Japan Is No Longer World's Third Largest Economy


What are your thoughts on Japan falling to the fourth-largest economy?

"I feel a sense of loneliness knowing that Japan has fallen to the fourth-largest economy. While I always imagined my country as a strong economic power, traveling abroad has shown me a different reality. As Japanese people, we must adapt to this reality and confront the challenges of our shrinking economy.

Do you find it surprising that India is expected to overtake Japan in 2026?

Regarding India potentially overtaking Japan in 2026, I'm not entirely surprised. I'm aware of India's rapidly growing economy. However, since I haven't traveled to India, my perception of it remains that of a developing country. When I think of India, I often associate it with issues like homelessness and the presence of stray animals roaming freely.

What do you think Japan should do to halt its shrinking economy?

To address Japan's shrinking economy, I believe we need to focus on investing in education for children and young people. Many industries require skilled workers, and advancements in technology can lead to the emergence of new industries. By investing more in education compared to countries like America and China, I believe Japan can revitalize its economy.

What industries in your country are facing labor shortages?

As for industries facing labor shortages in our country, it's across the board, especially in sectors like food and tourism. Many large companies are turning to robotics and unmanned systems to address this shortage.

Have robotics been introduced in your industry?

Yes, robotics have been introduced in my industry as well. I recently encountered a store that had implemented robotics, and I found it fascinating. Not only does it make the workplace feel futuristic, but I also hope it can help alleviate the labor shortage issues in our country's industries
