
カルマとは、エネルギーの力の集まりであり、それらがどのように結びついているかということである。これはまた、5個の集合体 ( Skandha、五蘊。仏教用語。人間の肉体を構成する1個の肉体的要素と4個の精神的要素 ) の現れである精神物理的存在に凝縮されている。個人は惑星のカルマと魂全体のカルマを持っている。これは良いことも悪いこともある。重要なことは、マグナム・オーパスによって魂のカルマを浄化することだ。



カルマとは時間の法則であることを留意すべきである。カルマ・ボディはそれ自体が衝動的な心を持ち、主導権を握る偽りの自我の一形態であると考えられていた。だからこそ、蛇の力を目醒めさせる事は、多くの人にとって非常に強烈で衝撃的な事なのだ。それは、彼らの周りに仮面を形成し接着された、カルマの刻印と衝動の生涯を焼き尽くしている。彼らが間違ってい信じているのはAtman ( Artmanか?アートマン….意識の最も深い内側にある個の根源を意味する。真我。個人の自己 ) の感覚なのだ。今日まで彼らに影響を与えているカルマは、前世まで鎖のように続いていることに気づくだろう。


Dragon 666の書き込み:







*「」、 [ ] は原文。 ( ) は翻訳者。


Karma is a host of forces of energy and how they are interconnected. This also condenses in the psychophysical being, which is a manifestation of the five aggregates. An individual will have the karma of the planets and the overall soul as well. This can be good and bad. The point is to purify the soul of karma by the Magnum Opus.

It’s not a moral law of the universe, as is said by false religions. The universe has within it a system of existence with a morality that disproves many of their claims. Genghis Khan killed tens of millions of people and died happy and an old man in absolute power. I am aware of certain pseudo-Buddhist claims as to how this would play out in their after world. However, it’s just a cunning way to dodge such an obvious reality. The texts on Karma Yoga in the bhagavad gita are based on the understanding one can kill thousands or millions of people in warfare and not incur any negative karma.

The current mainstream claims about karma are from xianity. The karma the mainstream goes on about is that of Karmic imprints, but this is generated more by the power of desires, environmental impact, constant focus, and how astrology influences such and the pre-existing nature of the being within this all, nothing else. The earlier Buddhist texts go on and on about this.

It should be noted that karma is the law of time. The karmic body was considered to be a form of false ego that has an impulse mind of its own and takes the lead. This is why awaking the serpent power can be so intense and mind blowing for many. They are burning apart lifetimes of karmic imprints and impulses, which have formed and glued together into a mask around them. That they mistaken believe in them is the sense of Atman. One will find that the karma that affects them to this day can be followed like a chain into previous lives.

This goes to the five aggregates being broken down and dissolved back into the source element, being the liberation. One transcends the force of time and the law of karma.

Dragon666 wrote:
I Hope You Understand, Google translator usage, I'm Polish.
1. How much can be made of the Demons? How many gods are in the (number)? A thousand, a hundred thousand or a million are they?

2. What exactly is karma? JOS articles from sources all read it. I heard an authentic spiritual master for me to put together our lives accordingly where necessary to settle.

So what we give, we give back. If you offend someone, you get back to a balance and restore harmony. Or, if you kill someone, you can catch a kill us. For example, the elements so if it rains, and you scold, you can get back to anything and once I get that out of balance.

So we can say that anyone who harms another thought, deeds of self-harm?

3. What is your opinion about how you should behave with other people? Just be friendly or hostile to them or completely independent of them?

I hope you understand that I've heard. This is stupid?
Thank you!

May 13, 2014
Joy of Satan Forums Contributions