


インディアナ大学が最近、全学生へのワクチン義務化を実施したことを受けて、親たちは「The IU Family for Choice not Mandates」というグループを設立し、月曜日に大学に対して訴訟を起こしました。


これに対し、「The IU Family for Choice not Mandates」の代理人であるBopp Law Firm, P.C.のJames Bopp Jr.氏は、「この義務化が正当化されるかどうかを判断するために、この決定に関するすべての公文書と、このポリシーの実施に関するすべての公文書」を求める公文書請求を行い、IUのポリシーは「意図的な宗教差別への扉を開くもの」であり、大学は「連邦法に違反する可能性がある」と警告しています。



IUでは、医療上の理由や宗教上の理由を証明する書類を提出した場合には免除を受けることができますが、Bopp Law Firmでは「極めて限定的」としています。また、COVID-19ウイルスにすでに感染しているために自然免疫を持っている人には免除はありません。さらに、免除を受けることができた人は、2週間に1度の検査など、追加の制限を受けることになります。


Students, Parents Sue Indiana University Over Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccine Policy
Spencer Lindquist
After Indiana University recently implemented a vaccine mandate for all students, parents founded The IU Family for Choice not Mandates group and filed a lawsuit Monday against the university.

The publicly funded university sent an email to all faculty, staff, and students announcing they are “required to receive a COVID-19 vaccine,” according to a press release. The university threatened employees who do not want to take the vaccine, noting that if they refuse it, their employment will be terminated. Similarly, students who refuse the vaccine will lose access to all IU systems and have their class registration revoked.

In response, James Bopp Jr. of the Bopp Law Firm, P.C, who is representing The IU Family for Choice not Mandates, has filed a public records request asking for “all public records regarding the making of this decision and for all public records related to the implementation of this policy to determine whether or not this mandate is justified,” also warning that IU’s policy “opens the door to intentional religious discrimination” and that the University “could be in violation of federal law.”

Several students are moving ahead with a lawsuit that was filed Monday, alleging that IU’s mandate “violates the liberty protected by the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which includes rights of personal autonomy and bodily integrity, and the right to reject medical treatment” and that it is a violation of “Indiana’s new Vaccine Passport Law which prohibits state and local units (including Indiana University (“IU”)) from requiring or issuing vaccine ‘passports’ that indicate an individual’s COVID immunization status.”

The mandate has already received backlash from Indiana’s Attorney General Todd Rokita, who said the mandate “unquestionably violates the new law” in an official opinion issued on May 26th.

While IU will provide exemptions for those with documented medical exemptions and legally protected religious grounds, which the Bopp Law Firm calls them “extremely limited,” as no exemption is provided for those who have natural immunity as a result of having already contracted the COVID-19 virus. Furthermore, those who are able to receive an exemption are subject to additional restrictions such as bi-weekly testing.

The lawsuit has the potential to set a precedent that could prevent other universities and government-funded institutions from mandating the COVID-19 vaccine.
Students Sue Indiana University Over Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccine Policy
