2/9 Nanmoku: Japan's Oldest Village Struggles to Survive


What are your thoughts on the problems facing Nanmoku?

1. Nanmoku faces the challenge of rural decline, similar to many countryside areas worldwide. Declining populations lead to reduced tax revenues, hindering initiatives to attract newcomers.

Would you like to live in a village like Nanmoku? What amount of money would make you consider moving?

2. While I appreciate the idea of living in a village like Nanmoku for a break from city life, I recognize that my urban-oriented personality might struggle to fully adapt. However, I would consider a move if I could find a balance between rural tranquility and urban conveniences.

Do you think it'd be fun to renovate an old or abandoned house?

3. Renovating an old or abandoned house sounds intriguing and fulfilling, although I'd likely need assistance from friends due to my lack of expertise in construction.

Have you visited any well-preserved traditional towns or villages?

4. I've had the pleasure of visiting well-preserved traditional towns and villages, with one recent example being Shirakawa-go in Gifu Prefecture, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

What are the most beautiful rural areas you've been to?

5. Japan boasts numerous stunning rural areas, making it difficult to choose just one. However, Niseko stands out for its success in attracting visitors with its breathtaking powder snow and picturesque scenery.
