
Coexisting of "environment" and "economy"

Today I’d like to share a little about my thoughts on the topic of “coexisting of environment and economy”. It will have no direct link between Wowoo project, but is one of the most interesting topic that I find in life.

I’m sure many have seen the emotional speech by Greta Thurnburg at the UN summit on Climate change. There has been arguments both for and against her (and young generations with similar opinions) from all over the world, but how did you feel about it?

I personally was inspired by her courage to speak out at where the whole world was to watch over and insisting that “(After all,) we should live more considerately of the Earth that we live on” (without considering where she came from), but I did not feel her opinions and the way she acted to be too convincing for myself, and made me rather suspicious.
Myself is about to be a father of two beautiful child, and I agree and am aware that it is far too selfish behavior to force our future generations to clean the mess we made, and how unfortunate it is to only be able to pass on results as of today. It makes me feel so sorry and as much as ashamed, but I also believe that without looking into our histories and achievements from various angles, it is impossible to achieve any realistic harmony between the nature and human.

I’m sure many people can imagine that problems surrounding our natural environment is very tricky topic. Ms. Thurnsberg insists that there are only Black and White to solving this problem, but is it really as simple as that? Simply speaking, even a kid can understand that it is not a good thing when our air or oceans are polluted, but what if we are told that in order to radically improve these problem, “we have decided that there will be limitations on the economic activities and energy supplies to all people from tomorrow” or simply, “we need all humans dead on this planet”? Obviously the whole world would panic.

The majority of people on earth is related (regardless of the volume) with some kind of economic activities, and especially the people living in the developed countries enjoys a decent level of comfortable civilized lives. Therefore, these problems are hard to tackle because it could not be seen or felt much (it is said that Ms. Thurnsberg can see the Co2 visually, but I assume majority of people does not have the ability to do that. Or is it only me?)

Who knows whether our capitalism is the best mode of production any civilization could establish, but as for us that lives today shall seek for the way to establish better society (including the natural environments) through our economic activities.
Obviously, the reality, for example, that tremendous amount of money is being spent by many countries on weapons and advanced fighters for wars and defense purpose, is insane (how many lives could we save with these money), but because of liberating the free economic activities to people, many people can put their ideas into shape, and ultimately can head towards to raising the entire society together with the development of new IT technologies (although that would also likely to create certain disparities). Therefore, there should be somewhat of legitimacy in the logic of economic activities to support our improvements in the poverty and environment issues for example.

I think it is also important to consider that the “Global warming” itself is an ambiguous topic.
I do not deny of the abnormal weathers and climate changes, but the idea of “Many effects, including the rise in the sea level, is caused by global warming mainly due to greenhouse gases emitted from human industrial activities”, though it is being supported by many people, is not fully proven at this point. I even think that this is not even a diabolical proof, to prove that there are almost no relations between the greenhouse gases and warming temperatures, if we could have scientist research from various angles on the topic without having to worry any of its economic rationality towards our society. (*Please note this is only my personal opinion.)

At least there should be a clear distinction with `heat island effect` when discussing about this topic, and further research should be made on possible external causes such as `Solar activities` and `Pole shift`. If we really think about it, over this recent year, it’s getting both hot, AND cold everywhere on this planet, and paradoxically speaking, I think there are as many chances of the increase in abnormal weathers, regardless of the gas emitted. Of course, I am not trying to say therefore we can dump more wastes, or support oil or nuclear industry whichever. Although for the less impact on earth, I still think it is better that we use our own shopping bags, or simply spend our money more considerably (as every shopping is an election).
(Just a side note, but Solar power has been paid attention to as substitute energy, but this stuff is very very difficult to be disposed. I think the whole promotion on Solar power as a Clean energy itself is more likely to be government’s propaganda in making more money, than of this whole “Global Warming” stuff.)

The whole concept of the Global warming was brought to us by Al Gore and NASA to name a few, but collectively from US, and now has been denied by its very own president Mr. Trup. It resulted in US withdrawing from the Paris Agreement. So what was this about in the first place? I think there’s no rhyme or reason in the criticism of “this is only President Trump going reckless.”

This is a little off the topic but I have recently read “Permanent Record” written by Edward Snowden, whistleblower who leaked classified documents of the NSA back in 2013. I will not talk about the book here or how I think about his justice, but the thing that struck me the most is that, there are great deals of concessions existing in the decision making of a level of Country or Governments (it’s not even a conspiracy theory anymore), and things are not always necessarily disclosed to the public.


It sounds more like it when they say “sake of protecting our people”, but as Mr. Snowden warns in the interview by the Daily Show above, “Distance between fact and suspicion is everything in democracy, and if we can’t agree on what is happening, how can we decide what we should do about it? Government in a democracy derives its legitimacy from the consent of the governed, and consent is only meaningful if it’s informed.”, this is most likely what is happening not only in US but any other countries.

To conclude this story, I think our people, and moreover the democracy’s mission these days is to come back to think about how we are able to reach to the right consensus, in any topic including Global warming, whatsoever. This movement is also seen from the rise of Cryptocurrencies.
LIBERTY project that we support is focusing directly on this problem, and we as Wowoo is also making our effort to contribute in establishing a society, where great things are spread without any lies, empowered by the new technology of Blockchain. 












民を守るため、と言えば聞こえはいいですが「民主主義において事実と疑いの距離感は重要であり、実際になにが起きているかについて合意を得られないのに、今後どうしたらいいかなど決められるわけがない。民主主義において政府は統治者の同意からその正当性を引出しますが、その正当性は疑いのない事実を事前に公開されることでしか意味を持ちえない。」と上記Daily Showでのインタビューにおいてスノーデン氏が警告しているようにこれはアメリカに限らずすべての社会で起きている現状であると判断すべきだと思います。


