

RecurrentGPTというテキスト生成モデルについて説明しています。Prompt engineeringと長期および短期メモリを組み合わせて、より文脈に即した出力を生成します。動画ではフレームワークやRecurrenGPTの利点、制限、実験結果について紹介されます。最後には、RecurrenGPTを使用してファンタジー小説の段落を自動生成するデモも行われます。

Hey, what is up guys?


Welcome back to another YouTube video at the WorldofAI.


In today's video, we're going to be focusing on a project which is called the RecurrentGPT.


Now, RecurrentGPT is a special kind of model that can generate paragraphs of text.


Now, this is something that ChatGPT is limited to doing as it's not able to give you a large output of contextual generative content.


Now, what RecurrentGPT does is that it uses a technique called prompt engineering to make it more like a regular LSTM neural network, which is a long or short-term memory system which utilizes in its neural network.


Now, instead of using numbers to represent information, it uses paragraphs of text.


Now, at each step, RecurrentGPT gets the new paragraph of text and a short-term plan for the next paragraph and then looks at all previous paragraphs it has generated and picks the ones that are more relevant, using special search methods to give you more context as well as more information.


Now, RecurrentGPT also has a short-term memory that keeps track of important information from recent steps.


It uses the memory alongside with the current paragraph to plan and to ask the large language model for a new paragraph.


Now, it also updates its long-term memory by remembering the important parts of what it had generated for its previous steps.


And this is a little breakdown as to how it's able to give you such an amazing, as well as such a larger output compared to what ChatGPT can do.


And this is something that we're going to be showcasing in today's video.


We're going to be going a little bit more in depth to the framework that illustrates what current RecurrentGPT can do.


Also, going to be showing you some types of examples, as well as the demo as to how you can actually use this and utilize the tool for different use cases.


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And it would mean the whole world to me, guys, if you guys can go like this video as it will definitely help the algorithm out.


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So with that thought, let's get right into the video.


Before we actually get into the video, I want to give you a more in-depth understanding of what happens with the RecurrentGPT.


Now, at each time step, as it formulates as well as utilizes the system to give you an output, what RecurrentGPT does is that it receives two inputs: a paragraph of text and a brief plan outlining the content of the next paragraph.


And this is something that we highlighted at the intro.


Now, these inputs are generated in the previous time step.


Now, the model then leverages an alternative attention mechanism to access the long-term memory, which then contains summaries of all previous generative paragraphs.


And from this, the long-term memory can be stored on hard drives, which then utilizes short-term memory to give you a more efficient way of creating a new paragraph that entails the best ways to generate a larger, as well as a more contextual representation of what you're trying to look for with RecurrentGPT.


And this is how this actual application actually optimizes itself to function.


And this is something that we're going to be showcasing in today's video.


Now, before we actually get into the gist of all the things that we're going to talk about, I want to go a little bit more in depth as to writing or giving, emphasizing a little bit more on the architecture of this application.


Now, in this framework, it basically shows that it's able to enable recurrent prompting with language models, and this is by stimulating a recurrent neural network.


Now, what it does is that it utilizes natural language components and it defines the recurrent computation graph with different prompts.


Now, in a way, this is an application that is just utilizing prompt engineering to get you larger outputs.


Now, I'm going to explain a little bit more as to how you're able to get these outputs that are larger.


Now, in this paper, if you guys get a chance to read it, I'll leave it in the description below, but the paper mentions that some previous works have attempted to add recurrent mechanisms to Transformers, which are the base architecture for many large language models.


While they attempted to have shown promises in modeling and generating long texts, they often require significant architectural changes that may not scale really well when they are outputting larger context.


Now, most current language models still rely on an original Transformer architecture with minimal modifications.


But in this case, with RecurrentGPT as a large language-based approach, what it does is that it mimics the recurrence mechanism of different RNNs.


Now, in this figure, we're able to see that it provides an illustration of this concept.


In RecurrentGPT, you're able to see that the elements of long and short-term memory are using a thing called cell state, as well as in Hidden State and input and output State.

RecurrentGPTでは、長期記憶と短期記憶の要素が、Hidden StateとInput and Output Stateと同様に、Cell Stateというものを使用していることがわかります。

Now, what that means is that it replaces the natural language representation of different paragraphs that are inputted into the actual prompts.


And through this, there's a recurrence mechanism that is being played around in the back, which stimulates different types of prompt engineering to get you a larger output, which you can see over here.


Now, at each time step, what RecurrentGPT does is that, as I talked about previously, it receives a paragraph of text.


It has a brief plan for the next paragraph.


And from the inputs that are generated from the previous steps, it utilizes those previous steps to get you the framework, to get you the best output for the next paragraph.


And that is how it functions, as an output is chosen and then it's sent to the next paragraph, which chooses the same types of steps that I created to formulate that original paragraph to generate the next paragraph by using different things and leveraging the power of the language model to generate text, which combines the inputs very effectively.


And it's very cheap and very efficient to use.


So now, with this case, guys, now we now that we have a better understanding of what the actual architecture is, let's go more in depth as to understanding a little bit more about the inputs and outputs.


If you scroll down a little bit, you'll get a heading which talks about the language-based building blocks.


Now, in RecurrentGPT, there are two main components which you can see inputs and outputs at each step of the process.


And the first input is obviously going to be the paragraph that you input within the system.


Now, this is where it adds the final output text, and this paragraph is referred to as the content.


Now, the second is the input that outlines for the next paragraph that is going to be used to generate.


And that is what is called a plan, which we see over here.


And the content is typically made up of around 200 to 400 words, which basically is already in a readable format.


And it contains the main information as well as the ideas that will be included in the final text.


On the other hand, you have the plan that is shorter as the outline consists of three to five sentences, approximately.


Which is something that they stated over here.


It serves as a guideline as to what the next paragraph will be able to generate.


Now, at each step, the content and the plan generate a previous step, and those are called the return GPT.


Hence why it is named RecurrentGPT, as it allows the model to build upon the previous steps of the information that is given.


It generates new content based on the given prompts.


Now, with the RecurrentGPT, it's specifically designed to not only produce content but also generate plans.


That's one thing that is really a key feature of this actual application, as you're able to get a plan as to what you're trying to generate for future context.


Now, this is done obviously by enhancing the interpretability of the generated text.


What it does is that it facilitates interaction between the human as well as the actual computer that is running the application.


By providing the plans, you as a user can understand and edit the actual generic content more easily, which gives you an easy prompting for better user experience when utilizing ChatGPT as well as RecurrentGPT.


Let us now take a look at some of the advantages of RecurrentGPT.


As you know, it offers a unique approach to generating long texts.


But what are some actual ways that it does?


Obviously, these are some of the pointers that they talked about.


They talked about efficiency, which basically shows that you're able to reduce human effort by making progress of a bigger context that is generated using AI.


In this case, with RecurrentGPT, you're able to easily get larger contents of what you're trying to generate very easily and efficiently.


Now, the interpretability is also another big advantage as users are able to directly observe the internal language-based states of RecurrentGPT.


This is basically through the transparency that is given and allows the people who use the actual application to understand how the model is generating the text and make a more informed decision about the content.


This is something that we'll see from this actual demo because you're able to see where the content is being used to create the next paragraph, as well as the plan that is being used to help you create the next formulated response.


The third advantage is the interactivity of RecurrentGPT as it enables interaction between humans and the model.


You're able to get more of a specific type of response as you're able to edit and modify the generated text using natural language.


You can edit as well as see through what the actual AI is trying to plan for the next paragraph and get a better response that could be more specific to an individual as well as being more related to your own preference.


Lastly, is this customizable feature which basically means that users have the flexibility to customize your current GPT by easily modifying these prompts.


You can just change one word to get a more different type of or like a more unique type of response.


This is basically allowed to users to take the time to tailor the model to their own specific interests as well as their own needs.


You can do this by adjusting the style of the generated text, playing around with the parameters, and you can do that using the actual application.


Now, I want to focus a little bit more on some of the actual experimental results because it basically shows you some of the key results that put the experimental GPT or RecurrentGPT over other types of models that try to emphasize the same type of thing.


Now, in this case, you're able to see that there's an improved efficiency as the use of RecurrentGPT led to an increase in efficiency and generating longer text compared to conventional computer-assisted writing systems.


And this is because the app is allowing users to make paragraphs or a chapter-level progress that results in reduced human labor and faster writing outputs.


You can see that there are different genres that give you better types of results in horror, sci-fi, romance, fantasy, mystery, as well as thriller.


You're able to get these advanced types of improved efficiency results.


Another metric that I want to talk about is the enhanced interpretability, and this is because RecurrentGPT has been able to demonstrate high interpretability, which allows users to observe the internal language model.


It gives you a greater insight into the decision-making process and a way to understand how the generated text is being outputted.


Lastly, I want to talk a little bit more about the increased interactivity, which basically means that the app is able to facilitate an interactive experience compared to other types of applications that are trying to achieve the same type of goal that recurrent GPC is trying to do.


And this is something that we can see in this research paper.


So if you have time, definitely take the time to read this as there are a lot of different types of things that you can get a better idea of.


Now, I'm lastly going to focus on the limitations, and basically, the only limitations that I was actually able to think about and what they emphasize is that recurrentivity is still generating a lot of different types of errors.


Sometimes it's not able to give you the most accurate information, and this is like one of the things that are hindering it from succeeding.


But obviously, every type of application in the AI world has things that provide inaccurate types of information, so this is just a small problem that will be fixed later on as the AI world progresses.


And it's just something you want to keep in mind when using this application.


Now, if you actually go on your repo on the actual repo link for RecurrentGPT, you can see that there are a couple of examples that you can play around with as well as get a better idea of.


Now, there's a prompt engineering tab which shows you how the actual outputs of the paragraphs are sent out to make the next plan for the paragraph.


You can see how prompt engineering is used to get a different type of paragraph for the next queue.


This next example in figure 2 shows that the research paper presents a qualitative analysis of using RecurrentGPT as both an interactive writing assistant as well as an interactive fiction generator.


Now, this figure is showcasing that the highlighted plans or the choices that were selected by human users during the actual experiment.


One aspect I want to talk about is the effectiveness of RecurrentGPT in generating very long text.


This is something that ChatGPT is not actually able to do because, in this case with RecurrentGPT, it demonstrates its capabilities to handle and produce coherent and engaging content for contextual writing tasks.


Now, this is by finding a significant source to showcase the types of ways to generate the text, and it showcases that the model's ability to maintain quality and consistency during the extended text generation.


Additionally, the figure also shows that it indicates human annotators prefer using RecurrentGPT across various novel genres.


Now, let's actually take a look at the demo of RecurrentGPT as well as getting a more in-depth larger response being generated using RecurrentGPT.


Now, there are two types of tabs: auto-generation as well as human in the loop, which gives you instructions as to what will be created for the next paragraph.


In this case, I'm just going to be showcasing auto-generation right now.


Let's say, in this case, I want to create a horror film, maybe or not a horror.


Let's say, fantasy, and let's say, give me, write me a novel based off, uh, fantasy world that has mushrooms and magical beasts.


Not what you can, then once you give it the description, obviously, this is just one tiny little prompt, but you can give it the generation, and it'll start generating.


Now, once this is done, I'll be right back.


Now, if finished generating, we can see that it's been able to write.


This is just the current step.


It is able to generate.


Now, you can actually give it different instructions to give you a revised type of paragraph for the next output, and you can see that this is just the current one step, and this is able to generate such large types of content.


Now, imagine what you can do in the human Loop where you can play around with each step of a generative paragraph.


So, this is the beauty of RecurrentGPT, as it's able to give you a larger context of AI generative content, and this is why I really want to cover this because ChatGPT hinders this type of generation, and it's quite easy to use as it's completely free, and this demo will give you a better idea of how you can actually utilize this tool.


So, I hope you found this video quite informative, guys, because it's an amazing tool that will definitely be used for a lot of different use cases.


Now, overall, I definitely see that RecurrentGPT is a clever model that combines the best of both long-term and short-term networks, as well as utilizing different types of language models, and I definitely see this as a quite useful tool for generating larger text.


So, I'm definitely going to be using this for different use cases whenever I'm trying to generate different types of scripts or types or larger context of contextual generative AI.


And with that thought, guys, thank you so much for watching.


I really, really appreciate it.


Make sure you give this a follow.


If you guys haven't subscribed, please do so as it would mean the whole world to me, guys.


And if you guys haven't seen any of my previous videos, you should definitely do so as there's a lot of content that will help you get ahead in the AR world.


And with that thought, guys, make sure you like this video, have an amazing day, spread positivity, have a bright smile, and I'll see you guys next time.


Thank you so much for watching.


I'll see you later.



