School tour



/Why do you want to change her school?

When we came to Hong Kong, my daughter couldn't speak English at all. So we selected the school that had ESL program.

But she graduated ESL class this March and we want to get better educational opportunities.

/ How about her current school?

They do a lot of work with IT programs during math, science, English class, so these lessons look fun. But I want her to have more real life experiences now.  Half of classmates are studying at ESL class. 

And there are not many opportunities for parents to take part in the school life of the kids. As a mother, I'd like to help her learn as well.

I introduced Japanese culture in her class as a volunteer, but I hope to do something to make her or her classmates school life happier, if I could.

/How did you find this school?

I heard from her music school teacher, Ms.xxxx, the mother of xxx, grade2.

My daughter attends a piano class of Suzuki method. Ms.xxxx highly recommended this school as an excellent studying facility based on Christian studies.

/Why did you select this school?

Ms.xxxx who knows my daughter very well, I decided to look into recommendation as I'm interesting in IPC program.

I want my daughter to find how interesting studying is and to be curious about things surrounding her. So I think IPC program is the best way for her.

/What character your daughter is?

She is very well behavior who listens to others carefully and has positive attitude towards learning and practicing. She is kind to people around her, specially these who are in need to help or assistance.

Actually, February 2019, she was selected as the student of month. Her teacher's comments are that she always assists her classmates with their tasks. She uses her time wisely in class and perseveres when she is facing with a challenge.


/How many pupils are in one class and grade1?

Where are the students from?

/Could you show me a daily table and a schedule of extra curriculum?

/How to apply?

/We live in xx station, is there an opportunity to a school bus?

/What kind of reading materials could we use? How many times to use Library per week? or How about Web reading?
