
Baal Malta

Malta, who asked Rotten Apple and Baphomet to restart, adopted Rotten Apple and the Knife.

Why did she continue to fight against the Sephiroth family even to such an extent?

There is another story.
Muhammad and Mammon had a younger brother named Mastima and a younger sister named Azazel.
Azazel was about to marry Muhammad for some reason.
Malta was working with the Sephiroth family as Baal at that time.
She had a son and a daughter.
Her son's name was Seraphim and her daughter's name was Cherubim.
Seraphim was in love with Azazel. Wanting to get her somehow, Seraphim tried to get Azazel using a paddle dog. Azazel resisted and unfortunately fell to her death.
It was in 2004.

Malta panicked at her son's crimes and approached Rotten Apple and the Knife.
The sephiroth family have a daughter named Salome, and I will make her your fiance, so please help my son.”
Rotten Apple, who felt that life was difficult for him as the son of Baphomet whose rights had already been lost, agreed.
The ambitious Knife also agreed.
And Baphomet also signed the contract, wanting to help his son, Rotten Apple.

The sexual business was a business that Baal, who had no money, came up with.
She formed many Vega Lines by feeding on many paddle dogs. The women who love paddle dogs call Malta “Mama”.

Baal could not forgive her son Seraphim for being rejected by Azazel.
Why do siblings have to marry?
Baal is still frustrated by this.
Salome also wants to choose Verbar or Manman, who are close to her by blood. Why can't she choose Yona or Rotten apple?

Manman and Salome discover that they are second cousins, while Verbar and Salome discover that they are cousins.
Salome is caught between the two and considers Baal's punishment.

Let's leave the disposal of Malta to my dad or the CCC because she is related to Baphomet and Rotten Apple.
Let's leave the disposal of Baal to Muhammad or Best Troop because she is related to Seraphim.

"Salome, what do you think about siblings loving each other?" Mammon asked anxiously. Salome answered,
"If I were your sister, would you give up on me?"
Mammon cried and said,
“I wouldn't.”
Salome was cool, so after hearing the answer, she quickly went to sleep.

Best Troop古参の番頭さんがマンモンに着替えを持ってきてくれたらしい。
「Verber, someone from the CCC will bring you a change of clothes later.」
「I see. Thanks.」
