
"A beast that cannot be tracked."(日本語訳)


Fuse:Dark, forebodin'forest, evil, chompy-creatures lyin'in wait and me 'n' ol' Houndy on the hunt!

Fuse:If that ain't a great weekend, I don't know what is.
Bloodhound:I am happ for the invitation, Walter Fitzroy.
Fuse:Well, what are best mates for, eh?

Bloodhound:Yes, now... to focus on the hunt-
Fuse:And speaking of "best mates" ...see um, We Salvonians ain't exactly expert communicators. Just ask Mags.

Fuse:So When we need to get somethin' off our chests, we let a little adventure grease the wheels.
Bloodhound:My wheels are sufficiently...greased, as you say.
Fuse:Are they?
Fuse:Ain't we got somethin' to talk about?
Fuse:Somethin' even the new kid smelled a mile off.
Bloodhound:Heimskr child... keep her observations to her-

Fuse:Houndy... if the new kid's talking about it...
Fuse:We oughta talk about it.
Bloodhound:This is the rangr time to discuss.
Fuse:It's exactly the right time, isn't it?
Fuse:You and me. Sparks flyin', signals going back and forth, butt slaps reentering the conversation.
Fuse:But it all went cold. And I don't...
Fuse:I don't know why you're shuttin' me out.

Fuse:What we got mate, I ain't felt with anyone!
Bloodhound:I... really?
Fuse:and all it took to rattle you was some kid pointing out what we both obviously feel.
Bloodhound:Nei, it- it is not her!
Fuse:So it's me then?
Fuse:Of course it's bloody me.
Bloodhound:Nei, Walter-
Fuse:Then what the bloody hell is it?!

Bloodhound:I... I…


Bloodhound:There is a beast that cannot be tracked or predicted.
Bloodhound:It is... wild.

Bloodhound:It is love.
Bloodhound:Walter Fitzroy.
Bloodhound:To feel so much for someone to allow such feelings.
Bloodhound:It is frightening.
Bloodhound:I lost Boone…

Fuse:I'll grant ya.
Fuse:She can be a rough ride, this life…
Fuse:but mate…
Fuse:I'm not going anywhere.

A beast that cannot be tracked.  