『正教新報』1902.12.15←『The Nagasaki Press』1902.11.26←『The Speaker』1902.08.30

・内容からして『The Nagasaki Press』(1902.11.26)の記事(ミスレル[Alphonse MISTLER, 1873-1953]が寄稿したとされる)を訳したもの。
・その『The Nagasaki Press』の記事も、イギリスの評論雑誌『The Speaker』(1902.08.30)から取っている。
→『The Nagasaki Press』の記事は本当にミスレルが書いたのか?調査・考証の余地あり。


https://dl.ndl.go.jp/pid/11005670 (参照 2023-02-02)

○世界用語の拡張 エスペラントーと称するは千八百八十七年に露国の医師ザメンホツフに依りて発明せられたる世界用語なるが、其語の構成法は頗る簡単にして文法上の規則は僅に十七個条を有するのみ、然も此の規則は読書の目的には全く不必要にして此語を学ぶには僅少の時間にて充分なるより、此語を世界用語と為すべしと主張するもの次第に増加し、殊に羅典民族の国、即ち仏国、西班牙、加奈陀等には賛反者多く、仏国のトウーリング倶楽部を中心として諸国に此語を使用するフリーメソン(共済組合)の如き団体を組成するに至り、其会員の数已に八万人に達し、仏国には『エスベランチスト』、匈牙利には『リンガオ、インテルナシア』、加奈陀には『ルーモ』、西斑牙には『エスベラントー』及びブルカリアには『ロンヂラントー』と称する五種の機関雑誌を発行するに至れりと云う。

『The Nagasaki Press』(1902.11.26)
Esperanto is the hopeful name of a new universal language. The structure of Esperanto is simple; its roots few. There are only seventeen grammatical rules, which, for reading purposes, may be ignored. The time in which it can be acquired may be reckoned in hours. Invented by a Russian physician, one Zamenhoff, in 1887, it has of late made vast strides, and its adherents̶ to be found mainly, but not exclusively, in Latin countries̶ France, Spain, Canada, etc.̶ have been estimated at eighty thousand. It is patronized by the Touring Club de France, and betwixt its professors, of whatever kindred or nation, there has come to subsist a sort of freemasonry. The propagation of the language is carried on in five reviews: The Esperantiste (France), The Lingao Internacia (Hungary), The Lumo (Canada), The Rondiranto (Bulgaria), and The Esperanto (Spain)

『The Speaker』 (1902.8.30)pp.573-574「Esperanto」
出典:Internet Archive (参照 2023-02-02)
(前略)The structure of the language is simple ; its roots few. There are only seventeen grammatical rules, which, for reading purposes, may be ignored. The time in which it can be acquired may be reckoned in hours. Invented by a Russian physician, one Zamenhof, in 1887, it has of late made vast strides, and its adherents―to be found mainly, but not exclusively, in Latin countries : France, Spain, Canada, &c―have been estimated at 80,000. It is patronised by the Touring Club de France, and betwixt its professors, of whatever kindred or nation, there has come to subsist that sort of friendly interest or cousinly sentiment which we denote by the term ‘‘ freemasonry.”
(中略)what is one to say to the contention that the propagation of the language is carried on in five reviews : the Espérantiste (France), the Lingao Internacia (Hungary), the Lumo (Canada), the Rondiranto (Bulgaria), and the Esperanto (Spain)?
