3/8 South Korean Scientists Create Hybrid 'Meaty Rice'


What are your thoughts on Yonsei University's meaty rice?

"I find Yonsei University's meaty rice fantastic because it gives me a sense of the future. For Japanese people who love rice, meaty rice is like a dream come true. I'm looking forward to the day I can try it.

Would you be willing to try the product?

Yes, I would definitely be willing to try the product. I want to efficiently get the nutrients I need, especially since I work out frequently.

Do you think hybrid foods will be commonplace in the near future?

Yes, I believe hybrid foods will become commonplace in the near future. They have the potential to address various food-related issues, such as food scarcity in developing countries and catering to those who are against consuming traditional meat.

Have you tried any plant-based meat products? How did they taste?

Yes, I have tried plant-based meat products before. While they may not be as flavorful as traditional meat, I don't mind their taste. It's similar to drinking protein shakes—I'm okay with it. However, I'm looking forward to more delicious plant-based meat options in the near future.

Are plant-based meat products common at stores where you live?

Recently, plant-based meat products have become more common at stores where I live. I've noticed them appearing more frequently, and I believe we'll see even more hybrid food options in the near future.
