Disturbances From the “May 28” Rumor (Part 2)

Xingwu, France

Searching the Truth of the Facts, I Saw Clearly the Root of the CCP Shifting Blame to The Church of Almighty God

After that, I no longer guarded myself against the brothers and sisters of The Church of Almighty God. Whenever I had the time I would read the word of God and look at the videos, movies, music videos, hymns, musicals and other works put out by The Church of Almighty God. The more I looked at all this, the more I felt provided for, and the more pleasure I felt. I affirmed from my heart that Almighty God is the appearance of the Lord Jesus. Now I finally understood why the CCP and pastors and elders from the religious world started the rumor that “once you accept Almighty God’s work of the last days you can’t get out.” As it turns out, it’s not that you can’t get out, rather it’s that the work of the Holy Spirit and the provision and guidance of God’s word is in The Church of Almighty God, so if you are able to enjoy the living water of life that God bestows upon you, and attain the way of eternal life, then why would you want to leave? Now I too am not willing to leave, moreover, I have resolved to properly follow Almighty God, and to accept Almighty God’s judgment and chastisement to attain salvation and be brought by God into His kingdom. Then I thought about how my older sisters were still being deceived and bound by various rumors, failing to follow God’s work of the last days, and I became very worried, so I got two sisters from The Church of Almighty God together to spread the gospel to them. To my surprise, my second eldest sister’s husband, who is a believer of the Three-Self Church, wouldn’t let me near my sister, and he even snarled at me with a face full of rage: “I’m warning you not to come to our home to spread the gospel! Back home CCTV news broadcast the May 28 Murder Case in Zhaoyuan, Shandong. Does this really not worry you? From now on, you must not have us meet people from Eastern Lightning, and you certainly must not bring them to our home.” I could see that my sister’s husband did not see the truth of the facts and that he had been deceived by the rumors, which made me very worried, but I didn’t know how to convince him to listen. Later on, when my husband also knew that I had accepted Almighty God’s work of the last days, he made even more of an effort to stop me, and would even go online constantly to search for videos regarding the May 28 Zhaoyuan Murder Case and make me watch them. Seeing that my family and other relatives were continuing to be deceived by the May 28 Zhaoyuan Case and were unwilling to look into God’s work in the last days, I felt very sad. And, owing to my small stature, whenever my family members came at me, I didn’t know how to refute and expose the lies of the CCP; on the contrary I felt like I was being negative and weak. At the same time I felt perplexed inside: Why would the CCP blame The Church of Almighty God for the May 28 Zhaoyuan Murder? What was the real truth behind the scenes for doing this?

Once the brothers and sisters became aware of my situation they came to help and sustain me. I said to them: “I believe that Almighty God is the appearance of the Lord Jesus, that He is Christ incarnate in the last days, that the words expressed by Almighty God are all the truth, and I also am sure that those rumors are not the truth. But there is one thing that I do not understand. Why did the CCP report on CCTV news that the May 28 Zhaoyuan Case was the doing of The Church of Almighty God? What is the May 28 Zhaoyuan Case really? Can you please fellowship about this with me?”


Brother Chen said: “Thanks be to God! You have raised a great question. If we do not recognize the truth behind the rumor, then we will easily be deceived by the lies and nonsense of the CCP, fall for Satan’s tricks, deny God and betray God, and fail to attain God’s salvation in the last days. Only by understanding the truth of the facts while being able to simultaneously discern the vicious motives of the rumor-starters will we be able to make wise choices and not be duped by Satan. Let us start by talking about what really happened in the McDonald’s Murder Case in Zhaoyuan, Shandong. On May 28, 2014, in a McDonald’s restaurant in Zhaoyuan, Shandong, Zhang Lidong and several other suspects beat a woman to death, and after only three days from when the criminal case started, before a court of law heard and judged the case, CCTV, the CCP’s media mouthpiece, publicly reported on and determined the nature of this case, directly condemning The Church of Almighty God. Let us think about this, can the media judge a case and reach a verdict? Is this reasonable and lawful? Is there a degree of credibility to such findings? Later on, when several criminal suspects were being interviewed by the media, they all repeatedly stated that they were not members of The Church of Almighty God, nor had they ever been in contact with The Church of Almighty God. On August 21, 2014, when the public trial for the case began, Lü Yingchun, one of the perpetrators, also clearly stated: ‘Zhang Fan and I are the unique spokeswomen for the real “Almighty God.” The government has been cracking down on the Almighty God of Zhao Weishan, not our “Almighty God.”’ This is enough to show that these criminal suspects are not affiliated in any way with The Church of Almighty God. However, the CCP judges did not accept this testimony from the criminal suspects, and insisted on saying that they were members of The Church of Almighty God. In addition, the perpetrators Zhang Fan and Lü Yingchun claimed to be ‘God,’ and said things like how they are two fleshly bodies sharing the same soul, that within the span of a few minutes they were able to determine that the victim was a vicious spirit and that they had to beat her to death. And the other suspects all firmly believed these things without any doubt. The testimonies that this group of people provided in court were incoherent, it was a bunch of nonsense, and clearly those who claimed to be ‘God’ and those who followed did not have the thinking and rationality of normal humans, they were a group of psychopaths.

“In ‘The Ten Administrative Decrees That Must Be Obeyed by God’s Chosen People in the Age of Kingdom,’ Almighty God clearly stipulates that: ‘Man should not magnify himself, nor exalt himself. He should worship and exalt God.’ God is the one true God, the Creator of the heavens and earth and all things in them, and no man can replace Him or pretend to be Him. But Zhang Lidong and his gang did not have God within their hearts, their hearts did not have the least bit of reverence for God. They even went so far as to murder someone in a crowded public place while daring to pretend to be God Himself. These are clearly people who have lost the conscience and reason of normal humans, and clearly they themselves have become possessed by evil spirits. The evangelistic principles of The Church of Almighty God clearly stipulate that no one is allowed to preach to those who have the work of evil spirits and who are possessed by evil spirits. There’s no reason to even talk about them being admitted into the church—this is public knowledge! So, all those who are somewhat discerning can see that the Shandong Zhaoyuan Case is totally a legal case fabricated by the CCP in order to frame, blame and discredit The Church of Almighty God.”

I was finally able to have some discernment in what happened in the May 28 Zhaoyuan Case after listening to Brother Chen’s fellowship. It turned out to be a scam put together at the hands of the CCP. I saw how truly mean and shameless the CCP was; it went so far as to fabricate a legal case to make false charges against The Church of Almighty God, and brazenly deceive and make a fool out of the Chinese people and people all over the world! It is too evil!


Sister Liu continued the fellowship, saying: “Now why would the CCP want to brazenly frame and blame The Church of Almighty God for the May 28 McDonald’s Murder Case in Zhaoyuan? We all know that the CCP is an atheistic political party, that it hates the truth and hates God, that ever since it came into power it has always frantically suppressed and persecuted religious belief, that in order to completely outlaw religious belief it has labelled Christianity an evil cult and the Holy Bible as the work of an evil cult, and that it has frantically arrested, suppressed and persecuted Christians. This is a fact that anyone can see! Now God has again come in the flesh to appear in China to carry out His work; that is, Almighty God is carrying out the work of words to judge man, cleanse man and save man. The words expressed by Almighty God have already been published online, for people from all nations and all lands to seek and investigate. Brothers and sisters from all denominations who truly believe in God and even many nonbelievers, after reading the word of Almighty God, all recognize that it is the truth, that it is the voice of God, and one after another they return before Almighty God. The CCP, seeing Almighty God’s gospel of the kingdom expand and flourish like this, became extremely shocked and panicked. It is afraid of people reading the word of Almighty God, because once people realize the truth they will clearly see the CCP’s satanic and demonic essence of deceiving and corrupting the human race and resisting God, and they will forsake it and betray it, thereby coming before God, and in this way they will no longer believe in the CCP or follow it. In order to protect its dictatorial governance, in order to have everlasting control of the Chinese people, and establish China as an atheistic region, the CCP has used the May 28 Zhaoyuan Case to create a large public fuss to bring false charges against and discredit The Church of Almighty God. On the one hand, this deceives those people who do not understand the truth, and brings about in the masses a misunderstanding and malevolence toward The Church of Almighty God, causing them to hate The Church of Almighty God and those who believe in Almighty God, making them dare not to seek and examine the work of Almighty God in the last days; on the other hand, this gives the CCP a reasonable excuse and builds up public opinion for it to suppress and prohibit The Church of Almighty God in the future. As everyone knows, the CCP, before suppressing religious belief, ethnic minorities or college students, will fabricate a violent event to make false charges against these groups, and then it will suppress them with military force. Take, the June 4th student movement for example. The CCP first incited some instigators to mingle among the students, in order to start fights and unrest, then it made up lies and fabricated legal cases to shift the blame onto the college students, and after that it used force to suppress them. This is the strategy that the CCP consistently adopts to root out dissidents and protect its own dictatorial governance. When there were mass protests by the Tibetan people the CCP followed this same set pattern, and the same went for the Shandong Zhaoyuan Case. So, if we clearly see the repulsive satanic and demonic face of the CCP and its deliberate intention in starting rumors, we will not believe the CCP’s rumors, or be deceived by it, or fall for its tricks.”

After listening to the fellowship from the brothers and sisters I suddenly realized: It was the CCP that all along was using its media mouthpiece to disseminate rumors, and it did this to suppress and persecute The Church of Almighty God, and to deceive and block us from examining the true way and returning to God. The CCP, in order to consolidate its own power and protect its own interests, in order to achieve its goal of everlasting control over the people, really did use all the tricks it had at its disposal, it really is so treacherous and so sinister! If it weren’t for the fellowships by these brothers and sisters I wouldn’t have been able to see the truth of the facts, I would have still been deceived by the rumors. I thought back on how in the past I blindly believed the rumors spread because I did not understand the truth of the facts, how I took the rumors and maintained that they were facts, and how I even served as a servant of Satan who time and again tried to stop my mom from believing in Almighty God. I truly was so disobedient to God! I was ashamed to show my face before the brothers and sisters of The Church of Almighty God, and I was even less deserving to come before God. I really just wanted to hide my head in the sand. Thinking back on that time, I wondered how I could have been so foolish. How did I get possessed to believe the rumors of the CCP, without looking to listen to the voice of God? I couldn’t stop tears of remorse from falling down my cheeks, I bowed down before God and prayed: “Almighty God, in the past I was stupid and ignorant and didn’t discern things, I blindly believed rumors and followed Satan in resistance to You, and I even slammed the door shut time and again on Your salvation, I really was so blind! If it weren’t for Your mercy and if You did not move these brothers and sisters to repeatedly preach to me, then I would have lost this great salvation. Dear God, from now on I am willing to do my best in spreading the gospel, to bring those who live in darkness and who have been deceived by rumors to You, so that I can repay You for Your great love. No matter what kind of persecution and tribulations I may face, I am determined to follow You, I will not be swayed!”

                           Source From: The Church of Almighty God Website
