3/4 Stock Market 101: A Beginner's Introduction


Did you know much about the stock market before reading this article?

Yes, I had some knowledge of the stock market even before reading this article because I invest in companies through online stock exchanges. During the coronavirus pandemic, I was actively investing in stocks, but now I'm not as familiar with it.

Do you own any stocks? If so, how long have you had them? If not, have you
considered buying some?

Yes, I own 7 stocks, and I've held them for anywhere from one to three years. Their performance varies; some of them have increased in value, while others have lost value.

If you were thinking of buying some stocks, who would you ask for advice?

I believe it's not advisable to seek advice from just anyone. In my experience, stocks bought based on rumors haven't fared well. Without detailed information, it's difficult to judge when to sell. So, I recommend thoroughly researching any stocks you're interested in.

Do you know anyone who works on the stock market or in finance?

Yes, some of my friends work in finance. They earn high salaries but often have to wake up very early, before most people are even awake.

Have you seen any good movies about the stock market?

Yes, I enjoy movies about the stock market, particularly those set on Wall Street. Two movies I like are "The Wolf of Wall Street," starring Leonardo DiCaprio, and "Wall Street," starring Michael Douglas. After watching the movie, I feel like imitating the ruthless and greedy people working on Wall Street.
