


奇妙な現象。予防接種を受けていない人がCOVID Vaxxedのそばにいると病気になる

COVID ワクチンを接種した女性は、ワクチンを接種していない女性の月経周期に大きな悪影響を与える
女性が一緒に住んでいたり、近くにいたりすると、月経周期が自然に同期することはよく知られています。それは自然な現象ですが、最近起きていることは明らかに不自然です。ホリスティック・リプロダクティブ・プラクティショナーやドゥーラとして活動し、不妊治療や妊娠のコミュニティに接しているクロエ・アンジェリン("Self-Healing Mama")は、先週、人々、特に女性に対して、COVIDワクチンを接種した他の女性に気をつけるように警告するビデオを公開しました。ワクチンを接種していない女性は、COVIDワクチンを接種した女性のそばにいるだけで、強烈でネガティブな生理痛に悩まされているそうです。彼女は、COVIDワクチンが不妊症や不妊治療に直接関係していることを示唆しています。彼女の言葉を紹介します。

多くの人が "シェディング "と呼びたがっていますが、シェディングというと、弱毒化したウイルスのことを思い浮かべますが、これは違います。これは、体にスパイクタンパク質を作らせる遺伝子治療であり、mRNA遺伝子治療であり、...人体実験であり、これまでに行われたことのないものです。実際に人体の構造を変えている...そのプロセスは人体の中で始まり、止まることはない。吐く息にも、毛穴からも、スパイク状のタンパク質が出てきます......これが、人の生殖障害の原因であり、人の不妊手術の原因でもあるのです。
この[COVID vax]をな受けた人が周りにいると、流産に影響を与えたり、原因となったりして、死産や胎児に損傷を与える危険性があります......人体がこのスパイクタンパク質を生成するメカニズムを停止するかどうかを知る方法はありませんので、[vax]を受けた人は永遠にスパイクタンパク質を生成する可能性があります......」。
確かに奇怪な現象ですね。この現象を警告しているのはこの2人の女性だけではなく、「Unvaccinated Women Report Miscarriages After Interactions with Vaccinated People」と題された記事などもあり、この現象が広まりつつあることを示しています。最近の座談会では、COVID詐欺の実態を明らかにしてきた5人の著名な医師(シェリー・テンペニー博士、ラリー・パブロフスキー博士、キャリー・マデージ博士、クリスティアン・ノースラップ博士、リー・メリット博士)がこの現象を分析しましたが、答えよりも疑問の方が多いのが現状です。テンペニー博士は、この現象はトランスミッション・ノット・シェディングの一種だと考えていると述べました。パブロフスキー博士は、COVIDは、典型的なウイルス感染症ではなく、血液凝固や血中酸素濃度の低下に見られるような「血液の毒」の臨床症状であることを再認識しました。
多くの医師たちは、パンチを利かせず、大声で「スペードはスペード」と呼んでいます。COVIDの公式説を否定してきたドイツの微生物学者スチャリット・バクディ博士は、最近、「COVIDの "ワクチン "は、世界的な大惨事と人類の絶滅を引き起こすように設定されている」と述べ、COVIDの詐欺的流行が人口減少計画に果たす役割を示唆しました。元ファイザー社の最高科学責任者兼副社長であるマイケル・イェードン博士も、「もし誰かが今後数年間で世界の人口のかなりの割合を傷つけたり殺したりしたいと思った場合、現在導入されているシステムがそれを可能にするだろう」と大胆に語っています。私の考えでは、この(COVIDワクチン)が大規模な過疎化のために使用される可能性は十分にあると思います」。イードン氏は、ウォルフガング・ウォダーグ氏と共にヨーロッパで嘆願書を発表し、提起された重大な安全性の懸念を解決する研究デザインが作成されるまで、COVID/SARS-CoV-2を含むすべての臨床試験を停止する命令を要求しています。

COVID Vaxxedは何をするように、何になるようにプログラムされているのか?
- モデナCEO ステファン・バンセル
- モデナのチーフ・メディカル・オフィサー Tal Zaks
COVID vaccxedは、具体的に何をするように、何になるようにプログラムされているのでしょうか?

Bizarre Phenomenon: Unvaccinated Getting Sick Being Around the COVID Vaxxed

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In a bizarre turn of events, the COVID vaxxed are apparently causing ill effects to the unvaccinated around them, as countless reports and anecdotes affirm. The more time goes by, the more horrible effects of the COVID “vaccine” (which is not a vaccine but a medical device and experimental gene therapy) come to light. If you thought you’d be safe just by avoiding being COVID vaxxed, think again! These reports reveal that the unvaccinated are getting sick or suffering some kind of ill effect just by being in the vicinity of the COVID vaccinated. Women are feeling it most, especially in the reproductive realm. They are coming donw with irregular and heavy menstruation, bleeding while pregnant and suffering miscarriages. Other non-vaccinated people are getting migraines, random bruising and sudden nosebleeds just being around those who got the COVID shot. Others report their pet died when touched by someone who got the COVID jab. Is the COVID vaccine excreting pathogens? Is this more than viral shedding? It is transmitting disease in some way? What is going on here?
COVID Vaxxed Women Greatly and Negatively Affecting Menstrual Cycles of Unvaccinated Women
It is well known that, when women live together or spend time in close proximity, their menstrual cycles naturally synchronize. While that is a natural phenomenon, what has been happening recently is decidedly unnatural. Chloe Angeline (“Self-Healing Mama”), who works as a holistic reproductive practitioner and doula, and is in touch with fertility and pregnancy communities, put out this video last week warning people, especially women, to be careful of other women who have been COVID vaxxed. Unvaccinated women have been suffering intense and negative period pain just by being around COVID vaxxed women. She suggests that the COVID vaccine is directly related to infertility and sterilization. Here is what she said:
“Women, in their menstruating years and not, are experiencing severe side effects from people around them having received this jab. We’re not quite sure what’s happening here; it’s happening too quick for us to really know … we’re having women miss their periods, we’re having women have the most excruciating periods of their life to the point where they are bleeding so profusely that it is completely out of character. Women who are in menopause have gotten their period back … in this community, something that is well known is that if a women bleeds, and she is postmenopausal, that it is cancer.”
“This is about standing up for the health of humanity … something is happening behind the scenes and they are coming after women’s health … it is significantly dropping men’s sperm counts … they are trying to sterilize us … we’ve seen miscarriage go up by almost 400%.”
There is also this video from a nurse who got reports that COVID vaxxed people have inadvertently killed people’s pets just by touching them. She has collected a lot of info at her website. She says:
“A lot of people want to call it shedding, but when people think of shedding, they are thinking … of the weakened viral [vaxxes] but that’s not what this is. This is gene therapy that is causing your body to make these spike proteins, this is mRNA gene therapy, this is … human experimentation, this is not anything that’s been done before. It is in fact altering the human makeup of the body … that process starts in the human body and doesn’t stop. It’s coming out in their breath, it’s coming out through their pores, so spike proteins … this is what is causing reproductive problems in people, this is what is causing sterilization of people.
Women … and men … who have come into contact with people who have had this [vax] … have suddenly become covered in strange bruises … women as young as 10 years old starting their periods early, 11 year olds getting 2 periods in a month, people getting severe migraines … people having clots the size of their fists, people that were in menopause for years suddenly having severe periods … men [whose spouse had the vaccine] go to bed and wake up covered in bruises.
There’s a risk of people having stillborn or damaged fetuses if they’re around people who have had this [COVID vax] because it can affect and cause miscarriages … There’s no way of knowing if the human body will ever shut off this mechanism of producing the spike proteins, so the people that get the [vax] may produce them forever …”
It certainly is a bizarre phenomenon. These 2 women are not the only ones warning about it; there have also been articles such as this one entitled Unvaccinated Women Report Miscarriages After Interactions with Vaccinated People which show that this is becoming a widespread phenomenon. In a recent roundtable discussion, 5 well-known doctors who have been outspoken in exposing the COVID scamdemic (Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Larry Pavlovksy, Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Christiane Northrup and Dr. Lee Merritt) analyzed this phenomenon, however there are still more questions than answers. Dr. Tenpenny stated that she believes what is happening is some kind of transmission not shedding. Dr. Pavlovksy reminded us that COVID is the clinical presentation “of the poisoning of the blood” as can be seen by blood clotting and low blood oxygen levels, not a typical viral infection.
The COVID Vaccine Infertility-Sterilization-Depopulation Connection
Many doctors are pulling no punches and loudly calling a spade a spade. German microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, who has debunked the official COVID narrative, recently alluded to the role of the COVID scamdemic in the depopulation agenda when he said that “COVID “vaccines” are set to cause a global catastrophe and a decimation of the human population.” Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former chief scientific officer and vice president at Pfizer, was also bold when he said that “if someone wished to harm or kill a significant proportion of the world’s population over the next few years, the systems being put in place right now will enable it. It’s my considered view that it is entirely possible that this [COVID vaccine] will be used for massive-scale depopulation.” Yeadon has launched a petition in Europe along with Wolfgang Wodarg which requests a stay order to suspend all clinical trials involving COVID/SARS-CoV-2 until a study design is produced which addresses the significant safety concerns raised.
One of the issues revolves around the protein syncytin-1, an essential prerequisite for a successful pregnancy. As I have documented, there is no SARS-CoV-2, so therefore there is no “spike protein”however, putting that aside for a moment, there is a striking similarity between human syncytins and the alleged SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (even if it is a digital or theoretical model). The significance of this is that antibodies against the alleged SARS-CoV-2 spike protein also act like anti-syncytin antibodies. Therefore, if you get the COVID “vaccine” that induces you into making these antibodies, they could attack and destroy your body’s natural syncytin. For pregnant women, this would prevent the formation of a placenta, thus rending vaccinated women infertile.
What Exactly Are the COVID Vaxxed Being Programmed to Do or Become?
We are in the middle of a giant human experiment. No one knows exactly how this is going to turn out. Keep these quotes in mind from the top brass at Moderna:
“mRNA is like software. You can just turn the crank and get a lot of products going into development.”
– Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel
“So if you could change that … if you could introduce a line of code, or change a line of code, it turns out, that has profound implications for everything, from the flu to cancer … We are actually hacking the software of life.”
– Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks
What exactly are the COVID vaxxed being programmed to do or become?
Some believe the New World Order (NWO) only wants to kill people and bring down the population of “useless eaters” up to a certain point. After that point (which I assume would be a certain ratio where they calculate they can easily squash any would-be future rebellion), they are more interested in having people around under their control than dead (remember Brzezinski talking about killing vs controlling?); in other words, they want human slaves. This will not be the old-fashioned idea of slavery (people in ball and chain carrying logs and doing hard labor). The slaves of the future will be technological slaves, programmed to love their servitude as Aldous Huxley predicted. If the NWO manipulators get their way, these technological slaves will be barely human, having had their genetics continuously modified to serve the ruling elite.
Final Thoughts
Women bleeding uncontrollably. 10-year-old girls who have never had a period suddenly getting their first period. Menopausal women suddenly bleeding again. This COVID not-vaccine is clearly targeting and wreaking havoc with our reproductive systems. Since this phenomenon is so new, all we can do at this stage is gather data and ask questions. Who knows the exact mechanism by which the COVID vaxxed are causing unvaccinated people to suffer these strange effects? In closing, I will say that I would not be surprised if it turns out that the COVID not-vaccine, by virtue of re-wiring people’s genetic code, is also affecting their physical and energetic fields. Since we live in a holographic universe, this alteration or disruption in the field may be affecting people close by via resonance or frequency, firstly at an invisible level, which later manifests in a disruption on a denser visible level.
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Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles, author of the book Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and senior researcher at ToolsForFreedom.com. Makia is on Steemit and LBRY.
