
The age of climate-conscious fashionistas

The times when diamonds were only luxury points suddenly became a long-forgotten past. The growing temps of technological progress made society one step closer to not only a more comfortable life but also the environmental collapse. Multiple warning signs of impending eco-catastrophe forced people to rethink their daily values.

Overshadowed beauty

There was no surprise in that the diamond industry happened to be the primary focus of the transformed modern eco-oriented worldview. Being torn from the bowels of the Earth in a cruel way, natural diamonds lost their beauty in the eyes of the conscious generation. Advertised luxury became overshadowed by the industrial reality. Buying natural gemstones gained the hues of social irresponsibility. Some cautions replaced the accustomed sweet anticipation for the moment when one can afford purchasing diamond jewelry.

Newborn appeared just in time

Hot breathing of impending environmental threats served a good service for man-made diamonds. Being initially created for industrial purposes they became a perfect alternative to natural diamonds. Born on laboratory conditions they appeared to have promising potential. Innovative technologies and hot love for diamonds enabled scientists to marry the consciousness and aesthetical needs of fashionistas.

Producers succeeded in growing gemstones identical to natural diamonds with all the parameters and even overcoming them with size and color modifying opportunities. Marketers used the moment of rethinking and developed a bright campaign positioning lab-grown diamonds as ethical diamonds. And, voila, the product is “a must-have” fashion option that overcomes the popularity of natural diamonds.

The race is not ended

However, climate-conscious consumers do not stop questioning the environmental safety of the laboratory growing process. Vice versa, manufacturing is constantly challenged by the society that accents carbon footprint and heating potential. Now, we have the first result of Such questioning – a new generation of diamonds, so-called “air diamonds”. Meeting social request, producers found a new way to save the globe – extract the carbon from the air reducing carbon footprint in such a way.
Madestones admits that this solution came faster than the idea of ​​the first alternative to natural diamonds. The company predicts that it takes just a few years to reshape the man-made diamonds industry and we soon can be surprised by extremely new jewelry options, even more ethical and imagination-striking.
