


・サブネットのノードは Internet Computer Associationで認可を受ける許可・登録制

参考:「【Dfinity】Internet Computer の概要と Bitcoinとの統合についての解説」 を噛み砕いて粉砕する



NNS(Network Nervous System)は、独立したデータセンターのノードを組み合わせてサブネットを作成し、このサブネットはキャニスター・スマートコントラクトをホストするために使用されます。各サブネットは独自のブロックチェーンを実行し、キャニスターは他のサブネット/チェーン上のキャニスターを透過的に呼び出せるような形でオンチェーンを実行します。実際、同じサブネット上の共有キャニスター関数を呼び出すか、別のサブネット上の関数を呼び出すかの違いはなく、安全なコードのシームレスな宇宙内での関数呼び出しに過ぎない。


補足(White Paper, Wikiなどからの追加情報):
 - NNS用
 - システム・サブネット
 - データ・サブネット
 - フォーキャスト・サブネット、

A subnet chainblock is a special kind of blockchain within the Internet Computer blockchain network that can seamlessly integrate with other blockchains to increase capacity. The Network Nervous System combines nodes from independent data centers to create subnets, which are used to host canister smart contracts. Each subnet runs its own blockchain, and canisters run on-chain in such a way that they can transparently call canisters on other subnets/chains. In fact, there is no difference between calling a shared canister function on the same subnet or a different subnet, it's just a function call within a seamless universe of secure code.

The subnets are transparent to canister code and users of canisters — developers and users just interact with the Internet Computer, while the ICP protocol securely and transparently replicates data and computation across subnet nodes in the background. The system is more secure than a traditional blockchain because the precise decentralization of data and computation is controlled by the protocol rather than left to chance. Pooling (traditional PoW, PoS) or the creation of validator nodes with vast amounts of stake that create more blocks (as per PoS), is not possible. Direct interaction between subnets, and with subnets, is enabled by "Chain Keys," which are made possible by novel advanced cryptography developed by DFINITY.
