
(...) Whom are you going to marry?’ ‘Miller,’ she answered, with a slight blush. ‘Miller?’ cried Philip, astounded. ‘But you’ve not seen him for months.’ ‘He came in to lunch one day last week and asked me then. He’s earning very good money. (...)  [W. Somerset Maugham Of Human Bondage]

‘Who, specifically, do you think is trying to murder you?’ ‘Every one of them,’ Yossarian told him. ‘Every one of whom?’ ‘Every one of whom do you think?’ ‘I haven’t any idea.’ ‘Then how do you know they aren’t?’ ‘Because . . .’ Clevinger sputtered, and turned speechless with frustration. [Joseph Heller Catch-22]

“Excuse me? To whom did you wish to speak?” [Haruki Murakami The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, trans. Jay Rubin]

My mother, who makes jam with dried grapefruit peel and then puts in cinnamon bark that I always think is cockroaches in the jam. My mother, whom I have always bought household appliances for, on her birthday. A nice rice cooker, a blender. [Edwidge Danticat Krik? Krak!]

前置詞付きの関 係代名詞
His two unmarried daughters, Alice and Tina, were attractive young women, one of whom worked as a secretary in the Suez Canal Zone, the other in Cairo. [Edward W. Said Out of Place]

whoの誤り. 後に指摘をうけて訂正された. 
A couple of weeks after that, a woman in California called the police on three black women whom she thought were behaving suspiciously. [Jelani Cobb Starbucks and the Issue of White Space, New Yorker, June 4 &11, 2018]

He did not know what to say to his uncle, whom he thought looked rather hectic and high-coloured this afternoon, feverish almost; he would have liked to take his pulse. [Barry Unsworth Sacred Hunger]

 They arrived with an elderly man whom the villagers later learned was a seventy-year- old master engraver. It took them one day and one night to dig Lingling and Uncle’s grave. [Yan Lianke Dream of Ding Village, trans. Cindy Carter]

先行詞を含んだ関係代名詞. 古めかしい言い方.
After Tlkichiro left the Kitano Hall, he dropoed in at the old-fashioned teahouse and plopped himself down in a seat. His manner prompted the proprietress to ask whom she might call for him. [Yasunari Kawabata The Old Capital, trans. J. Martin Holman]

But Waleran went on. “Of course, the monks will not be completely free to choose whom they like to be bishop, for the archbishop and the king will have their views; but in the end it is the monks who legitimize the appointment. (...) [Ken Follett The Pillars of the Earth]

And yet they had met; after all her adventures, it was he whom she had married. He with whom she shared her life. [Jhumpa Lahiri The Namesake]
