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過去会話からのラップアップ(Warp up)性能評価


The minority’s community dog breed would be Samoyed, they also live in Lupine Federation

私が、明示的に少数民族としてミニチュアダックスフンドと宣言したことで、GPT-4のラップアップ(Warp up)でサモエドが漏れる事態になった。ただし、これはどちらかというと私が決めたという宣言に含まれなかったことで、サモエドは少数民族として考慮しないという意思表示と受け止められたと考えられ、インプットプロンプトの不備であるという評価をしている。

I decided Barkovia is German like country. Barkovia’s main dog breed is German Shepherd and Boxer, and minorities is miniature dachshund.



I’m going to create a novel named Inu-topia (dog utopia in Japanese).

Inu-topia is a story in civilized dog society. There are lot of different dog breeds living in each communities. Like human races and countries, each country stands for one or more dog breeds. There is lot of prejudice and majority of dogs people consider crossbreeding is not good. Minority of dog breed are treated bad in some cases. There are historical complex reason to draw borders so some of dog breed separate more than two countries. And some of dog breed is too friendly and well socialized skills to manage with other dog breeds in almost every country.

What I want to write:
Young dog fall in love with different breed girl dog, but there are lot of difficulties to overcome story. To improve these concepts, I need your help.

I'm happy to help you develop your novel concept. Here are some suggestions to expand and enhance your ideas:

  1. World-building: Elaborate on the different countries and communities in Inu-topia, focusing on their unique characteristics, cultural aspects, and histories. This will help create a vivid and immersive world for your readers.

  2. Characters: Develop well-rounded, relatable characters for your story. Your main characters, the young dog and the different breed girl dog, should have distinctive personalities, backgrounds, and motivations. Additionally, create a diverse cast of supporting characters to enrich the story.

  3. Conflict: Introduce multiple layers of conflict to create a more engaging and dynamic story. For example, the main characters could face both personal and societal challenges in their quest to be together.

  4. Themes: Explore themes such as love, prejudice, acceptance, and unity through your characters' experiences and the world they inhabit.

  5. Plot: Craft a compelling plot that will keep readers engaged. Start with a strong inciting incident that propels the story forward and leads to various obstacles that the characters must overcome. These obstacles can be internal (e.g., overcoming personal prejudices) or external (e.g., facing societal disapproval or political tensions between their communities).

  6. Resolution: Develop a satisfying resolution for your story. This could involve the characters achieving their goals, learning important lessons, or finding a way to bridge the divide between their communities.

  7. Subplots: Incorporate subplots that enrich the main story and provide depth to the characters and the world. For example, you could explore the lives of the supporting characters, delve into the political intrigue between different dog breed countries, or examine the process of challenging and changing societal norms.

  8. Tone and style: Establish a consistent tone and style for your novel. This could range from a lighthearted, whimsical approach to a more serious, thought-provoking tone.

  9. Symbolism: Use symbolism to enhance the themes of your story. For example, the main characters' journey could represent the struggle to overcome prejudice and unite the different dog breeds.

  10. Research: Conduct research on dog breeds, their behaviors, and characteristics to provide authenticity and accuracy to your story.

With these suggestions in mind, you can create a rich, engaging, and thought-provoking novel that will captivate readers and encourage them to consider the themes you're exploring. Good luck with your writing!

Thanks bro. Let’s think about 1. World-building.

It would be modern, nowadays world but humans are dogs. Reflect our human society’s problems into dog societies problems.

Yes, it is fantasy story but I want to write more realistic, establish very understandable background stories. Any examples of this world building?

Certainly! Here's a detailed example of world-building for your Inu-topia:

  1. Geography and Setting: Divide the world into several countries or regions, each representing one or more dog breeds. You can create a map that showcases the geographical features and borders of these regions. For example:

  • Canineland: A large, diverse nation with a mix of dog breeds, similar to a melting pot society. Canineland could be located in a temperate climate with a variety of landscapes, such as mountains, forests, and coastlines.

  • Retriever's Republic: A coastal country known for its golden beaches and sunny weather, inhabited primarily by Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers.

  • Hound Haven: A region with vast plains and rolling hills, home to various hound breeds, such as Beagles, Basset Hounds, and Greyhounds.

  • Terrier Territory: A mountainous, rugged landscape inhabited by different terrier breeds, like the Scottish Terrier, West Highland White Terrier, and Airedale Terrier.

  1. Society and Culture: Develop unique cultural aspects and societal norms for each country or region, drawing on the characteristics of the dog breeds they represent. This will add depth and believability to your world.

  • Canineland: As a diverse nation, Canineland could have a rich cultural tapestry, with various customs and traditions coexisting. There might be a struggle to balance tradition and progress, with some breeds pushing for more inclusivity and others advocating for maintaining cultural heritage.

  • Retriever's Republic: Known for their friendly and sociable nature, the Retrievers' society might be centered around community, outdoor activities, and water sports. Their government could promote values such as cooperation and harmony.

  • Hound Haven: Hound breeds are known for their strong sense of smell and hunting skills. Their society might place a high value on tracking and exploration. They could have a long history of cartography and mapping, as well as a strong tradition of storytelling and folklore.

  • Terrier Territory: Terriers are known for their tenacity and courage. Their society might be fiercely independent, with a strong focus on self-reliance and resourcefulness. They could have a rich history of mining and craftsmanship, with a well-developed sense of aesthetics.

  1. Politics and Economy: Consider how each country or region interacts with one another in terms of trade, diplomacy, and conflict. You can use these political dynamics to reflect contemporary human issues and create tension in your story.

  • Trade Alliances: Some countries might have strong trade partnerships, while others maintain a more isolationist stance. For example, Retriever's Republic and Canineland could have a thriving trade relationship, while Terrier Territory might be more self-sufficient and protective of their resources.

  • Diplomatic Relations: The relations between countries could be influenced by past conflicts, alliances, and historical events. There might be ongoing negotiations, treaties, and peace talks that play a role in your story.

  • Conflicts and Borders: As you mentioned, some dog breeds could be separated into different countries or regions due to historical disputes or conquests. This could lead to ongoing tensions, border disputes, and struggles for autonomy.

By developing these aspects of your world, you can create a rich and believable setting for your story that both reflects and provides commentary on contemporary human society.

Beautiful. Expands more imaginations. I like droopy ear, so I like golden retrievers. How about miniature dachshund? And, I want something super powered countries like USA and Russia. There are two different ideologies and they are avoiding direct conflict, but do proxy war in the buffer states. Main characters may live in the buffer state. One USA like dog country support majority’s authority, however Russia like dog country support minority breed communities. (This buffer state sounds like Ukraine ) Could you create some examples?

Of course! Here are some examples for a miniature dachshund country and two superpowered countries with opposing ideologies:

  1. Miniature Dachshund Country: Dachsdelphia

  • Geography and Setting: Dachsdelphia is a small, charming country with picturesque villages and towns. Known for its hills and valleys, this landscape offers the perfect terrain for miniature dachshunds, who are skilled burrowers and earthdog hunters.

  • Society and Culture: Dachsdelphians are known for their loyalty, intelligence, and determination. They have a strong sense of community and value family ties. Their culture might include unique festivals and events celebrating their earthdog heritage and history.

  • Politics and Economy: Dachsdelphia could be an influential trade hub, connecting neighboring countries with their underground transportation network. They might have strong diplomatic relations with surrounding countries due to their strategic location and valuable trade routes.

  1. Superpowered Countries: Canine Union and Lupine Federation

  • Canine Union (USA-like): A democratic superpower with a diverse population, the Canine Union is a major player on the global stage. They are known for their innovation, military strength, and advocacy for democracy and freedom.

  • Lupine Federation (Russia-like): A powerful country with a strong centralized government, the Lupine Federation is known for its vast resources, military prowess, and history of espionage. They promote their ideology of nationalism and autocracy.

  1. Buffer State: Barkovia

  • Geography and Setting: Barkovia is a strategically located country, sharing borders with both the Canine Union and Lupine Federation. It has a diverse landscape, featuring forests, plains, and mountain ranges.

  • Society and Culture: Barkovia has a mix of dog breeds, with a majority and minority breed population. The majority breed enjoys the support of the Canine Union, while the minority breed communities receive backing from the Lupine Federation.

  • Politics and Economy: Barkovia is a politically turbulent nation, with both superpowers vying for influence. The country experiences proxy wars, espionage, and covert operations as the Canine Union and Lupine Federation compete for control.

Your main characters could live in Barkovia, where they witness and experience the consequences of these political tensions. Their love story could unfold amidst the backdrop of the ongoing conflict, as they strive to bridge the divide between their communities and find a way to be together.

By incorporating these new countries and political dynamics, your story will gain additional depth and complexity, making it even more engaging and thought-provoking for your readers.

Thanks. I will accept your proposal.

let your imagination run wild.

1. Lupine Federations dog breed In Russia, what kind of dogs is famous? I want to think Lupine Federation’s majority dog breed.

2.Canine Unions dog breeds This should be a diverse breeds, what kind of dog breed could you imagine related to USA?

I'm glad you like the proposal! Here are some dog breeds that are famous or have historical ties to Russia and the USA:

  1. Lupine Federation's Dog Breeds (Russia):

  • Siberian Husky: Known for their endurance, strength, and intelligence, Siberian Huskies are native to Siberia, Russia. They were originally bred as sled dogs and are well-adapted to the cold climate.

  • Russian Black Terrier: Developed as a working dog during the Soviet era, the Russian Black Terrier is a strong and protective breed. They were used as military and police dogs and are known for their intelligence and loyalty.

  • Borzoi: Also known as the Russian Wolfhound, the Borzoi is a large, elegant breed with a rich history in Russian aristocracy. They were originally bred for hunting and have a strong prey drive.

  • Samoyed: A fluffy and friendly breed, Samoyeds originated in Siberia and were used as sled dogs, herding dogs, and companions by the Samoyedic people. They are well-suited to cold climates and are known for their gentle nature.

In the Lupine Federation, you could have a mix of these breeds, with one or more breeds being more predominant. This will add variety and depth to the dog population in the country.

  1. Canine Union's Dog Breeds (USA):

The Canine Union, as a diverse country, would have a wide range of dog breeds. Some popular and iconic American breeds include:

  • Labrador Retriever: Originally from Newfoundland, Labrador Retrievers are now the most popular dog breed in the USA. They are known for their friendly nature, intelligence, and versatility.

  • Golden Retriever: Another popular breed in the USA, Golden Retrievers are friendly, intelligent, and versatile. They are often used as service dogs, therapy dogs, and family pets.

  • American Pit Bull Terrier: A strong and athletic breed, the American Pit Bull Terrier has a complicated history in the USA. They were originally bred for dog fighting but are now known for their loyalty, affection, and courage.

  • American Cocker Spaniel: Known for their happy and friendly demeanor, American Cocker Spaniels are a popular companion breed in the USA. They are smaller than their English counterparts and have a distinctive appearance with their long, wavy coat.

  • Boston Terrier: Nicknamed "The American Gentleman," the Boston Terrier is a small, affectionate breed with a tuxedo-like coat. They are a true American breed, originating in Boston, Massachusetts.

In the Canine Union, you could showcase the diversity of dog breeds by including these and other breeds that have ties to the USA or have become popular there. This will help create a melting pot society that reflects the cultural diversity of the country.

By incorporating these breeds into your story, you will add authenticity and depth to the world of Inu-topia, making it even more engaging for your readers.

Nice! Okay, I decided following:
Lupine Federation’s dog breeds:
Siberian Husky, Borzoi and Samoyed.

Canine Union’s dog breeds:
Labrador Retriever , Golden Retriever, Pit bull, Boston Terrier.

How about Barkovia’s dog breed? The minority’s community dog breed would be Samoyed, they also live in Lupine Federation. Then how about majority of dog breed in Barkovia. Miniature dachshund is German dog? Could you list a German dog breed? It may help to imagine Barkovia’s main breed.

I'm glad you've made a decision on the breeds for Lupine Federation and Canine Union. For Barkovia, you can consider the following German dog breeds:

  1. German Shepherd: A versatile and intelligent breed, German Shepherds are known for their loyalty, courage, and working ability. They are often used in police and military work, search and rescue, and as service dogs.

  2. Great Dane: Known as the "Apollo of Dogs," Great Danes are a giant breed with a gentle and friendly temperament. They are often used as family pets and are known for their loyalty and protective nature.

  3. Rottweiler: A strong and muscular breed, Rottweilers are known for their protective and loyal nature. They were originally bred as working dogs for herding and guarding, and they are still used in various working roles today.

  4. Doberman Pinscher: Developed in Germany as a personal protection dog, Dobermans are known for their intelligence, loyalty, and courage. They are often used as police and military dogs, as well as in search and rescue work.

  5. Boxer: A medium-sized breed with a strong and muscular build, Boxers are known for their playful and affectionate nature. They were originally bred as working dogs for hunting and guarding, but they are now popular as family pets.

  6. Miniature Dachshund: As you mentioned, Miniature Dachshunds are indeed a German breed. They were originally bred for hunting small game and have a distinct elongated body shape, which enables them to navigate through narrow tunnels.

For Barkovia, you can choose one or a mix of these German breeds as the majority breed. If you'd like to stick with the Miniature Dachshund, they could be the main breed in Barkovia, with the other German breeds also present in the population. Alternatively, you could choose another German breed like the German Shepherd or Boxer to be the majority breed, with the Miniature Dachshund still playing a role in the story.

By selecting a German breed for Barkovia, you can add another layer of depth to your world and create an interesting dynamic between the majority and minority breeds.

Okay! I decided Barkovia is German like country. Barkovia’s main dog breed is German Shepherd and Boxer, and minorities is miniature dachshund. (One of main character’s dog breed is miniature dachshund) Thanks, so let’s warp up World-building!

Great choices! I'll provide a summary of the world-building for Inu-topia, based on your decisions:

  1. Geography and Setting:

  • Canineland: A large, diverse nation representing a melting pot society. Home to various dog breeds, including Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, Pit Bull, and Boston Terrier.

  • Retriever's Republic: A coastal country known for its golden beaches and sunny weather. Inhabited by Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers.

  • Hound Haven: A region with vast plains and rolling hills, home to hound breeds such as Beagles, Basset Hounds, and Greyhounds.

  • Terrier Territory: A mountainous, rugged landscape inhabited by terrier breeds like the Scottish Terrier, West Highland White Terrier, and Airedale Terrier.

  • Lupine Federation: A powerful, Russia-like country with a strong centralized government. Home to Siberian Husky, Borzoi, and Samoyed breeds.

  • Canine Union: A democratic, USA-like superpower with a diverse population. Home to Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, Pit Bull, and Boston Terrier breeds.

  • Dachsdelphia: A small, charming country with picturesque villages and towns, inhabited by Miniature Dachshunds.

  • Barkovia: A German-like country with a mix of dog breeds. The majority breeds are German Shepherd and Boxer, while the minority breed is Miniature Dachshund.

  1. Society and Culture:

Each country or region has unique cultural aspects and societal norms, reflecting the characteristics of their respective dog breeds. Canineland and Retriever's Republic value inclusivity and cooperation, while Hound Haven focuses on tracking and exploration. Terrier Territory is fiercely independent, Lupine Federation emphasizes nationalism and autocracy, and Canine Union champions democracy and freedom. Dachsdelphia has a strong sense of community, and Barkovia represents a mix of German Shepherd, Boxer, and Miniature Dachshund cultures.

  1. Politics and Economy:

Canineland and Retriever's Republic have thriving trade relationships, while Terrier Territory is more self-sufficient. Lupine Federation and Canine Union compete for influence in Barkovia, which acts as a buffer state between the two superpowers. Barkovia experiences proxy wars and political tensions as a result of the ongoing conflict between Lupine Federation and Canine Union.

With this detailed world-building, your story of Inu-topia will be set in a rich and diverse universe, reflecting contemporary human issues and conflicts. This backdrop will provide an engaging and immersive experience for your readers, as they follow the journey of your characters and explore the unique world you have created.

Excellent. I forgot to say, in Barkovia, there are Samoyed as a minority. I’m sorry. So Barkovia description should be like this:

Barkovia: A German-like country with a mix of dog breeds. The majority breeds are German Shepherd and Boxer, while the minority breed is Miniature Dachshund and Samoyed.

Apologies for the oversight. Here is the corrected description for Barkovia:

  • Barkovia: A German-like country with a mix of dog breeds. The majority breeds are German Shepherd and Boxer, while the minority breeds are Miniature Dachshund and Samoyed.

With this updated description, Barkovia now includes the Samoyed breed as part of its minority population. This will add an extra layer of depth and complexity to the story, as the main characters navigate the challenges and dynamics between the different breeds living in Barkovia.
