
Introducing movies ② "Ready Player One"

Hi, this time, I'll Introduce "Ready Player One".

This movie made by Steven Spielberg who made "Jaws" and "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", "Jurassic Park" you know.

The original is novel.

people in this movie spend all their time in VR world named "oasis". But real world is dilapidate like fin de siecle.

In oasis, there is hidden treasure that 500 billion dollars.Wade Watts (main character) is desperate to get this. But big enterprise "IOI" 's president notices his ambition that getting treasure, he attack Wade at real world.

Good point of this movie is a lot of homage to various movies and famous games.
For example, "Back to the Future", " Shining".
If you like games, you'll notice characters who appears "Halo", "Minecraft", "Over watch".

I want to recommend for people like games, movies.