
【Adobe Firefly】英語解説を日本語で読む【2023年4月28日|@TheAIGRID】

『Adobe Firefly』の8つの新機能について語っています。

Adobe just released a new update for their new AI program which is Adobe Firefly.

Adobeは、新しいAIプログラムであるAdobe Fireflyの新しいアップデートをリリースしました。

This time Adobe Firefly is going to be for video which is going to introduce a range of effects and let's get into it.

今回のAdobe Fireflyはビデオ用で、様々なエフェクトを導入する予定です。

So let's take a look at this trailer and break everything down step by step.


So one of the first things that I do think many people did actually miss from this trailer, which is a key part and honestly this is going to change the way the entire video industry is, is this right here.


In the first couple of seconds from the trailer, you can see it says "bright adventurous cheerful music" okay, and there's a button to generate that.


So this is very different than if you had a music sound effect generator which is what we have in a couple of seconds after which is right here you can see this one generates sound effects but this one is a background music generator guys.


Now how many of you fellow creators and people who make content on YouTube or people who make content for whatever agency it might be have trouble finding the right music.


With this, okay, it seems that Adobe has some new AI software where they can literally generate music based on a few text prompts.


So, if this is really effective, even if it is just for basic background music, this is going to solve many different issues.


For example, it might solve copyright issues on YouTube.


It might solve, you know, I guess you could say some music ownership issues.


There are just honestly a ton of different applications for this because I know many people run through many different sites to find royalty-free music.


But if you can just simply generate bright, adventurous, cheerful music, and then it simply just adds it to the background, that is going to be a complete game changer.


And you can see right here, it generates, and it's added to the background, and it does sound pretty amazing.


Now, what's also interesting is the sound effect generator, which is very, very important.


I mean, there are some people who do have pre-made sound effects, of course.


There are different packs that you can download online, but being able to simply just click and then get, you know, a simply entire library of free sound effects that you can use is definitely going to change the way that people do edit.


And I think this is going to be really good because, you know, let's say you're editing a program.


What's also cool about this is that you don't need to search for the sound effects.


Now, you might be a bit confused here, but think about this, okay?


What we just saw was someone click sound effects.


They didn't type in ocean sound effects.


They clicked find sound effects, which means that Adobe software is recognizing that, okay, this is a wave, this is a beach.


So, when you click find sound effects, what that software is doing is it's realizing what's in the actual video, and then it's going to find that and then match that with that.


You can see right here, it says ocean wave, beach ambiance, ocean foam.

ここでは、Ocean wave、Beach ambiance、Ocean foamと表示されています。

So, you can see that whatever Adobe is working on, it's also a video identification system.


So, whatever you're video editing, it's going to be able to identify what you're video editing and then suggest the right background music for that or the sound effects, which is honestly pretty insane, and I didn't realize that at first.


But when I kept re-watching the trailer, I was like, okay, that is really, really cool.


The nukes right there, it adds it at the perfect time and syncs it up.


And then, with this one, it also does have some background music that's, I guess you could say, trees.


So, it identifies this is a nature shot.


I'm not exactly sure how, there are many different AI tools that actually can do that now, especially with GPT4.


Maybe that's what Adobe is using in their product.


And if you don't know what that is, essentially, GPT4 is multimodal, which means it can identify what's going on in pictures.


And I think maybe there might be some kind of video version that they haven't released yet that Adobe is using to, I guess you could say, identify what's going on in the scene.


Now, what's also cool here is that this is something that we did see previously from another software app called Runway.


Essentially, where you're able to just use natural language to essentially change what you're seeing on screen.


You can see right here, it says change to a cool morning.


So, essentially, what you're doing here is you click this prompt and then once you click generate, you can see that instantly changes the entire color scheme.


And this is honestly going to be really cool because this is something that we honestly do need.


If you've ever used Adobe Premiere Pro or some of the programs, you'll know that color grading is not easy.

Adobe Premiere Proを使ったことがある人なら、カラーグレーディングが簡単でないことはわかるでしょう。

Okay, it's something that is really, really hard to do and so time-consuming.


I mean, changing the colors, changing the dials, it's honestly something I've done before, but something that I've always had to outsource or able to get in Premiere Pro.

色を変えたり、ダイヤルを変えたりするのは、正直なところ、以前にもやったことがありますが、いつも外注するか、Premiere Proでできるようにする必要がありました。

And this is something that I struggled with before because sometimes you do have multiple speakers and you don't want multiple pieces of text on screen.


But you can see right here that you're able to get two different pieces of text transcribed on screen, which is really, really cool.


And this is obviously going to be more effective because it's going to be able to create auto captions, as you know, many software programs are able to do.


So it's going to be something that is going to expedite the video creation process and something that is really, really interesting for people who are making these videos.


Now, here, what's also cool is that you can see right here it says 3D molten iron.


Now, remember, this is for video editing.


So, I'm guessing that what this is, this is basically just a 3D text kind of animation.


So, essentially, this is going to be some kind of video where you can essentially just input the text that you want to create, which is 3D molten iron, and then you can simply generate a video based on that text.


You can see right here, the text is typed in first, and then whatever kind of style that you wanted the text in Premiere Pro goes in, and then it animates that for you.

まずテキストを入力し、Premiere Proでテキストをどのようなスタイルにするか、そしてそれをアニメーション化します。

So, that is going to be something that is also very, very effective.


Now, remember, Premiere Pro is literally one of the best video editing softwares out there, and it's literally based on every single large platform.

Premiere Proは、ビデオ編集ソフトの中でも特に優れたソフトであり、あらゆるプラットフォームに対応しています。

So, this is going to be truly, truly expedited, and I think Adobe are going to win this when it does come to combating the other things.


Now, this is something also that is very, very crazy that is going to just save so much time.


So, you can click right here, and you can find B-roll.


So, I'm guessing, okay, what they're doing is they're analyzing the transcript.


So, essentially, whatever you've said in the video, they're just analyzing the transcript based on what you said, and then essentially they find the footage that's most relevant.


Remember, previously in the video, we discussed how the software has video image identification software.


So, you can see right here what it's able to do is say okay, shoes, then it's able to say chalk, and then say wall.


Okay, so that's what the software is going to do.


So, it's going to say, "I'm putting on my shoes, I'm talking up, I'm excited to get on the wall."


So, what it's going to do is it's going to find software that has chalk in it; it's going to find software that has shoes in it; then it's going to find software that has maybe a wall in it.


And then, when you click play, you're going to see that it's able to immediately put in the right footage right there.


So, based on your transcript, it's going to be able to basically edit the video for you, which is absolutely insane.


Now, I don't know if that's going to be based on the files that are in your, I guess you could say, bin at the moment, which and your bin is essentially just the files in your project.


So, if it is able to do that, that is going to be absolutely incredible and that is going to save people so much time.


Like, honestly, it's going to save people a ridiculous amount of time.


So, you can see right here it's able to find and identify the chalk, and then able to identify, of course, the wall, which is just going to save people so much time.


So, you can see right here, as well, this one is going to save filmmakers a lot of time as well, you know, amateur filmmakers.


This is going to save you so much time or people trying to become professional filmmakers.


I mean, look at this, okay?


We've got analyze script, okay?


So, for example, you can say new import media, then you have a script.


Okay, and remember, many videos are scripted out, so essentially what you have is you have a script.


So, for example, maybe you've got a movie, maybe you've got a short film, and then when you put the short script in, it's going to generate the storyboard so you can see it gives you what kind of shots that you should be taking.


So, for example, this is so useful if you're creating a short film and you don't know which kind of shots to take.


You can see right here it says golden hour, and this is really cool because this is giving you the color grading that you're going to need to do.


And remember, with the recent software that was just recently announced within this, you're going to be able to just simply get one prompt and simply change it to that.


You can see right there it's able to give you every single kind of shot that you need: a close-up, this kind of shot.


And here, this is really, really effective.


I mean, people who are not going to be that great at making films and visualizing stuff, this is going to be simply easy because you can simply click and you can simply make your previews just like that.


I mean, that is absolutely incredible.


So, I mean, there's a lot to discover and there's a lot to discuss.


I mean, Adobe Firefly for video is absolutely insane, and I want to show you guys some of the stuff.

ビデオ用のAdobe Fireflyは本当に素晴らしいもので、皆さんにその一部をお見せしたいと思います。

A lot of people have compared this to Midjourney, but I do think that this is honestly going to be game-changing software.


I think that anyone who does use this is honestly going to be very impressed because I don't think that there's any other software on the market right now that is going to even shoot for what Adobe is going to be capable of doing.


Let's take a look at some of the comparisons between Midjourney and Adobe because, of course, Adobe is still in beta.


I want to show you exactly how powerful Adobe is compared to some of the narrow AI-specific tools for certain things.


So, one of the key things that Adobe have added is image generation, and you can see on the left, this is Adobe's, and on the right is Midjourney's.


And take a look at these two examples here.


You can see that Adobe is currently struggling with certain aspects of the AI race simply because they are trying to not plagiarize work.


So, all of the work that Adobe uses in their image generation software is essentially royalty-free, meaning that they didn't take any artist's work into, you know, training the model.


I guess some artists would actually like this because, of course, you wouldn't like your work to be taken without your credit and then, of course, being used and sold on without your knowledge.


And then, of course, here, you can see that this is a samurai robot with an Adobe Firefly image prompt.

そしてもちろん、これはAdobe Fireflyのイメージプロンプトでサムライロボットであることがわかります。

I do honestly want to say that the Adobe Firefly software is easier to use than Midjourney's confusing prompts that you can see right here.

正直なところ、Midjourneyの分かりにくいプロンプトよりも、Adobe Fireflyのソフトの方が使いやすいと言いたいです。

They are not that confusing, but they just don't bode well in the sense that they're trying to create a very nice image generation program.


Now, you can see right here, this is what Midjourney was able to create with the same prompt, and honestly, it's just out of this world.


This is breathtaking.


So, I mean, I think that we are at a stage where it's actually good for us to have this competition.


Adobe, of course, is still working ethically on things which, of course, is what they should do and is what these companies should do.


But I find that it's going to be interesting to see how they're going to get these models even better.


If we take a look at what Midjourney is able to do with a simple prompt and then if we take a look at what Adobe is doing with the same prompt, we can see that Adobe is a little bit behind.


Now, I think in the future, all of these.

