

この動画では、2024年に登場する注目の人型ロボットトップ10を紹介しています。Agility Roboticsが開発したDigitは、物流作業をサポートする多目的で人間中心の設計が特徴で、人間の労働力を増強することを目的としています。AptronicによるApolloは、日常的な環境でリアルタイムに機能する一般用途の人型ロボットで、物理的に要求される繰り返し作業を自動化し、労働力不足に対応します。AIロボティクス会社FigureによるFigure 01は、産業界での労働不足を解消するために開発され、様々な業界で広範なタスクを実行できる商業的に実行可能な一般用途ロボットとして設計されています。Sanctuary AIのPhoenixは、先進的なAI制御システム「Carbon」を搭載し、人間のような形と機能を備え、幅広い作業タスクを実行するよう設計されています。Unitree RoboticsによるH1は、高速移動や階段の昇降が可能で、高度な運動能力に特化して開発されました。Boston DynamicsのAtlasは、探索救助任務向けに開発され、卓越した機動性と柔軟性を備えています。TeslaのOptimusは、人間と同じ環境で作業ができ、自動運転技術と人工知能を応用して開発された先進的なロボットです。Fourier IntelligenceのGR-1は、リハビリテーション技術の専門知識を活用し、多様な応用に適した先進的な機能を持つ人型ロボットです。1X RoboticsのNEOは、家庭用から商業環境での複雑な手作業まで幅広いタスクを実行できる、二足歩行アンドロイド型の人型ロボットです。これらのロボットは、人間の生活や労働環境に革命をもたらすことを目指し、それぞれが独自の技術と機能を持っています。

Video's stunning project group recently announced, and with the rise of robotics, humanoid robotics coming into the mainstream.


This is going to be the top 11 humanoid robotics projects that are going to be part of the future, and ones that you should really pay attention to because boy oh boy, the landscape is shaping up to be one that is super super fascinating.


Without wasting any more time, let's get into the top 10 humanoid robots for 2024 as of March 23rd, and let's see all the recent updates and how surprising they are.


The first robot that we're going to be taking a look at is of course Agility Robotics, and Agility Robotics is a US based company that specializes in the development of highly capable, efficient, and strong robots designed for real-world applications.


The company was incorporated on November 9th, 2016, and operates with a workforce that ranges between 201 to 5000 employees.


Agility Robotics is known for its expertise in legged locomotion, which is built upon a foundation of academic research including the development of bipedal walking and running robot Atreus.

Agility Roboticsは、二足歩行や走行ロボットAtreusの開発を含む学術研究を基盤とした足の動きの専門知識で知られています。

The company leverages its expertise to create robots that address the need for rugged, efficient, and highly capable mobility in various environments.


One of the most notable products from Agility Robotics is Digit, a groundbreaking bipedal robot that is the first multipurpose, human-centric robot designed for logistics work.


Digit is intended to augment the human workforce by taking on repetitive and physically demanding tasks, thereby allowing humans to focus on more complex and creative work.


The robot is equipped with newly designed effectors or hands optimized for grabbing and moving plastic totes commonly found in e-commerce and shipping warehouses.


It also features a head and eyes to improve robot-to-human interaction.


Agility Robotics has its headquarters in Corvallis, Oregon, with additional offices in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Palo Alto, California.

Agility Roboticsの本社はオレゴン州コーバリスにあり、ピッツバーグ、ペンシルベニア州、およびカリフォルニア州パロアルトに追加のオフィスがあります。

The company's mission is to build robot partners that enhance the capabilities of the human workforce, with the ultimate goal of enabling humans to engage in more meaningful and creative tasks.


The company has also launched the Agility Partner Program, which offers forward-thinking companies the opportUnitree to work closely with Agility Robotics to integrate Digit into their warehouse workflows, influence the development of new skills and capabilities for the robot, and gain exclusive early access for the latest generation of Digit before it becomes commercially available.

同社は、Agility Partner Programを立ち上げており、先進的な企業がDigitを倉庫のワークフローに統合し、ロボットの新しいスキルや能力の開発に影響を与え、Digitの最新世代に商業化される前に独占的な早期アクセスを得る機会を提供しています。

Agility Robotics has received significant funding to support its mission, with the latest funding round amounting to $150 million as of April 2022, and the company continues to innovate and develop its products, aiming to address the challenges faced in logistics and other industries where automation can play a significant role in improving efficiency and working conditions.

Agility Roboticsは、使命を支援するための莫大な資金を受け取っており、2022年4月時点で最新の資金調達ラウンドは1億5000万ドルに達し、同社は引き続き革新し、製品を開発しており、物流やその他の産業において自動化が効率と労働条件の改善に重要な役割を果たす可能性があります。

NVIDIA's recent partnership on the 19th of March 2024, they announced Project Root, a general-purpose foundation model for humanoid robots and significant updates to the NVIDIA Isaac Robotics platform.

NVIDIAは2024年3月19日に発表した最近のパートナーシップで、汎用の基礎モデルであるProject Rootと、NVIDIA Isaac Roboticsプラットフォームの重要なアップデートを発表しました。

Agility is among the leading humanoid robotics companies partnering with NVIDIA to invest in computing, simulation tools, machine learning environments, and other necessary infrastructure to enable robots like Digit to be a part of daily life.


Jonathan Hirst, the co-founder and chief robot officer at Agility Robotics, expressed excitement about the partnership, which aims to accelerate the development of robots and their integration into daily life.

Agility Roboticsの共同創設者で最高ロボット責任者であるジョナサン・ハースト氏は、日常生活へのロボットの開発と統合を加速させることを目指すこのパートナーシップに興奮を表明しました。

They also have a new CEO.


They newly appointed the CEO Peggy Johnson, who is focused on the here and now, emphasizing the current capabilities of the company's robots, like Digit, to deliver value in warehouse operations.


The company has been deploying Digit in various pilots, including with Amazon, and is not actively seeking to raise funds at the moment, although the possibility remains open.


They are also opening a new humanoid robot factory in Salem, Oregon, named the RoboFab, with the capacity to produce up to 10,000 units of Digit per year and employ 500 people.


The factory is a significant step in mass-producing humanoid robots, and Agility Robotics has beaten competitors like Tesla's Optimus initiative to this milestone.

この工場は、ヒューマノイドロボットの大量生産における重要な一歩であり、Agility Roboticsは、TeslaのOptimusイニシアチブなどの競合他社をこのマイルストーンで打ち負かしました。

The robots are designed to work alongside humans in warehouses and factories, and the company plans to use robots in its own factory operations.


The robots will be sold to preferred partners next year, and the company is not considering rentals or leases in the near term.


In addition, Amazon is testing Agility Robotics bipedal Digit robot in its fulfillment centers, and Digit is designed to move, grasp, and handle items in warehouse bases, complementing the work of human employees, and Amazon actually sees a significant opportunity to use robots like Digit, which can actually work collaboratively with employees.

さらに、AmazonはAgility Roboticsの二足歩行のDigitロボットを自社のフルフィルメントセンターでテストしており、Digitは倉庫基地でアイテムを移動、つかみ、取り扱うように設計されており、人間の従業員の作業を補完し、実際にAmazonは、Digitのようなロボットを従業員と協力して使用する重要な機会を見ています。

These recent updates reflect Agility Robotics' progress in developing and deploying humanoid robots.

これらの最近のアップデートは、Agility Roboticsがヒューマノイドロボットの開発と展開で進展していることを反映しています。

The next robot that we're going to be discussing here is the Aptronic robot.


The Aptronic robot is essentially called Apollo.


It's a general-purpose humanoid robot designed to work in real-time, in real-world environments.


Apollo actually stands at a height of 5 feet 8 inches and weighs 160 pounds, with a payload capacity of 55 pounds.


It's equipped with hot swappable battery packs, each offering 4-hour runtime, allowing for continuous operation with simple battery changes.


Apollo can also be plugged into charge or tethered for continuous operation if desired.


Apollo is developed from Aptronic's extensive experience in robotics, including work on over 10 previous robots such as NASA's Valkyrie robot, and it is modular and can be mounted to any mobility platform, whether stationary or fully mobile, with legs.


The robot features LEDs in its head, mouth, and chest that work together to communicate its status.


Apollo's software suite enables point-and-click control, allowing for easy development and integration into warehouse and manufacturing operations.


Apollo is designed to automate physically demanding, repetitive, and dull tasks, thus addressing labor shortages, reducing turnover by taking on undesirable tasks, improving efficiency, and reducing work-related injuries.


Its design and capabilities make it suitable for a wide range of applications in logistics, manufacturing, and other sectors where tasks are traditionally performed by humans.


Aptronic recently has entered into a commercial agreement with Mercedes-Benz to pilot Apollo in Mercedes-Benz manufacturing facilities.


This partnership represents Apollo's first publicly announced commercial deployment of Apollo.


The robot will be used in logistics to bring parts of the production line and deliver totes of kitted parts later in the manufacturing process, automating some of the physically demanding and repetitive tasks.


Apollo's development and deployment highlight the advancements in robotics and AI, opening up new opportunities for supporting skilled workforces in manufacturing and beyond.


Its general-purpose design, combined with its humanoid form factor, enables it to work alongside people in environments designed for humans, making it a versatile tool for improving the way we live and work.


Well now, if we take a look at some of Apollo's most recent updates, we can see that they actually were integrated with NVIDIA's Project Group.

さて、アポロの最新のアップデートを見てみると、実際にNVIDIAのProject Groupと統合されていることがわかります。

Essentially, Aptronic's Apollo will integrate with NVIDIA's new general-purpose foundation for robot learning, Project Group, and this collaboration aims to enhance Apollo's learning capabilities, allowing it to quickly learn new tasks from human demonstrations and tackle more complex tasks than previously possible.

基本的に、Aptronicのアポロは、NVIDIAの新しい汎用ロボット学習基盤であるProject Groupと統合され、このコラボレーションは、アポロの学習能力を向上させ、人間のデモンストレーションから新しいタスクを迅速に学習し、以前には不可能だったより複雑なタスクに取り組むことを可能にすることを目指しています。

This integration with NVIDIA's technology represents a significant advancement in AI for general-purpose humanoid robots, potentially changing the way robots are used in various industries.


Coming in at number three is the most recent insane one.


This is the Figure robot.


Known as Figure 01, it's a humanoid robot developed by the AI robotics company Figure.

AIロボティクス企業Figureが開発した人型ロボットで、Figure 01として知られています。

It's designed to be a commercially viable general-purpose robot capable of performing a wide range of tasks in various industries.


Let's take a look at some of the key aspects of the Figure 01 robot.

Figure 01ロボットの主要な側面をいくつか見てみましょう。

Figure 01 is designed to address the ongoing labor shortages by undertaking labor-intensive or unsafe physical tasks.

Figure 01は、労働力不足に対処するために、労働集約型または危険な物理的タスクを引き受けるよう設計されています。

It can carry up to 44 pounds of payload and run for up to five hours on a single charge.


The robot is capable of autonomously navigating complex environments and is equipped with an AI system that allows it to think, learn, and interact with the environment and the people around it.


Figure has made rapid progress in the development of its humanoid robot, and in less than a year, the company went from having nothing but renderings to unveiling a prototype capable of dynamic walking.


The robot's design is slim and shiny, with a focus on human-robot interaction and efficiency.


The Figure team, consisting of experts with extensive experience in AI and humanoid robotics, completes the full-scale humanoid build in just six months.


Figure 01 is intended for initial deployment into the workforce to help alleviate labor shortages and eventually eliminate the unsafe and undesirable jobs.

Figure 01は、労働力不足を緩和し、最終的には危険で望ましくない仕事を廃止するために、最初に労働力に導入することを意図しています。

The robot actually does have some potential use cases in manufacturing, logistics, warehousing, and retail, and in the long term, the company Figure envisions its humanoids assisting in the home, caring for the elderly, and potentially even being used in space expeditions.


For the funding and valuation, Figure AI has raised a significant amount of funding to support the development of its humanoid robot.

Figure AIは、そのヒューマノイドロボットの開発を支援するために、かなりの資金を調達しています。

As of February 2024, the company recently raised $675 million at a $2.6 billion valuation from investors including Jeff Bezos, NVIDIA, Microsoft, and OpenAI.


This funding will be used to accelerate the development of Figure 01 and its deployment for commercial use.

この資金は、Figure 01の開発を加速し、商業利用の展開に使用されます。

Figure actually did recently sign a partnership with OpenAI to develop the next generation of AI models for humanoid robots.


This collaboration enables Figure to enhance the capabilities of humanoid robots to perform everyday tasks autonomously, and Figure is also using Microsoft's Azure cloud services for AI training, infrastructure, and storage.


We all know about the recent update, which was pretty incredible, and essentially, it demonstrated the ability to engage in real-time conversations with humans, showing a remarkable level of natural understanding and speech generation.


This capability is powered by a large pre-trained multimodal model developed in partnership with OpenAI.


The robot can describe its visual experiences, plan future actions, and use common sense reasoning, reflect on its memory, and explain its reasoning verbally.


This advancement actually allows Figure 01 to interact more naturally and more effectively with humans in various settings.

この進歩により、Figure 01は、さまざまな環境でより自然かつ効果的に人間と対話することが可能になりました。

In terms of commercial prospects and client engagement, Figure actually signed and secured a significant client in BMW, which plans to introduce general-purpose robots like Figure 01 on its production lines.

商業展望と顧客エンゲージメントの観点から、Figureは実際にBMWという重要なクライアントと契約し、Figure 01のような汎用ロボットを生産ラインに導入する予定です。

This move indicates the growing interest and confidence in the commercial viability of humanoid robots to perform various tasks alongside human workers, potentially transforming industries by addressing labor shortages and improving efficiency.


Let's take a look at Unitree.


The Unitree H1 is a groundbreaking general-purpose humanoid robot developed by Unitree Robotics.

Unitree Roboticsが開発した画期的な汎用ヒューマノイドロボット、Unitree H1をご紹介します。

It's known for its exceptional power and performance capabilities.


Here are some of the key features and specifications of the Unitree robot.


The H1 stands approximately 180 cm tall and weighs around 47 kg, making it a full-size humanoid robot.


If we take a look at the mobility and athletic ability, it's capable of walking at speeds greater than 1.5 m per second, with the potential athletic performance exceeding 5 m per second.


This makes the H1 one of the fastest humanoid robots capable of running autonomously in complex terrains and environments.


If we look at the joint torque and power, the robot features a peak torque density of 180 Nm per kilogram and a maximum joint torque of 360 Nm.

関節トルクとパワーを見てみると、ロボットは1kgあたり180 Nmのピークトルク密度と最大関節トルク360 Nmを備えています。

If we take a look at some more of the technical specifications, the H1 is equipped with a battery capacity of 864 Wh, which is quickly replaceable, ensuring prolonged operation.


In terms of the sensing and perception, for 360-depth sensing, the H1 utilizes 3D LiDAR and a depth camera, enabling real-time acquisition of high-precision spatial data for panoramic scanning.

360度の深度センシングに関しては、H1は3D LiDARと深度カメラを使用しており、高精度な空間データをリアルタイムで取得し、パノラマスキャンのための高精度なデータを提供しています。

For compute power, it actually houses 2x Intel Core i7 i1265U processors, providing substantial computing power for control and recognition tasks.

コンピューティングパワーに関しては、実際には2つのIntel Core i7 i1265Uプロセッサを搭載しており、制御および認識タスクに対する大規模な計算能力を提供しています。

The H1 has 5 degrees of freedom in each leg, 3 in the hip, 1 in the knee, and 1 in the ankle, and 4 degrees of freedom in each arm, which are expandable, allowing for highly flexible movement capabilities.


In terms of autonomous navigation, the H1 can walk and run autonomously in complex terrains and environments thanks to its stable gait and highly flexible movement capabilities.


And once again, in collaboration with NVIDIA, Unitree's self-developed AI robot algorithm allows the H1 to independently learn high-speed running, bearing weight up to 30 kg, navigating up and down stairs, and performing a variety of highly dynamic dance movements and continuously learning movements.


Recently, which was pretty incredible, the H1 actually set a world record for the speed of a full-sized humanoid robot, achieving a world record speed of 3.3 m per second, with a potential of exceeding 5 m per second.


One of the things that's actually fascinating about the Unitree robot is that it's actually pretty cost-effective.


The H1 is described as the most powerful and most cost-effective humanoid robot on the market, offering high performance at a competitive price point.


It's actually available for purchase below $90,000, making it accessible for a wide range of applications and industries.


Let's move on to the Phoenix robot by Sanctuary AI.


The Phoenix robot is a humanoid general-purpose robot designed to perform a wide range of work tasks powered by the company's pioneering AI control system called Carbon.


Here are the key elements and aspects of the Phoenix robot and the Carbon system.


The Phoenix robot is human-like in form and function.


The Phoenix stands at around 5 foot 7 inches tall and weighs around 155 pounds, designed to mimic human form and function.


It has a maximum payload capacity of 55 pounds and can move at a maximum speed of 3 miles per hour.


The robot features industry-leading robotic hands with 20 degrees of freedom, providing dexterity that rivals human hand capabilities.


The Phoenix also has an improved aesthetic design with bolder color palette and elevated textures.


For commercial deployment, Sanctuary AI has announced the first-ever commercial deployment of its technology, marking a significant milestone in the company's progress towards full commercialization.

商業展開において、Sanctuary AIは自社の技術の初の商業展開を発表し、会社の完全な商業化に向けた重要なマイルストーンを達成しました。

Phoenix is capable of performing hundreds of tasks across various industries including healthcare, hospitality, logistics, retail, and warehousing.


They actually have a very innovative Carbon AI control system, so the cognitive architecture is called Carbon, and it's essentially a software platform that integrates modern AI technologies to translate natural language into the real world.

実際、彼らは非常に革新的なCarbon AI制御システムを持っており、認知アーキテクチャはCarbonと呼ばれ、それは自然言語を現実世界に翻訳するために現代のAI技術を統合したソフトウェアプラットフォームです。

This system enables Phoenix to think and act to complete tasks like a person with explainable and auditable reasoning, tasks, and motion plans.


Carbon uses deep learning, reinforcement learning, and photorealistic and physics world simulations for robot training, and this system allows for human-in-the-loop supervision, teleoperation, and fleet management.


One interesting thing about the company was that it was actually founded in 2018 and is based in Vancouver, Canada.


The company's mission is to generate the world's first human-like intelligence in general-purpose robots, and in terms of funding, they've received over $100 million Canadian dollars, including a $30 million investment from the Strategic Innovation Fund contribution from the Government of Canada.


In addition, Phoenix has been featured as the only general-purpose robot in Time's Best Inventions of 2023, and Sanctuary AI envisions a future where general-purpose robots are as ubiquitous as cars, helping to address labor shortages and contribute to a safer, more efficient, sustainable work environment.

さらに、Phoenixは、Time誌の2023年のベストイベンションで唯一の汎用ロボットとして紹介され、Sanctuary AIは、一般用途のロボットが車と同じくらい普及し、労働力不足に対処し、より安全で効率的で持続可能な作業環境に貢献する未来を描いています。

One of the most recent incredible updates by Phoenix was the robot being able to do this completely autonomously.


You can see that in this recent demo, people were arguing that this is far superior to Tesla's Optimus in terms of the speed and agility and the fluidity of it being able to complete autonomous tasks one time speed.


This is a very, very impressive demo, and it was something that really did shake up the industry because people are now starting to realize the true power of Phoenix Robotics and just how great this company is at making humanoid robots.


The GR-1 humanoid robot is a general-purpose robot developed by Fourier Intelligence, a company that specializes in rehabilitation technologies and has been manufacturing exoskeletons and rehabilitation devices since 2017.

GR-1人型ロボットは、リハビリテーション技術に特化した企業であるFourier Intelligenceによって開発された汎用ロボットであり、2017年以来、外骨格やリハビリテーションデバイスの製造を行っています。

The GR-1 represents Fourier Intelligence falling into the field of humanoid robots, leveraging their expertise in exoskeleton development to create a robot with advanced capabilities, suitable for a variety of applications.

GR-1は、Fourier Intelligenceが人型ロボットの分野に参入し、外骨格開発の専門知識を活用して、さまざまなアプリケーションに適した高度な機能を持つロボットを作成しています。

Some of the key features of the GR-1 humanoid robot include the height and weight.


The GR-1 stands at 165 centimeters or 5 foot 5 inches tall and weighs around 55 kilograms or 121 pounds, with a human-like appearance and screen-slash-face design.


It has a top walking speed of around 3 miles per hour or 5 kilometers an hour and is capable of agile obstacle evasion, steady slope ascending and descending, and resilient impact disturbance response.


The robot can carry nearly its own weight with the ability to lift and carry goods up to 50 kilograms or 110 pounds.


The GR-1 has 44 full-body degrees of freedom, with 40 FSA Fourier Smart Actuator joints distributed throughout its body, allowing for human-like kinematics and motion.

GR-1には、全身で44の自由度があり、40個のFSA Fourier Smart Actuator関節が体中に分布しており、人間らしい運動学と動きが可能です。

The robotic hands have 11 degrees of freedom, enabling the GR-1 to securely grasp items and perform different tasks with precision, and these hands can imitate the range of motion like human fingers, allowing the robot to handle objects of different dimensions and configurations.


The GR-1 actually features an integrated emotion module, a high-resolution overall display, and a circular microphone array for voice recognition, making machine-human interactions more natural.


We have a robot that shouldn't be on this list because we don't really have a video for it, but it is still a robot that we are really, really excited about for the future.


1X Robotics, previously known as Halodi Robotics, is a Norwegian AI and robotics company that has been making significant strides in the development of humanoid robots designed to work alongside humans in various settings.

1X Roboticsは以前Halodi Roboticsとして知られていたノルウェーのAIおよびロボティクス企業で、人間と一緒にさまざまな環境で働くように設計されたヒューマノイドロボットの開発で重要な進展を遂げています。

The company's NEO platform represents a significant advancement in their lineup of droids, focusing on creating a bipedal humanoid robot capable of performing a wide range of tasks, from household chores to more complex manual tasks in commercial environments.


The NEO robot is designed as a bipedal android humanoid with human hands, making it suitable for general applications.


It stands at approximately 167 cm tall and weighs around 30 kg, with the ability to lift up to 75 kg in a deadlift or squat.


This strength, combined with its dexterous hands and full range of motion, allows it to perform tasks that require both precision and power.


I'm not going to get into too many of the details here because it is a robot that isn't released yet, but the company has actually released recent demos of its EVE platform, which is very, very impressive.


The recent demos show an end-to-end neural network completing many different household tasks, and I would say that this is one of the most underrated robots on this list because it has been really overlooked thanks to some of the recent developments by Figure.


I would say that this is a company that is poised to shake up the market when they eventually deploy NEO, and if their humanoid platform gets even better.


Let's move on to Boston Dynamics, a robot that you're all going to know about.

Boston Dynamicsに移りましょう。皆さんが知っているであろうロボットです。

The Boston Dynamics Atlas robot is a highly advanced bipedal humanoid robot developed primarily by the American robotics company called Boston Dynamics, with funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, called DARPA.

Boston DynamicsのAtlas・ロボットは、主にアメリカのロボティクス企業であるBoston Dynamicsによって開発された高度な二足歩行のヒューマノイド・ロボットで、国防高等研究計画局(DARPA)からの資金援助を受けています。

It was initially unveiled to the public on July 2013.


Atlas was designed for a variety of search and rescue tasks, and the robot's development was overseen by DARPA in cooperation with Boston Dynamics, and its hands were developed by Sandia National Laboratories and iRobot.

Atlasはさまざまな捜索および救助の任務のために設計され、そのロボットの開発はDARPAとBoston Dynamicsとの協力のもとで行われ、その手はSandia National LaboratoriesとiRobotによって開発されました。

Atlas is known for its exceptional mobility, dexterity, intelligence, and making it a leading Figure in robotics research aimed at pushing the limits of whole body mobility and bimanual manipulation.


The robot is equipped with an advanced control system and state-of-the-art hardware, enabling it to demonstrate advanced athletics, agility, and the ability to adapt its environment dynamically.


Atlas can interact with the world in meaningful ways using both hands, and its full range of motion it perceives its surroundings with depth sensors to generate point clouds of the environment.


The robot uses a model of its dynamics to predict and adjust its motion over time, showcasing its sophisticated control and algorithms.


There was a recent update on Boston Dynamics that I do want to talk about, so as of early 2024, they've actually showcased significant advancement in its capabilities, particularly in handling and mobility.

最近のBoston Dynamicsのアップデートがありますので、2024年初頭現在、特に取り扱いと機動性の能力において、著しい進歩を示しています。

The updates focus on Atlas' improved ability to perform tasks that require precision and strength, such as inventory work and lifting medium-weight objects like automotive parts.


In February 2024, Boston Dynamics recently released a video showcasing its new skills in picking and placing automotive struts, which weighed around 30 pounds.

2024年2月、Boston Dynamicsは最近、自動車のストラットを持ち上げ、置く新しいスキルを披露したビデオを公開しました。その重さは約30ポンドでした。

This task involves complex manipulation challenges due to the intricate shape of the struts, requiring precise gripping and careful placement on the shelves.


The update highlights Atlas' enhanced dexterity, with its hands now featuring three fingers with two joints allowing for a more gentle and effective grip on objects.


Last but not least is of course the Tesla Optimus robot.


The Tesla bot is a humanoid robot unveiled by Tesla during its AI event day in August 2021.

Tesla botは、2021年8月のAIイベントデーでTeslaによって発表されたヒューマノイド・ロボットです。

The robot is designed to perform a wide range of tasks, particularly those that are repetitive, boring, or dangerous, or otherwise unsuitable for humans.


Tesla CEO Elon Musk has positioned the Optimus robot as a step towards creating a future where physical work is a choice, thanks to the assistance of highly capable robots.


Optimus is envisioned to stand approximately 5 feet 8 inches tall and weigh around 125 pounds.


It's designed to navigate through the human world, operate in spaces built for human dimensions, and using tools designed for human hands.


The robot is expected to have a carrying capacity of 45 pounds, a deadlift capacity of up to 150 pounds, and a walking speed of up to five miles per hour.


Its design includes a screen on the head for displaying information, and the development of the Tesla Optimus robot is driven by Tesla's expertise in artificial intelligence and automation, leveraging the company's experience in developing autonomous vehicles.

そのデザインには、情報を表示するための頭部のスクリーンが含まれており、Teslaの人工知能と自動化の専門知識によってTesla Optimusロボットの開発が推進されており、同社の自律型車両の開発経験を活用しています。

The robot is intended to incorporate Tesla's FSD, full self-driving computer, for navigation and decision-making, using real-world data to navigate complex environments.


It also will utilize sensors and actuators developed by Tesla, aiming for a high degree of dexterity and mobility.


Elon Musk has suggested that the applications extend beyond simple manual tasks to more complex and interactive roles in both industrial and domestic settings.


As of the latest updates, there have been significant strides in Tesla's Optimus development.


The second generation of the Optimus robot, referred to as Optimus Gen-2, has been showcased with new motion and handling capabilities.


This includes the robot's ability to walk 30% faster than its previous iteration, along with new sensing capabilities in its fingers, enabling more deft handling of delicate objects, such as eggs.


And the robot has been demonstrated doing squats and picking up an egg and showcasing.


Overall, let me know which of these humanoid robots you think is going to be the one controlling the future.


I, for one, am truly excited about this entire industry.


I think it's going to be fun.


I think it's going to be very exciting.


And I think the competition is really, really ramping up.


And clearly, it seems like this might be a winner-takes-all scenario because whoever gets to the end first might just be there for quite some time.


With that being said, let me know what you think, and I'll see you all in the next video.

