
Her remarks on the employment question led to a heated discussion.
The children made rude remarks about the old man.

something that someone says officially, giving information about something:
The president made an unexpected announcement this morning.

the state of working correctly or of being suitable for use:
TV for sale in (good) working order.
Are your immigration papers in order (= legally correct)?
The coffee machine is out of order (= not working).

a situation in which rules are obeyed and people do what they are expected to do:
The teacher found it hard to keep her class in order.
As the demonstration began to turn violent, the police were called in to restore order.
After some heated discussion, the chairperson called the meeting to order (= told everyone to stop talking so that the meeting could continue).
UK Is it in order (= allowed) for me to park my car outside the building?

a social or political system:
The collapse of Communism at the end of the 1980s encouraged hopes of a new world order.

the type or size of something:
These were problems of a completely different order from anything we had faced before.
formal No successful business can be run without skills of the highest order (= great skills).

a stage in a process:
What's the next step in the process?
step ahead We must stay one step ahead of our competitors.
step in the right direction Most people believe that the decision to cut interest rates was a step in the right direction.
a/one step at a time Let's take things a step/one step at a time (= slowly).
next step Following the success of our products in Europe, our logical next step is to move into the American market.

an action in a series of actions taken for a particular purpose:
take a step The country is taking its first tentative steps towards democracy.
take a step to We need to take drastic steps to reduce pollution.
take the step of The president took the unusual step of altering his prepared speech in order to condemn the terrorist attack.

step by step
dealing with one thing and then another thing in a fixed order:
step-by-step instructions

a series of actions that you take in order to achieve a result:
the peace process
Increasing the number of women in top management jobs will be a slow process.
This decision may delay the process of European unification.
The party has begun the painful (= difficult) process of rethinking its policies and strategy.

a series of changes that happen naturally:
the digestive process
the ageing process
It's all part of the learning process.

a method of producing goods in a factory by treating natural substances:
They have developed a new process for extracting aluminium from bauxite.

the plastic or metal structure that holds together a pair of glasses:
I think I need glasses with bigger frames.

a border that surrounds and supports a picture, door, or window:
a picture frame

the basic structure of a building, vehicle, or piece of furniture that other parts are added onto:
a bicycle frame

frame of mind
the way someone thinks about something at a particular time:
The most important thing is to go into the exam in a positive frame of mind.

a way of speaking very quietly, using the breath but not the voice, so that only the person close to you can hear you:
I heard whispers outside my room.
She said it in a whisper so I presumed it wasn't common knowledge. "You see," she said, lowering her voice to a whisper, "he hasn't been well recently."

a soft, low noise:
The silence was broken only by the whisper of the leaves in the gentle breeze.

a problem that makes you feel unhappy and frightened:
health/financial worries
Keeping warm in the winter is a major worry for many old people.

a feeling of being unhappy and frightened about something:
Unemployment, bad health - all sorts of things can be a cause of worry.
It was clear that Anna had no worries about her husband's attempts to flirt.

a group of people who sing together:
He sings in the church choir.
choir practice

the activity of washing yourself or someone else in a bath :
mainly UK Susannah has a long hot bath every evening.
mainly US I took a bath this morning.
bath oil

run a bath
to fill a bath with water
I'll run you a bath while you take off those wet clothes.

bathtub /bath
a container large enough for a person to sit in to take a bath

ability to control people and events:
power over I've no power over him - he does what he wants to.
in something's power Once nicotine has you in its power, it's very difficult to stop smoking.
She has the power to charm any man she meets.

the amount of political control a person or group has in a country:
Does the president have more power than the prime minister?
in power How long has the Conservative Party been in power?
seize power The army seized power after five days of anti-government demonstrations.

Our car doesn't have enough power to tow a trailer.
Weightlifters have tremendous power in their arms and legs.

legal right to do something:
I'd like to help but I don't have the power to intervene in this dispute.
It's not in your power to cancel the order.
I can't give you a refund - I'm afraid it's not within my power.

electricity, especially when considering its use or production:
You should disconnect the power before attempting to repair electrical equipment.
Our building lost power (= the electricity was stopped) during the storm.
power cable/line Thousands of people are without electricity after the storms blew down power cables/lines.

a natural skill or an ability to do something:
power of He was so shocked by what happened to his parents that he lost the power of speech.
We humans believe that we are the only animals to have the power of reason.
[ + to infinitive ] The surgeon did everything in her power to save him.

the amount by which an image is increased
You'll need a very high-power microscope to see something as small as that.

the number of times that a number is to be multiplied
2 to the fourth power is 2 times 2 times 2 times 2, which equals 16.

a painting, photograph of a group of people

the act of fighting against something that is refusing to accept something:
There's a lot of resistance to the idea of a united Europe.

the Resistance
an organization that secretly fights against an enemy that has taken control of its country

a route or track between one place and another, or the direction in which something is moving:
a garden path
a concrete path
a well-trodden path
This is the path to the cliffs.

a set of actions, especially ones that lead to a goal or result:
The path to success is fraught with difficulties.
This victory isn't conclusive, but it sets us on the right path.
He insists that he has set the country on the path to democracy.

an organized group of criminals.
"a gang of bank robbers"

someone who steals:
The robbers shot a policeman before making their getaway.

the crime of stealing from somewhere or someone:
The gang admitted they had committed four recent bank robberies.
He was charged with robbery and assault.

an occasion when someone leaves a place quickly, usually after committing a crime:
make your getaway The two masked men made their getaway in a stolen van.
getaway car Two men were waiting outside the bank in a getaway car.

A getaway is also a place where you go for a vacation:
a getaway in the Poconos

a physical attack.
"his imprisonment for an assault on the film director"

a determined or serious attempt to do something difficult:
Women's groups have demanded a nationwide assault on sexism in the workplace.
She died heroically during an assault on the world's second-highest mountain.
"a winter assault on Mt Everest"

a word or phrase that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or phrase in the same language:
The words "small" and "little" are synonyms.

a thing or person that is very popular or successful:
The Beatles had a string of number-one hits in the 1960s.
Your cake was a real hit at the party - everyone commented.
greatest hits They've just released an album of their greatest hits (= their most successful songs).

a request to use a web page on the internet that is then counted to calculate the number of people looking at the page:
Our page had 243 hits this week.

the act of hitting something or someone, or an occasion when something or someone hits you:
hit on She gave him a hit on the head which knocked him flying.

an occasion when something that has been thrown, dropped, shot, etc. at a place or object reaches that place or object:
direct hit The rebel headquarters took a direct hit from a bomb during the attack.
I scored a hit on my second shot.

an act of murder:
He was the victim of a mafia hit.

one of the surfaces that you walk on when you go up or down stairs:
a flight of steps
climb a step We had to climb some steps to reach the front door.
(front) step I asked them to leave the parcel on the (front) step (= outside the door to the house).
mind the step Mind the step as you leave the train.
negotiate a step It's difficult for people in wheelchairs to negotiate (= move up and down) steps.
step on One of the steps on the ladder is broken.

the act of lifting one foot and putting it down on a different part of the ground, such as when you walk or run:
take a step Sophie took her first steps when she was eleven months old.
take a step towards He rose to his feet and took a couple of steps towards her.
with a step With every step, her feet hurt her more and more.
retrace your steps I retraced my steps, looking for my lost keys.

the act of announcing something:
The announcement of the changes has been delayed.

a situation in which everything is arranged in its correct place:
The house was such a mess that she spent the whole day trying to establish some kind of order.

the way in which things are arranged according to a particular characteristic:
The children lined up in order of age/height.

the flow of blood around the body:
The drug works more quickly if it is injected directly into the bloodstream.

a request to make, supply, or deliver food or goods:
"Can I take your order now?" said the waiter.
I would like to place (= make) an order for a large pine table.

a product or a meal that has been asked for by a customer:
I got an email saying that the order has been shipped.

be on order
If something is on order, you have asked for it but have not yet received it:
The new drilling equipment has been on order for several weeks.

the upper front part of the body of humans and some animals, between the stomach and the neck, containing the heart and lungs:
He was shot in the chest at point blank range.
He folded his arms across his chest.
His shirt was open to the waist revealing a very hairy chest.
She went to the doctor complaining of chest pains.

a feeling of being excited, or an exciting event:
Robin's heart was pounding with excitement.
If you want excitement, you should try parachuting.
the excitements of the previous day

the action of becoming intentionally involved in a difficult situation, in order to improve it or prevent it from getting worse:
Half the people questioned said they were opposed to military intervention in the civil war.
Repeated interventions on the currency markets failed to prevent the currency's value falling.

an occasion when someone's friends speak to them about a problem
He's been playing that video game all day. I think it's time for an intervention.

the fact that you own something:
The possession of large amounts of money does not ensure happiness.

something that you own
Please remember to take all your personal possessions with you when you leave the aircraft.

the time when a team has control of the ball
Wolves had a lot of possession but failed to score.

energetic action:
The team showed a lot of determination and hustle.

a ball of gas that appears in a liquid,
As water begins to boil, bubbles rise to the surface.

liquid substances that can react with other material
Vinegar is an acid.

an attitude that is not enthusiastic:
There's too much negativity in the world today.

the feeling of considering only the bad side of a situation:

the fact of living together at the same time
the friendly coexistence of the two nations

a piece of hard food that can be given to an animal to chew:
Dog chews are sometimes made from rawhide or bone.

an accident involving a vehicle
a car crash
She had a crash on the way to work.

a sudden loud noise made when something breaks
The vase landed on the floor with a crash.

a sudden large fall in the value
They lost a lot of money in the Stock Market crash.

a situation when a computer or system suddenly stops operating:
a computer crash

a place where fire has damaged something:
I noticed a cigarette burn in the carpet.

the act of saying that something is bad
I thought the speech was generally good, but I have one criticism: it was too long.

writing that expresses opinions about the good or bad qualities
She began writing film criticism for the New York Times.

an idea, plan, that is suggested
do you have any suggestions?
They didn't like my suggestion that we should all share the cost.

the way in which people in a particular area pronounce words:
He's got a strong southern accent.

a special emphasis given to a particular syllable in a word
The accent falls on the final syllable.

the accent is on something
great importance is given to a particular thing
This season the accent is definitely on long, flowing, romantic clothes.

the particular attention that is given to something:
I think we should put as much emphasis on preventing disease as we do on curing it.

the extra force that is given to a word
The emphasis is on the final syllable.

special attention given to something
In schools, the emphasis on programming has declined in recent years.

a circular object used for making vehicles move
I got my bag caught in the wheel of my bicycle.

the wheel
a steering wheel
Keep your hands on the wheel!
I never feel safe with Richard at the wheel (= driving).

the act of moving something by pressing them
Get on the swing and I'll give you a push.
I gave the door a hard push, but it still wouldn't open.
I can order all these goods at the push of a button (= by pushing a button).

a strong movement towards a place:
The army is continuing its push  towards the capital.

a determined attempt to get an advantage over other companies in business:
The company plans to make a big push into the European market next spring.
[ + to infinitive ] The hotel is making a major push to attract customers.

encouragement to make someone do something:
My mother had always wanted to learn how to paint - she just needed a gentle push.

a lot of advertising:
This film is unlikely to attract large audiences unless it gets/it is given a big push in the media.

a picture, short film, song, etc. that tries to persuade people to buy a product or service:
I saw an advertisement for the new restaurant that opened in town.
Many companies run advertisements in the magazine.
The impression given in the advertisement is misleading.

a piece of text that tells people about a job, event, etc:
She scanned the job advertisements in the paper.
She saw an advertisement asking for volunteers to take part in a study.
We've been deluged with replies to our advertisement.

be an advertisement for something
If someone or something is an advertisement for something, they show its good effects:
I'm afraid I'm not a very good advertisement for the diet since I've actually put on weight!

a paid notice that tells people about a product or service:
I saw an advertisement for the job in yesterday’s paper.

a particular form in which a book, magazine, or newspaper is published:
paperback/hardback edition The paperback/hardback edition of his book is published in July.
The regional editions of the paper contain specific information for that area.

a single broadcast of a series of radio or television programmes:
This morning's edition of 'Women's Hour' is at the earlier time of a quarter to ten.

the total number of copies of a particular book, newspaper, etc. that are published at the same time:
first edition She collects first editions of 19th-century authors.

a type of small magazine that contains pictures and information on a product, company, etc.:
Enclosed is a brochure that highlights the benefits that you can receive as a corporate donor.
a product brochure
produce a brochure (on sth) They produced a brochure on healthy eating that was to be distributed in supermarkets.

a usually rectangular paper container for a letter:
Don’t forget to put a stamp on the envelope.

a person who is in charge of a group of people or an area of work and who makes sure that the work is done correctly and according to the rules:
All managers and supervisors should be familiar with policy and procedures relating to equal employment opportunities.
A significant proportion of workers felt they had been bullied by their immediate supervisor.
a sales/factory/catering supervisor

someone who is paid to work for someone else:
The number of employees in the company has trebled over the past decade.
She's a former state employee/employee of the state.

a person who serves customers in a shop:
Take your purchases to the clerk, and he will wrap them for you.

a hotel employee who deals with guests when they arrive:
The clerk checked us in and gave us our key.

an amount of one type of food that is given to one person:
The quantities given in the recipe should be enough for four servings.

a word that expresses more than one:
"Woman" in the plural is "women".

a sign that is used to represent something else:
A heart shape is the symbol of love.

something that is used to represent a quality or idea:
Water, a symbol of life, recurs as an image throughout her poems.

a number, letter, or sign used in mathematics, music, science, etc.:
The symbol for oxygen is O.

a continuous pain that is unpleasant but not very strong:
aches and pains As you get older, you have all sorts of aches and pains.
dull ache I've got a dull (= slight) ache in my lower back.

a cover like a roof for shelter or decoration, or the branches and leaves that spread out at the tops of trees in the woods:
[ U ] Many animals live in the forest canopy.

a cover fixed over a seat or bed, etc. for shelter or decoration

a temporary period of very successful economic performance
Japan's economic bubble
the housing bubble

the amount of something that is made by a country
Wheat production has risen over the years.

someone who officially belongs to a particular country:
All foreign nationals were advised to leave the country following the outbreak of civil war.

the way in which  people feel and behave towards each other:
Relations between him and his new wife are rather strained.

the connection or similarity between two things:
The relation between the original book and this new film is very faint.

in/with relation to something
in connection with something:
She used the map to discover where she was in relation to her surroundings.

a member of your family:
The funeral was attended by friends and relations.
She's a relation by marriage because she married my cousin.

connection or similarity:
There was little relation between the book and the movie.

a flat surface in a cinema, on a television
Our television has a 19-inch screen.
Coming to your screens shortly, "The Adventures of Robin Hood".

a vertical structure to separate one area from another
The nurse pulled a screen around the bed

a period of time spent doing something different:
After a gap of five years, Jennifer decided to go back to work full-time.

an empty space in the middle of something
Picking up speed, she closed the gap between them.
She has a gap between her front teeth.

a light rain:
We might get a sprinkle today.

the situation in which they approve of something:
If the three parties cannot reach agreement now, there will be a civil war.
I don't think you'll ever get Tony's agreement to these proposals.

a decision or arrangement, often formal and written, between two or more groups or people:
The dispute was settled by an agreement that satisfied both sides.
The government has entered into/signed an international arms control agreement.
They have broken (the terms of) the agreement on human rights.
Finally the two sides have reached an agreement.

the fixed period of time that something lasts for:
serve a term for He served a short term for drunk driving.
be sentenced to a prison/jail term He was sentenced to a 150-year prison term for cheating thousands of ordinary people out of their savings.
term of office The government's term of office (= the period in which they have power) expires at the end of the year.

one of the periods into which a year is divided at school, college, or university:
In Britain, the spring term starts in January and ends just before Easter.
US Our college has three terms that we call trimesters.
term-time UK We're very busy in term-time (= during the term).

the period of time that a legal agreement lasts for:
The lease on our house is near the end of its term.

in the long/medium/short term
for a long, medium, or short period of time in the future:
This decision will cost us more in the short term, but will be beneficial in the long term.

a word or expression used in relation to a particular subject, often to describe something official or technical:
"Without let or hindrance" is a legal term that means "freely".

a number or symbol used in a mathematical series or calculation:
terms of We then use the same rule to compute the terms of the equation.
The terms of a geometric series form a geometric progression, meaning that the ratio of successive terms in the series is constant.

term of abuse
an unkind or unpleasant name to call someone:
In the playground, this was about the worst term of abuse you could use.

in terms of (also in ... terms)
used to describe which particular area of a subject you are discussing:
In financial terms, the project was not a success.

in terms of (also in ... terms)
used to describe which particular area of a subject you are discussing:
In financial terms, the project was not a success.

in strong, mild, etc. term
using language that clearly shows your feelings:
He complained in the strongest terms.

the conditions that control an agreement, arrangement, or activity:
under the terms of Under the terms of their contract, employees must give three months' notice if they leave.

a feeling of unhappiness and anger because someone has something or someone that you want:
He broke his brother's new bike in a fit of jealousy.
She was consumed by/eaten up with jealousy (= she was very jealous) when she heard that he had been given a promotion.
The team has performed very badly this season due to petty jealousies (= feelings of jealousy about unimportant things) among the players.

suitable for a particular purpose or activity:
She's not fit for the level of responsibility she's been given.

fit state
be in no fit state to do something
He's very upset and is in no fit state to drive.

fit for human consumption
safe for people to eat:
The oils need to be processed before they are fit for human consumption.

fit for purpose
Something that is fit for purpose does what it is meant to do:
The theatre is crumbling and is no longer fit for purpose.

see/think fit
to consider an action or decision to be correct for the situation:
Just do whatever you think fit - I'm sure you'll make the right decision.

a sudden attack of illness when someone cannot control their movements and becomes unconscious:
an epileptic fit
have a fit He had a fit at work and collapsed.

a sudden, uncontrolled period of doing something or feeling something:
a coughing/sneezing fit
in a fit of She hit him in a fit of anger.

the way that something fits:
These shoes are a perfect fit.
The trousers were a good fit but the jacket was too small.
fit of Check the fit of the pieces before gluing them in place.

something that makes people want to go to a place or do a particular thing:
Life in Los Angeles has so many attractions - nightclubs, good restaurants, and so on.
tourist attractions
The opportunity to travel is one of the main attractions of this job.
Skiing holds no attraction for me.

the feeling of liking someone, especially sexually, because of the way they look or behave:
She felt an immediate physical attraction to him.

a force by which things are pulled towards each other:
gravitational attraction

a quality or force of someone or something that tends to pull others in or create interest in the person or thing:
[ C ] The company’s excellent employee benefits package is a major attraction.
[ U ] Sports hold little attraction for me.

An attraction is also something that makes people want to go to a place:
[ C ] Florida has numerous tourist attractions.

the act or process of repairing and improving something, especially a building:
The museum is closed for renovation.
Extensive renovations were carried out on the property.

the act of fixing something that is broken or damaged:
My car is in the garage for repairs.
The repairs to the roof will be expensive.
The mechanic pointed out the repair (= repaired place) on the front of my car.

someone whose job is repairing the engines of vehicles and other machines:
a car/garage/bike mechanic

mechanics [ U ]

the study of the effect of physical forces on objects and their movement:
He wanted to get a better understanding of the mechanics of his sport.
See more

the mechanics
the way something works or happens:
He knows a lot about the mechanics of running a school.

an attempt to do something:
They might still have tickets left - why don't you give it a try?
This will be her third try at jumping the bar.
You could ask him if he's willing - it's worth a try.

a state of total confusion with no order:
Snow and ice have caused chaos on the roads.
Ever since our secretary walked out, the office has been in a state of total/utter chaos.
We muddled up the name labels and chaos ensued (= resulted).

The house is a little chaotic right now – we’re in the middle of repainting.

extremely cruel and unpleasant:
She found the idea of killing animals for pleasure barbaric.
barbaric acts of violence

a person who has no experience of the habits and culture of modern life, and whose behavior you therefore consider strange or offensive:
They thought I was some kind of barbarian because I didn’t know how to use a computer.

a sudden strong feeling of fear that prevents reasonable thought and action:
a state of panic
Panic spread through the crowd as the bullets started to fly.
Carmel was in a panic about her exam.
He got in(to) a panic that he would forget his lines on stage.

Panic is also used to describe any behavior that is sudden, extreme, and results from fear:
[ C ] A brief panic overtook the financial markets in October.

a state of untidiness or lack of organization:
The whole office was in a state of disorder.
The opposition party have been in such disorder for so long that they pose no real threat to the present government.

an illness of the mind or body:
blood disorder She was born with a rare blood disorder.
mental disorder The family have a history of mental disorder.

an angry, possibly violent, expression of not being happy or satisfied about something, especially about a political matter, by crowds of people:
public disorder The trial was kept secret because of the risk of public disorder.

the part of a person that makes it possible to think
Her mind was full of what had happened the night before

all in the/your mind
it does not exist and is only imagined:
His doctor tried to convince him that he wasn't really ill and that it was all in his mind.

go over
to think repeatedly about an event that has happened:
She kept going over the accident again and again

a force that stretches puts pressure on something,
The hurricane put such a strain on the bridge that it collapsed.
As you get older, excess weight puts a lot of strain on the heart.

an injury to a muscle caused by using too much:
hamstring strain

something that makes you feel nervous and worried:
she's still not ready to face the stresses and strains of a job.

a particular type or quality:
Scientists have discovered a new strain of the virus which is much more dangerous.

the sound of music being played or performed:
I could hear the strains of Mozart in the background.

your name written in the particular way
I need your signature on the credit card receipt.

all the plates, glasses, knives, forks, etc.
Have you done/washed the dishes?

food prepared in a particular way as part of a meal:
a chicken/vegetarian dish

seeds like a grass such as rice or wheat:
grains of wheat/rice
Grain is one of the main exports of the American Midwest.

a very small piece of a hard substance:
grains of sand The grains of sand in her suitcase reminded her of happier days.

the soft part of the body of a person or animal that is between the skin and the bones, or the soft inside part of a fruit or vegetable:
The thorn went deep into the flesh of my hand.
Vegetarians don't eat animal flesh (= meat).
The flesh of the fruit is white.

the flesh
the physical body and not the mind or the soul:
pleasures of the flesh This left him plenty of time to indulge in the pleasures of the flesh (= physical pleasures, such as sex or eating).

The flesh of a fruit or vegetable is the soft, inner part:
Peel the tomatoes and use only the flesh.

an occasion when food is eaten, or the food that is eaten on such an occasion:
a hot meal
a three-course meal
a heavy (= large) meal
a light (= small) meal
I have my main meal at midday.
How about coming over for a meal sometime?

a substance that has been crushed to make a rough powder
bone meal
corn meal

Jesus freak
an offensive word for a Christian with strong beliefs
Maybe they were Jesus freaks

a person that is extremely unusual not like any other
I was born with black hair all over my back, like some sort of freak..
you were considered to be a freak if you weren't interested in sport.

someone who is extremely interested in a particular subject
You won't be eating burgers with Tom - he's a complete health freak.

a piece of advice that helps you to do something:
Could you give us a hint about how to do this exercise, please?

a very small amount of something:
There's just a hint of brandy in the sauce.
I detected a hint of doubt in his voice.

the feeling that you want to eat food:
All that walking has given me an appetite.
Both viruses cause fever and loss of appetite.

the feeling of wanting something:
her appetite for adventure

a feeling or opinion about something
She takes the attitude that children should be allowed to learn at their own pace.
He has a very bad attitude to work.

slightly aggressive behaviour showing willingness to fight
She advised him to continue to do his best but with "less attitude".

a position of the body:
She lay sprawled across the sofa, in an attitude of complete abandon.

the way you feel about something
Start each day with a positive attitude.

the amount of confidence felt by a person
There have been a lot of job losses recently so morale is fairly low.

the way people are expected to behave
The Earth is refusing to follow the script climatologists have written for it.

a set of letters used for writing a particular language:
Arabic script

writing, especially when well-formed:
The invitation was written in beautiful italic script.

hustle 詐欺
a dishonest way of making money:
Advertising turns every achievement into a hustle.

appointment 面会の約束
appointment 任命
appointment of tom to the committee
appointment book 予定表
diary 日記 予定表
entry 記入
experience 経験
experience in teaching 教職の経験
teaching 教職 教育
language teaching 語学教育
official language 公用語
company official 会社役員
public official かんりょう、公務員
servant 召使い
civil servant 公務員
a white house official 米政府関係者
official スポーツ審判
question 可能性
there is no question of him coming to the party
humor おかしさ
sense センス
have odd sense of humor
judge 裁判員 審判
referee 審判
timing タイミング
thumb 親指
index finger 人差し指
forefinger 人差し指
put a finger to my lips
shake a finger at sthに向かって指を振る
the little finger 小指
middle finger 中指
hold up finger 異議のため指を上げる
draw my finger across my throat クビを示す
two fingers of whisky 指二本くらいのウイスキー
cross my fingers 幸運を祈る
toe 足の指
stabbed his big toe on the door
toe つまさき
one sock had a hole in the toe
toe 何かの先端
heel かかと
a women in high heels
heel なにかの後半
the heel of afternoon 午後遅く
on Sunday afternoon
work three afternoons a week 午後働く
on the afternoon of May 6th
yesterday afternoon
at 3 in the afternoon 午後3時
afternoon show 午後のテレビ番組
a magic show
cash sale 現金販売
sale price 特売価格
a clearance sale 一掃セール
clearance 税関手続き
the clearance of baggage 荷物の税関手続き
clearance 管理人からの正式な許可
therapy 薬物手術によらない治療
radiation therapy
be in therapy 治療中である
therapist 療法士
mediocre 貶して平凡な
midnight 真夜中
masculine job 男性のする仕事
masculine voice 男らしい声
her jacket made her a masculine appearance

bought  leather coat in the sales セールでコートを買う
make a sale 販売する

host a talk show トーク番組の司会する
show 展示
hold a motor show
department store デパート
having a sale on December 28

the sale of tobaccoタバコの販売

show 感情の現れ
your show of courage 勇気を示すこと
his show of impatience
a show of power 力の誇示
show 見せかけ
promotion 販促 割引
bargain sale 特売

I made a show of watching my watch 時計を見るふりする
bench ベンチ
sit on a park bench
bench 作業台
bench スポーツ選手の席
student id 学生証
produce a show ショーを制作する
bender 曲げる道具
note メモ 走り書き
make note of my address 住所をメモする
make a mental note to call my mother 母に電話することを覚えておく
scribble a note on the paper 紙にメモを走り書きする
take note of the lecture レクチャーのノートを取る
speak without note 原稿なしで話す
notes 記録 原稿
note 短い手紙
leave a note on the table 机に置き手紙する
thank you note 礼状
note 正式な文章
note of resignation 辞職届
delivery note 納品書
diplomatic note 外交文書
original notes 原作者の注釈
note 注釈
See note 3 注釈3を見る
important note 重要な注意書き
note 注意書き
take note に注意する
note 音色 音階
sing the high note of D高いDの音を歌う
on a lighter note もっと気楽にいうと
note 声色 気配
a note of disappointment  in his voice 彼の声に落胆の声がある
disappointment 失望
to my disappointment がっかりしたことに
It must have been disappointment to her
It was a big disappointment that she didn't come

point 主張
point 段階
point 場所
point 目的
point 得点
broadcaster アナウンサー
length 長さ
length 丈
twice the length of mine 私の二倍の長さ
bombshell 魅力的な女性
blond bombshell 金髪の魅力的な女
sensationalism  扇動的な主義
broadcaster アナウンサー
pesticide 農薬
water supply  水の供給
battleship  戦艦
soft ground 柔らかい地面
warship 軍艦
artificial leg 義足
artificial colors 人工着色料
a cut on my leg 足の切り傷
front leg 前脚
swage 下水
passengers 乗客
bullet wound 銃によるきず
side eye 不機嫌な目つき
legs of chair イスの足
passenger ship 客船
the bottom of the ocean 海の底
wounded 怪我した
barbecue バーベキュー
army 陸軍
resistance 抵抗
bestseller 最も売れたもの
tablet 錠剤
feet 両足
uphill 上り坂 
football pitch サッカー場
balloon 風船
police officer 警察官

piss 小便
pissed むかついた 小便かけられたイメージ
point  要点
good call いい判断
so you found something ? 何か見つけたのか
I think I got something good here 何かいいこと見つけた
board members 取締役会
high note 高い音程
note 音程
all time low 一番低い
note 紙幣
drug sniffing dog 麻薬探知犬
with so little evidence 証拠がほとんどなく
guesswork  当てずっぽう
crime scene 犯行現場
scientific consensus 科学的合意
pose a danger 危険をもたらす
consensus 総意
inexperienced 経験不足の
airplane mode 機内モード
aeroplane 飛行きの
toy airplane
on an aeroplane

tiny pieces of plastic 小さなプラスチック
thank previously thought 以前考えられたより
1 micrometer in size
particle 粒子
people's lungs 人の肺
human tissue 人の細胞
tissue of the body
tissue sample
different brands of bottled water
conclusion 結論
in conclusion 結論では
the inescapable conclusion is that 避けがたい結論は
draw conclusion 結論を引き出す
ive come to the conclusionという結論に達する
at the conclusion of the course コースの終わりに
has been very fruitful 実りのあるものだ
semester   学期
first semester 前期
autumn semester 秋学期
the opening week 初週

air filter 空気清浄機
pollution 汚染
blow my nose 鼻をかむ
nose 鼻先
mid-month 月の中頃
as 過去分詞 ーされてるように
back 戻って 
nor もーない
the color was not black nor brown
nor to us either 私たちにもしなかった
have never owned a car nor learned driving
up より増して
against に対して
over を支配して
hang 不安定にぶらぶらする 悩ませる
on 乗り物の中で自由に行動できる
in かがみ込んで乗り物に乗る時
by 乗り物の手段
and it turned out だと判明した
You know whatわかるでしょ
Such fine police work素晴らしい警察の仕事
Get in hereここに入って
Bring everyoneみんな連れてきて
Have a hand for the work仕事に手を差し伸べる
fine master detective 見事な名探偵
Must have used cash 現金使ったに違いない
Well i for one am just pumped 私はただワクワクしてる
viral ウイルスの
go の状態になる
hassle 厄介なこと
up 高まって 
up for sth することに高まってる
soak を浸す
get a chance to do する機会がある
cartoon character アニメのキャラ
presidential 大統領らしい
off くっついてたものが離れる
have been doing し続けている まだ終わってない、今後も動作が続く
down  腹の中に
have done しています 状態が継続しているがこの先もするかわからない
headlight  ヘッドライト
someone reminding you of the challenges unique to black people 黒人に特有の困難を思い起こさせる人
Evil hates good悪は善を嫌う
I am with you in feeling like a true patriot  真の愛国者としてあなたの気持ちに共感する
You are saying nothing wrong  何も間違ったこといってない
you make it a big deal あなたがそれを大問題にしてる
Let your voice be heard more and more もっとあなたの声を聞かせて
people giving me the side eye 人々が私に睨みを送ってる
How oppressed I am  どれだけ抑圧されてるか
be oblivious to real issues  現実の問題に無自覚である
But damn でもまさか
regional finals地域決勝
To be in a top トップにいるために
my childhood favorites 子供時代のお気に入り
my absolute favorite youtuberめっちゃ好きな
favorite 大好物
old favorite 昔から好きなもの

favorite お気に入りの人

It knows you are nothing compared to it それと比べてあなたは何もない
A youtuber over a million subs 100万人以上のYouTuber
get inventory 在庫ゲットした
the best thing that could've happened to me 私に起きためっちゃいいこと
not often
stand back 後ろに立つ
let someone else take the lead  誰かにリードを任せる
lead 鉛
Ill give the man credit この男を信頼する

give all of them follow 全てにフォローして
lost years ago 数年前に無くした
never a good feeling 決していい気分ではない
to be safe though 安全のために
thats dopeそれはめっちゃすごい

Captain キャプテン
Patrol guide 巡回の人
Dress codeドレスコード
the disco strangerディスコの見知らぬ奴
Why'd take you so long to get your first command
Seriously ?なんで司令にそんな時間がかかる?
a little bit of a gay vibe ゲイの雰囲気
the old guard その古い警備
the attic屋根裏
with that in mind それを考えてみて
cherished family history 大切な家族の歴史
then and now あの時と今
a lot of crazy stuff up hereここにもクレイジーなことがある

the kid downstairs 階段下の子供
What is going on with you 君はどうしたんだ?
I am nearly in tears 泣きそう
green stuff 野菜
sweet stuff 甘いもの
worst case scenario 最悪のシナリオ
possible scenario 起こりうる事態
write a scenario 物語書く
texture 食感
fine きめ細かな
texture 手触り
the texture of her hair 髪の感触

something my five-old mind came up with a quarter of century ago 四半世紀前に私の5歳の頭で考えたものとまったく同じ
the texture of mario 64 マリオ64の質感
color choice 色のチョイス
freedom of choice 選択の自由
am given a diffocult choice 難しい選択を迫られる
First choice 第一希望
have a wide choice of colors 色の選択肢がある
have no choice but to do するしかない
The choice is yours 決めるのはお前だ

There is a choice of red or black 選択肢があります
the best choice for beginner 初心者にうってつけ

do so much of a storytelling  物語の語り口が多く成してる
Link's grunts リンクの唸り声
makes me want to play this これをプレイしたくなる
this whole thing is incredibly well done信じられないほど全体がうまくできてる
i love how this makes me feel so nostalgic  これの懐かしさが大好き
adjust the map 地図を調整するt
be more compatible with link's abilityリンクの能力と互換性があるように
show it offそれを披露する
get back into discussion 議論に戻る
how much of the world 世界のどれくらいの部分
out of hours about work 仕事に時間外に
fellow 同僚の
an interesting fellow おもしろいやつ
poor fellow かわいそうなやつ
school fellow 同級生
fellow 同じ場にいる
fellow passangers 同乗者

fellow student 同級生
data privacy
turn your back on me 私に背を向ける
old money 資産家
arrangements 取り決め
probably a coincidence 偶然でしょう
thats odd おかしいな
dead end 行き止まり
make arrangement for the party
Arrangements were made to move prisoners to another jail
arrangement 取り決まったこと
come to an arrangement
we had an arrangement he would clean the house
you can only withdraw money from this account by prior arrangement
arrangement 音楽のアレンジ
this new arrangement of the piece is for piano
arrangement アレンジすること
flower arrangement
arrangement 計画
she had an arrangement to work at home
since the hotel was full we had to make other arrangement
coincidence 同じことが起こる偶然
you chose exactly same wallpaper as us what a coincidence
coincidence 運
just by coincidence i met my old schoolmate again fifty years later
It was sheer coincidence that i remember his phone number

make it cold ひやす
That jsnt sane 正気じゃない
more now than it was before 前以上に
disconnect from work 仕事から離れる
not clearly defined 明らかに定義された
take a good look よくみる
you will end up looking like that そのようになるよ
get fatter太り続ける
that much should be fine それくらいでいいだろう
Lets hurry いそごう
I wonder where they bought them どこで買ったのか
manufacturer 製造メーカー
these either これもまた
there is only one thing it could be 考えられるのは一つ
silence  だまれ
obesi 肥満
fix me up 直せ
my funeral 私のお葬式
I cant stand it any longer もう耐えられない
all the time いつでも
legendary hero 伝説のヒーロー
lost なくした

estimate 予想
a guess of what the size, value, amount, cost, etc. of something might be:
The number of people who applied for the course was 120 compared with an initial estimate of between 50 and 100.
She made a rough estimate/calculation of the likely cost.

disconnection 隔離
the state of being isolated or detached.
"I felt a sense of disconnection from the city environment"
disconnection 解離
the act of detaching one thing from another.
"disconnection from the internet"
disconnection 断絶
termination of the connection of a household to water, electricity, gas, or phone.
"protests over the disconnection of the water supply"

isolation 孤独
the condition of being alone, especially when this makes you feel unhappy:
in isolation The prisoner had been kept in isolation for three days.
After all the visitors had left, she experienced a feeling of complete isolation.

visitor 訪問者
someone who visits a person or place:
You have some visitors to see you.
someone who goes to a website on the internet
There has been a steady decrease in the number of visitors to the museum.

purity 混じってない状態
the state of not being mixed with anything else:
the atrocities carried out in the name of ethnic/racial purity

atrocity 残虐行為
an extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one involving physical violence or injury.
"a textbook which detailed war atrocities"

purity 透き通った音
the clear and perfect quality of a sound:
the purity of her voice

purity 純度
the fact of being clean or free from harmful substances:
air/water purity

the next best thing次にいいもの
senior 大学四年
Can I get you something 何か持って来ましょうか
we've got sth があります
and here again ここでもまた
And two そして二つ目に
I'd like you with us 私たちと一緒にお願いします
what now sir 今度は何ですか
cultural enricher 皮肉で文化をよくする移民
on good terms with と良い仲である
its hot as fuck today めっちゃ暑い
Im tired as fuck めっちゃ疲れた
sth hit different 他のものと違って感じる
give me all the feels いろんな感情を引き起こす
bring back memories 記憶を呼び起こす
bittersweet 苦しくも楽しかった
bring me to tears なみだをひきおこす
can’t find the right words to describe itなんて表現すれば良いかわからない
for a variety of reasons さまざまな理由で
on a cold winter's morning 寒い冬の朝
the pleasures of life 人生のひととき
have so much weed クスリすう
throwback to winter 冬の思い出
staring right at me ちょうど見つめてる
For all the people trying to find sources that this is real
aggressive 攻撃的な
small deal あまり重要でないこと
I learned a great deal たくさんのことを学んだ
a great deal 大いに
he is a great deal better today 彼は大いに良い

available on website
an amount of comfort 快適さ
designed for comfort 快適さを考えてデザインされた
comfort 快適さ
in the comfort of your own home 自宅でくつろいで
cotton pants 綿のズボン
live in comfort 不自由なくせいかつする
elderly couple 年配夫婦
elderly mother 年配の母
the elderly 年配者

want to have this feeling こんな感じを味わいたい
they are friendly with each other.
Madeleine is on good terms with Sarah.
certainly sir かしこまりました
that's about it I'm afraid 残念だがこれしかない
sth is increasing  が増えている
what did happen 何が起こった
deal with sb を始末する
I'm afraid すみません
dust particles ほこりの粒子
air filter エアフィルター
drug sniffing dog 麻薬探知犬
with so little evidence 証拠がほとんどなく
guesswork 当てずっぽう
their estimates are based on guesswork

by guesswork 当てずっぽうで
consensus 合意
is at 100 percent 100%である
inexperienced 経験不足の
1 litter 一リットルの
there is not enough sth の証拠が十分ない
take a step 方法をとる
plastic waste プラスチック廃棄物
jump rope 縄跳び
request 頼み
on second thought 考えさせて
had better do しなくちゃダメだよ
the host 主人
plot sth をたくらむ
not a chance もうない
drive sth away を追い出す
take sth in を仲間に入れる
with that said そう言われても
show your face        顔を見せる

but then しかし
mistaken identity 人違い
simple case of sth 単なるー
make way どけ
secure sthを確保する
confrontation 対立
more sth my lovely ねえ可愛い子、おかわり
I've got to do しなければならない
touch down 到着する
Come on, live a little もう少し楽しめ
why don't you してはどう?

that's what required それがあればいいだろう
to your left 左へずれて
cardboard ダンボール
lord's work 人のためになるやるべきこと
pubescent  思春期の
what kind of society simply tolerates this behavior
prejudice 偏見
next door 隣に
is made out of sthで作られている
plague 疫病
bring sth to life を現実のものとする
fictional 架空の
the expansion 拡張
Is that the time?もうそんな時間?
Gosh おお uk
sad to say 残念だが
It's been lovely to see u会えてよかった
reward 褒美
largely 大いに
tone 音調
Ik うえ uk
chav ヤンキー uk
zero respect
maggot うじ虫
inflammation 炎症
be associated with と結びついてる
increased 上昇する
teamwork チームワーク
birth control
dumb brain バカ
put on a show ショーを行う
slow sthを遅らせる
call for sth を要求する
resignation 辞職
receive standing ovation スタンディングオーベーションを受ける
verdict 判決
objection to sthへの反対
be vulnerable to sthの影響を受けやすい
stockpile 備蓄
the second week 第二週

the secret to a longer life
you guys あなたたち
breathable 呼吸できる
atmosphere 雰囲気
my apology すみません
run for sth に応募する
post ポジション
Jesus すげえ
endless 永遠の
disappointment 失望
in good hands いい状態で
take sb を連れてく
along 一緒に
tip on sthのコツ
you've got sth がある
millions of 数百マンの
by up to six years 最大6年まで

get an early start 早いスタートを切る
pay raise 昇給
cctv footage 監視カメラ映像
take sb out to somewhere に連れて行く
ball game 球技大会
deal with sth との契約
take so long 時間がかかる
a decision on what team to sign with
thank sb に感謝する
express gratitude 感謝申し上げる
each team that has been part of this negotiation process
etch sthを刻む
in my heart forever 私の心に永遠に

condensed 濃縮された
after realizing how additive they are それらの中毒性に気付いたのち
resist craving 欲望抑える
withdrawal symptom 離脱症状
sth have grown in popularity が人気になる

in either 2024 or 2025
homogenous 同質の
pseudo science 似非科学
carry our luggage 荷物を運ぶ
porter 荷物運搬車
check into the hotel ホテルにチェックインする
live on her pension 年金で暮らす
survey responses アンケートの回答
tax obligation のうぜいぎむ
under no obligation to anybodyだれにも責任を負わない
Have you ever had trouble with doing することに困ったことはある?
common practice 一般的な習慣
sth that has been made 作られた〜
iOS devices アップル製品
food delivery people フードデリバリーの人
fewer than 以下
a quarter 4分の一
suggestion 提案
Its not surprise that は驚くことではない
climate cult 温暖化の熱狂者
shut down sthを閉鎖する
natural predator 自然界の捕食者
get arrested for sthで逮捕される
run over sthをひく
were shown on tv テレビに映される
y'all あなたたち
terabyte.   one million million bite
megabyte one million bite
gigabyte  one thousand million
I would if i could できたらそうするだろう

try hard 頑張る
go fuck yourself うるさい消え失せろ

catch a bug ちょっとした病期になる
microorganism 微生物
pick up a bug 病気がうつる
a slot 挿入口
on the side of sth の横に
sterilize sth を殺菌する
after each use 使用のたびに
medical instrument 医療機器
wavelength 波長
visible spectrum 可視光
ランプ lamp
chlorine 塩素
glow green 緑に光る
how oftenどのくらいの頻度で
power outlet 充電差し込み口
in return お返しに
snow storm 吹雪
occupational 職業上の
ever since S did してから
get myself a dog 犬を飼う
a family of swan 白鳥の家族
lazy 怠惰な
serve as sthとして勤務する
cardiovascular 心臓血管の
among sthの間で
consequential 重大な
can see sth が分かる
this is done by sth によって行われる
low-wage 低給の
job demands 仕事の責任
fall into a hole 穴に落ちる
drum sticks ドラムの棒

hot the spot 食欲を満たす
experience burnout 燃え尽き症候群を経験する
i can't be bothered 面倒すぎる
symptom persist 症状が続く
see a doctor 医者に診てもらう
make myself feel better 気分をよくする
as good as talking to another person 他の人に話すのと同じくらい良い
have fewer doctor visits医者に行く回数が少ない
relaxation 息抜き
with a couple of tea お茶でも飲みながら
before you are gone あなたが去る前に
farmers 農業従事者
across sth の間で
remote work リモートワーク
polluted 汚染された
reliever 苦しみを緩和するもの
pain reliever 鎮痛剤
stress reliever ストレスを和らげるもの
alacarte 一品料理
PM2.5 particles
travel into sthに運ばれる
those that are bad for environment 環境に悪いもの
carbon emission 炭素排出量
over the next seven years今後7年で
sth land が着陸する
one after another次から次へと
back-to-back 続けざまの
screening 上映
fleet 全車両
a fleet of taxi 会社の全タクシー
vehicle fleet 全社用車
quite a bit かなり
set sb back に費用の負担をかけさせる
low-noise 静音の
be powered by sth で動く
top speed of around sth km/h
in an aim to do する目的で
unconfirmed まだ決まってない
commercial use ビジネスの利用
The more you practice, the better you get—and the more confident you will become.
burning fuels 化石燃料
back away 後ろに下がる
sth is backed が詰まってる
be backed by sthの後ろにある
at sth backの背後に
sth lean が上体を曲げる
lean out of the window 窓から身を乗り出す
lean back後ろにもたれる
lean on my arm私の腕に寄りかかる
lean against the tree木によりかかる

lean forward over desk机に前屈みになる
cubic meter 立法メートル
one of his limbs片方の足
neurons 神経細胞
the best curry i have ever tasted食べた中で一番美味いカレー
gill えら
a paper saying that,
have been known として知られている
long term memories 長期記憶
Two-thirds 2/3
at all times 常に
roll out sth を提供開始する
early next year 来年早々
field trip 遠足
consent 同意書
jeopardize sthを危険に晒す
tailor sthを合わせる
Starting in November 11月から始まり
Debut 初登場

Those who lost their lives:  the people who died.
In a blink of an eye: Very quickly
People affected by this: Individuals who were impacted by this.
A place where something like this can't happen: A location where such events are unlikely to occur.
Panicked: Feeling extreme fear
backyard 裏庭
exhaust fume 排気ガス
bottomless 底無しの
inflight mode フライトモード
convince sb を納得させる
no more than しかない
no less than もある
1 mile.    1.6km
exhaust sb を疲れさせる
in my backyard 私の家の近隣に
stingy ケチな
Sichuan cuisine 四川料理
contrary 考えが反対の
spiciness 辛味
popular belief 一般にしんじられていること
Contrary to sth とは違って
get lonely 寂しくなる
horror films ホラー映画
quite the contrary そんなんじゃない
normally 一般に
despite sth to the contrary にもかかわらず
sth to the contrary, にもかかわらず
On the contrary それどころか
match 試合
strike a matchマッチをさする
a box of matches マッチ一箱
light sth に火をつける
slanging match 罵り合い

sleep on sth を一晩考える
dare to do する勇気がある
but of course he didn't dare もちろんそんな勇気なかった
how dare you do嫌味でよくもまあそんなことできるね
drop sth を落とす
unless ur this guy
the man of the smart people
how much speed he got running on water
All jokes aside
fun attraction
slide スライダー
temple run
in sb 人の中に
back seat 後部座席

That looks hella fun though めっちゃおもろい
It is time to sort out your proprieties
celebrate the brightest witch of her age
explore the world 世界を探検する
parallel universe 並行して存在する世界
for more contentさらなるコンテンツで
nationalism 国家主義
the whole universe 世界の全人類
20th birthday 20歳の誕生日
tendency 傾向
top up sth にお金をチャージする
exit row seat 非常口の席
texture 肌触り
go running ランニングに行く
be good for sth にとっていい
chimney 煙突
harden sth を固くする
there is not much risk
as compared to sth と比べて
for people in japan
solidify sth を固くする

increased risk
have a discussion based on sth をもとに話し合いましょう
have a good ventilation 換気がいい
What has to be right 何が適切である必要がありますか
coastal road 海沿いの道
once used かつて使われた
viaduct 高架橋
transport sthを輸送する
goods 物資
erosion 侵食
erode sth を侵食する
rainwater 雨水
sedimentary 堆積して生じた
get a great sleep ぐっすり寝る
unlike before 以前と違って
changes are made 変更される
sleep length 睡眠時間
nighttime wake up 夜起きること
twice the length of mine 私の二倍の長さ

sediment 沈殿物
matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid; dregs.
"the ice freezes the wine and sediment at the base of the cork"

base 底 化粧下地
the bottom part of an object, on which it rests, or the lowest part of something:
a crystal glass with a heavy base
At the base of the cliff was a rocky beach.
base for This cream provides an excellent base for your make-up

base メインで生活する場所
the main place where a person lives and works, or a place that a company does business from:
I spend a lot of time in Brussels, but London is still my base.
Nice is an excellent base for (= place to stay when) exploring the French Riviera.

base 軍事基地
a place where there are military buildings and weapons and where members of the armed forces live:
an old naval base

erosion 侵食
the fact of soil, stone, etc. being gradually damaged and removed by the waves, rain, or wind:
soil/coastal erosion
the fact of a good quality or situation being gradually lost or destroyed:
The survey reveals a gradual erosion of the president's popularity and support.

sometimes without knowing that you are doing it:
out of habit I always buy the same brand of toothpaste out of (= because of) habit.
get into the habit I'm trying not to get into (= start) the habit of always having biscuits with my coffee.
I used to swim twice a week, but I seem to have got out of (= ended) the habit recently.
pick up a habit I was taught to drive by my boyfriend and I'm afraid I've picked up (= caught) some of his bad habits.
break a habit I'm trying to get him to break (= end intentionally) the habit of switching on the TV when he comes home at night.
make a habit of it I don't mind being woken up once or twice in the middle of the night by my flatmate so long as she doesn't make a habit of it (= do it frequently).
in the habit of I'm not really in the habit of looking at (= I don't usually look at) other people's clothes, but even I noticed that awful suit!

habbit 悪いくせ
something annoying that someone often does:
have a habit of She has a habit of finishing off other people's sentences.

habit 依存
a strong physical need to keep taking a particular drug:
a cocaine habit
figurative humorous I'm afraid I've got a chocolate habit.

flat 部屋
a set of rooms for living in that are part of a larger building and are usually all on one floor:
a furnished/unfurnished flat
block of flats She lives on the top floor of a block of flats.
They have a house in the country and a flat in Manchester.

flat 干潟
an area of low, level ground, often near water:
salt flat The salt flats are used for motor racing.
mud flat The mud flats attract large numbers of birds.
It is a serene landscape of small dunes and tidal flats.

flatmate ハウスメート
a person who shares a flat with others.
"my flatmate moved out a month ago"

As people get older
health benefits 健康のメリット
be in the habit of doing する習慣がある
my running habit ランニングの習慣
get in the habit of doing する習慣がつく
pickpocket sbをスる
light traffic 少ない交通量

traffic 交通量
vehicles moving on a public highway.
"a stream of heavy traffic"
the messages or signals transmitted through a communications system.
"data traffic between remote workstations"

derogatory 軽蔑的な
my inferior 私より劣ってる人 部下

superior 上司 目上の人
my immediate superior 直属の上司
inferior food 粗悪な食べ物
feel inferior 引け目感じる

he is my superior in every way
superior より優れてる人
superior 上質な
superior whisky

derogatory remarks 悪口

women are not subordinate to men 女性は服従してない
subordinate position 下位のポジョン

pickpocket すり
human trafficking 人身売買
drug trafficking 薬物の密売
joy 喜び
to sth ーに近い状態になりそう
to my joy 嬉しいことに
as far as somewhere はるばるーまで
up to sth        toより強くまで
tell you frankly 率直に言う
I can't be bothered: I find it troublesome
Frankly: , speaking candidly.
As usual: Just like it always is,
up 全部し終える
use up 使い果たす
cover up sthを覆う
dry up 干上がる
up から上まで
from the waist up 腰から上まで

In fact: In reality.
critics 批評家
earn sthを稼ぐ
earn good money 大金を稼ぐ
dilligence 勤勉さ
a range of issues that may affect
in the range of 15 - 20 percent 15-20%の範囲で
be halfway to somewhere へ向かってる途中である
診察料 Consultation Fee
not even halfway finished yet まだ半分も終わってない
halfway through the show ショーが半分終わったところ
how does that sound どう感じる
a light   タバコのライト
missonary 宣教師

sth come to light が明るみに出る

halfway up the mountain 山の中腹
halfway friendly まあまあフレンドリー
combine sth を組み合わせる

sth merge が合併する
background in medicine 医学のバックグラウンド
家柄 family background
white background 白い背景
background information 基本となる情報
in the background 人目がつかないところで
leading 一流の
leading actor 主演男優
the leading group 先頭集団
En route to something: に行く途中

Surname: 姓名
Toggle on something: のスイッチオンする 
principle 信念
in principle 理論的には
in theory 理論的には
in principle 詳細はともかく全体として
adherence to sth の遵守
etiquette 礼儀
profession 専門職
driver etiquette ドライバーのマナー
not moving any further forward 全く順調に進んでない
lean forward 前にかがむ
take a step forward 前に進む
forward 将来の

digital transformation The process of adapting to digital technology.
sentence structure- arrangement of words and phrases in a sentence.
sth hatch - coming out of an egg,
that's good to know- Expressing satisfaction
excuse me, sir A polite way to ask for assistance.
be in motion- Currently in the state of moving
increasingly ますます

sth swing が揺れ動く
diner 安レストラン
by all means 是非とも
stop in sth に立ち寄る
so much variety 種類がたくさんある
unclear point 不可解な点
seasonable item 期間限定の商品
seasonable 季節的な
sth go around が広まる
sb have an affair が不倫する
internet connection ネット接続
superfluous 余分な
no merit in doing so そうするメリットがない
sweets お菓子
discomfort 違和感
no such person そんな人いない
such sth そのようなー
overlap 重なり
let’s say sth ーはどう?
sth is in contact が接してる
subordinate 部下
Shake it off 気にしないで
,for sv ーするので
sushi roll のりまき
mix-up 混乱による間違い
affair 浮気
last place最下位
first place 1位
mock exam 模試
mock -not authentic
mock sb をバカにして笑う
starving めっちゃお腹すいた
out of everybody 全員の中で
but nontheless それにもかかわらず
trail sb の後を追う
turn back 後ろ向く
as always 相変わらず
as a side note ちなみに
at the back on the right 右奥
the very back 一番奥
be in first place 一位である
feel down 落ち込む
Its no use 無駄です
refuse 廃棄物
refuse to do しようとしない
give up hope 望みを捨てる

trash sth を捨てる
the very front 一番前
replace sth に取って代わる
be on the verge of sth ーしそうである
mental breakdown メンタル崩壊 
defective ones 不良品
raw waste 生ゴミ
defective 欠陥のある
breakdown 悪化
as long as I’m alive 僕が生きている限りは
blow up 爆発する
sth blow 風が吹く
a family of five 5人家族
jiggly プルプルした
jiggle my legs 貧乏ゆすりする

bumpy ボコボコした
be in the mood for sth の気分です
be dying for sth がめっちゃ欲しい
earlier さっきは
be alive 生きている
vent out 発散する
resolve sth を解決する
sooner or later いつかは
sometime soon 近いうちに
the other day この前
at the very front 一番手前の
awful めっちゃ悪い
not my business 私には関係ない
shouldn’t have lied 嘘つくんじゃなかった
that’s not what I meant そういう意味じゃない
recline my seat シートを倒す
admire sb に憧れる
painful 痛い
mischance 不幸
very few 少ない
cyber hacker
activist 活動家
behead sb を打首にする
not so many そんな多くない
bad luck 不幸
gentlemanly 紳士的な
cultural enrichment 教養を高めること
homeowner 家を所有する人
personal question
you may not ダメです

long for sth に憧れる
interrogate sb に尋問する
make a choice 選択する
make it happen 実現させる
I imagine sth のイメージがある
incitement 扇動
catch up 会って話す
by mischance 不幸にも
catch up for sth して会う
almost done 後少しで終わる
As the years went by 年が経つにつれて
be in a relationship 付き合ってる
oversleep 寝坊する
No even close 全然違う
I’m not feeling well 体調が悪いです
wanna-be 気取った
pull some strings コネ使う
yard 庭
here we are こちらになります
wait in line 列に並ぶ
for a moment しばらく
borrow sth を無料で借りる

withstand earthquakes 地震に耐える
be opposed to sth に反対である
dull ache 鈍い痛み
as opposed to sth: In contrast to something.
in contrast with sth: Differing with something.
those around me: People in my vicinity
conversely: In an opposite  manner.
sth opposite to sth: Something directly contrasting or opposing another thing.
opposite: Directly opposing or contrary.
alongside: Next to
opposite direction 反対方向
a car on the opposite side of this street この通りの反対側ある車
number sth の数である
stand sth を我慢する
inconvenience 不便
sth ache が痛む
aches and pains 全身の筋肉痛

wide 広い
tips アドバイス
foot type 脚のタイプ
each week 隔週 
track sth を追跡する
avoid injuries 怪我を避ける
cycling path サイクリングロード
in my neighborhood 私の近所に
tolerate sth を多めに見る
barber 床屋さん
spoon please スプーンください
hairstylist  美容師
sticky ベタベタした
properly きちんと
be sticky with sth でベタベタする
sticky note 付箋
sticky tape 粘着テープ

Come to think of it ,そういえば
Only a few times 数回
show up 来る
get a 50 percent discount off sth の 50%の割引を受ける
lately 最近ずっと
fluffy  フワフワした
some water 水
give some discount  まける
crops 作物
defect 欠陥
the most 最も
pay  給料
cream sthをクリーム状にする
sexual arousal 性的興奮
moisten sth を湿らす
sth moisten が潤う
in marked contrast to sth と著しく対照的である
work on sth に取り組む
be marked down 値下げされてる
be backed up 渋滞してる
eco bag エコバッグ
production area 生産地
consciousness 意識
out of date 期限切れ
no choice 仕方ない
decline to do ーするのを拒む
almost おしい
go before sth より先に行く
go before you あなたより先に行く
still a long way to go before doing するのはまだ先だ
ask for sth を求める
ask sb about sth にーについて聞く
kill me おもしろすぎる
routinely 日常的に
regularly 日常的に
years ago 数年前は
I can’t help it 救えない
I promise 約束します
promise myself that することを心に決める
full 全面的な
promise sb sth ーにーを約束する
I decline お断りします
single 独身の
feel better 気分が良くなる
crush sth を潰す
be crushed to death 圧死する
hyper テンションが高い
we are two 二人です
wait times 待ち時間
Just got done going there すでにそこに行った
the best out of all that I had been to 今まで行った中で一番いい
1/3 of the size of sth のサイズの1/3
another level 別の次元
It is raining a little bit ちょっと雨降ってる
gloomy cloudy day どんよりと曇った日
the first snow 初雪
this late fall 遅い秋
In a future where self car driving dominate
take our order 注文をとる
for use in sth ー用に
okay for now とりあえずこれでいい
hit on sb をナンパする
a flop 失敗
move back 後ろへ下がる 
worn out 疲れた
do the shopping 買い物に行く
go out デートする
real quick ささっと
really quickly ささっと
all good 全然大丈夫
you can forget about Stu のことは諦めなさい
upside down 上下逆に
procrastinate が先延ばしする
behind you 後ろ通ります
anything will doどちらでもいいよ
how is that again なんて言ったの
lazy 面倒くさい
ご自由にどうぞ help yourself
bland 味が薄い
all time ずっと
could be 可能性は低いけどーじゃない
thanks though でもありがとね
straight after したらすぐに
the same thing 同じもの
somehow なんとなく
not as good as you think あなたが思うほどうまくな
I’m coming 今行くよ
In that case その場合だと
in a hurry 急いでる
I promise 約束するよ
Speaking of which ,そういえば
frankly 正直
be on the same page 同じ考えである
I kind of felt that way そんな感じがした
be crazy about に夢中である
feel safe ホッとする
ever happened to me 今まで起こったことの中で
out of money 金欠
get dressed 着替える
I’ll have the same thing 同じもので
eat soup スープを飲む
some いくらかの
and then それから
10 minutes late 十分遅れて
accidentally 間違えて
Good day こんにちは
How are things going 調子はどう
It has been a while 久しぶり
dogs 犬
ask for sth をお願いする
dog 犬の肉
for the first time in a year 一年ぶり
let it go 手放す
come once 一度来る
does it make sense 分かりますか
May I have your name 名前はなんですか
Do you speak english 英語話せますか
charge サービス料
nuclear power plant 原子力発電所
anything whatever in your plate 皿に載ってるものはなんでも
move a bit closer 少し近づく
anything whatever はなんでも
leave sth half eaten を食べ残す
water consumption 水の消費
過去一年後に a year later
same as usual いつも通り
Thermal power plant 火力発電所
secure the safety 安全を確保する
meal 食事
burnout 燃え尽き症候群
methodical 几帳面な
harness の力を利用する
go past sth を通り過ぎる
cityscape 都市の風景
cross sth を渡る
be across from sth の向かいにある
go hurry up sb をせかしてきて
stylish かっこいい
all right まあまあです
sentimental ちょっとしたことにも傷つく
By the way ちなみに
for your information ちなみに
disorganized  だらしない
carefree 心配事のない
I messed up やらかした
might as well せっかくだしーする
to 10 pm 10時まで
ruthless 容赦ない
cats and dogs 土砂降りの雨
besides それに
besides sth ー以外に
fascinated 夢中になる
scenery 景色
snowflake ひとひらの雪
wheat 小麦
hilarious 面白い
interesting 面白い
want do sth most 最もしたい
on hands and knees 地面に体がついて
material 物質的な
overall 全体の
Nothing new 新しいことない
all inclusive 全て込みの
exhaustive 完全な
all of the sths 全ての 
be gonna しそうである
No wonder どうりでそうなのか
put sth back を元に戻す
where it was located 元にあった場所
stagnant 淀んだ
sth flow が流れる
a little bit of ちょっとした
unwelcome 歓迎されない
unwanted 望まれない
go over sth を注意深く調べる
point 主張
structure 構造物
similarly 同様に
favor 親切な行為
without permission 勝手に
selfishly 自分勝手に
get your own way to do 自分の思い通りにーする
fist 拳
strike sth をぶつ
drop by sth に寄る
satisfactory 満足のいく
drop 雫
bead 雫
a bead of 雫一粒の
owe for sth に対して借りがある
stir sth をかき混ぜる
fold sth を折りたたむ
owe sth の借りがある
Time is up 時間切れです
take your time ゆっくりでいい
after a long time 久しぶりに
divide 分裂
shelf 棚
rack 台
squeeze sth を絞る
arrange sth を並べる
put sth in order を並べる
halve sth を半分にする
amusing 面白い
fifty percent of sth の半分
It’s nothing 大したことない
luggage 荷物
feel the same 同感
have a break 休憩する
I’m sure だと思う
delayed 遅い
I don’t like sth がめっちゃ嫌い
it can’t be helped 避けようがない
Not at all どういたしまして
It doesn’t matter かまいません
swamped 忙しい
freezing 寒い
have a blast 楽しむ
loose 緩い
in half 半分に
is equal to sth に等しい
sth equals sth はと等しい
divide sth を分ける
I hear you 気持ちわかるよ
regard 配慮
consideration 配慮
sth don’t care はどうでもいい
don’t care about sth はどうでもいい
dominant メジャーな
divine 神な
the other way around その逆
sellable 売れる
be subject to availability 在庫限り
unmotivated やる気のない
dumb バカな
my first ever はじめての
sth ring bell は聞いたことある
know about sth を耳にした事がある
sound familiar 聞いた事がある
in the distance 遠くで
from elsewhere 他の場所から
tactical 戦術的な
be hostile towards sth に敵対的である
than elsewhere 他のどこよりも
look elsewhere 他を探す
turn against sth に敵対的である
trick うそ
think deeply じっくり考える
elsewhere 他の地域で
reflect with sth をじっくり考える
in the case of sth の場合は
in the matter of sth に関して
concerning sth について言えば
flab 過剰な脂肪
do whatever it takes 必要なものはなんでもやる
do whatever is necessary 必要なものは何でもやる
loose たるんだ
no matter what happens 何が起こっても
Whatever i am feeling 私がどう感じようとも
belly fat お腹の脂肪
Whatever the truth is 真実がどうであれ
sth move on its own が勝手に動く
on its own 勝手に
its own それ自身の
at its own expense 自費で
sth is of my own writing は自分で描いたものだ
is of its own doing 自分でーしたものだ
no house of my own 自分の家がない
go on a date with whoever 誰とでもデートする
able to be relied 信頼できる 
sleeved 袖のついた
others 他の人々
halfway 中間の
short sleeved 半袖の
clogged up 詰まった
sth is stuck が詰まってる
stuffed 詰まってる
have no chance 運がない
chance 運
harsher より厳しい
punishment 罰
put the brake ブレーキを踏む
sth slow down が速度を落とす
move slower ゆっくり動く
back and forwards 前後に
from side to side 左右に
shake sth を揺らす
gently 優しく
rock sth を揺らす
lean against sth に寄りかかる
sb lean が体を曲げる
lie on your back 仰向けになる
lie back 腰をかける
advisable 賢明な
clear 理解できる
crisp 天気が爽やかな
out of luck 運がない
whenever いつでもいいよ
oh well しょうがない
sth part が分かれる
ajar 半開きの
golden brown 黄金色の焼き目
it has been ages since はしばらくしてない
slightly open 半開きの
sth separate が分かれる
sth appear が姿を表す
disclose sth を暴露する
stray cat 野良猫
prevalence 普及
stray sth 道に迷った〜
astray 道に迷って
sense of belonging 帰属意識
ritualistic 儀式的な
sth go astray が行方不明になる
recap sth を要約する
main point 重要なポイント
need a hand 助けがいる
step aside どく  
step sideways 横にずれる
sideways 横向きで
think on my own 自分で考える
to the side 横に
make a space どく
more than happy 予想以上に嬉しい
most likely 多分
slide sth を滑らせて動かす
executive 会社の幹部
change 小銭
coins 小銭
appreciate sth に感謝する
be grateful for sth に感謝する
put effort into sth に努力をそそぐ
eagerness 熱心さ
be keen to に熱心である
banknote 紙幣
drag sb into hellを地獄に引きずる
show up 到着する
bill 紙幣
go to next 次に行く
see sb off を見送る
as far as I can see 見える範囲で
seemingly 見た感じ
as far as i know 私が知る限り
apparently どうやら
I seem to have pp ーしたようです
back home 家に帰って
seem to do するように思われる
which I should go to next 次にどこに行くべき
certain ある
cheerful 楽しくさせる
prominent 有名な
borrow を借りる
proficient 技量のある
ice bag 保冷剤
hold sth を持つ
lend を貸す
dress code 服装のルール
hassle めんどう
impress sb によい印象を与える
loan 借金
give my thoughts 考えを伝える
leave sb を置いていく
be spacing out ぼうっとしてる
hear from sb から連絡をもらう
go on a bus trip バスで行く
nail sth をうまくやる
blank 空欄
make a detour 回り道をする
list リスト
food expenses 食費
detour 遠回り
take an another route 他の道を使う
shortest route 最短経路
overlook sth をうっかり忘れる
option  選択肢
opt for sth を選ぶ
cause a problem to me ちょっと問題が起きる
rotate sth を回す
hope to do するのを望む
sth is brewing が起こりそう
which means それはつまり
as far as まで
a refill of water 水のおかわり
responsibly 責任持って
as little as わずか
as soon as したとたん
overturn をひっくり返す
handle 手すり
handrail 手すり
rail 手すり
grip 握り手
be fit体調整える
in good shape 健康を保つ
tip sb にチップをあげる
healthy 健康的な
out of shape 健康を損ねる
state  状態
shape 体調
in flight 機内の
the restriction was lifted 制限が緩和された
obligation 義務
I either use any of them どちらも使う
lift sth を緩和する
state of health 健康状態
such as SV するように
get sb ing ーをーしている状態にさせる
bar 平坦の固形物
a bar of chocolate チョコレート一枚
as much as if it were まるでーと同じくらい
back then 当時は
fill sth を満たす
sth fill がいっぱいになる
puzzle 難問
reload sth をリロードする
riddle なぞなぞ
I am deciding 決めている
doubt 疑問
many たくさんの人
decide on sth 選択肢からーに決める
decide sth を決める
uncertainty 半信半疑
doubtful 疑わしい
sth decide が決める
doubt sth では無いか疑う
am thinking about sth を迷ってる
doubtless 疑いなく
no doubt 間違いない
produce sth を生み出す
component 部品
sketch sth をデッサンする
lineup メンバー
firmness 固さ
that explains そういうわけで
assurance 保証
useful 使いやすい
come in handy 役に立つ
go a long way 役に立つ
in a sth way なふうに
morale 士気
confidence 自信
enthusiasm 熱狂
no wonder どうりでーだ
wonder about sth についておかしいと思う
in a queue 並んで
in line 列に並んで
half eaten 食べかけの
adverse  敵対的な
fired up興奮した
enthusiastic 熱狂的な
backlash 炎上
indication そういう感じ
make it obscure わかりにくくする
favorable 好意的な
on account of の理由で
obscure 意味不明の
work in favor 役に立つ
work for someone にとって好都合である
favor 賛成
ask you a favor お願いする
in favor of に賛成して
acquired 後天的な
twice as much as の二倍
look at に注目する
the only one 唯一のもの
that reminds me そういえば
take back をキャンセルする
cancel をキャンセルする
word of mouth 口コミ
deceptive 人を騙すような
distorted 歪んだ
planned event 予定されたイベント
is left が残る
come over to にやってくる
lie down 横になる
come one step close to により近づく
I wish I were you 羨ましい
wish someone to do がすることを望む
sth lie が横になる
bypass sth を迂回する
sb detour が迂回する
envy sth を羨む
If I had to say 強いて言うなら
the best you can do あなたができる最善のこと
you know what きいて
I wish i have done しとけば良かった
I am planning to do
any chance of sth
Any chance SV してくれるかな
get through 道を通る
what I’ve been looking for 私が探しているもの
thought not そう思わない
a category of 一種の
category 種類
A kind of sth (without s) 一種の
It helps me 助かる
to my mind 私にとっては
do you want me to do 私にしてもらいたいですか
a day after sv の1日後
there is no way しても無駄である
is it ok if してもOKですか
got it わかった
irreverent to と無関係の
above all 最も大事なことに
we will have to do ーしようよ
pretext  嘘の言い訳
pretended reason 言い訳
fancy sth ーしたい
feel a desire したい
any luck ?うまくいったか
you might wanna  した方がいいかも
I was wondering if you could  してくれるかなと思う
inspection 下見
pretend that のふりをする
flow down sth を流れる
flow over sth がーを超えて流れる
rim of the glass グラスの淵
along the current 流れに沿って
examination テスト
prescribe sth を処方する
pass sth liquid を排出する
perspire  汗をかく
give out sth を出す
inhaler 吸入機
sweat 汗をかく
the pores of the skin 毛穴
be successful  成功する
snack back  復帰する
pore  毛穴
from every pores 全身の毛穴から
snack        軽食
recover from から回復する
return from から戻る
go back in a right track  正常になる
fasten the belt ベルト閉める
secure the belt ベルトを固定する
make sure the belt ベルトを確認する
belt up ベルト閉める
wand fight 杖の戦闘
special effects 特殊効果
put on a sheet belt べるとをつける
make sth smaller を小さくする
decrease sth を減らす
cut down on を削減する
diminish sth を小さくする
shrink sth を縮小する
scale down sth の規模を減らす
workforce 従業員数
scale はかり 
gentle reminder 催促メール
piss sb off を困らせる
sth engage が従事する
full frontal 正面全裸の
cilantro パクチー
without ice 氷無しで
engage in sth に従事する
engaged 婚約している
a year later 一年後
needy ひどく貧乏な
congratulate sb を祝福する
sequel 続編
a bottle of water ペットボトル一つ
reserved 人見知りの
impatient 我慢できない
inspire sb をやる気にさせる
continue sth の後に続く
puff ふくらみ
sth swell がふくらむ
swell 膨らみ
fair enough それならわかった
weigh sth の重さがある
you are up あなたの番です
it’s your turn あなたの番です
I am not gonna lie 正直にいうと
hold sb を抱きしめる
spectacular 景色が壮大な
safe trip 安全な旅を
put sth on scale 重さを測る
up to sth を企んでる
this and that あれこれ
my bad ごめん
it might be それはーかもしれない
for sure もちろん
with pleasure 喜んで
what about you あなたは
another one おかわり
another wine わいんのおかわり
seconds おかわり
want seconds おかわりが欲しい
some more sth のおかわり
dead tired めっちゃ疲れてる
I screwed up やらかす
dope いいじゃん
all the way 完全に
since when いつからなの
like it or not どちらにせよ
sth is fine で都合がいい
if you ask me 私に言わせれば
whichever is fine どちらでもいい
either is fine どちらでもいい
as I thought やっぱり
freak sb out を怖がらせる
one of these これ一つ 
That is what I thought やっぱりね
measure the weight 重さを測る
to a certain extent ある程度
tons of 山ほどの
all of these これ全部
verge 間際
features 顔立ち
the border of sth
on the verge of sth の瀬戸際で
at close range 間近で
up close 近くで
を確かめるascertain sth
come out on top 首位になる
shriveled シワのよった
excitable 興奮しやすい
sth is up 何かが起きている
examine sth 検査する
inspect sth を検査する
indemnification 特定
determine sth を特定する
pick out sth 選ぶ
closely 密接に
very nearlyとても近くに
be amazed 驚く
kick my ass 脱帽だ
additionally 追加で
extra 追加の
in addition 追加で
along with sth と一緒に
option 選択肢
plus sth ーと
set sth free を自由にする
train of thought 思考の一部
train 物事の一部
a series of sth 一連の
mixed 複雑な
line 方針
series ドラマシリーズ
band 輪
hairdresser 美容師
opt for sth を選ぶ
a line of thinking 考えの流れ
chill out
mix sth を混ぜる
Sth lighten が弱まる
sth chill が落ち着く
calm down 落ち着く
Sth calm が静まる
cottage 田舎の小さな家
layoff 解雇
temporary discharge 一時解雇
good for nothing 役に立たない
discharge 解雇 
if only I could ーできたらよかった
theoretical 理論上の
theoretically 理論的には
fall under sth に当てはまる
wealthy 裕福な
aim 目的
pick up sth を車に乗せる
ride sth に乗る
unfamiliar 見知らぬ
go ahead 先にやる
unfamiliar environment 見知らぬ土地
reasonable 筋の通った
here they are はいどうぞ
return ticket 帰りのチケット
leave sth を残して去る
for some time しばらくの間
passengers 乗客
hang on 待つ
next 次のこと
amusing  驚くべき
a huge amount of money 大金
own sth を所有する
it happens そんなこともある
there is that そんなこともある
eww おえ
fire someone 解雇する
dismiss someone を解雇する
hang sth を吊るす
unfairly 不当に
sick and tired うんざりだ
how much is it いくらですか
personal -belonging to particular person
line ひも
manner やり方
principle 原理
handle sthを処理する
in principle 理論的には
I mean it 本気だよ
prosperous 繁栄している
a lot たくさん
が反映する sth prosper
a bunch of の束
ride -a vehicle
tell sth for free たたーだけは言っておく
drive sb-give sb a lift to the destination
sb agree が同意見である
killing me 面白すぎる
approx 大体
I was like …なんていうか
if I’m correct 私の記憶が正しければ
sb drink がお酒を飲む
drink sth を飲む(酒以外
get drinks お酒を飲みにいく
probably -almost certainly
I should ーしなきゃ
mess up sth を散らかす
run after sth を追いかける
turn on sth をつける
drop off sth をおろす
that figures やっぱりね
same here同じく
see sb around を見かける
get in my way 邪魔をする
available exclusively to sth にのみ利用可能
fall off a cliff 衰退する
line up 列に並ぶ
hit me hard 困らせる
in a nutshell要約すると
briefly 要約すると
threat 脅威
a creep 嫌なやつ
upstairs -on upper stairs
compassionate  showing concerns for others
playful  intended for other's amusement
take to sb を好きになる
amusement  finding sth funny
in a kidding way からかって
temper 怒りっぽい
sth pause が少し止まる
deny sthを拒否する
wardrobe クローゼット
nasty 不快な
a great deal of 多くの
as much as i could 私のできる限りのこと
prerequisite 必要条件
balance sth の両立を図る
stitch sth を縫う
trashed 汚れた
go up 10x 十倍に増加する

closest 親しい
flavored 味のついた
warm up sth を温める
teeth 複数の歯
microwave sth を電子レンジにかける
mucus 粘液
second-hand 中古の
on arrival 到着して
it did not go that way i thought 思ったようにいかなかった
cinematic 映画っぽい
be out with sb と一緒に行く
flip side 逆の面
annoyance イラつくこと
take to mean that と捉える
far less はるかに少ない
offer to do するのを申し出る
radical 素晴らしい
many a time 一度に何度も
take it out of hand 手に負えない
sth make sense- be reasonable and easy to understand
understandable 理解できる
suggest sth を提案する
integrate sth を組み入れる
enigma -sth that is mysterious and difficult to understand
not as good as you think 思うほどすごくない
would you mind doing してくれますか
sth go away が消える
beyond angry めっちゃ怒る
outperform sth -do better than sth in terms of performance
take a breath 呼吸する
tooth decay 虫歯
a whole 全体
adhesive 粘着性の
glue 接着剤
put forwards sthを提案する
sth drop out が脱落する
third wheel 恋愛で第三者の干渉する人
zoom off すぐ離れる
sideways 横に
lie in 寝坊する
take the liberty of doing 勝手にーする
overall 全体的に
where it was 元にあった場所
flush sth  を水で流す
go through sth をくまなく調べる
point of view 見方
structure 構造物
it as well as himそれは彼と同様に
remind sb に思い出させる
meanwhile その間に
sth tilt が傾く
draw  sth を引く
draw the floss フロスする
compartment 仕切られたスペース
ditto 同じく
set sth をセットして置く
liberate sth を自由にする
sth fill with sth でいっぱいになる
set C の状態にする
approximately 大体
free sth
fill up sth を満たす
be filled with sth
become full いっぱいになる
refill sth を再び満たす

the hardest one 一番難しいもの
and last of all あと最後に
you may wanna した方がいいでしょう
each year 毎年
big crowds of sth の群集
even more 余計に
stacks of cash     bundle of bills

barely understand a word 言葉を理解できない
off duty 勤務のない
burst into laughter  suddenly begin to laugh
i thought we were just gonna say like sthについて話すかと思った

truly 本当に
grateful 感謝してる
appear on sth に映る
artistry 芸術性
lace up sth の紐を絞める
run an article の記事を載せる
joints 関節
relentless 容赦ない 
pursuit 執念
astonishing 信じられないほどすごい
knees 膝
unwanted 望ましく無い
ongoing 進行中の
sth take place が行われる
clinging 頼りすぎる
beyond what photo can convey 写真では伝え切れないくらい
beauty 美しさ
call it a day 切り上げる
convey 伝える
tie sth を紐で締める
string ひも
thread 細い糸状のもの
blessing 恩恵
consent to sthに同意する
correspond to sth に相当する
on all fronts あらゆる面で
provided s v という条件で
voice sthを声にあげる
ahead 目の前の
afterwards その後
carbon hydrate 炭水化物
sth fill sb upガーの食欲を満たす
additive 添加物  
indescribable 言い表せない
backwards 後ろに
partition しきり
heartwarming  心温まる
greatness 凄さ
sb toil が辛く働く
fall down sth から転がり落ちる
forwards 前方へ
from sth onwards 〜以降
long afterwards ずっと後になって
shortly afterwardsその後すぐに
contributor 原因となるもの
Passage  通行
onward さらに先へ
phenomenal 素晴らしい
tendency 傾向
additionally それと
turbulence 乱気流
duration 間
bumpy ガタガタ揺れる
opening 空き
driving force 原動力
get ahead 成功する
strength 強み
lie うそ
inclination 傾向
characteristic 特徴
controlled 抑制された
vaguely ぼんやりと
unconcerned について心配してない
brightly 明るく
sth glow が光を放つ
smiling face笑顔
captivate sb を魅了する
eyelid まぶた
voracious 貪欲な
ultimate 最終的な
stick -thin piece of sth
be aware that sv に気づかせる
puff タバコの一服
suspicion 疑惑
appeal 魅力
phase in sth を段階的に導入する
would do ーするかもしれません
busy myself doing ーで忙しくする
make certain that を確かめる
hone sth の能力を伸ばす
Having said that,
a sunny morning 晴れた朝
vibrant かっきに満ちた
permeate sth に充満する
permeate the air 空気に充満する
past mistake 過去の過ち
fresh start 新たなスタート
walk the path of rehabilitation 更生の道を歩む
with sincerity  誠意を込めて
revolving 回転している
mountainous 山の
sushi lanes 寿司レーン
serve the customers 顧客にサービスを提供する
As time went by 時がたつにつれ
sth grow が伸びる
seize the opportunity チャンスを掴む
climb the ranks 昇進する
nothing left 何も残ってない
a different kind of sth 違う種類の
terrorism incident テロ事件
embark on a new life 新たな人生を歩む
driving force 動機
any further sth さらなるー
its just me 気のせいかもしれないけど
The thing is 大切なのは
at that moment そのとき
I have to say まじで
srh keep emerging が沸き続ける
drain 排水溝
cascade 小さい滝
carry off sthを運び出す
surplus 余剰の
ensure that sv することを誓います
engage in sth に関わる
peace of mind 心の平静
special sales 特売
sleep 睡眠時間
Not gonna lie, マジで
distraction 誘惑
I can't even do ーすらできない
I can't even やばくてうまく言い表せない
consecutively 連続して
shed a tear 涙をこぼす
Take care またね
sale price 特売価格
99 percent sure マジで
right there そこにあるのは
shed sthを落とす
all year round 一年中
sth accumulate が蓄積する
fatigue 疲労
smile at sb に向かって笑う
flyers チラシ
hand out sth を渡す
sb stumble がふらつく
chant sth を連呼する
jaded うんざりした
make you 100 percent happy 完全に幸せにする
bright side いい面
and more. さらに

fit in somewhere に適応する
every front あらゆる面
comforting ほっとさせる
anytime soon いつかすぐに
in reality 現実で
elder 年上の
multiple times 複数回
either way どちらにしろ
copy pasta ネットでパクった文章
top-notch 最上級の
sleep deprivation 睡眠不足
plant-based 植物由来の
notch v字の切れ込み
imitate sth をまねる
sb fit in が溶け込む
get fucked up ベロンベロンに酔っ払う
sweet like honey 思いやりがある
sweetener 甘味料
elusive 分かりにくい
stir up をかき混ぜる
reside in sth の中に存在する
out of line 言い過ぎる
weakness 弱み
conviction 確信
have no doubt that を確信してる
wish for sthを願う
beg your pardon もう一度言ってくれますか
be run-down 疲れ果てる
ahead of you あなたのこれからの
sth is fucked は最悪だ
sth is fucked up マジで最悪だ
out there 外で
feedback  意見
inside of my head 頭の中で
all the more いっそう
house owner大家
make sth so much better をめっちゃ良くする
hot bath 暖かいお風呂
immerse sth を浸ける
immerse myself in sth に没頭する
muscle pain 筋肉痛
excess  余分なもの
would do もしーならーしたい
the vicinity of 10 およそ10くらい
exercise routine 運動の習慣
let sth slip をうっかり漏らす
slip sth をそっと滑り込ませる
sb panic  パニックに陥る
around myself 私の周りは
would have to do しないといけないかも
in my vicinity 私の周りには
let sth slip のチャンスをうっかり逃す
be meant to do するべき責任がある
sth is meant to do を意図するものである
brush up sth を深める
lightly 軽く
bundle up sb に暖かい服を着せる
stranger here ここ知らない
cut down on sth を減らす
I was like といった感じ
all day long 一日中
make sure of sth について確かめる
melancholic 憂鬱な
tear sth off を脱ぐ
appetite 食欲
get ahold of sb と連絡をとる
keep sb posted に随時連絡する
contact address 連絡先住所
questionable 疑わしい
vicinity 近場
milestone 重要な出来事
right angle 直角
thickness 厚さ
each side 各面
reach an agreement 合理に達する
air resistance 空気抵抗
be put into sth に分けられる
an angle of ten degrees 10度の角度
one set 1セット
that is not the case そうではない
quick  手軽な
half an hour 30分
what sb has been working on が取り組んでること
I am afraid 残念ながら
what if I say no もしノーって言ったら
would rather do むしろーしたい
count sth in を中に入れる
figure 体型
come over やってくる
right type for sth に向いてる
swear 誓う
let sb を許す
disobey sth に従わない
apparent 明白な
It appears みたいだ
have feelings for you あなたに恋してる
pick up を車に乗せる
you could do したらどう
say no more もう言わなくていいよ分かった。
landmark 目印の建物
a bunch of たくさんの
it cannot be true 本当のはずがない
at the last moment 最後に
pop the question 質問する
hang in there 頑張る
let me have a look 見せて
as it happenes 偶然
to be sure 確実に
I pretty much thought ほぼ考えてた
respectively それぞれ
the last thing I wanted to do 絶対にしたくないこと
a large part of sth の大部分
report has it that レポートによると
as always 相変わらず
think back sth を振り返る
hardly ever ほとんどーしない
pretty sure ほぼ確実に
cocky 傲慢な
account balance 預金残高
Whenever my salary is deposited on payday
I will tell you what こうしませんか
Time has flown 時間が早くすぎる
turn around 振りむく
ominous 不気味な
every hour 1時間ごとに
blue 憂鬱な
genuinely  本当に
for that matter ついでに
just because ただーという理由で
Back when の時に戻ると
pave the way to sth への道が開く
pull strings with people you know 知り合いのコネを使う
all over again 最初からもう一度
the last time 最後にーしたとき
sweep the room 部屋をはく
for a second 少しだけ
pull yourself 無理する
So much has changed 結構変わった
insanely めちゃくちゃ
perfectionist 完璧主義者
give it a shot 試してみる
be jealous of sth が羨ましい
treat me as such そのように扱う
have a look at sth を見てみる
likable 感じのいい
is a joy from start to finish 最初から最後まで面白い

put sth away を片付ける
change up sthを変える
over there あそこ
nauseated 吐き気を催す
setback  後退
look back on 過去を振り返る
don't hesitate to do 遠慮しないで
slap sth をビンタする
Any sth will do なんでもいい
hop on sth に乗る
many more もっとたくさんの
fishy 怪しい
sensible 常識的な
come down on sb を非難する
diagonally 斜めに
look sth upを調べる
put sth aside を貯めておく
it has been a while since してから長い時間が経った
be convinced of sth を確信している
steam sth を蒸す
admiration 賞賛
be cool with sth については問題ない
take up sth を始める
hold back 遠慮する
my thing 趣味
as mean as hell めっちゃ意地悪
all just sths 全て単なる
untidy だらしない
nothing particular 特にない
exhaustive 完全な
crosswalk 横断歩道
lose feeling for sb への興味をなくす
chop down sth を切る
interchangeably 交互に
at the age of 歳の時
how do you like sth はどう思いますか
liking 好み
diagonal 斜めの
cry over 泣きじゃなくる
cross my mind 頭をよぎる
go with flow 流れに任せる
mark down sth の値段を下げる
in an attempt to doしようと試みて
ethnically 民族的に
sacrifice 犠牲 
look ahead 将来のことを考える 
none 特定のものが何もない
none of you 誰も〜ない
more than I do私がするよりも
all of these これら全て
I bet 絶対にーだと思う
take a rain check 断る
following sth の後に
including sth を含めて
mess up sth. をめちゃくちゃにする
give back sth を返す
as I said earlier さっき言ったように
out of line 乱れて
have your back 支える
for nothing 無駄に
mark down sth を値下げする
typical 典型的な
spot sth を発見する
keep up sth を保つ
head off to sthに向かう
Japanese competence 日本語能力
on foot 徒歩で
be on my feet all day 一日中立ってた
for longer than 1 month 一ヶ月以上
given my friend taken my money お金を盗んだことを考えると
scroll down をスクロールする
no offense 悪気ない
all is well 全て順調
sth come through が送られる
benefit from sth から利益を得る
to the point 要点をついてる
if anything 何方かと言えば
could not be better 最高
call you back かけ直す
regardless それにもかかわらず
cut in conversation 話に割り込む
keep sb updated に知らせる
adopt sth を採用する
blowy 風の強い
worsen sth を悪化させる
I can only say とだけ言える
directed 直接的な
underlying disease 基礎疾患
face masks マスク
I imagine 私のイメージだけど
multiethnic 多民族の
bin ゴミ箱
don't buy sth を信じない
package 荷物
It might be かもしれない
despite sth にも関わらず
sth is blessing はありがたい
conservative 保守的な
never in my life did i think 人生の中で考えたこともなかった
under the weather 体調が悪い
progress 進展
victim 犠牲者 
going nowhere 行き詰まる
the last time sv 最後にーした時
be getting adj になってきた
as if まるでーのように
declare sth を申告する
surprise sb を驚かす
I did do sth 本当にーしたよ
way too damn adj めっちゃー
fucking evil reptile
those who you would like to go together あなたが一緒に行きたい人
step by step 着実に
laugh my ass off
legitimately hilarious
unemployment rate 失業率
just like south park did
entrepreneurship 起業
I wish S did ーだったらな
lean on sth に寄りかかる
be horrible at sth が苦手である
leading cause 主要な原因
what the hell 何
preventable 予防可能な
a work of art 芸術作品
legendary 伝説
if only S did ーだったらな
keep playing in my head 頭の中で流れてる
addiction 中毒
vocal ボーカル
expert 専門家
candidate 立候補者
improve sth をする
heavy cough ひどい咳
the guy who I really like 私が好きな人
as to what you think is あなたが考えてることに関しては
manifesto 公約
lower than ever かつてないほど少ない
than ever かつてないほど
release sth を発表する
the year before 前年
only around sth わずかーほど
sth peak が最高に達する
world population 世界人口
one in 10 adults 10人中1人の大人
slowly decrease ゆっくり減少する
for many years 長年にわたって
smoking in public 公共の場で喫煙
not socially acceptable 社会的に受け入れられない
crease シワ
venereal 性行為によって起こる
cop sth を手に入れる
return to sth に戻る
assume too much 思い込みすぎる
be based in を拠点にしてる
make an explanation 説明する
wonder if かしらと好奇心で思う
hold grudge 恨みを持つ
most of sth の大半
account for sth を占める
concise 簡潔な
ambitious 志がある
the thing is ,実を言うと
certain hour ある時間和
before I knew it 知らないうちに
be one minute late 一分遅刻する
I shouldn't have done that そうすべきじゃなかった
excretion 排泄物
ensure sth を保証する
absolutely shit マジでくそ 
restrict sth を制限する
meal size 食事の量
sth work out がうまくいく
nothing ever 何もーない
reliable 信頼できる
be bustling with sth で賑わってる
amplify sth の音量をあげる
intensify sth を強くする
calorie intake  カロリー摂取量
put away sth を片付ける
aim at sth を目的とする
nothing wrong 何も問題ない
sb are all here が集まる
shower gel ボディソープ
when necessary 必要な時は
when SV ーすると
regain sth を取り戻す

my bet is that SV ーだと思ってる
blemish 肌の汚れ
heavy makeup 濃い化粧
stop to do 立ち止まってーする
invoke tears 涙を起こす
graffiti 落書き
be fined 罰金を課される
increase the volume 音を大きくする
extend sth を延長する
give it a try 試してみる
make it louder 音を大きくする
selfie stick 自撮り棒
Now that 今やーなので
plaza 広場
determined 決意が固い
over the next few years 今後数年
find the hardest to do するのに最も困る
sth take off が離陸する
take sth off somewhere をーから切り離す
label 表示
hack sth をハッキングする
in any way なんらかの形で
oddly  奇妙なことに
praise sb を褒める
span sth に及ぶ
sth lift off が離陸する
sth range がの範囲に及ぶ
sbs are agreed は意見が一致してる
is such a sth めっちゃーである
is such a mvp めっちゃmvpである
is such a hassle めっちゃ面倒
it was such a great time めっちゃいい時間だった
stale 新鮮でない
point where sv ーの程度
one more thing もうひとつ
old school 時代遅れの
go bankrupt 倒産する
get around 移動する
put together sth をまとめる
stale 色褪せた
so adj as to do ーするほどーである
surpass my limits げんかいをこえる
motivate sb to do にーすることを動機づける
far-off 遠く離れた
regardless それでもなお 
run after sth を追いかける
at the last minute 直前に
chicken out 怖気付いてやめる
keep sth separate を切り離す
prioritize sth を優先する
lowest figure 最も低い数字
the next lowest 次に最も低いのは
stop sb from doing するのを止める
audible 聞き取れる
to pieces 粉々に
all the early mornings 毎朝
late nights 遅い夜
piece  断片
as bad as it gets この上なく悪い
result in sth その結果ーになる
as planned 予定通り
damn くそ
as adjective as it gets この上なくー
get goosebumps 鳥肌立つ
the bottom of sth の真相
as good as it gets これ以上良くなる見込みがないくらい良い
evoke memory 記憶を呼び起こす
hard to describe 表現しづらい
legit 質が高く素晴らしい
legitimately ガチで
go against sb に逆らう
drawing style 描き方
dope  かっこいい
cannot stop doing せずにはいられない
out there somewhere外のどっかに
I am down いいよ
top school 進学校
the rest 別のもの
clifftop 丘の上
belong to sb の所有である
unusual 珍しい
own a house 家を持つ
How kind なんて親切なんだ
not uncommon 珍しくない
one by one ひとつずつ
beautify sth を美しくさせる
sth bloom が開花する
show respect 敬意を示す
work-life balance ワークライフバランス
a job that pays well 給料がいい仕事
people worldwide 世界中の人
similarly 同様に
quit doing するのをやめる
join the company 入社する
commitment 約束
soft 優しい
separate 別の
nimble 器用な
resume sth  を再開する
lift sth を撤廃する
line sth に沿って並ぶ
nimble fingers 器用な指
horizontally  水平に
line the street 道路に沿って並ぶ
at home 親しみがある
do away with sth を廃止する
altogether 完全に
quote sth を引用する
laughter 笑い声
take apart 分解する
exactly the way I want it まさしく私が欲しいように
cherry pick sth をじっくり選ぶ
omit sth を除く
the very first time 一番最初の時
let sb down を落ち込ませる
disrespect 軽蔑
Even soたとえそうでも
at the age of 歳の時に
up to sth 次第である
in response to sth に対応するため
responsive to sth に対応するため
bring somebody to somewhereをーにつれていく
whenever chance arises
customer support カスタマーセンター
up to this day 今日まで
how it is done どのようにやるのか
this shit こんなちっぽけな事
I'll be damned これは驚いた
trust me 信じて
a piece of garbage ゴミ
beginning 始め
considering sth を考慮して
sb snore がいびきをかく
stinky 悪臭の
third place 第三位
trash shoot ゴミ箱
be on the fence 決めかねてる
sth come along が進捗する
naps 昼寝
suspend sth を吊るす
asleep 人が眠って

evolve pokemon ポケモンを進化させる
always a thing よくあること
I will always doずっとーします
treasure sth を大切にする
cherish sth を大切にする
let go of sth を手放す
let it go 過去のことを忘れる
let it be ありのままにする
make myself understood in english 英語で理解してもらう
at all全く
to some extent ある程度
I swear to god 確信してる
obviously 当然ながら
continue sth を続ける
get sth started を始める
timing タイミング
another day 別の日
perfect timing 完璧なタイミング
be close with sb と仲がいい
close friend 親友
don't get along 仲が良くない
be on good terms with sb と良好な関係である
sb quarrel 口論する
exchange greetings 挨拶を交わす
am not crazy about sth に興味がない
peruse sth を熟読する
sample sth を経験してみる
three days to go 後3日
dirty deed 汚い行為 
It has been nice not doing しないでよかった
dirt cheep 格安な
sth is staged はやらせである
fake smile 作り笑い
fake injury ケガのフリをする

thought that comes into my head 頭に浮かんだ考え
rest of sth の残り
overall 全体として
make me laugh so hard めっちゃ笑わせる
damn good めっちゃいい
has been absolutely terrible めっちゃ悪い
double charge 二重請求する
hard work pays off 努力が報われる
southern part 南部
refrain from doing を差し控える
match my palate 好みの味に合う
stunning 素晴らしい
seafood toppings シーフードトッピング
adventurous 冒険好きな
foodie 食にこだわる人
prevalent 普及してる
staple 主な
modern times 現代
at the same time 同時に
punchline 笑い話のオチ
setup 設定
be meant to do することになってる
go ask sb に尋ねに行く
buzzer ブザー
embarrassment 恥ずかしさ
place value on sth に価値を置く
easy to understand 分かりやすい
exterior 外観
make progress 進行する
disgrace 不名誉
underneath 下に
outfit 服装
control myself コントロールする
some decent wind blowing left 左からのちょっとした風
fire an arrow 矢を放つ
sth blow が吹く
all over sth の至る所に
in thought 心の中で
make a mistake about sth の間違いをする
get sth wrong を間違える
see it coming 予想する
ahead of sth より先に
sth pull away が動き出す
get sth to do にーさせる
make sb do にーさせる
earlier than より早く
have sth pp をーしてもらう
unpaid 未払いの
owing 未払いの
sb sit back が傍観する
screwed 困った
adolescence 青年
wrongdoing 不正行為
traitor 裏切り者
criticize sbを非難する
sb evacuate が避難する
diss sb をdisる
betray sb を裏切る
acquaintance 知り合い
ride a bike バイクに乗る
drop off sth を下す
unleash sth 制御できないーを放つ
violent force 危険な力
call ahead 事前に電話する
telephone sb に電話する
go for a ride 車に乗る
powerful 強力な
enlarge sth を大きくする
notify sb に知らせる
take the wheel of sth を操作する
as much time as sv と同じくらいの時間
get it right を理解する
take control of sth を操作する
clunky デカくて重いダサい
comprehensive 全部含んだ
humble 謙虚な
low sound 低い音
sth buzz がブンブン鳴る
sb snarl が歯を出してうなる
overhead 頭上に
do sth wrong を間違える
sth rumble がゴロゴロ鳴る
continuous 絶え間ない
intimidate sb を脅す
sth hoverが空中に止まる
sth linger が長く残る
buckle 靴のバックル
dispense sth. を配る
tranquil 静かな
shrubs 低木
contradict sth に反論する
high pitched 高音の
wholesome 健康にいい
leafy 緑のある
flip sth をひっくり返す
fall asleep 寝る
turn sth over をひっくり返す
season sth を味付けする
formulate sth を考案する
slash sth を切る
sharp blade 刃
insomnia 不眠症
drawback 欠点
emit sth を発する
marketable 市場的に価値がある
combat sth を撲滅する
endanger sth を危険に晒す
perspective 物事の考え

sb flirt  が性的に誘う
code green 緊急事態
clumsy 不器用な
uncultured 教養のない
a dash of salt少量の塩
my heart goes out to sbに同情する
No wonder SV ーしても驚かない
during the time that の間
any person who は誰でも
play back 再生する
out of alignment with your intention あなたの考えと食い違う
successor 後継者
descendent 子孫
attractiveness 魅力
develop into sth に発展する
move forward 前進する
hostile to sth に敵対的だ
sth turn against sb に対して敵対的である
flab 過剰な脂肪
loose たるんだ
reflect with sth をじっくり考える

magazine 雑誌
entertain myself 自分自身を楽しませる
limited 狭い  
be back at full strength 完全復活する
among all sth 全てのーの中で
maintain my pace ペースを維持する 
run faster than all but 4 percent of players 4%を除くすべての選手より早く走る
like we have not seen今まで見たことないようなくらい
quake 揺れ
trailer 予告
have an air of sth のような雰囲気がある
committed 献身的な
appearance 見た目
whereabout 場所
newcomer 新人
advantageous   有利な
a year back 一年前に
scalping trade スキャルピング
on the outside 外見は
come and go 行ったり来たりする
the feeling of nausea 吐き気
vomit 吐く
pull over駐車する
preoccupy sb の頭をいっぱいにする
sentimental 感傷的な
straddle sth を跨ぐ
as a matter of fact 事実
off work 仕事じゃない
seemingly 一見して
to the side of sth の側に
last six months 過去六ヶ月
resolve to do する決心をする
a course of action 行動方針
sign with sth と契約する 
how good he has been ?彼はどのくらい凄いの
freak 異常な
course 方針
sth halve が半分になる
firmly 断固として
sth surge が急に上がる
out of nowhere 急に
is in the top 1 percent of sth の上位1%である
choose sth more oftenをもっと選ぶ
try tips アドバイスを試す
store-bought 市販の
come out of nowhere 急に出てくる
sell yourself short 自分を安く売る
sth is second to none は唯一無二だ
better than all others 他のものよりいい
cut back on を控えめにする
most of us 私たち
do the first date wrong 最初のデートを間違える
childhood trauma 幼少期のトラウマ
paranoid 極めて不安な
painstaking めっちゃ大変な
strike up sth を始める
requiem 鎮魂歌
ill-prepared 準備できてない
disastrous 壊滅的な
patriot 愛国者
coastline 海岸
left in somewhere に置いてかれる
allergic to sth にアレルギーだ
strain ストレス
abandoned 見捨てられた
nurture sth を育てる
good excuse for sth のいい言い訳
offensive 不快な
fault 責任
come clean about sth に正直になる
be beat とても疲れた
just around the corner すぐそこ
It hits me hard when の時めっちゃ疲れる
anti government 反政府
suffrage 選挙権
footage 映像
than most ほとんどの物より
what its like to do ーするのはどんなのか
Imagine sv もしーだったら
rally 政治集会
offensive 失礼な
impending 差し迫った
buffer sth を薄める
taxation 税制
occupant 住人
be behind sb より遅れてる
flaw 欠陥
emergence 出現
frequency 頻度
occurrence 発生
serial 常習犯の
set sb free を自由にする
margin 余白
liberation 解放
as well as sb do ーがしたように
emulate sth を手本にする
copy sth をまねる
vulnerable 傷つきやすい
layout 配置
on every occasion いつも
premium 追加金
timber  木材
ember 燃え木
array sth を並べる
operational 稼働した
integrity 正直さ
invariably 変わることなく
sb lag behind が遅れる
redundant たくさんあって過剰な
no longer needed もう必要ない
static 静止した
commit a crime 犯罪を犯す
in the last year 去年
disperse oil油を分離する
annoy sb をいらいらさせる
collapse into sth の方に倒れる
nothing hidden 隠すものがない
color skinned 有色の
fall into sth の方に倒れる
crank up sth  のボリュームを上げる
take up on sth を引き受ける
even inside 内側でも
disperse sth を分散する
withstand sth に耐える
hard usage 荒い使い方
boulevard 並木通り
disproportionate 不
accuracy 正確性

turn into sth になる
take the pressure off プレッシャーを取り除く
return on investment 投資のリターン
do the opposite 逆のことをする
prepare myself for success  成功する準備をする
that's part of that それもありですね
don't work out うまくいかない
first encounter 最初の出会い
fall  below that それ以下に落ちる
give a speech スピーチをする
compliment お褒め
do me a huge favor 私に大きなお願いする
beacon 信号
sth collide が衝突する
I lost it 理性を失った
negate sth を無効にする
fish hook 釣り針
uncompromising 断固とした
chic 上品な
fluorescent 香りのいい
a year ahead 一年後
nip him on the leg 足を軽くつまむ
drab くすんで黄ばんだ
over surface 表面に
opaque 不透明な
bolster sth を高める
give a high five ハイタッチする
upraised 持ち上げられた
fungus 菌類
barb 返し
blooms 花
courtship 求愛行動
court sb に求愛する
stingy けちな
be discordant with と調和しない
bustling 賑やかな
couch potato 家でだらける人
make a correction 修正する
each of sths それぞれの
sth get around so well よく旅行に行く
my condolence to sth への追悼
make the train 電車に間に合う
the converse is true 逆も正しい
for whatever reason 何らかの理由で
no later than sth までに
by the time that までに
predetermined 前もって決まった
by which way その方法によった
outweigh sth より重みがある
require no more than a couple of hours 数時間しか必要ない
not more than 18しかない
rub sth をこする
ambiguous 曖昧な
ointment 塗り薬
bruise あざ
despite sth にも関わらず
be due to do することになってる
prudent 慎重な
duty roster 勤務表
nomadic 遊牧民の
spread thick substance 物質を塗る
smear sth を塗る
flex sth を曲げる
shuffle sth を混ぜる
see sb do ガーするのを見る
mentor 指導者
sth degenerate が悪化する
nick かすり傷
small cut 傷
weed sth out を排除する
struggle in your relationship人間関係で悩む
get some back いくらが取り返す
in terms of tennis analogy テニスに例えると
scratch 傷
prestigious 名誉のある
only just in time 間に合って
go bankrupt 破産する
way more めっちゃ
aesthetically 芸術的に
in a way that makes it worse 悪くなる方法で
for the rest 残りに関しては
look around somewhere をよく探す
a sort of person あるタイプの人
frighten sb を脅迫する
emptiness 空
distort sth を歪める
in the nick of time 危機一髪で
worthwhile 価値のある
Mind if I してもいいですか
be anxious about のことを心配してる
touch and go 危機一髪
at some point 現時点で
photogenic インスタ映えする
there has to be sth 確実にある
as a result of sth の結果
be informed about sth についてよく知ってる
low pitched 低音の
hoarse 声がしゃがれた
in vain 無駄に
logical 論理的な
consistent 首尾一貫した
pick your brain 知恵を借りる
struggle 頑張る
husky 声が掠れた
snoop about sth について詮索する
question sb に質問する
typically 普通
overwork 過労
urge sb を急かす
reconsider sth を再考する
high end 高価格帯の
sketchy 不完全な
be ordered to do するのを命じられる
penetrating 透き通った
airborne 空気中の
compensate sb for sth に の保証をする
nasal 鼻声の
sb strip が服を脱ぐ
epic めっちゃすごい
sth tick がチクチク鳴る
a rhyme for orange オレンジの韻
pass through my nose 鼻を通る
wipe sth を消す
explain away sth の言い訳する
expertly 専門的に
impractical 実用的でない
hideous ひどくひどい
patch up sth を修復する
patch up relationship 関係を修復する
make up story 話を作り上げる
up to no good よくないことを考えてる
socket 電源の差し込み口
hygiene 衛生
short-sleeved 半袖の
tactical 戦術的な
in the case of の場合は
spare key 予備の鍵
trustworthy 信頼できる
what if sth goes wrong うまくいかなかったらどうする  
as much as you want 好きなだけ
opponent 相手
fall two goals behind 二点差で遅れをとる
judge a book by its cover 見た目で判断する
cover 外見  
salute sb に敬礼する
what else あとなんだろ
rate sth を評価する
on a scale of 1 to 10 一から十で
divide into sth に分ける
where in japan 日本の場所
deep bow お辞儀
I am left by the plane 飛行機に置いてかれた
update you あなたにお知らせする
supreme ruler 最高権力者
occupation 職業
big pros 大きいメリット
usual practice 慣習
clarity 明確さ
sb bow がお辞儀する
sovereign 最高権力者
ridicule sbを嘲笑う
endanger sth を危険に晒す
utensil 台所器具
just to update you そういえば
return to sth に戻る
How come どうして
hollow 窪んだ
difficulty doing することの困難
you might wanna do したほうがいいかも
broke 金欠な
overall vibe 全体の雰囲気
depressing 憂鬱な
stroll around sth をぶらぶらする
it sounds as if のように聞こえる
viewpoint 見方
stay up all night 夜更かしする
once and for all きっぱり
halfway through sth の途中で
have fun doing して楽しむ
give it a second thought 考え直す
in person 直接会って
find faults with sth の粗探しをする
municipal 市の
color blind 色盲の
oversensitive 神経質な
habitually 習慣的に
early riser 早起きする人
sparkling water 炭酸水
transit through sth でトランジットする
screw off 消え失せる
unreasonable 理由が不平な
apart from that それは別として
see yourself doing  in one year あなたが一年後してる
in general 一般的に
properly 適切に
broke 金欠の
adaptation 適応
hurriedly 急いで
stay up late 夜更かしする
cope with sth に対処する
immortal 不道徳の
wrestle with sb と闘う
screw the lid 蓋を閉める
squad チーム
get cozy with sth でゆっくりする
put your feet up 足を伸ばしてくつろぐ
roughly 大雑把に
get down to sth の下に行く
climb sown 降りる
crushing ひどい
whatsoever 一切
give up once and for all きっぱり諦める
out of league 高嶺の花
have the command of speaking english 英語を話す能力を持つ
am walking on my way home 家に向かってる
fill time doing して埋める
switch off sth のスイッチをオフにする
automatically 自動で

the degree to which の程度
slam doors ドアを閉める
make eyes sore 目が痛くなる
detention  勾留
detain sb を勾留する
be at a loss 何していいかわからない
put sth back を元に戻す
unplug sth のプラグを抜く
a carton of milk 牛乳一箱
fridge 冷蔵庫
fix on sth に決める
disconnect sth を切る
required standard 必要なレベル
brush sth off sth ーのーを払う
cake crumb ケーキのカス
sb bathe が入浴する
immerse body in water 体を水につける
melodramatic 芝居じみた
In ways that are more extreme 大げさに
insecure 不安な
no matter how adjective どんなにーでも
in the hands of sth の支配で
sth is in your hands の支配にある
considerable かなりの
crash 衝突事故
lenient 刑の甘い
very large めっちゃでかい
mentor sth  に助言する
flunk sth を落第する
go by sth で呼ばれてる
get to cleaning 掃除する
pollutant 汚染物質
roast sth を焼く
sth bathe が入浴する
remove plug プラグ抜く
following 次の
finance 婚約予定の男性
the following 次のもの
lethargy 無気力
absolutely 完全に
vulgar 下品な
hangover 二日酔い
ponder sth をよく考える
continue doing し続ける
shake off sth を払う
presume おそらくーだと思う
escort sbに付き添う
establishment 施設
ponder sth についてよく考える
precaution 予防策
embrace sth を受け入れる
one way or another あれこれと
by some means 何らかの方法で
continue doing し続ける
circumstance  状況
second his proposal 彼の提案に賛成する
official ceremony 公式の会
the first time i have heard about sth 初めて聞きました
in any circumstances いかなる状況でも
at close quoters 間近で
hallway 廊下
in advance あらかじめ
the rear of sth の後方
take a wrong turn 間違えて曲がる
get into sth にハマる
half hearted 真心がこもってない
lead to sth に通じる
broker 仲介役
chill out リラックスする
possible  潜在的な
merely 単に
dazzling 眩しい
nordic 遊牧民の
stick to sth に従う
complication 複雑な問題
invisible 見えない
reckless 大胆な
sure 確実に
spoken words 話した言葉
intend to do するつもりである
patently 明らかに
very nearly ほとんど
means of access アクセス手段
little kids 小さい子供
bird breeding 鶏の飼育
effortless way 簡単な方法
I am not big on little kids 小さい子供 が苦手である
the amount of money I have 持ち金
state of finance 財政状況
hardly ever ほとんどーない
vulgar 下品な
bound sth を縛る
confidently 自信を持って
pricy 高い
palpitate 動悸する
not anytime soon しばらくはない
that would be great それはありがたい
a second time もう一度
is second only to sth に次いで二番目である
I second that 賛成します
far from it そんなわけない
mean to do するつもりである
absurd 馬鹿馬鹿しい
lead sb around place を案内する
show sb around. を案内する
neither sth のどちらかもでない
intoxicated 酔っ払った
companion 仲間
under the influence of sth の影響下で
nag sbにしつこく言う
agree to disagree 争うのをやめる
constantly しょっちゅう
chew sth を食べる
bizarre 奇妙な
a mouthful of toast トースト一口
town centre 町の中心
accessibility 利便性
sit in 参加する
high resolution 高画質
adapt sth をふさわしく変える  
apocalypse 世紀末
auspicious 縁起のいい
office boy オフィスで働く人
suit requirement 要求に合わせる
special talent 特別な才能
hit on sth を思い浮かぶ
novel idea 目新しいアイデア
lights fused ライトが消える
stop working が止まる
intervene in sth に介入する
multitalented 多才な
test sth をテストする
slip out of sth から落ちる
sth slide out が滑り落ちる
converse with sth と会話する
left in darkness 暗闇に消える
such a nice boy めっちゃいい人
sth bulge が膨らむ
sth gesture がジェスチャーする
sth occur to me が頭に浮かぶ
no time soon すぐにはない
going forward 今後の
trial 試練
electric appliance 電化製品
rearrange sth を配列し直す
meaningfully 意味深に
to begin with まずはじめに
whereas ところが
the reason behind this この理由
appliance 器具
what i am trying to say 私が言いたいのは
this happened during the time の時に起きた
rain drops 雨が降る
quota ノルマ
designation 仕事のポジション
pornography ポルノ
rapid fast めっちゃ早い
schooled 教え込まれた
got schooled heavily 厳しく教え込まれた
phobia of heights 高所恐怖症
juggle a soccer ball リフティングする
deserve recognition 賞賛に値する
even once 一回も
broken down 壊れた
have the background of playing soccer サッカーの経験がある
along the way 途中で
not as hard as in china and Korea 韓国や中国ほど大変じゃない
midway 途中で
pound on sth を強く叩く
computer keyboard キーボード
go for a walk 歩きに行く
doesn't suit my liking 私の好みに合わない
the day before the exam テストの前日
if i can be of any help もし何かお役に立てれば
technically 厳密に言えば
understand the point 意味は理解してる
as usual いつも通り
represent the country's identity 国のシンボルを示す
a pane of glass ガラス一枚
climb the stairs 階段を登る
a little bit too early ちょっと早すぎる
kitchen knife 包丁
and I added 加えて言った
speaking of which そう言えば
burn it black 焦がす
make fried eggs 卵焼き作る
woozy 頭がぼんやりした
off sth ーから離して
filthy hands 汚い手
with sth の組織で
be gonna do ーします
25 dollars in all合計二十五ドル
I am still debating まだ迷ってる
sth come along nicely がうまくいく
I cant say anything when i am suddenly asked to そんなこと急に聞かれても分からない
argue about the question その質問について議論する
not much 大したことない
be gonna do する予定である
collage buddies  大学の友達
Im alright thank youいらないですありがとう
make a draft 下書きを書く
have it proofread by a friend 友達に添削しもらう
encourage someone to do するように促す
anything that will make you more nervous もっと緊張させるもの 
too ーもーである
With sth ,があるにもかかわらず
lovely はいほしい
with sb の話についていってる
A cup of tea?紅茶どう?
depressed 落ち込んだ
I can't decide one ひとつを決められない
in fullフルで
secret recipe秘密のレシピ
homemade 手作りの
ingredients 食材
wet ingredients 液体の材料
cover the dough 出来上がった生地にラップする
chill in the refrigerator 冷蔵庫で冷やす
take a bus バスに乗る
Buses run every fifteen minutesバスは15分間隔で来ます
three months hence これから三ヶ月後に
loved one 大切な人
uncensored 検閲を受けてない
insure against all damageすべての損害に保険をかける
the soup boils スープが沸騰する

bus fare バス料金 
total amount of money i spent 使ったお金の合計
the amount of time to finish 終わるのにかかる時間
trainers 運動靴
one that is done interestingly 興味深いもの
I might have to do しなければならないかも
soak up some sun 日光浴をする
at first glance 初めて見た時
hear from sth から連絡をもらう
garbage bagゴミ袋
hear sth を耳にする
i am not going to lie ぶっちゃけ言うと
get invited to sth に誘われる
arbitrary 勝手な
insufficient 不十分な
pretty 素敵な
how many of you どれくらいの人たちが
right before sth の直前に
lay off sb を解雇する
absolutely not ありえない
I am done 終わった
what is with it それどうしたの
hot and tasty 辛くてうまい
light and tasty あっさりしてうまい
there is a car coming 車が来てるよ
sb tripがつまづく
its gonna be cold 寒くなるよ
closed 親しい 
something is off 何か怪しい
slip and fall滑って転ぶ
its not my day ついてないな
a long story  色々あった
sleep on it それを一晩考える
I mean it 本気で言ってます
good vibes 良い感じ
would that be enough for you 足りますか
I am still debating まだ迷ってる
cut in line 列に割り込む
the line starts back 列は後ろから始まります
or else もしくは
neighbor 隣人
next-door 隣の
the busiest time 最も忙しい時間 
okay with whatever you order なんでもいい
resign from this company この会社から退職する
researcher 研究者
must have にしたに違いない
microscope 顕微鏡
do i have everything 忘れ物ないかな
get to work 仕事に取り掛かる
fried 頭が回転しない
university degree大学の学位
might even have sth でさえ持ってるかも
think faster スマートに考える
fall in love too fast 惚れやすい
pass through sth を透過する
ended up doing 結局ーしていた
high paying job 高収入の仕事
cause of stress ストレスの原因
have no confidence to sth にコンプレックスがある
sweetie 恋人
cricket コオロギ
enroll in sth に入会する
phonetic symbol 英語の発音記号
strictly speaking 厳密にいうと
kelp 昆布
seaweed 海藻
downtown 繁華街
pass sth を通り抜ける
distilled water 蒸留水
is by doing することです
healthcare 医療制度
sth is phased が導入される

bail 逃げ出す
electricity bill 電気代
bill 公共料金
empty 空の
favorite time of the year 一年の中の好きな季節
increase my heart beat 心拍数を増やす
rough 荒れている
keep the temperature of my body up体温を保つ
very low temperature 低温
inspiration 感化させるもの
Antarctica 南極
stormy 嵐のような
bail on sth から逃げ出す
halfway through sth の途中で
halfway through 半分終わった
preschool 幼児の
gold leaf 金箔
take away sth を持ち帰る
gift-wrap sth をギフト用に包装する
each of them それら一つ一つ
romance 恋愛
package sth を包む
each item individually ひとつひとつ
uncivilized 非常識な
leave my key at home 鍵忘れる
sth hit the spot がめちゃめゃ美味しいです
is pending が未解決である
out of the blue 思いがけず
be done 終わった
be on god terms with someone とうまくやってる
too tired to walk 疲れて歩けない
leave sth を置き忘れる
tap water 無料の水
recruiter 人事
square 四角形
are you seeing anyone ?彼氏いますか
if any ,もしあれば
whoever you maybe あなたが誰であっても
There are few, if anyあるとしても多く無い
Ever feel like SV ? を感じたことはありますか?
drive 気力
