
【GPT-5】英語解説を日本語で読む【2023年7月25日|@AI Uncovered】

このYouTube動画では、OpenAIの次のバージョンであるGPT 5についての情報が紹介されています。GPT 5は、2023年12月にリリース予定であり、前のモデルよりも大きなモデルサイズを持ち、文脈の理解や自然言語生成能力の向上が期待されています。

With the introduction of GPT4 last year, and the amazing advancements it brought, many have been wondering what OpenAI has in store for the next iteration.


There has been a great deal of speculation, anticipation, and curiosity in the AI community and beyond about the capabilities of the upcoming ChatGPT5.


The lingering questions revolve around what this next leap in artificial intelligence might entail.


Today, we're here to delve into everything we know so far about ChatGPT5.


From the confirmed features, expected improvements, to expert predictions, let's uncover what we could potentially look forward to in this new wave of AI technology.


Let's start with ChatGPT5.


What we know so far: GPT5 represents the fifth iteration of OpenAI's generative pre-training Transformer language model and represents a significant advancement in natural language processing.

これまでに分かっていること GPT5は、OpenAIのGenerative Pre-training Transformer言語モデルの5番目の反復であり、自然言語処理における重要な進歩を意味する。

Various sources, including Digital Trends and Windows Central, suggest that GPT5 is slated for release in December 2023, while OpenAI has not confirmed an official date.

Digital TrendsやWindows Centralを含む様々な情報源は、GPT5が2023年12月にリリースされる予定であることを示唆しているが、OpenAIは正式な日付を確認していない。

According to OpenAI, GPT5 is expected to have a larger model size than its predecessor and will likely include new features such as improved understanding of context, increased natural language generation capabilities, and increased conversational AI.


Theoretically, ChatGPT5 should be capable of better understanding the context behind a sentence and be able to generate plausible answers using more natural language.


However, the excitement surrounding GPT5 extends well beyond these incremental improvements.


The upcoming version is expected to surpass the capabilities of both GPT3 and GPT4 combined, marking a significant advancement.


One of the key advancements in GPT5 will be its ability to generate more sensible and relevant answers, further enhancing its overall importance.


With that said, here's what GPT5 might be able to do: 1.


Advanced language understanding: ChatGPT5 holds great promise in several areas.

高度な言語理解: ChatGPT5はいくつかの分野で大きな可能性を秘めています。

First and foremost, its advanced language understanding capabilities are set to revolutionize communication across various contexts.


Cutting-edge models can significantly improve linguistic translation services and facilitate more natural and intuitive interactions.


One notable application of ChatGPT5's language understanding abilities is in customer service chatbots.


Unlike traditional chatbots that often struggle to comprehend complex customer inquiries, ChatGPT5's enhanced capabilities enable it to better understand the nuances and intent behind such queries.


As a result, it can provide more accurate and relevant responses, leading to a smoother and more satisfying customer experience.


Additionally, the improved language understanding of ChatGPT5 can have a profound impact on linguistic translation services.


By grasping the intricacies of different languages more effectively, it can assist in accurate and nuanced translations.


This advancement can bridge communication gaps, foster better understanding between individuals who speak different languages, and facilitate smoother global interactions.


The ability to solve extremely difficult problems: ChatGPT5 is expected to bring significant advancements in problem-solving capabilities, making it adept at tackling difficult problems with improved accuracy.

極めて困難な問題を解決する能力 ChatGPT5では、問題解決能力の大幅な向上が期待されており、より精度の高い難問に取り組むことができます。

This enhancement is made possible by its expanded general knowledge and advanced understanding of various domains.


The strength of ChatGPT5 lies in its capacity to accumulate and process vast amounts of information from a wide range of sources.


This extensive knowledge base empowers the model to effectively analyze complex problem scenarios, recognize patterns, and generate insightful solutions.


Its refined language understanding plays a crucial role in augmenting its problem-solving abilities.


By comprehending and interpreting problem statements more accurately, ChatGPT5 can provide more targeted and relevant solutions.


It has the potential to identify the underlying issues, consider different perspectives, and propose creative approaches to problem-solving.


This improved capability positions ChatGPT5 as a valuable tool for researchers, professionals, and individuals seeking assistance with challenging problems in various fields.


1. Increased token limits: The token limit has been a bottleneck for AI's potential for some time now.

  1. トークン制限の増加 トークン制限は、これまでAIの可能性のボトルネックとなっていました。

It restricted the model's capacity to process information and, consequently, its ability to engage in complex conversations or tasks.


As an example, in GPT3, the token limit was about 2048 tokens, and this increased with GPT4 but was still limited.


With an increased token limit in ChatGPT5, we are looking at a potential game-changer.


The implications are far-reaching and could profoundly impact several areas.


1, long-form content: AI will be able to generate and understand long-form content better.

1、長編コンテンツ: AIは長編コンテンツをよりよく生成し、理解できるようになるだろう。

This can revolutionize areas like automated content creation, report writing, and manuscript drafting, as the model will be able to generate more in a single run.


2, detailed conversations: With a higher token limit, AI can remember and reference a larger portion of the conversation.

2、詳細な会話: トークンの上限が高くなれば、AIは会話の大部分を記憶し、参照することができる。

This would allow for more detailed, nuanced, and context-aware responses, enhancing the user experience significantly.


3, complex tasks: Tasks that require processing a lot of information at once, such as summarizing a long document or translating a book, could become more accurate and efficient.

3、複雑なタスク: 長い文書の要約や本の翻訳など、一度に多くの情報を処理する必要があるタスクは、より正確で効率的になる可能性がある。

4, deep analysis in data science and research fields: AI with higher token limits can read and understand larger datasets or documents at once, providing a more comprehensive analysis.

4、データサイエンスや研究分野での深い分析: トークンの上限が高いAIは、より大きなデータセットや文書を一度に読んで理解することができ、より包括的な分析を提供できる。

5, improved continuity: A higher token limit also means AI can handle more extended interactions without losing the context of the conversation, a critical aspect for uses like tutoring, counseling, or customer service.


While we are yet to see the exact increase in token limits, the prospect opens up a wealth of opportunities to use AI in new and more complex ways.


It's a significant step towards making AI more versatile and useful across various industries.


It'll be exciting to see how these changes unfold once ChatGPT5 is released.


1, Improved transformative architecture: GPT5 is anticipated to build upon the Transformer architecture, which has already proven to be transformative in the field of natural language processing.

1、変換アーキテクチャの改善: GPT5は、すでに自然言語処理の分野で変革的であることが証明されているTransformerアーキテクチャをベースに構築されると予想される。

Compared to its predecessor, GPT4, GPT5 is expected to be larger and more advanced.


This means it will have an increased capacity to learn and generate meaningful responses.


By training on an even larger collection of texts, GPT5 will have access to a wider range of knowledge, enabling it to provide more comprehensive and contextually appropriate answers to user queries.


1, Text, image, and video modality: One of the potential enhancements in ChatGPT5's training methodology is the incorporation of different modalities, such as text, image, and video.

1、テキスト、画像、ビデオのモダリティ: ChatGPT5のトレーニング方法における潜在的な強化点の1つは、テキスト、画像、ビデオなどの異なるモダリティを組み込むことです。

This means that the model could be trained not only on textual data but also on visual and audio-visual information.


ChatGPT5 would be able to understand and generate responses that are more contextually grounded and enriched with visual or audio-visual cues.


For example, when presented with an image, the model could analyze the visual elements and generate more accurate and relevant descriptions or explanations.


This could have applications in tasks such as image captioning, visual storytelling, or content generation where textual descriptions of visual content are required.


Additionally, the incorporation of video modality would enable ChatGPT5 to process and generate text in the context of video content.


This could involve understanding video sequences, recognizing objects and actions, and generating coherent and informative descriptions or summaries.


It could be valuable in various domains, including video analysis, video captioning, video recommendation systems, and more.


And this leads to the big question: Will GPT5 reach the level of artificial general intelligence (AGI)? When we talk about artificial general intelligence or AGI, we're discussing a level of artificial intelligence that has the same capabilities as a human being.

そして、これは大きな疑問につながる: GPT5は人工知能(AGI)のレベルに達するのだろうか?人工知能(AGI)について語るとき、私たちは人間と同じ能力を持つ人工知能のレベルについて議論している。

This kind of AI would not only be able to perform any intellectual task that a human being can but also understand and interpret the world in the same way we do.


It's a fascinating concept, but it's also incredibly challenging.


As for ChatGPT5, while it's expected to be a substantial improvement over the previous models, reaching the level of AGI is a whole different ball game.


Each version of the GPT series has shown remarkable advances, especially in understanding and generating human-like text.


With things like increased token limits, we can expect even more improvements in how AI interacts with us.


However, AGI isn't just about creating more complex or longer text.


It's about understanding and learning from context in the way a human would, applying knowledge to an incredibly broad range of tasks, demonstrating creativity, emotional understanding, self-awareness, and so much more.


These are things that we as humans do intuitively, but teaching a machine to do the same is a mammoth task.


So, as far as we know, even with the expected improvements in ChatGPT5, it's unlikely that it would reach the level of AGI.


But the world of AI is evolving at an exciting pace.


Each advancement brings us closer to better understanding what might be possible, and ChatGPT5 is another step in that journey.


However, reaching the full breadth and depth of human cognition is still, by all indications, a long way off.


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