


Hey, what is up guys, welcome back to another YouTube video at the WorldofAI.


In today's video, I'm going to be showcasing a new project called WizardLM, which is an exciting new project that aims to enhance large language models, and this is by improving their ability to follow complex instructions.


Language models like OpenAI's ChatGPT have already demonstrated impressive language generations, and we've seen that with their capabilities of how it actually demonstrates this with artificial intelligence.


But the ability to follow instructions presents a unique challenge for these models.


Creating large amounts of instruction data with varying levels of complexity is quite time-consuming and labor-intensive.


Humans may also struggle with the production of high complexity instructions, and this is something that we've seen with different models such as OpenAI.


Not to tackle this, the proposed solution is to use LLMs themselves to generate the instruction data.


This is something done by using EvolveInstruct, which is a method that the researchers of this project have constructed.


From this, they're able to evolve the instruction data that is being used to fine-tune the LLM, resulting in the creation of this actual project called the WizardLM.


In today's video, we're going to be demonstrating how you can actually do so.


We're going to take a look at a deeper analysis of what the project is trying to accomplish, some of the benefits, limitations, as well as taking a deeper dive in comparing ChatGPT with WizardLM's complexity of data, as well as contextual generation.


So with that thought, guys, if you guys haven't seen any of my previous videos, I highly recommend that you do so.


There's a lot of content and a lot of value that you will definitely benefit from.


So if you guys aren't subscribed, please do so, turn on the notification bell, like this video as I would really, really appreciate it, guys, so please do it.


And with that thought, let's get right into the video.


So how does this actually follow through with their approach?


Well, the proposed EvolveInstruct consists of two main components, and that is the Instruction Involver and Instruction Filter, and we can see this through this filter over here.

さて、提案されたEvolveInstructは、主に2つのコンポーネントで構成されています。それは、Instruction InvolverとInstruction Filterです。

Now, the Instruction Involver is responsible for generating a large number of open domain instructions of varying levels of difficulty using LLMs.


Now, this is achieved by using five types of operations for in-depth evolving: adding in a constraint, deepening, criticizing, increasing reasoning steps, and complicated input.


As well as an in-breadth evolving, which generates complex new instructions based on the given task.


And we can see this with this approach in this diagram over here, where you start off with the initial instruction, you go off to doing different things in the in-depth evolving, which focuses on the five types of operations.


And these constraints basically will focus on different things that basically help you with the initial instruction that is given and explores different ways to evolve your answer by looking at complex answers to do so.


And this is all done by utilizing LLMs.


And the great thing is that it is sent to an instruction pool, and it refines the foundation LLM.


In this case, I believe they use Alpaca, and their parameter is only 8 billion, which is one of the limitations we will talk about later on.


But it's something of a great type of model that could be utilized for different sizes of LLMs, as the complexity of answers are quite impressive compared to like ChatGPT.


And this is something that we're going to look at later on in the video.


And from this diagram, we can see that sometimes there's elimination of evolving, which basically takes out and cuts out the relevant data, and that is all sent to an instruction pool.


And we can see that with the creation of WizardLM in this approach.


Now, I'll show you another diagram that talks a little bit more about this.


And this is where there's a flowchart of the evolve-instruct method, which is basically for the people who do not know, it's an automatically generating open domain instruction of varying levels of difficulty using different LLMs.


In this case, the process starts off with the initial 1 plus 1 instruction and is then sent out through two different types of selections: the in-depth evolving or the in-breadth evolving to upgrade the initial instruction to a more complex task.


And we can see that it also utilizes the five types of operations in this actual diagram.


And these operations are implemented by prompting an LLM with a specific prompt.


Now, the in-breadth evolving, on the other hand, generates a completely new complex instruction based on the given instruction that we gave initially.


And this is a quite unique way to actually go about with complex, as well as tasks that you're trying to achieve with a different system, such as WizardLM.


And this is why I personally find it quite advanced, as well as how it actually goes by solving such simple manual instructions, such as 1 plus 1.


We can see that you're able to get such defined, as well as refined answers with such a simple question.


And it also goes around by, maybe in this case, it might be a little bit irrelevant, but this is one of the approaches that they go by, by eliminating different types of basic answers.


But the only thing that I can think about that is a limitation to this is that it utilizes a lot of hardware and tokens to do so.


So that might be the only thing that could be a hinder for the actual approach.


But it is something that you might not want to use for such simple tasks.


It is something that you would want to use for complex solving of like very hard problems, so that you're able to get the best generative answer.


And this is something that could be used and utilized for a lot of different things in that certain case.


So as we talked about previously, WizardLM offers several benefits in the field of large language models for instruction following tasks.


Now one of the main benefits that I was able to think about is that the ability to generate a large amount of open data for open domain instructions of varying complexity levels.


And this is in an automated manner without the need for time consuming and labor intensive manual creation by humans.


And this is achieved obviously by using their Evolve Instruct method, which utilizes LLMs to generate instructions with different levels of complexity and diversity.

そしてこれは、LLMを活用して複雑さと多様性のレベルが異なる命令を生成する、同社のEvolve Instructメソッドを使うことで明らかに達成されます。

So not only are you taking it, making it more efficient and effective, but you're able to get such a complex answer with a beneficial way of solving your task.


Now additionally, I've also believed that WizardLM has shown promising results in improving the performance of LLMs and instruction following tasks.


And we can see that with their evaluation.


They're basically achieved a significant better results than Alpaca as well as Vaikunas 7 billion parameter.


And this is something that you can see in their actual paper.


They experimented on three different LLM baselines, which is ChatGPT, Alpaca, and Vaikunas.


And with this, the experiment details also entail some of the training data as well as like the weights to how they actually approach these numbers.


So I highly recommend that you read this paper to get a better understanding of how they actually approached it.


Now obviously such an amazing project like this is obviously going to have some sort of limitation.


Now it's quite reasonable to think so because although WizardLM offers so many different benefits, there are some limitations to consider.


And one of that is that a WizardLM is still lags behind with ChatGPT.


Now this is only in some, like not some, but like in many aspects actually because it's basically indicating the further improvements that are actually going to be needed to make this system a little bit better.


Now this is because of the actual token size that is with WizardLM compared to ChatGPT.


Now the paper doesn't actually emphasize a little bit on providing specific details for the size of data sets used to train Wizard LM.

この論文では、Wizard LMの訓練に使用したデータセットのサイズについて、具体的な詳細を提供することをあまり強調していません。

But it does mention that the fine-tuning process for WizardLM uses a mix of generated instruction data with varying levels of complexity.


Now in comparison to OpenAI's ChatGPT model referenced in this paper, we're able to see that the training data sets size is only 8 billion for Wizard LM, whereas ChatGPT is significantly larger guys, like when I mean significantly, it's in the trillions.

この論文で参照されているOpenAIのChatGPTモデルと比較して、Wizard LMのトレーニングデータセットのサイズは80億にすぎないのに対し、ChatGPTは非常に大きく、何兆もの規模だということがわかります。

So the training size obviously is going to differ because of how small the team is as well as how small the resources that they are provided with.


And their main use is not to replicate what ChatGPT is trying to accomplish, but in a way they're trying to follow along with their instruction based model in which they can utilize and efficiently produce better complex answers.


And this is where I go on to the next step of the video, where I'm going to showcase some of the actual examples of how it differs from ChatGPT with its complex data as well as its generative content.


So the research team actually focused on different components, they talked about the skill level of academic writing, they focused on code generation, and I believe they also focused on one last thing, which was a sport.


Now we can see the actual comparison in developing such answers with difficult, complex tasks.


Now in this case they give it an instruction of how can you generate a latex code for a table given its data, etc etc, and basically from this we're able to get such a complex as well as an accurate answer of what the actual instructions were entailing.


And when you compare it to ChatGPT, you're not able to get the same sort of result, and this is the same cause as well as the same idea that you would get for the code generation.


You ask it to write a simple version control system using C++, and from this, we're able to see that the actual WizardLM is able to generate such a complex as well as a very detailed answer and response.


Whereas ChatGPT isn't also able to provide that type of answer.


And you're able to see that with the different types of examples over here.


Obviously in some cases ChatGPT might be better, but in most of the cases with complex answers or instructions, you're able to get the best type of answer with wizard LM.

もちろん、ChatGPTの方が優れている場合もありますが、複雑な回答や指示の場合、Wizard LMで最適な回答が得られることがほとんどです。

Now I wanted to do a little test, and I'm going to show you guys in comparison of how you can actually utilize the actual complex approach with wizard LLM in comparison to ChatGPT.

そこで、ChatGPTと比較して、wizard LLMで実際に複雑なアプローチをどのように活用できるかを、少しテストしてみたいと思います。

Oh, I was just trying to compare it myself to see how the detailed response is basically outputted with Wizard LM.


I basically asked it to write a detailed story on the first moon mission and the impact it had on society, and we were able to get quite a detailed response as to what it's trying to do.


Now I also asked ChatGPT, and it was also able to give me a good answer as well, because it's able to search as well as utilize its data sets to do so.


But I believe it's more the use case of this is more for instruction, more detailed instruction-based prompts.


So if you're asking it different things such as like an accounting solution, I was just testing it out.


In this case, I was just like asking it, if can you solve this question for me on a cruel basis, and basically what the system will do is it'll take the approach to solve it by using the framework that we talked about previously.


And obviously, if you were to give this to ChatGPT, it's not going to be able to formulate that instruction-based complex question that you give it.


This is because it's able to do certain things, but it has certain limitations, whereas WizardLM is able to actually continuously work towards solving it because of its framework, which we talked about.


And this is one of the great things about this project, guys, because this is going to be quite very beneficial in the future.


And lastly, just to end off on a good note, or not a good note, but something to actually note is that this is for research paper or research reasons only, so you're not going to be able to use it for commercial purposes at the current moment.


It's something that they're going to continuously work towards achieving later on.


So keep a tab on this project, guys, because it's going to be quite revolutionary in terms of fine-tuning different large language models.


So I hope you found this video quite informative.


It's something that will be quite revolutionary for a lot of different large language models in terms of fine-tuning them.


So I hope you found this video quite informative, guys.


If you guys want to check out some of my previous videos, there's a lot of content that you will definitely benefit from.


And with that thought, guys, please subscribe, turn on the notification bell, and I'll definitely catch you guys next time.


Peace out, fellas.


Have an amazing day.

