


Hey, what is up guys?


Welcome back to another YouTube video at the WorldofAI.


In today's video, we're going to be showcasing another autonomous AI agent, and that is called IX.


Now, IX is an autonomous GPT for agent platform that is an experimental platform that aims to revolutionize the way tasks are delegated and executed through the use of an off semi-autonomous long language model agent.


Now, this is something that is related to Baby AGI as well as AutoGPT, but it functions more of a semi-autonomous long language model type of agent, and this is something that we covered on our Channel previously, and I'll highlight this later on in the video.

これはBaby AGIとAutoGPTに関連していますが、むしろ半自律的な長文言語モデルタイプのエージェントとして機能します。これは我々のチャンネルで以前取り上げたもので、ビデオの後半でこれを強調します。

But with the scalable and responsive design, IX is able to offer a solution that enhances efficiency and productivity.


Now, by allowing different types of users and developers to create custom agents and chains, the platform becomes highly extensible, which is able to cater to a wide range of different tasks and adapting to evolving requirements.


Now, this adaptability ensures that IX can be applied across various domains, scenarios, and making it more of a versatile platform.


Now, the main reason why I wanted to cover this application is because it builds on top of what micro GPT was able to accomplish.

今回、このアプリケーションを取り上げたのは、micro GPTが達成したことの上に構築されたものだからです。

Now, micro GPT, also known as mini AGI, is another autonomous AI agent, but it focused more on the minimal aspects of completing tasks.

micro GPTはmini AGIとも呼ばれる自律型AIエージェントですが、タスクをこなすという最小限の側面に重点を置いていました。

But the thing with IX is that it's able to accomplish tasks at a different type of level compared to micro GPT.

しかし、IXの特徴は、micro GPTとは異なるタイプのレベルでタスクを達成することができる点です。

In this case, it focused on minimal tasks, but with IX, you're able to focus on a different degree of tasks that are way more complex than the minimal task that micro GPT was able to complete.

この場合、最小限のタスクにフォーカスしていましたが、IXでは、micro GPTが完了できた最小限のタスクよりもはるかに複雑な、異なる程度のタスクにフォーカスすることができるのです。

So, it, if I would highly recommend that you check this video on Mini GPT or micro GPT, whatever you want to call it, as it's a building form or Foundation of what IX is trying to accomplish.

Mini GPTあるいはmicro GPTのこのビデオを見てみることを強く推奨します。何と呼びたいと思っても構いません。なぜなら、これはIXが達成しようとしているものの基盤あるいは基礎を形成しているからです。

Let's see, I just want to say thank you guys so much for the support that I've been getting on my actual support page.


I actually received a huge donation, and I am really, really grateful, and from the bottom of my heart, I just want to say thank you guys so much for the amount of support and love that you guys have been giving to this channel.


Not as a pro college student who just graduated, it's quite amazing to see so much success on this channel, and I really, really appreciate it and love all the support you guys are giving me.


I'm gonna be striving to provide you guys the best content, the best value, so I'm so grateful for whatever you guys are doing to me, guys, as it really, really means a lot to me, and I'm gonna make sure that I put my blood, sweat, and tears into this channel to give you the best content.


So, I really, really appreciate it, so thank you so much for supporting me, guys.


It really means a lot.


Now, if you guys haven't followed, please do so if you guys haven't already on my Twitter page.


It's a new account that I just uploaded, and I post the latest AI news.


So, if you guys want to give this a follow, definitely do to get the most latest AI news.


Now, if you guys haven't seen any of my previous videos, I highly recommend that you do this because there's a lot of content and a lot of value that you will definitely benefit from.


So, definitely do that.


Subscribe, turn the notification bell, and like this video.


And with that thought, let's get right into the video.


So we talked about AIX being an autonomous AI agent, but one of its key features of IX is its support from multiple agents.


Now running it in a parallel and communicating way with each other is one of the main features of this IX platform.


Now this enables seamless collaboration, information sharing, and collaborative problem-solving amongst the agents.


Now this is by facilitating communication between the agents, and IX does this by promoting and prompting different collaborative and knowledge-sharing applications within the overall platform, which ultimately leads to better results and improved decision-making within the system.


Now the customization option provided by IX empowers developers to configure each agent according to specific requirements.


Now this includes the ability to utilize a parallel process, optimizing tasks execution, as well as improving overall experiences.


Furthermore, you're actually able to have different types of usage as well as including different types of chains to help it work in different ways.


You can actually utilize different agents and upload them on their chains Tab, and I'll leave this in the description below so you can get a better idea of how you can utilize this.


Now for the use of other models, you're actually able to leverage GPT-4.


But what IX has done is that you're able to support a lot of different models that are supported within LangChain.


Now this flexibility gives developers as well as users of this application the freedom to select and leverage different models based on their needs and preferences.


Now what this can do is that it enhances the platform's versatility and performance.


Now let us actually take a look at some of the benefits of IX.


Now the benefits of IX are manifold.


Firstly, the platform enhances efficiency by streamlining tasks delegation and execution through the use of AI-powered agents.


Now this reduces manual effort, increasing productivity, and allows for a faster completion of tasks.


Secondly, IX promotes adaptability by enabling developers to customize agents and chains.


And what this does is that it ensures that the platform can be applied to various tasks and domains.


Now this is something that we're going to be covering in the video later on, but in terms of focusing on how to install it, we're going to be showing you guys some of the things that you will require to install it as well as taking a look at some of the features of this application.


So to use this, you're gonna have to set this up on your own server, and I'll show you this on how to do it.


Secondly, you just have to create a request.


You enter your request or a task in the chat, which is what we saw in the intro as well as from this GIF you can see right here.


And then what happens is that the IX moderator will then assess the task, which you see here, and then it will delegate it to its agents that are best suited to handle it.


Now, the agents within IX are equipped with various capabilities such as web searching, coding, image creation, and interacting with other APIs and services.


And what this will do is that it will provide you a general request and give you the best type of generative answer.


And lastly, it is you are able to actually customize agents, and this is by your agent assignment.


Now this is required if you want to have more flexibility or if you want to add or remove customized agents from the chat.


Now this feature is able to allow you to tailor the type of lineup of agents that are being used for this application so that you can get a more precise or more specific type of answers.


And if this is something that I highlighted with the chains, so if you really want to get more customizable with this application, you can create custom agents using this documentation on the repo, and I'll leave the link for the whole repo description below.


Now, let's get into the installation phase of this video.


So, first things first, you're going to need Git, which is an application that will help you clone the repository onto your CPU.


Secondly, you'll need Python, which is a language editor, and this is something that we're going to be using to edit the code of this application.


Lastly, we're going to use Visual Studio Code as our code editor to implement the .env files as well as the API keys into the application.

最後に、Visual Studio Codeをコードエディターとして使用し、アプリケーションに.envファイルやAPIキーを実装します。

What you want to do first is go onto the repo, and I'll leave this link in the description below.


When what you want to do is click this green button and copy this link.


Once you have that copied, you want to go on to the command prompt and open this up.


Once you are here, you can type in git clone and paste the link over here and click enter.

git cloneと入力し、このリンクを貼り付けてEnterをクリックします。

Now we'll start copying the repository onto your computer.


Now what you want to do is get into the IX folder, and this is by doing cd ix.

IX フォルダに入りたい場合は、cd ix と入力します。

Now, once you're in that folder, you want to scroll down a little bit.


What you want to do now is actually start installing and making the server.


But before we actually get into doing that, we want to actually play around and tweak the API keys.


In this case, you're going to need a Pinecone key and an Open API key as well.

この場合、PineconeキーとOpen APIキーも必要です。

If you want to use the web browsing feature, you will need to input a Google API key.

Webブラウジング機能を使いたい場合は、Google APIキーの入力が必要です。

So, with that thought, you want to open up Visual Studio Code.

そう思って、Visual Studio Codeを開きたいわけです。

So you can do Visual Studio Code, type this in on your computer, open it up, and what you want to now do is open the folder of what you downloaded.

で、Visual Studio Codeをやって、パソコンでこれを入力して開いて、今やりたいことは、ダウンロードしたもののフォルダを開くことです。

It will be called IX.


It could be easily you can download it, or you can open it up as to wherever you downloaded it.


And once you have that open, you can trust the authors.


You want to go into the .env template, rename this, and you want to get rid of the template from the name as well as the signature over there and click enter.


Now, you want to input your API key, Pinecone API key, as well as the environment.

あとは、APIキー、Pinecone APIキー、そして環境を入力します。

All of this is free.


I've set the API key, obviously, and the Pinecone as you need more storage to store the data on the Pinecone Vector.

APIキーは当然として、PineconeはPinecone Vectorにデータを保存するために多くのストレージが必要なので、設定しました。

So input these keys.


Once you have that done, you want to click save.


I'm not going to be doing this as I don't want to show you my keys, but once you have inputted your keys, you just have to easily click save, and you can close Visual Studio Code.

自分のキーを見せたくないのでやりませんが、キーを入力したら、簡単に保存をクリックして、Visual Studio Codeを閉じればいいだけです。

And then we'll get to the next phase.


Before you actually get into the next step, I just want to show you guys, for the people who do not know where to get the API key, I'll leave all the links for the API keys as well as the different services for OpenAI.


You can just go on this link, create your new selected cree, and what you want to do is copy it and then paste it into Visual Studio Code.

このリンクから、新しい選択したキーを作成し、それをコピーして、Visual Studio Codeに貼り付けるだけでいいのです。

Obviously, you need to have some sort of tokens, like paid for.


So what you want to do is go into the billing, pay for five dollars.


In this case, you won't even require that much.


Maybe a dollar should be enough.


And set your token limit to one dollar.


And what you will need to do is input your credit card information.


It's very cheap to fairly use this application, so don't even worry about that.


Secondly, you need to go on to Pinecone and open up a free account.


I'm not going to be showing you this because my API keys are leaked over there, and my the serp API is your Google web search uh services, so you need to just create these two free accounts and you can utilize the free plans for this application.

私のAPIキーがそこに漏れているので、これをお見せすることはできません。そして私のserp APIはあなたのGoogleウェブ検索サービスです。これら2つの無料アカウントを作成するだけで、このアプリケーションの無料プランを利用することができます。

Now, once you have done that, you can input the keys right into Visual Studio mode, and we can get on to the next step.

さて、これが終わったら、Visual Studioモードにキーを入力して、次のステップに進みます。

After you have saved the file, you can just close it, and we can get to the next step.


So, guys, to save the time, I put in the next step where I started installing the dependencies onto my computer.


So, what you got to do is type in this command and paste it into the cdix folder.


Once you're in this folder, you just type in this command: pip install Dash R requirements.txt, and this will start unpacking the files as well as downloading the required packages for this to run this application.

このフォルダに入ったら、次のコマンドを入力します: pip install Dash R requirements.txt すると、ファイルの解凍と、このアプリケーションを実行するために必要なパッケージのダウンロードが始まります。

Now, once you are done, that we'll get to the next stage.


What you want to do next is start making and running the dev image.


What you can do is copy and paste each of these prompts into the command prompt like following one or the other, and once you have done that, it will then launch on your localhost, which you can visit over here.


Now, I'm going to be talking a little bit more about some of the features, and that way we can then go with the demo and seeing what we can actually do with this application.


Now, in terms of the daily use case of IX, you can do a lot of things such as web research.


You can actually utilize IX to serve it as a reliable research assistant.


You can get it to do task automation in terms of writing scripts, code snippets, and this is something that the creator has done on his page.


You've actually talked about how it can actually write code very good, and this is something that you can check out over here as it's able to generate different types of code for different languages.


Now, you can also utilize different types of agents as well as chains that are correlated with LangChain.


So, this is one of the great things about this application in terms of utilizing the different chains.


Now, you can also do different things such as focusing on integrating different APIs for different use cases.


You can do image and design generation, which is one of their main features of IX, and these are some of the many things that you can check out on the actual creator's Twitter page.


This is something that you can check out and leaving I'll, which I'll leave in the description below, so you can get better access towards.


But yeah, that's basically it for today's video, guys.


I hope you found this video quite informative.


In conclusion, I just want to say that IX is an amazing autonomous GPT for agent which offers a powerful and scalable solution for deploying semi-autonomous agents to perform various different tasks.


Now, I just want to say thank you so much for watching.


Oh, please give this Twitter account a follow if you guys haven't already.


Turn on the actual notifications so you can get the most latest updates, and if you guys haven't subscribed, please do so.


I'll leave this micro GPT Link in the description below so that you can get a better idea.


But with that thought, guys, I really, really appreciate all the support you guys have been giving, and I'll see you guys later.


Peace out, fellas.

