3/7 3.8 Million UK Workers Did Unpaid Overtime in 2023


What are your thoughts on the TUC's findings?

The TUC's findings about unpaid overtime among UK workers are similar to the situation in my country. We also face the same problem regarding workers not being compensated for overtime. Many workers here put in extra hours without receiving additional pay.

Do you find it surprising that teachers did the most unpaid overtime?

I'm surprised that teachers did the most unpaid overtime, as it's also the case in my country. This suggests that the teaching profession is prone to overtime work. Therefore, they need our support.

How often do you work overtime? Does it always get recorded?

I've worked overtime almost my entire career since joining the company. Now that I have my own company, I don't have to record my hours. However, in my previous job, overtime was always recorded. I didn't record it accurately because if I did, my boss would face repercussions from the company. So, I had to underreport my hours.

Has your workplace introduced any policies to protect against burnout?

My workplace hasn't introduced any policies to prevent burnout. However, except for me, they don't usually require overtime. I plan to introduce some policies starting in April to prepare for an increase in staff.

What do you imagine are the most stressful industries to work in?

I imagine that the most stressful industries are those where workers have repetitive tasks in factories. Indeed, one of my cousins works in such a place, and he always complains about it when we meet. He describes the work as monotonous and feels like it's draining his life rather than just earning money.
