
【AIエンジニアの進化:今知っておくべきこと】英語解説を日本語で読む【2023年9月27日|@Dave Ebbelaar】


In my opinion, there are really two main differences if you compare the more traditional machine learning engineer and the new age machine learning engineer who's working with generative AI.


So, the other day, I was watching the Pine Cone AI Transformation Summit and in there, I heard this notion of the new age machine learning engineer, and this was a new term to me but it resonated really well with me based on the projects that I've been working on over the past couple of months.

この間、Pine Cone AI変革サミットを視聴していました。そこで新時代の機械学習エンジニアという概念について聞きました。私にとっては新しい言葉でしたが、過去数ヶ月で取り組んできたプロジェクトを基にとても共感しました。

So, in this video, I want to quickly highlight what, in my opinion, this notion of a new age machine learning engineer is like, what kind of skills do you need, how is it different from a traditional machine learning engineer, and what kind of projects do you work on?


And overall, how do you add value to a business?


So, for those of you that are new here, my name is Dave Abelar and I'm the founder of Data Lumina, which is a data intelligence coaching and consulting business.

初めての方々へ、私の名前はデイブ・アベラールで、Data Luminaというデータインテリジェンスのコーチングおよびコンサルティングビジネスの創設者です。

And what I've really noticed in this shift, basically from traditionally doing more data science work, so the classical classical machine learning projects, in my opinion, there are really two main differences if you compare the more traditional machine learning engineer and the new age machine learning engineer who's working with generative AI.


And the first point is that you need more software engineering skills.


I've been trained as a data scientist and as I was taken on these generative AI projects, what I've really found is this difference of the more in the more classical machine learning approach.


You have these algorithms and you train them with your own data or company data to make them specific to solve a problem, and then you try to find the best algorithm, you try to find the best data, and that is how you build your machine learning solution.


But now, since we now have these generative AI models that are pre-trained, what we do is we interact with them via various APIs.


And since the main way right now that we build these applications is we use a process of retrieval augmented generation, where we use Vector databases to store our data and then do a retrieval.


And then pass that as like an input to the large language module.


And if you want to learn more about that, then I highly recommend checking out my previous video.


But that is the overall main process.


So without going into much of the technical details, what this basically means in simple terms is that you have to connect a lot of services together.


For example, you have your vector database, you have your large language model API, and to get to an answer, you have to first get a query from the user, then pass it on to the vector database, retrieve it, send it to the language model, then you get back your answer.


And then you maybe want to store that somewhere.


And you're essentially just building out a whole application with various moving data parts that each do their own thing.


And maybe in between, you want to build some custom logic, so you add some custom functions.


It's more focused on actually building applications than it is really on training and tuning machine learning models and algorithms.


That's where this notion of software development and the skills required for that really come from.


And I really had to brush up on a lot of areas.


So for example, I've mainly used Python as my main programming language.


I still do, but I had to brush up on how to, for example, build quick web applications using Flask to make these endpoints available for applications.


So that is like one of the main things.


And also, just in general, working with APIs and how you connect all of that and working with the vector databases and streamlining that, putting in various checks in place, all stuff that you see in a typical software engineering project.


I feel like the new age machine learning engineer leans more towards software engineering, but you need the mindset of a data scientist.


And why is that?


And that, I think, brings us to point number two.


You have to learn how to work with these pre-trained language models, the pre-trained large language models that are out of the box already very capable, but not use case specific.


If you want to solve very specific business problems with these models, you have to make them specific.


How do you do that?


You add context, you add data through the process of retrieval augmented generation, for example.


But now here's the difference with software engineering.


So as a software engineer, you are mainly trained to work on applications that are deterministic most of the time.


So what does this mean?


For example, when you create an API, you send a certain kind of request and you expect a certain output or you expect an action that is predictable, meaning you can repeat it, you can repeat those experiments, and you can put in testing in place.


But now these pre-trained large language models, they are non-deterministic.


You never know exactly what it is that you're going to get as a result.


Now you can play, of course, with the temperature setting, even to zero, to make the models less creative.


But your outputs are also dependent on the user input.


And for example, like one of the most common use cases right now for generative AI is building like internal data or enterprise data chatbots.


So these are chatbots that companies use internally to ask questions about their own data.


Person A might ask a question one way.


And then, colleague person B might ask a question in a slightly different way, where they essentially want to retrieve the same information.


Those both those queries can be interpreted and processed through the whole gen AI applications in two different ways, meaning that person one will maybe retrieve some part of the documentation from your vector database, and the Gen app will base its answers on that.

これらの両方のクエリは、全体のgen AIアプリケーションを通じて異なる方法で解釈および処理される可能性があり、その結果、人1はベクターデータベースからの文書の一部を取得し、Genアプリはそれに基づいて答えを出すかもしれません。

Whereas the other person might just based on the wording extract a different piece of data from the factor database and thus gets a different, different output.


Now, where I was going with this, as a software engineer, you're not really used to these kind of applications because they're unpredictable.


But, and that's why I said you need the mindset of a data scientist.


In data science and machine learning, this is pretty common.


In the sense that you train a machine learning algorithm, you put data into it, but you never really know what you're going to get in the beginning.


You never really know how good the model is going to be.


And for example, when you're building a classification algorithm, as data scientists and machine learning engineers, we are aware of the fact that answers can be wrong.


A model is never 100% correct.


And the same is true for these large language models and gen apps in general.


Like, they're still behind the scenes, they're machine learning models.


They're trained machine learning models.


And we influence them in the same way that we do with classical machine learning models.


Means, we have a bunch of, we have some data, and we send it to the model, and we get an output.


So, I think that really highlights this difference.


So, you need these software engineering skills to build these applications together.


But then, once it's in place, you really need the, the like, the experimental and debugging mindset of a data scientist.


So, as you start to experiment with these applications, you're going to run into problems where, for example, the model is not pro is just providing like wrong answers, either through hallucination or retrieving the wrong information from the factor database.


And then, it's up to you as the new age machine learning engineer to figure out how to counter this.


So, that could either be through changing the structure of your Factor database, adding more metadata, adding more checks in place, maybe even adding an intermediate step where you let a large language model evaluate an answer before sending it back to the user.


There are a lot of things that you can do, and you have to be really creative with this.


Really, like the sky's the limit here.


These applications are so powerful, but you have to instruct them and direct them in such a way that you, first of all, set the boundaries so they don't go overboard and start to hallucinate.


But also, within the boundaries, you have to perform various checks to really make sure that the final result, the output that you are providing to the user, is correct.


And now, of course, this becomes more and more important as you, for example, start to...


So maybe what you...


What usually what companies do is they start internally, like I said.


What does this mean?


You create applications to assist companies internally.


And then, the impact of an answer not being correct is very low because it's all internal.


And you can put like fact checks in place where you link to reference, for example.


And then, you can always have the employee do their own due diligence to really check and make sure that the answer is correct.


So, it's a helping tool.


It can assist.


But in the end, it's still the human that's responsible for the output, if you get what I'm saying.


When you switch this to customer-facing applications, so for example, you create a customer support bot and you let your customers on your website, on your app, or whatever directly interact with this AI bot, with this large language model or this application, you really want to be sure that if the customer, for example, asks like, Hey, what's the return policy on this product that I just bought?


you really want to make sure that that answer is correct.


Because otherwise, it could really have legal implications at some point, depending on the kind of information that you're using.


You could see how as companies start to rely on this new technology, that you really have to be aware of the impact that faulty and wrong answers could have on your customer experience.


So, with those two topics explained, to kind of recap, what I really see is this new age machine learning engineer.


I feel like machine learning engineers now have an additional set of models in their toolkit.


So, still, all of the other machine learning models are still relevant for specific use cases.


But we now also have the large language models, and they are a subset of machine learning models that machine learning engineers can use, depending on the use case.


They're definitely not a one-size-fits-all, but for certain use cases, they can be highly effective.


So, it's a new toolkit.


And with that new toolkit comes its own new rules and strategies and skills and overall things that you have to keep in mind.


And that is just really understanding well how these large language models work, how we can set the boundaries, how we can use processes and tools like retrieval augmented generation to add context, how to really turn those very powerful tools into applications that you can use.


And then, we have the whole MLOps part.


It's still the same for these gen applications.


And platforms like LangSmith are already putting great work into setting an example of how you can actually put evaluation and monitoring systems in place for gen applications.


And also, MLflow.


I know that they're also experimenting with this, adding new features to the toolkit.


So, you see these platforms arise and existing platforms building out new features to work with all of this.


So, I think that's what you have to keep in mind.


It's not a new role.


It's just a new set of tools that you can equip yourself with if that's something you're interested in.


So, it's also, I think, not for everyone.


You could very well keep focusing on more classical machine learning algorithms and just work with that.


With that out of the way, I also want to highlight, like, kind of the project teams that I put together.


And then, also like, the skills, uh, required for all of the members, basically, to really deliver these projects, like end to end, and they're not much different, I, I would say, from, uh, from more traditional machine learning approaches.


Whether I feel like right now, really, a lot of the value you create, a lot of the value in the UI, why is that?


Because these AI applications right now are very much like customer-facing, whereas traditional machine learning applications could very well just end up in a dashboard that just some people look at or end up in some automations somewhere behind the scenes in the back end.


But right now, the main application is really in the front end, usually in some kind of like a chat application.


You definitely can also implement them into a back end, but that's a little more challenging and, and just not as common right now.


So, to execute on most of the projects that we've been working on, you really need, like, what we call the backend AI engineer, and this is also what the, like, the new age machine learning engineer would fall under.


So, you could either do this, uh, with, with like two people, so you have a dedicated software engineer and a machine learning engineer or data scientist pairing up together to really create the back end.


Or usually what we do is I would personally like take on that role and I would be responsible for configuring not only all the data connections and putting the data into Vector databases but also really setting up the logic, usually with, with LangChain, to put everything together and create a solid application.


And then, on the other hand, we have the front end where everything would come together to the user, and this is where I would really pair up with a frontend developer that knows, for example, JavaScript, TypeScript, or React to build out the front end of the applications and put it into a chat interface that people can actually use.


So, that's, those are like, I would say, three of the main roles that you need to complete these projects, and depending on how much a certain person knows, you can either do it all by yourself or split it up into a project team of two or three, again depending on your needs and the people you have available.


So, overall, you really need a solid understanding, I believe, of, of like, Python.


While you could also technically do all of this with JavaScript and build applications in the front end, which is something that's gaining popularity right now, but like I said, I'm still very much more confident with, with Python, and also really, I feel like if you want to build out custom logic, Python is just more suitable for that.


So, that's still my has still has my preference for the back end, but yeah, that said, you know, you need to know how to work with APIs and how to piece everything together.


You have to understand Vector databases, the factorization process, embedding models, and then also again, how to piece all of that together, and just understanding how to process data in general is really helpful because clients often have a bunch of data, some could be structured, some could be unstructured, and knowing how to work with both and put it into a format to make it available to these large language models is really required to be successful.


And then, also like I've said, uh, you have to understand how to build front-end applications most of the time.


And then also building, uh, web applications.


So building back ends that you can put on a server, uh, for the front end to then communicate with to make the results available to do the processing.


And then some final notes on how I see gen fit into the overall digitization strategy of companies right now compared to all of the other tools and techniques that are available.


And for that, I would like to refer to an article that actually someone in my free group, Data Alchemy, shared.

そのために、私の無料グループ、Data Alchemyのメンバーが共有した記事を参照したいと思います。

So I think this was a very interesting article that was shared by Min.


And this is an article from McKenzie on what's the future of generative AI, an early few in 15 charts.


And without going into all of the details of the article, what I, uh, what mainly like stood out to me, and I'll, I'll read this out, is Gen is a big step forward, but traditional Advanced analytics and machine learning continue to account for the line share of tasks optimization, and they continue to find new applications in a wide variety of sectors.


Organizations undergoing digital and AI Transformations would do well to keep an eye on gen, but do not to the exclusion of other AI tools.


Just because they're not making headlines doesn't mean they can be put to work to deliver increased productivity and ultimately value.


And I think this really summarizes the state of generative AI really well right now.


Generative AI is hot, it's trending, it's new, it gets all of the headlines.


But we don't have to forget that other AI tools, more traditional data science, machine learning, and even data analysis approaches are still also like very new to most companies.


Most companies haven't done anything at all with that.


So please keep that in mind also as you embark on this journey or as you are already a data scientist or machine learning engineer.


With this rise of gen, doesn't make the old school or traditional skill had obsolete.


There's still so much to be done in both areas.


And I feel like you individually have to decide for yourself whether genis is something you want to pursue, whether it's something you want to put in your skill set.


And overall, I feel like it wouldn't hurt to at least experiment with it because the fundamental PR fundamental principles and techniques complement each other really well.


Like I've said, you need Pon, you need data processing.


And in the end, it's still trying to take data raw, uh, raw data, whether that's just a user question, user input, or some kind of like numerical value from a sensor.


And we're trying to turn that into information on, uh, or actionable insights.

これがまさにデータインテリジェンスの目的であり、また私の会社、Dat Luminaの目的でもあります。

That's really what data intelligence is about and also what my company, Dat Lumina, what we aim to do.

それがデータインテリジェンスの本質であり、また私の会社であるDat Luminaが目指すことでもあります。

So it's not all artificial int or gen, no.


We want to help companies to turn raw data into valuable information.


That's what we do.


And gen is one of the tools that we have at our disposal.

そして、生のデータを価値ある情報に変えることは、私の無料グループであるData Alchemyで行おうとしていることの目的でもあります。

And now turning raw data into valuable information is also exactly the goal of what we're trying to do with Data Alchemy, which is my free group.

これについてもっと知りたい場合は、それをチェックすることを強くお勧めします。なぜなら、私はそこでAlchemy codexと呼ばれるツールやスキルやワークフローの基本セットを共有しています。

And if you want to learn more about this, then I would highly recommend checking it out because in there, I share what I call the Alchemy codex, which is an essential set of tools, uh, and skills and workflows that you need in order to start turning raw data into information.


And it doesn't matter if you want to be a data scientist, machine learning engineer, New Age machine learning engineer, just want to experiment with AI.


These are really the tools and the techniques that you need, no matter what it is that you do.


It's really the fundamentals.


And that's why I put this together as a free resource.


And if you're interested in that, then I would highly recommend checking it out.


We're building a great community of people that are interested in data science and artificial intelligence and everything in between.


So that's it for now.


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So that's it for now.


Thank you guys for watching.


And then I'll see you in the next one.

