
【マニック・ストリート・プリーチャーズ|パート1】英語ドキュメンタリーを日本語で読む【Manic Street Preachers|Part 1】


I think it's our best record, I'm not afraid to say that.


We really found a voice, these were the songs then that we really wanted to write.


I think it's as perfect as it could ever be, you know, for a British rock group in that period at that time.


It is because some of Ritchie's lyrics are on there as well.


The aftermath of the Holy Bible, kind of early 95, did you have any clear sense of where the group was going after that?


The way I remember it was kind of an empty period of just not knowing anything for three or four months.


That whole era is very, very British.


That's why I hate it when Ritchie's lumped in with a kind of American Hollywood, you know.


He was a cavalier on Bristol services, Sean was bored in his attic.


I was living in a terraced house, Sean was living in a terraced house.


It was just very awkward and British and normal, in an abnormal way.


It's not like we said we're going to split up, we can't carry on, I just don't think it was particularly talked about.


I think we really just wanted to have some sort of conclusive evidence of what actually happened because, I mean, we had nothing.


And even with private detectives and the police coming up with nothing, then it wasn't until some time afterwards that we thought, well, we have to come to some sort of decision because otherwise we'd be in limbo for the rest of our lives.


So it was just a matter of whether we sort of wrapped it up all now or we sort of carried on as a group.


We just didn't have anything left to say about it because, you know, we were obviously in a position where it was just all kind of conjecture, really.


I think for the first time as well, it was, everything was completely out of our control.


I think we quickly became aware that it was just slightly something pathetic, us talking about private detectives and stuff because I think at the back of our minds, we knew that this kind of situation was here to stay for a while.


You know, everything had always been really theoretical with the Mannix, you know, and it'd been, you know, there'd always been an idea behind it which had been great but kind of could hold you back as well, and I, you know, I know it's a terrible cliche, but it did seem for the first time that music was some kind of salvation.


In terms of the way we felt after Holly Bible, it wasn't a simple matter of carrying on, it was just a simple matter of actually saying we've got so much more to do.


I think there was one other worry in the back of my mind, and perhaps this is a bit more honest than I've been before, but kind of, after the Holly Bible, I worried that I couldn't write any music that would please Richie, kind of thing.

もうひとつ、心の奥底で心配していたことがあって、これは今までより少し正直な話かもしれませんが、Holly Bibleの後、リッチーを喜ばせるような音楽が書けないんじゃないかと心配していたんだ。

Because I knew that perhaps he wanted to go down the road and perhaps do more stuff that was akin to the Holly Bible or take it even more extreme, and I was a bit worried that as the chief, like, you know, kind of tunesmith in the band, I wouldn't actually be able to write things that he would like.


And therefore, there would have been an impasse in the band for the first time, born out of taste and desire, and that was kind of...


I was worried about that.


We were worried about being dropped after Holly Bible, I think, because it was kind of, you know, our albums had been a case of diminishing returns up until then, and even though the Holly Bible had garnered a lot of respect, it hadn't actually had as much respect as it has now, perhaps.


So, you know, we didn't look upon things in a very optimistic manner.


We're like that with every album, you know, that's what, you know, that gives us the fire then to come up with the next album, we always think we're going to be dropped.


I always feel that's when we come up with our best, you know, when we're fighting out of a corner.


Probably the only reaction was going to be that we wouldn't do another Holly Bible, because I think financially and emotionally it kind of bankrupt us on every level.

おそらく唯一の反応は、もうHolly Bibleは作らないということだったでしょう。金銭的にも感情的にも、あらゆる面で破綻してしまったと思うからだよ。

So yeah, that was not on the agenda.


Like, you know, the famous Richie Pantera meets Screamadelica direction, that wasn't going to be a reality.


But I don't know if James had a kind of Phil Spectre-esque vision in his head, but only he knows that.


If you look at that Pantera meets Screamadelica, you know, equals Nine Inch Nails, really.

そのパンテラ meets スクリーマデリカを見ると、イコールナイン・インチ・ネイルズなんですよね、本当に。

Because the Holy Bible was so compressed, and because it was so convulsed, you know, in the throes of its own, kind of like, you know, in the throes of its own birth or death or whatever you want to call it, I'm not quite sure.


I think we actually just wanted to breathe a bit after that.


Perhaps especially me, perhaps I actually wanted to be a different singer after that.


You know, I actually wanted to kind of like get into a bit of phraseology, or I just actually wanted to take a deep breath and be able to sing a line.


Once you run out, you just run home.


Obviously the Holly Bible is pure expression, but it was almost like a, I don't know, perhaps it's almost comparing something like Marlon Brando to, I don't know, Lance Olivier.


I just wanted to, you know, it's both, they're both very valid kind of like ways of approaching, I don't know, you know, creation or art, but I just wanted to do it in a very different way.


See, if you look at a song like "Small Black Flowers That Grow In The Sky", I think the actual rhyme and meter of that song, lyrically Richie's words, I think it's more poetic.

例えば「Small Black Flowers That Grow In The Sky」のような曲は、韻を踏んでいる分、リッチーの言葉の方が詩的だと思うんだ。

But still, if it would have been in a different mindset, I would have still tried to write that song, the music to that song, in a very different way.


But if you actually listen to the way that the music to "Small Black Flowers That Grow In The Sky" is written, I think it's deliberately set out to stall, to be, just to breathe a bit more, like I said.

でも、"Small Black Flowers That Grow In The Sky "の音楽の書き方を実際に聴いてみると、俺が言ったように、意図的に失速するように、あるように、もう少し呼吸するように設定されていると思うんだ。

James says he wonders whether, given where Richie wanted to go, and perhaps where those few songs that he worked on in those rehearsals were going to go, there was a sense of a sort of uneasiness.


The only thing I'd say about that is that deep down, however much of an individual and an artist Richie was, he kind of didn't mind, you know, a bit of success and a bit of — not in a monetary sense, but just in an attention sense.


You know, if he'd had the thought that maybe the audience would swell and swell and swell, maybe he'd have a chance of going out with Kate Moss, if only he was around there.


There could have been a schism, but that was down to Richie's mental state as much.


There was a schism, you know, in all intents and purposes, because it was hard work, you know.


I think he kind of, like, the emotions that were coming out of him were very violent, and no, not even nihilistic, I think they were just violent at that point.


I think there was a difference, and I think he just didn't want to fuck around, he just wanted the music to suit those sentiments.


And I didn't, I felt, I came from a background where I loved lots of Motown, you know, and I actually just loved Melody.


We'd been a three-piece before, even, you know, Richie was in the band, we were sort of playing gigs as a three-piece, not many, maybe two or three, and our first bass player left.


You know, we were quite happy as a trio then, so.


The first rehearse we had after Richie's disappearance was just over the road.


It was a place called Soundspace Rehearsal Studios, which is where we'd rehearsed for five, six years up until then, and we'd done all the Holy Bible stuff, we'd rehearsed that there.


And it was just across the road over there, it's been knocked down now.


And yeah, I remember the first rehearsal being awkward and being strange, and us perhaps trying to cover our emotional tracks by sharing a bit too much dark humour with each other, which I think is always kind of like natural for bands, I think.

