
Electronic torture

This message is written for victims, so I will not go into the explanation of electronic harassment and stalking.

I believe there are many victims all over the country, and I have been thinking about how to bring them closer to a solution.

I believe that victims want to end the damage as soon as possible, and some are grasping at straws as they endure the damage.

I believe that many people harbor resentment towards the perpetrators.

So I would like to write about the method I have come up with.

I believe that there are some victims who are treated like crazy no matter how much they tell their acquaintances about their damage, but in that case, I think it would be best to treat the perpetrator as a crazy person before being treated like a crazy person. For example, I think it would be good to start the conversation by saying that he is a crazy person.

I think that the perpetrator is crazy or mentally ill.

 If the perpetrator is clearly identified, I think both the victim and the perpetrator know each other, so I think it's fine to say that the perpetrator is admitting that he is harming the victim (the perpetrator is admitting that he is doing it).

When examining a psychiatrist, it's better to go to a place where you can do optical topography tests instead of just a verbal interview. I think there will be fewer misdiagnoses than if you only had a verbal interview. If you have an optical topography test, there are some things you should be careful of. If you are brain fatigued, for example, if you are sleep deprived, the test will not give you accurate results.

In the first place, psychiatrists cannot confirm whether you have a mental illness or are a victim.

The next method I thought of is for victims to cooperate with each other and collect some kind of evidence.

This method may be possible for group stalking, but whether it is possible for electrical harassment depends on the situation. Women may be a little hesitant.

First, create a dedicated account for contact on Twitter, etc.

Next, find victims who will cooperate. The way to find them is to tweet on Twitter, etc., about the places where you often get victimized, within the range where it is okay to post. If a victim sees the tweet and thinks that this place is one they can cooperate with, I think it would be good to contact them via DM, etc.

Even if you contact them, never meet them. This is because if you meet, the perpetrator may see your face. This is because you may be used for some crime. If you want to meet them, do so after you have succeeded in collecting evidence.

 If you are contacted, please go if you are able to. As for how to find the perpetrator, first tell them where the victim is. Look around from as far away as possible from that location, and take a picture of the victim if they are looking at him/her more than necessary or if they have a transmitter in their hand. Please do so without the perpetrator noticing. If you are successful in taking a picture, send it to them via DM, etc. If the victim sees the picture and is the perpetrator, please contact the victim who cooperated with you to let them know that you were successful. After that, I think it would be a good idea to consult with the authorities, etc.

Whatever you do, the credibility is completely different if you have evidence or not, so I think you should first try to think of a way to somehow obtain evidence. For example, I think it would make a huge difference if you were to publicize the issue. I think it would be good to hold a press conference at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan. In this case too, I think it would make a huge difference if you had evidence or not.

One member of parliament said that this issue could be debated in the Diet, but that publicly accepted evidence is needed.

Publicity activities are important, but above all else, I think you should think about obtaining evidence.

I will update this article if I think of anything else.
