

「ほろほろと 山吹散るか 滝の音」松尾芭蕉

"Softly falling, golden kerria scatters, amidst the sound of a waterfall," by Matsuo Basho

by midjourney


「ほろほろと 山吹散るか 滝の音」は、松尾芭蕉が詠んだ俳句の一つです。この句は、滝の音が大きく響く中、その滝のほとりに咲く山吹の黄色い花が、ほろほろと散っている様子を詠んでいます。



"Softly falling, golden kerria scatters, amidst the sound of a waterfall," is a haiku penned by Matsuo Basho. This verse depicts the scene of yellow kerria flowers gently falling near a waterfall, while the sound of rushing water resonates powerfully.

"Softly falling" represents the way the flowers scatter. "Kerria" is a deciduous shrub with yellow flowers that bloom in the mountains and fields in spring. "The sound of a waterfall" describes the noise created by the water cascading down the falls.

歳時記 四月十一日
(英訳:ChatGPT 解説:Bing 画像生成:midjourney)
