
A praying mantis told me that I was an Idiot!

I was racing around the mountain roads of Yamanaka like an idiot. My target, a sport bike in front of me. 
Like standing in the bright sun and deeply inhaling Gods life with eyes closed, I was sucking the grey exhaust fumes from my target chasing God.
It was a green minty and slightly cool taste. Any normal person would be coughing, but I am an idiot human.

Every second I remembered, categorized, and mapped the targets movements to predict my attack. Safety was of no concern. The rush of life and wind plugging my ears with a perfect view of Mt. Fuji in the far corner of my right eye.

I attack! The targets engine sound sharply drops before the next corner. The red tail light glows like a fires ember. He leans into the corner.
I look through him. He becomes transparent.

In a flash I overpass him.
But it's hard to slow down. He disappears from my rear mirror. I must slow down but I am no longer a human. I am a demon.

-Wow, that was freaking amazing!
Oh my God! Your like, alive!

I look around after I recover from a ninja duck and roll type maneuver over the handlebars. Who said that?
Next to me on a dented white metal street guard, a praying mantis cheers me on. Standing tall and clapping her hands.

-You were hauling ass! Are you ok?

I checked my body for any missing parts. All there!
Sorry for bothering you praying mantis. Let me just sit for a second and smoke a cigarette. I will leave you as soon as I figure out what to do.

-No problem! The view of My Fuji is great this time of day. I like to watch motorcyclist zoom up and down, but it's rare to actually meet a human in person. So what's next?

I'm a demon! Demons don't belong on earth. They belong in hell. I guess I'm trying to get there. I failed!

-Don't be so sad. I watch humans all the time. Riding the same road over and over. Nothing ever changes. They pull over and stop to take a picture of My Fuji. As if a picture has some sort of life's value and in some way enhance their lives. Humans lost life's eye.
But you, my man! Your an idiot human, not a demon. "You have life's eye".

"I almost died!"

-But you didn't! I saw everything.
2 giant long arms came out from My Fuji. Stretching out from a distance in an instant. "SCOOP!" 2 hands cradled you as you were in mid air and placed you on your feet. It was completely awesome! You tumbled like Sonic the Hedgehog! In the air! I mean, who does that?

I'm glad your happy! It was nice talking to you. I'm on my last drag of this cigarette.

-Wait. My Fuji told me that I would meet my mate. That he would look like a demon but be an idiot human.

That should tell you something! "I'm an idiot"!

-Everyone is an idiot. Riding the same road over and over. Nothing ever changes. They have life. They don't have life's eye.
You see me don't you?

Yes! Good bye praying mantis.

-See you later!

Still working, I make it to a rest area an hour away. The blood's dry on my arms and legs. I smoke.

-Hello! Are you ok?

In front of me, a cute girl smiled, stood tall and clapped her hands!



