
【マット・ウルフのAIニュース:サム・アルトマンとOpenAIの裏側】英語解説を日本語で読む【2024年6月1日|@Matt Wolfe】

OpenAIは新しい安全とセキュリティのための委員会を設立しました。イリヤ・サツキヴァーとヤンが離れた後、多くの議論があり、サム・アルトマンも新たに安全委員会の一員となりましたが、その決定には疑問の声が上がっています。また、ヘレン・トナーが参加したTed AIポッドキャストで、2023年11月にサム・アルトマンを解雇した理由について裏話が明かされました。また、OpenAIのサービスが悪用されているとの報告もありました。メディア企業との提携も進んでおり、News Corp、Vox Media、The Atlanticと提携しました。さらに、Appleとの提携の噂もあり、SiriにOpenAIの技術が使われる可能性があります。加えて、ChatGPTの無料ユーザーにもカスタムGPTが提供されるようになりました。GoogleもAIに関連するニュースを発表し、特にAIオーバービューに関する問題に対応しています。イーロン・マスクも注目を集めており、次の年にAGIが実現する可能性があると発言しました。また、彼のAI企業xAIが6億ドルの資金調達を行い、巨大なスーパーコンピューターを建設予定です。Microsoft CopilotやAnthropicのClaudeなど、他の企業も新機能を発表しています。Perplexity AIは新しいページ生成機能を導入し、Mistral AIはコーディング用の新モデルをリリースしました。Google DeepMindも新しい動画生成技術を公開し、ジョージ・ルーカスはAI動画についての意見を述べました。さらに、AIを活用した新しいヘッドフォンが開発され、騒がしい環境でも特定の声を聞き取ることができます。Humane Pinやrabbitなど、他のAIデバイスにも注目が集まっています。GoogleはChromebookにAI機能を追加し、AIを活用した新しいツールや機能を提供しています。

It's been a super busy week in the world of AI, and there's been quite a bit of drama.


I actually covered a lot of that drama in a video earlier this week called OpenAI is seriously concerning me.


If you want my full breakdown and my opinions on a lot of the drama, make sure you check out that video.


I will cover a little bit of it in this video, but I'm not going to dive too deep into it because I already made a video about it, but let's go ahead and start here.


This week, OpenAI formed a brand new board for safety and security.


If you remember a couple of weeks ago, Ilya Sutskever left, Jan the head of alignment left.


There was a lot of talk about how Sam Altman and OpenAI weren't taking safety seriously.


After Jan left and the team that runs alignment over at OpenAI was disbanded, this new safety and security committee was created, and it consists of four of the current board members from OpenAI: Bret Taylor, Adam D'Angelo, Nicole Seligman, and Sam Altman, along with a handful of other team members over at OpenAI.


As of right now, Sam Altman, the guy in charge of the direction of OpenAI as well as the number one salesmen for OpenAI, is also one of the guys in charge of safety and security now.


A lot of people have been questioning that decision.


Also this week, there was a new episode of the Ted AI podcast with Helen Toner, one of the board members that voted to boot Sam Altman out of OpenAI back in November of 2023.

また今週、Ted AIポッドキャストの新エピソードが公開され、2023年11月にサム・アルトマンをOpenAIから追放することを決定した理事会メンバーの一人であるヘレン・トナーが登場しました。

During this interview, we learned a little bit more behind the scenes of what happened back in November and why the board made the decision to fire Sam.


When ChatGPT came out in November 2022, the board was not informed in advance about that.


We learned about ChatGPT on Twitter.


Sam didn't inform the board that he owned the OpenAI startup fund, even though he constantly was claiming to be an independent board member with no financial interest in the company.


On multiple occasions, he gave us inaccurate information about a small number of formal safety processes that the company did have in place.


There's more individual examples, and for any individual case, Sam could always come up with some kind of like innocuous sounding explanation of why it wasn't a big deal or misinterpreted or whatever.


But you know, the end effect was that after years of this kind of saying, all four of us who fired him came to the conclusion that we just couldn't believe things that Sam was telling us.


After this interview came out, other people started speaking up more about Sam, including people claiming that Sam was actually fired from Y Combinator due to similar reasons that Helen was talking about in this interview.

このインタビューが公開された後、他の人々もサムについてもっと声を上げ始め、Helenがこのインタビューで話していたような理由でY Combinatorから実際にサムが解雇されたと主張する人々もいました。

However, Paul Graham, one of the co-founders of Y Combinator, said this on Twitter: People have been claiming YC fired Sam Altman. That's not true.

しかし、Y Combinatorの共同創設者の一人であるポール・グレアムは、Twitterで次のように述べました:「人々はYCがサム・アルトマンを解雇したと主張しているが、それは事実ではない。」

Here's what actually happened: for several years, he was running both YC and OpenAI when OpenAI announced that it was going to have a for-profit subsidiary and that Sam was going to be the CEO.


We told him that if he was going to work full time on OpenAI, we should find someone else to run YC. And he agreed.


If he had said that he was going to find someone else to be CEO of OpenAI so that he could focus 100% on YC, we would have been fine with that too.


We didn't want him to leave just to choose one or the other.


There seems to be a lot of mixed stories going around about, I guess, Sam Altman's character.


Jan claimed he left because OpenAI was no longer concerned with safety.


Helen Toner claimed that they tried to fire him because he constantly lied.


People took to Twitter to spread rumors about why he actually left Y Combinator, which the co-founder of Y Combinator just set straight.

人々は、Y Combinatorを実際に去った理由についてTwitterで噂を広めましたが、Y Combinatorの共同創設者が真相を明らかにしました。

It's definitely been fun and kind of interesting to sort of follow this storyline and put the pieces together and Figure out who's telling the truth and who's not.


I do think more details will come out with time, but all I know for sure right now is that OpenAI still seems to be the front runner for developing the best models out there.


As of right now, that's going to be true despite the drama and the hearsay that's going around right now.


While we're on the topic of OpenAI, well, it turns out that some bad actors have been using ChatGPT for bad actor stuff.


OpenAI put out this blog post, Disrupting deceptive uses of AI by covert influence operations.

OpenAIは、Disrupting deceptive uses of AI by covert influence operationsというブログ投稿を出しました。

Apparently, operations were shut down in Russia, China, Iran, and Israel where people were using ChatGPT to generate, I guess, misinformation content and share it on social media.


It says all these threat actors used our services to generate text and occasionally images in greater volumes and with fewer language errors than would have been possible for the human operators alone.


It doesn't get into specifics about what the actual attacks and disruptions were, but regardless, OpenAI shut them down.


Also, in OpenAI news, they've been starting to partner with more and more media companies.


Recently, we got word that they partnered with News Corp, and this week we learned they also partnered with Vox Media and The Atlantic.

最近、News Corpと提携したとの情報を得ましたが、今週、Vox MediaとThe Atlanticとも提携したことがわかりました。

My guess is that a lot of content from these platforms was probably already trained into these models.


As more sort of traditional media companies are suing OpenAI, OpenAI is trying to get ahead of it and partner with some of the companies that have content that's trained into the models.


But this also opens up the opportunity for new content from these platforms to be trained into the models, as well as to get more real-time content served into ChatGPT.


It also appears that the media companies will get access to OpenAI's technology to develop products to better serve its audience and advertisers.


But those aren't the only partnerships that OpenAI is involved with.


In fact, word on the street is that OpenAI just cemented a huge deal with Apple.


This article from The Information says it isn't clear how Apple plans to use OpenAI's technology, but the iPhone maker hasn't developed its own Large Language Models on par with those of OpenAI and Google.

The Informationのこの記事によると、AppleがOpenAIの技術をどのように利用するかは明確ではないとされていますが、iPhoneメーカーはOpenAIやGoogleのものと同等の大規模言語モデルを独自に開発していません。

Apple has discussed potentially using OpenAI's tech in Siri voice assistant to answer complex questions that Siri couldn't answer by itself.


As far as I can tell, this is still a rumor because if I scroll up here, spokespeople for OpenAI and Apple didn't have a comment, but I imagine we'll have a lot more details after the upcoming WWDC event from Apple, which happens on June 10th.


In the final bit of OpenAI news that I'm going to share this week, custom GPTS are now available for free users of ChatGPT.


But what's even cooler is you pretty much get all of the features that Plus members were getting, things like data analytics, vision, and memory are also now available in the free version of ChatGPT.


As far as I can tell, for the most part, if you're on the free version of ChatGPT, you're getting the same things that ChatGPT Plus members were getting.

私が見ている限り、ほとんどの場合、無料版のChatGPTを利用している場合、ChatGPT Plusメンバーが得ていたものと同じものを得ることができます。

You just can't use it as much.


You can't give it as many prompts.


Plus users get to use it a little bit more.


That's pretty much the main difference now.


Let's talk about Google for a second.


Last week, all those reports came out about AI overviews where Google was giving responses that didn't make sense.


Like how many rocks people should eat and how long ago the year 1919 was.


Google claimed it was only 20 years ago.


Google made a response to that explaining what was going on.


They claim they did robust red teaming and they did a lot of evaluations with samples of typical user queries and tests on a proportion of search traffic.


But then they go on to say, but there's nothing quite like having millions of people using the feature with many novel searches.


Separately, there have been a large number of faked screenshots shared widely.


Some were obvious and silly, while others have implied that we returned dangerous results for topics like leaving dogs in cars, smoking while pregnant, and depression.


Those AI overviews never appeared, but they do go on to say, but some odd inaccurate or unhelpful AI overviews certainly did show up.


One area we identified was our ability to interpret nonsensical queries and satirical content.


Let's take a look at the example.


How many rocks should I eat?


Prior to these screenshots going viral, practically no one asked Google that question.


There isn't much web content that seriously contemplates that question.


That's what they call a data void or information gap.


However, there is some satirical content on this topic.


When someone put that question into search, an AI overview appeared that faithfully linked to one of the only websites that tackled the question, one of the satirical websites.


They also saw responses that featured sarcastic or trolley content from discussion forums, but in some cases has less than helpful advice like using glue to get cheese to stick to pizza.


Pretty much they're saying that a lot of the screenshots that were circulating, probably even some that I shared in my video last week, were likely faked screenshots, but the ones that weren't faked screenshots were content where there was a data void.


It ended up pulling content from satirical websites or it ended up pulling content from platforms like Reddit or X that might've had trolley or funny comments on it.


They go on to say that they built better mechanisms to try to solve some of these problems and the AI overviews are going to get better.


You ever find yourself having to walk people through the same thing over and over again to different people?


I know with my growing online business, I definitely do, and that's why I partnered with Guide on this video.


Guide is an AI-powered tool where you just go through and do the steps of the thing you want to show people, and it will actually create a step-by-step tutorial in the process.


Simply install the free Chrome extension, make sure you got it pinned up in your top bar so you can actually see it.


Let's say I want to show a team member how to add a new piece of news to the Future Tools website.

たとえば、チームメンバーにFuture Toolsのウェブサイトに新しいニュースを追加する方法を示したいとします。

I simply click on the Guide button, click Capture, select the type of content we're creating, and give it a name.


Finally, we click Go.


I simply just go through the steps.


If I come over here, click on this button, click on News, click on New News up here, type the name of the news article, enter the URL source and the date. and then click save as draft.


I will come through and review the drafts.


I've walked through the step-by-step process.


I can click the guide button again to end my recording and we can watch as the AI actually creates a full tutorial for me.


We've actually got a video here now.


As it walks through the video, you can see it shows off each step that needs to happen.


Click news, click new news, click here, fill the name of the news article.


Click here.


As you can see, it created a full on tutorial complete with screenshots and step-by-step instructions that now I can share this document with anybody on my team and they'll now know how to add news to the Future Tools website.

ご覧の通り、スクリーンショットと段階的な手順を含む完全なチュートリアルが作成されました。これにより、Future Toolsのウェブサイトにニュースを追加する方法を誰にでも共有できるようになりました。

I can now share this tutorial wherever I want or embed it wherever I need to, to give team members access to this education.


Guide is actually a tool that I was using before they even approached me to sponsor this channel.


I'm absolutely happy to tell you about it and to recommend it to anybody that finds themselves explaining things more than once.


Again, you can use the extension completely for free.


I'll make sure the link is right at the top of the description below this video.


Thank you so much to guide for sponsoring this video.


Also this week, there's been some drama with Elon Musk.


I mean, honestly, what weeks aren't there drama with Elon Musk, but this week there's some fun stuff in the AI world that happened.


First off, Logan Kilpatrick, who was recently on the next wave podcast, by the way, asked how long until AGI and Elon Musk replied next year.


I don't know if Elon actually believes this or if he was just having fun, but it appears that Elon Musk believes that we're actually going to see AGI sometime within 2025, but here's the real interesting thread.


Elon Musk went to X to post, join xAI.


If you believe in our mission of understanding the universe, which requires maximally rigorous pursuit of truth without regard to popularity or political correctness.


Yann LeCun, the chief of AI over at Metta said, join xAI.


If you can stand a boss who claims that what you are working on will be solved next year, claims that what you are working on will kill everyone and must be stopped or paused claims to want a maximally rigorous pursuit of the truth, but spews crazy ass conspiracy theories on his own social platform.


Somebody jumped into the comments and said, Hey, Yann, why don't you start your own AI company?


Yann responded, I'm a scientist, not a business or product person.


Of course, Elon jumped in and really started stirring the pot.


Elon said, what science have you done in the past five years?


Yann responded over 80 technical papers published since January, 2022.


What about you?


Elon replied, that's nothing.


You're going soft.


Try harder.


Somebody else jumped in and said, were there beakers or Petri dishes involved?


No, then it's not science.


Yann LeCun jumped in and said, well, if it's not published, it's definitely not science.


Of course, Elon jumps in.


This is one of the dumbest things anyone has ever said.


Yann goes on to clarify that to qualify as science, a piece of research must be correct and reproducible, be correct and reproducible.


It must be described in sufficient details and publication, et cetera, et cetera.


At the end of the day, both of these guys look pretty childish.


Honestly, I have a lot of respect for both of these people.


I think both of them have really contributed to where we're at in the tech and AI world today.


But for Elon to call out Yann and say, what science have you done when he basically invented the convolutional neural network and won the Turing award.


But then for Yann to say that if it's not published, it's not science.


I mean, both of them aren't looking great in this scenario, but this is one of those.


Let's just sit back, eat popcorn and enjoy the show.


Cause it's been pretty entertaining to say the least since we're talking about Elon, let's talk about xAI.


They just raised $6 billion in their series B funding round.


If you're wondering what this funding is likely going to go to, Musk is planning on building the xAI supercomputer dubbed the Gigafactory of Compute.


Supposedly this Gigafactory of Compute is going to consist of a hundred thousand H100 GPUs from NVIDIA.

このComputeのギガファクトリーには、NVIDIAのH100 GPUが10万個含まれると言われています。

This supercomputer would be four times bigger than current AI clusters.


Shortly after this news came out that Elon was planning on building this Gigafactory, NVIDIA's stock took a nice little jump here.


If we actually take a look at NVIDIA's market cap, as of right now, there were $2.822 trillion.


I mean, it only feels like a few months ago that they passed the one trillion dollar mark.


Like the amount of growth they've had is absolutely insane.


If you look here, they're not too far off from overtaking Apple.


Quite honestly, they're not too far off from overtaking Microsoft at the pace they're going.


I would not be surprised if NVIDIA ends up being the number one largest company on the planet soon.


Speaking of Microsoft, we got a little update from them this week as well.


The Microsoft Copilot that most of us paying attention to AI have become accustomed to is now also available inside of Telegram.

AIに注目しているほとんどの人が慣れ親しんでいるMicrosoft Copilotは、今やTelegramの中でも利用可能です。

We can see a little screenshot sample here where somebody asks, what can you do?


Inside the Telegram bot, it gives them a response.


The article doesn't specifically say, but I'm assuming this is also powered by GPT-4.


Anthropix Claude got a little bit of an update this week and it can now use tools.

Anthropix Claudeは今週少しアップデートされ、ツールを使うことができるようになりました。

Basically, they just rolled out a new feature where if you're using the Claude API as your Large Language Model of choice, if you're a developer, Claude can now contact other APIs and work with other tools around the web.

基本的に、新機能が導入されました。もしClaude APIを選択した場合、開発者であれば、Claudeは今や他のAPIと連絡を取り、ウェブ上の他のツールと連携することができます。

This is something we've had with ChatGPT and the various GPT APIs already, but now if you're a fan of using Claude in your development processes, you can do it with Claude now as well.

これは以前からChatGPTやさまざまなGPT APIで可能だったことですが、もし開発プロセスでClaudeを使用するのが好きなら、Claudeでもできるようになりました。

The French AI company Mistral AI just released a new model this week as well called Codestrol.

フランスのAI企業Mistral AIは、Codestrolという新しいモデルを今週リリースしました。

This is Mistral's first ever model that is fine-tuned for coders.


Perplexity AI also rolled out a new feature this week called Pages, which essentially allows you to make like AI generated almost Wikipedia pages.

Perplexity AIも今週、Pagesという新機能を導入しました。これは、AIが生成したほぼウィキペディアのようなページを作成できるものです。

Check out this page that was automatically generated on Yann LeCun here.


We can see if we scroll through it, it's got a little menu on the right, LeCun's early life and education, more details about them here, Bell Labs, AT&T Labs, and we can scroll through and see a pretty detailed history and story of Yon Lacoon.

スクロールしてみると、右側に少しメニューがあり、ルカンの幼少期と教育、詳細な情報などがあります。Bell Labs、AT&T Labsについても詳細な歴史や物語を見ることができます。

This Wikipedia style, all-encompassing page can be generated by anybody on any topic.


If you go to Perplexity.ai, click on the little library link on the left and click this button to create a page.


It asks you what's your page about.


Let's go ahead and create one.


Let's call it YouTube growth strategies.


Hit the little blue button here and we can see as it generates a brand new page with information and sources for that information, similar to what you might expect from a Wikipedia style site.


Here's the page it just generated, leveraging YouTube shorts for rapid growth, creating effective video playlists, utilizing YouTube analytics for content optimization. and then we can ask it to add even more sections like monetizing YouTube shorts or collaborating with influencers.


Let's go ahead and add that.


Within a few seconds, I just added a new section to my page here with five different sources.


I can now publish this page and share it with anybody I want.


Just like that Yann LeCun page I just showed you.


If you're a fan of using Canva to create art, which is a tool that I find myself using quite often.


Canva just had an event last week called Canva create where they unloaded a ton of AI announcements.

Canvaは先週、Canva createというイベントを開催し、多くのAIの発表を行いました。

I found this Xthread, which breaks down 19 of them and I'll share it in the description below.


But some of the standouts include this magic grab feature where you can select an object within an image and drag and move it around.


An enhanced voice feature, similar to Adobe's audio enhancement features, and a new text to graphics feature, which looks pretty impressive.


This week, Google DeepMind also put out some new video clips showing off their new Veo model, including this time lapse of the Northern lights dancing across the Arctic sky, stars twinkling, snow covered landscape.

今週、Google DeepMindは新しいVeoモデルを披露する新しいビデオクリップも公開しました。北極の空に踊るオーロラのタイムラプスや、きらめく星、雪に覆われた風景が含まれています。

That looks pretty impressive to me.


Here's some other examples of a waterfall, which doesn't look quite as realistic.


A fast track shot down a suburban residential street.


Looks pretty good to me.


Extreme closeup with a shallow depth of field of a puddle and a street.


An aerial shot of a lighthouse stands tall on a rocky cliff.


If you just scrolled past this on X or something, you would assume this was a real drone shot.


Pretty hard to tell that's AI.


It's pretty well done.


While we're on the topic of AI video, George Lucas was recently asked about his thoughts on AI video.


Here's what he had to say.


We've been using it for 25 years and it's not AI, but we use all the digital technology because we helped pioneered a lot of that, especially at ILM.


Cause for awhile, they were the only place it was doing digital.


The thing of it is that it's inevitable.


I mean, it's like saying, I don't believe these cars are going to work.


Let's just stick with the horses.


You can say that, but that isn't the way the world works.


When everybody out there is talking about how everybody in the film industry is scared of AI and trying to avoid it, that's not necessarily true.


There are people in the film industry that are really excited and actually wanting to use AI.


As George Lucas says here, it's kind of inevitable.


If you're into having fun with AI music, like I am, Suno is rolling out a new feature where you can import any sort of sound you want and turn it into music.


Check this out.


I think that's going to be so much fun to just like make sounds in the real world, like with your water bottle and a pair of tweezers for some reason.


Turn it into a song with Suno.


I'm looking forward to that.


That's going to be fun to play with in the world of AI research.


This week, we learned about instant drag, lightning, fast and accurate drag based image editing, emerging from videos.


If you remember a few months back, we got this tech called drag your GANs where you can generate images with AI and sort of manipulate those images by dragging points around on those images.

数か月前を覚えているなら、AIを使って画像を生成し、その画像をドラッグして操作できるDrag your GANsという技術がありました。

There was examples where like there was a lion sitting there and they would drag the nose of the lion and the head would move on the nose of the lion.


You can do some really interesting stuff.


This looks like you can do that same kind of thing, but with real images, it doesn't have to initially be generated with AI.


We can see some examples here where there's a woman holding up a camera and they pull the camera down with this down arrow and most of the other models kind of messed it up.


But if you look at instant drag, it just reveals the woman's face.


Here's another example where there's this girl holding this star in front of our face, they sort of mask out this area right here, drag a little arrow down to try to move the star


We get this output where the star is moved down, and now it reveals the girl's face.


Here's another one where they masked off a kid's mouth here, and then put some lines to make it look like he's smiling.


You can see like the arrows trying to pull his lips apart there a little bit.


The final result looks more like a child smiling.


There's all sorts of examples on this page.


This demo video is eight minutes and 14 seconds long.


I will definitely link it up below, but there's some pretty cool examples of what you can do with this.


That'll be really fun to upload our own images into this and sort of manipulate the images that we took in the real world.


Just another exciting toy that I can't wait to get my hands on.


Another piece of research that was shown off this week was sign LLM, which is sign language production, Large Language Models, and it's pretty much what it sounds like you enter text and it will actually generate an animation of somebody doing the sign language for that text.


Once again, I'll make sure the research paper is linked up in the description below.


If you want to dive deeper and see more of these examples of people inputting text and getting an animation of someone doing sign language out, you can find that below.


It is pretty dang impressive.


The main problem with it is that sometimes AI is still not great with hands.


If you look closely at some of these videos, some of the fingers get messed up and I don't know sign language myself, but I would imagine if the hands can't make themselves look right, it might be hard to understand what the hands are saying.


Let's talk about some AI gadgets.


A team at the University of Washington developed some AI headphones that let the wearers listen to a single person out of an entire crowd just by looking at them once.


The headphones know which voice to focus on based on the direction.


When you look at a particular person, the mouth is located equal distances towards your ears.


A sound will arrive at the same time across both ears, which is a cue for the headphone system.


The headphone system uses AI technology to extract the voice that wearer wants to hear while ignoring like all sounds in the environment from that point on.


We're outside, we're standing in front of this lovely fountain here.


That's very noisy.


If you want to have a conversation, you can go ahead and click that button on your right.


Look at my voice.


We can have this casual stroll here and you can just listen to my voice.


What's a person come up with?


Is it helping once I have this example of how they sound like, I can just extract their sound even when I'm not, not looking at them.


This week, a company called IO, IYO introduced a set of generative AI earbuds, trying to do similar things to what the humane pin did and the rabbit r1 did, but just staying in your ears.


If we scroll down, one thing that I kind of have an issue with is how passive they are.


They look huge.


The idea is that it's connected to a Large Language Model and you can have conversations with it and it just sits in your ear.


They believe with earbuds like this, they're going to be millions of what they call audio first apps.


I imagine you'll just be able to talk to these earbuds and order an Uber or door -or a lot of the things that the humane pin in the rabbit showed off that you'd be able to do, but didn't quite work as expected when people got their hands on those devices.

おそらく、これらのイヤーバッドと話すだけで、Uberやdoor -を注文したり、ヒューマンピンやrabbitが披露した多くのことをすることができると想像していますが、それらのデバイスを手に入れた人々が期待したようにはうまくいかなかったことがあります。

Since we're talking about the rabbit, let's add some more drama into the mix this week and talk about this guy here, Coffeezilla.


He got his hands on one of these rabbits and did a little bit of digging behind the person who created the rabbit and made a video about how the creator of the rabbit before he made the rabbit was involved in some crypto scams.


He then asked the creator of the rabbit about his new Large Action Model and sort of came to the conclusion that the rabbit and the Large Action Model are a bit of a scam.


I don't necessarily know if I agree that it's a scam.


I think maybe it was just released way, way, way, way too early.


They should have waited until it was cooked a little more before they put it out to people because pretty much all the videos I've seen, the product just fricking doesn't work.


I ordered one months ago.


Mine hasn't arrived yet, so I'll put it through the motions and share my actual thoughts when I get my hands on one.


But all of the videos I've seen so far, just show it not working.


Like it doesn't connect to the internet.


The door -feature doesn't work.


I think it had Uber in it, but the Uber feature doesn't work.


Pretty much everything they showed off in their launch demo doesn't work for most of the people.


Coffeezilla here in his video tests almost all of that.


In his video, it doesn't work for him.


It is an interesting video.


I'll make sure it's linked up in the description below, so you can check it out and see his whole breakdown.


But quite honestly, you'll watch this video and you'll probably start to wonder if this rabbit R1 was just one giant money grab with no real intention of ever actually building what they promised.

しかし、正直に言って、この動画を見ると、このrabbit R1がただの巨大な金儲けで、約束されたものを実際に建設する意図が全くないのではないかと思うかもしれません。

I don't know.


Watch his video.


I'd love to hear your thoughts on what you think of the rabbit R1.

お考えをお聞きしたいですが、rabbit R1についてどう思われますか。

In the final gadget announcement in this week's video, Google adds AI powered features to its Chromebook.


Last week during Microsoft build, we got the announcement of the Copilot plus PCs, which are PCs pretty much designed with AI in mind.

先週のMicrosoft build中に、Copilot plus PCsの発表がありました。これは、AIを考慮に入れて設計されたPCです。

It sounds like Google is kind of following up with their Chromebooks that have AI in mind.


A lot of the features we've seen Google show off already appear to be features that are just going to be available inside of new Chromebooks.


You're going to be able to do generative art directly inside of your Chromebook, help write emails with AI in your Chromebook and much, much more.


It's pretty much all of the features we've seen Google show off that they're going to put inside of things like Google docs and Google drive, just sort of built into all the Chromebook stuff as well.

Googleが披露しているほとんどの機能は、Google docsやGoogle driveなどに組み込まれる予定で、Chromebookにも組み込まれるようです。

That's pretty much all I got for you this week.


There is some exciting stuff that I'm anticipating next week.


I heard a little rumor.


I don't know if it's true, but it did come from a very credible source that we couldn't expect to see Stable Diffusion three finally roll out and us consumers actually get access next week.

確かではないですが、非常に信頼できる情報源から、Stable Diffusion threeがついに展開され、私たち消費者が来週アクセスできるかもしれないという情報がありました。

Again, no guarantees.


It's a rumor, but I have it on good authority.


We might see it next week.


Also next week is the Cisco live event out in Vegas.

また来週は、ラスベガスでCisco liveイベントが開催されます。

I am planning on being at that event, but if you take a peek at the Cisco live page, AI takes center stage at Cisco live 2024.

私はそのイベントに参加する予定ですが、Cisco live 2024ではAIが中心になる予定です。

The event is going to be super focused on AI, which I imagine is why they invited me to attend.


I know a lot of their announcements are going to be around security and preventative measures for hacks and scams and things like that related to AI.


I don't know what they're going to be announcing yet, but I'm excited to find out and I'll be at the event doing my best to share what I learned.


Also next week is the Computex event out in Taiwan.


At Computex we know we're going to get a keynote from the NVIDIA CEO, Jensen Huang, and he's most likely going to make some pretty big announcements about what NVIDIA is working on.


In fact, I've already gotten a pre-brief, but I'm under embargo still.


I kind of know some of the announcements they're going to make and there's some exciting stuff that's going to come out of NVIDIA during Computex, but he's not the only person giving a keynote.


His cousin, the CEO of AMD Lisa Su is also giving a keynote all about how AI is driving a revolution that is rapidly reshaping every aspect of computing and technology.


We're also getting keynotes from the CEO of Qualcomm, the CEO of Intel, and a handful of other companies.


Probably even more announcements that we can expect out of this event.


I'm super excited.


I'll be at Cisco live while all of this is going down, but definitely still keeping my finger on the pulse of what's going on during this Computex event as well.

このComputexイベントが進行している間、私はCisco Liveにいる予定ですが、この出来事の最新情報を常に把握しています。

If you're following my channel, trust that you'll be kept in the loop because I'm going to be trying to break it all down as I learn about it myself and share videos with you.


If I don't have the time to share videos at the very least, I'll probably be sharing my thoughts and revelations over on X because I like to tweet X post whatever you want to call it over there.


Whenever I hear about cool, interesting news.


Make sure you're subscribed to this channel.


If you're not already, I will make sure you are looped in with all the latest news, all the coolest AI tools and give you the occasional tutorial to break down how to do some really cool stuff with this AI tech.


If you're not already, make sure you check out futuretools.io specifically join the free newsletter where every week I will share just the most important news that you need to know and the coolest AI tools that I came across.


By joining the free newsletter, you'll get access to the AI income database, a free database of all sorts of cool ways to make money using AI.


You'll be entered into our monthly competition where I'm giving away cool gadgets and software and things like that.


Every month for the month of May, I'm giving away an Insta 360 X four.

5月の毎月、Insta 360 X fourを1つプレゼントしています。

Previously, I've given away NVIDIA GPUs.


I'm trying to get cool gadgets and turn around and pass it along to viewers of this channel and subscribers of the newsletter.


If you want to be entered for those competitions, make sure you're subscribed to me here on YouTube and you're subscribed to the newsletter over at futuretools.io and I am going to hook you up.


Thank you so much for tuning in today and nerding out with me.


It has been a crazy week, lots of drama in the AI world, lots of news.


It's so much fun to me.


I love keeping my finger on the pulse and trying to loop you in.


I'm a huge nerd over this stuff and I appreciate that there's others out there that love nerding out about this stuff as much as I do.


It still blows my mind that people actually watch my channel and enjoy nerding out with me, but I am so grateful that you do.


I can't thank you enough.


Thank you once again to guide for sponsoring this video.


You guys rock as well.


Appreciate you all.


Thank you again for tuning in.


I'll see you in the next one.


Bye bye.

