
【OpenAIら「Frontier Model Forum」を設立】英語解説を日本語で読む【2023年7月27日|@Prompt Engineering】

OpenAI、Google、Microsoftが新組織「Frontier Model Forum」を設立し、安全なハイパースケールAIモデルの開発を目指します。Facebookは含まれておらず、AI研究の規制や安全性に焦点を置く業界団体であり、一般の理解を支援し、社会の課題へのアプリケーション開発を支援します。

I believe this is going to have huge future implications for AI research, so OpenAI, along with entropic Google and Microsoft, just announced the formation of a new organization called Frontier Model Forum.


Their focus is going to be ensuring safe development of future hyper-scale AI models.


They also released a blog post, which is worth reading.


One thing you probably will notice from this list is that Meta or Facebook is missing, and it's not part of this initiative.


I think one reason is that Meta has taken a completely different approach when it comes to open sourcing their large language models compared to the organizations listed here.


There are a lot of discussions going on regarding regulating AI research, so I think it's important to look at this new organization from that perspective.


I want to go over some of the interesting bits on this blog post.


So, the Frontier Model Forum is actually going to be an industry body focused on ensuring safe and responsible development of Frontier AI models.


I think it's important to see what exactly they mean by a Frontier AI model.


According to them, the Forum defines Frontier models as large-scale machine learning models that exceed the capabilities currently present in the most advanced existing models and can perform a wide variety of tasks.


So, they're not talking about the existing models such as GPT-4, but they are talking about hyper-scale AI models that can become available in the future.


There are four objectives: advancing AI Safety Research to promote responsible development of Frontier models, which will include minimizing risk and enabling independent standardized evaluation of capabilities and safeties.


So, if you have seen the current conversation or been following it, everybody is throwing in this word safety, but nobody actually defines what they mean by it when it comes to AI.


The next core objective is going to be to identify best practices for responsible development and deployment of Frontier models, helping the public understand the nature, capabilities, limitations, and impact of the technology.


And I think the most important bit is here: collaborating with policymakers, academics, civil society, and companies to share knowledge about trust and safety risks.


It will be interesting to see what type of regulations these organizations propose when it comes to AI development.


And the last objective is supporting efforts to develop applications that can help meet society's curious challenges, such as climate change mitigation and adaptation.


And then they talk about applications in healthcare, which I think is going to be an area that can significantly benefit from advancements in AI.


Okay, so next I want to look at the membership criteria, but before that, I think it's important to see what this forum is going to actually do.


Okay, so according to them, governments and industries agree that while AI offers tremendous performance to benefit the world, appropriate card is required to mitigate risks, and I totally agree with that.


The only thing is, who actually defines what the risk is and what are the guardrails?


Now, there are already some efforts going on in terms of regulating AI development.


For example, yesterday there was a hearing regarding oversight of AI principles for regulations, so whether we like it or not, it's actually coming.


So, the Forum will focus on three key areas for the safe and responsible development of Frontier AI models.


Again, they talk about identifying best practices when it comes to safety and mitigation of potential risks.


I think the second focus area has the most interesting bits in it, so advancing AI Safety Research in itself, so support the AI safety ecosystem by then defining the most important open research questions on AI safety.


And then they go on and highlight a few areas, for example, adversarial robustness, but I think the two most important bits are here: scalable oversight, independent research access, and then they talk about emergent behavior and anomaly detection.

例えば、敵対的頑健性(adversarial robustness)などが挙げられますが、最も重要なのは、スケーラブルな監視、独立した研究アクセス、そして、出現的行動(emergent behavior)と異常検知(anomaly detection)です。

I think the scalable oversight and independent research access, these are the two different areas which will impact the open source community the most.


For example, if we look at this tweet from one of the AI safety researchers, so there are some proposals like this that we need to put the threshold of you are allowed to have up to x amount of compute power without a license, right?


So this is one of the suggestions or kind of things that people are proposing.


Now, on the other end of the spectrum, you have someone like Ian Lokoon from Mata who is completely against it.


So in one of his tweets, he said, I agree that limiting compute or requiring a license above a certain threshold of compute power would be a bad policy.


And then he goes on to say that many of the AI safety policies that have been floating around are naive.


Now, the tick kind of makes sense because Meta is actively pushing for open source large language models compared to the other organizations which are parts of this Frontier Model Forum.


Now, the last focus area is going to be for facilitating information sharing among companies and government to establish a trusted secure mechanism for sharing information among companies, government, and relevant stakeholders regarding AI safety and risks.


I think this probably is going to put some stress on the open source language models and the research efforts.


We have already seen that in some proposed legislations in EU.


That's why companies like Hug and Face GitHub and other companies who support open source are against those kinds of regulations.

だから、HugやFace GitHubのようなオープンソースをサポートする企業は、この種の規制に反対しているのです。

Now, it's kind of interesting to see GitHub in here because GitHub is actually owned by Microsoft.


Now, what exactly this forum is going to do?


So, they plan to create an Advisory Board to help guide its strategy and priorities, representing a diversity of backgrounds and perspectives.


Seems like the goal is going to be to work closely with log makers and as well as governments to help support their different initiatives when it comes to AI regulation.


Okay, so at the end, let's look at the membership criteria for the Forum.


First, we already looked at how they define what a frontier model looks like.


And then they say membership is open to organizations that develop and deploy Frontier models, rights as defined by The Forum, demonstrates strong commitment to Frontier Model safety, including thorough technical and institutional approaches.


And lastly, organizations that are willing to contribute to advancing the Forum's efforts, including by participating in joint initiatives and supporting the development and functioning of these initiatives.


So, I think it would be interesting to see how this defines the future direction of research when it comes to Advanced AI models.


It's going to be interesting to see where this is going to take us.


I'm going to leave you with this clip, watch it and make up your own mind.


And what I have heard again and again and again, and the word that has been used so repeatedly is scary.


Scary when it comes to artificial intelligence.


And as much as I may tell people, you know, there's enormous good here, potential for benefits in curing diseases, helping to solve climate change, workplace efficiency.


What rivets their attention is the science fiction image of an intelligence device out of control, autonomous, self-replicating, potentially creating diseases, pandemic-grade viruses, or other kinds of evils purposely engineered by people or simply the result of mistakes, not malign intention.


And frankly, the nightmares are reinforced in a way by the testimony that I've read from each of you.


In no way disparagingly do I say that those fears are reinforced because I think you have provided objective, fact-based views on what the dangers are and the risks and potentially even human extension and existential threat, which has been mentioned by many more than just the three of you experts who know firsthand the potential for harm.


But these fears need to be addressed, and I think can be addressed through many of the suggestions that you are making to us and others as well.


I've come to the conclusion that we need some kind of regulatory agency, but not just a reactive body, not just a passive rules-of-the-road maker, edicts on what guardrails should be, but actually investing proactively in research so that we develop countermeasures against the kind of autonomous, out-of-control scenarios that are potential dangers.


An artificial intelligence device that is, in effect, programmed to resist any turning off, a decision by AI to begin nuclear reaction to a non-existent attack.


The White House certainly has recognized the urgency with a historic meeting of the seven major companies, which made eight profoundly significant commitments, and I commend and thank the President of the United States for recognizing the need to.


But we all know, and you have pointed out in your testimony, that these commitments are unspecific and unenforceable.


A number of them on the most serious issues say that they will give attention to the problem, all good, but it's only a start.


And I know the doubters about Congress and about our ability to act, but the urgency here demands action.


The future is not science fiction or fantasy.


It's not even the future.


It's here and now.

