

今週の人工知能界では、OpenAIのサム・アルトマンが今年の目標について言及したツイートや、OpenAIの新しい音声モードに関する動画、Volkswagenが2024年第2四半期から車両にChatGPTを搭載する計画など、多くの注目すべきニュースがありました。また、OpenAIはハリウッドの映画製作会社や監督との会合を重ね、新しいAI映像生成ツール「Sora」を提案しました。さらに、Stability AIのCEOであるエマド・モスタクが辞任し、分散型AIの追求を表明しました。Metaは3Dシーン再構成の新手法「SceneScript」を発表し、これにより物理的空間のレイアウトを理解することが可能になります。一方で、OpenAIの創立メンバーであるイリア・スーツキヴァーの去就に関する議論もありました。また、AIの進歩と共に、ロボティクスの分野では人間型ロボットが後方宙返りをするなどの技術革新が見られます。

With a crazy week in artificial intelligence, let's actually dive into some of the most meaningful stories that you probably did miss that got missed due to the wave of announcements as is every week.


One of the first things I did want to cover was Sam Altman's tweet from last year.


No, in fact, this year.


In fact, actually, it is last year.


It's basically about this year.


This is a tweet around which is talking about what's going to happen this year and basically said, what would you like to see OpenAI build/fix in 2024?


And many of the things have gone.


But the reason I'm bringing this tweet up again and the reason that many people are talking about this again is because many of the things that we've seen here, it's almost as if he's going one by one down the checklist and crossing them off.


We do know that we got higher rate limits.


We also do know that we got video.


We also know that we got better browsing.


We also know there are some other things.


I think we did get a lot of better GPTS.


I'm not sure how much better, but we know that like a lot of this stuff is being knocked off the list.


And one of the things, of course, that we do know is going to come very, very soon is, of course, better voice mode.


Better voice mode was one of the things that I talked about in a video yesterday where I talked about OpenAI's project voice engine.


And yeah, so it seems like this voice engine is going to be one of the things here, because, of course, as they did talk about voice mode before, this is something that we know is going to be a thing in the future.


What's crazy about this is that we do know that all of these things happening this year would be a really, really transformational year.


But, of course, many people have speculated about AGI because he has said a little patience, please.


If we come back to better voice mode and better reasoning in GPT-5, one of the things actually saw a tweet which actually showcased the kind of voice engine that we could be getting.


I'm going to show you guys that tweet right now.


This is Jimmy Apples, an infamous OpenAI leaker.


If you're someone who's been in the AI space for quite some time, you'll know who he is.


Just someone that has insider information on OpenAI, pretty much verified by now.


And essentially, he spoke here.


He said, let me just make this a bit bigger.


He said, back in January, Volkswagen is jumping on the generative AI bandwagon by announcing plans to install OpenAI's ChatGPT into its vehicles starting in the second quarter of 2024.


If you don't know, this is very, very important because if we actually take a look at the second quarter of the year, the second quarter of the year actually starts around next week.


In next week, it's going to be April the 1st.


That means that in 2024 for Q2, this is how businesses operate.


They usually operate on a quarterly basis.


And quarter two, which is the second quarter of 2024, you can see second quarter of 2024.


The reason this is really, really important is because think about it like this.


OK, like literally around five, four days ago, we got the trademark for voice engine.


And then, of course, we had this announcement, which was early one in the year, saying that in the second quarter, starting in the second quarter, which is next week.


OK, which essentially means that if we actually look at all the things going on, it means that likely next week starting April the 1st or April the 7th, around that time in that week, I do expect OpenAI's voice engine to be announced.


And it does make sense because if they're stating that Volkswagen is going to be adding it to their vehicles and if we know that they recently just trademarked it and if we know that also, he says six days ago, they actually updated voices.


And also recently, if you remember, they also did the Figure demo where they had that robot that was speaking really, really lifelike.


And Jimmy Apple's quote tweeted this person that says and six days ago, the voices that were likely used in the Figure robot demo.


We can see here that these voices sound really, really lifelike.


And I'm going to go show you guys what the default one sounds like.


And then what the OpenAI one sounds like.


You can see right here, I'm going to just put the volume up and then you guys are going to hear the normal one.


And then you're going to hear the one by OpenAI.


And you can see literally as he scrolls down, you can see right here, it says preview, OK, preview OpenAI.


It's clear that this is some kind of preview.


But anyways, let's take a listen to what this sounds like.


There's this guy, right?


His daughter was the vice president of some big company or whatever.


And get this.


That first one there, that was just the standard one.


Just honestly, just a standard voice.


But now we're going to listen to the OpenAI one.


Take a listen to that.


There's this guy, right?


His daughter was the vice president of some big company or whatever.


And get this.


There's this guy.


And I think whilst that is in preview, that does actually sound really, really cool and really realistic.


And maybe it might even sound better with OpenAI's entire voice engine.


I'm actually really excited for voice engine.


Like I said before, I would predict that it is probably going to be here perhaps sometime starting the first and the seventh, maybe in that two week timeline, considering that's the start of quarter two.


That kind of makes sense, considering the trademarks, considering everything surrounding it, considering everything that we've seen and considering it in the future, it's going to be powering some kind of product that would likely, likely make sense.


That is something to keep your eyes on.


And of course, considering that Sam Altman said better voice mode is going to be coming later this year, this is something that we can clearly say that we know is going to come this year anyway.


Trademarks, Sam Altman stating it, a new preview and many companies stating it.


You know, I wouldn't be surprised if we have this sometime between April the 1st to April the 14th.


Look out for that.


In some more OpenAI news, we actually had something that was pretty incredible.


OK, we had this article, OK, and there was a lot of discussion on Twitter about this because it's a very, very important discussion because it kind of shows us where future technology may head.


This article essentially states OpenAI caught Hollywood in meetings with film studios and directors.


It says the startup is pitching its new AI video generation tool, Sora.


CEO Altman attended a parties during Oscar's weekend.


And it says OpenAI wants to break into the movie business.


The AI startup has scheduled meetings in L.A. next week with Hollywood studios, media executives and talent agencies to form partnerships in the entertainment industry and encourage filmmakers to integrate its new AI video generator into their work, according to people familiar with the matter.


You might be thinking, OK, why is this a surprise?


The reason why this is quite a surprise is because many people had talked about before how people were memeing about this destroying Hollywood and stuff like that.


And it seems like now, number one, the first thing is that, yes, this is going to be implemented into Hollywood.


And number two, we also have the fact that many people are wondering if we're going to get access to this, because one of the things that people are trying to think about is the cost to run this technology.


If you don't know, Sora is a very, very compute intensive software that essentially just means that it requires so much compute and electricity that when you run it for a video generation, it might not be very effective to run it at scale because the costs incurred by the software wouldn't amount to cover what an average user would pay if they were paying for example, $20 a month, like they do for GPT-4.


And this is why I put this tweet right here.


And someone said, not great.


Why go to studios?


They need a small number of high paying customers.


And this indicates that the costs are too expensive for consumers, which is people like you and me.


And of course, the moderation/copyright issues are too great for them to deal with a public release.


The thing why I think the people should understand about this is that I don't think it's going to surprise us in the future if a lot of OpenAI's models do become mainly B2B, because that is largely OpenAI's main client base.


Like the majority of people that use ChatGPT and GPT-4 for $20 a month, like we aren't really contributing to the bottom line that much.


It's the big businesses.


It's the APIs.


It's all of the kind of deals that they have where they're able to get these kind of things.


And of course, maybe they're just going to roll it out to Hollywood first.


See how it is.


And then when they can get the compute down, so it's more cost effective for the general public, then maybe they could release something like that.


I mean, a lot of people were debating whether or not this is good, because they're going to say, OK, in future, future technologies opening, I might not give them to the public.


But I think it's also another thing because Hollywood also did have a very, very large issue with writers and LLMs.


And they were stating that they're basically stating that, look, we don't want AI to be replacing writers, because at the end of the day, we don't want our community to be run down by like horrible AI and we want this to keep this human.


They kind of signed some deal.


They managed to reach some agreement.


I'm wondering if this is going to be something that happens again because of course, you can see how Hollywood writers tramped of AI and why it matters.


And like I said, I think this is going to be future for the the future of work for those of you in certain industries, because we do need to be paying attention to how certain things are, because it sets the precedent on what will be there in the future.


And although Hollywood is a rather unique community considering what it does and what it is, I think it's important to kind of look at this because maybe with Sora, are there going to be videographers or people in the CGI space that now start to I wouldn't say riot, but start to write some kind of petition.


And I would say, does this mean that Sora is just to compute intensive at the moment, or does this mean that OpenAI is tying their business relationships?


I think that like I said before, this is going to be something that is mainly used by people who are in the larger companies.


I don't think it's going to be wild scale used for the average person, just like LLMs are.


And I guess once compute is down, I think that's when we're going to start to see wild scale access.


And of course red teaming the software does seem like to be a little bit more controversial than other issues.


Hopefully we do get this in the future because they did say that they're going to release it later this year.


But it will be interesting to see how this entire thing does develop, especially with the hallucinations and the kind of things that's possible.


There was also something really, really cool.


OK, so I had I came across this tweet here and it says GPT-5 is cooking.


If this is accurate, it seems like it's not finished, but it's in some sort of preview version, which is going to be materially better.


Essentially, there was an article from I'm not exactly sure which article it was, but I did check around.


It was pretty, pretty vetted.


And essentially, they talk about GPT-5 and they said, and this is why it's pretty fascinating, because they actually give us a date.


They said, someone is on track to put GPT-5 out sometime mid year, likely during summer, according to two people familiar with the company.


And some enterprise customers have recently received demos.


OK, which means that right now some people are receiving GPT-5 demos of the latest model and its related enhancements.


And another person familiar with the process has said these people whose identities Business Insider has confirmed asked to remain anonymous so they could speak freely.

そして、プロセスに詳しい別の人物が述べたところによると、これらの人々は、Business Insiderが確認した身元を明かさないように頼んだため、自由に話すことができると言っています。

And basically, the people which means that GPT-5 likely has finished training right now, says it's really good, like materially better, said one CEO who recently saw a version of GPT-5.


And of course he said the company also alluded to other as yet released uncapabilities of the model, including the ability to call AI agents being developed by OpenAI to perform tasks autonomously.


We actually got a really big scoop on GPT-5.


Number one being the fact that the release date is likely summer.


And considering the fact that right now, I guess they're about to release a voice engine, which means that we're going to have two months to kind of decipher get that technology down us like we did with Sora.


I'm guessing that after the voice engine fiasco kind of rolls over, then people are going to be rolling over into GPT-5 and maybe just like GPT-4, they're going to iteratively release it.


It's probably just going to be LLM with really good reasoning, really good math, all that kind of stuff.


And then probably later on in the year, in December, maybe we get AI agents with GPT-5.


I honestly have no idea considering the trademarks with GPT-6 being agents, but it will be interesting to see where this kind of technology does go.


But that is quite good.


At least now we have some kind of time frame because they're saying mid-year. So around maybe three months from now, we're going to get GPT-5, which would be really, really nice.


And I think Business Insider have done a really, really good job here.


I'm kind of excited because they're saying it's materially better.


And I'm wondering what use cases and data unique to his company that he said what kind of things he saw.


I will be intrigued to see what kind of capabilities it's going to have, what kind of things it's able to do.


And especially if they do some demos, I think they might do just like they did with GPT-4.


They might do some demos of calling AI agents like they did with GPT-4.


Essentially what they did, if you don't remember, they essentially did something where they showed us how GPT-4 Vision worked, but it wasn't released on the day because it was just very, very compute intensive.


In fact, it took a couple of months for them to release that ability.


Yeah, GPT-5 is coming soon and sooner than you think.


Those three months are definitely going to fly by.


Fascinating stuff.


Another fascinating piece of news was the fact that Stability AI undergoing some very, very severe troubles.

もう1つの興味深いニュースは、Stability AIが非常に深刻な問題に直面しているという事実でした。

I'd always heard rumors about Stability AI going under some troubles, but now it seems that Emad Mostaque, the CEO, recently resigned from his role as CEO of Stability AI and from his position of the board of directors as the company to pursue decentralized AI.

Stability AIが問題に直面しているという噂は以前から聞いていましたが、最近、CEOであるエマド・モスタクがStability AIのCEOおよび取締役会の役職から辞任し、分散型AIを追求するために会社を去ったことがわかりました。

It seems that increasingly we're getting this trend of decentralized AI.


I'm not sure why.


I mean, and when I say I'm not sure why, I'm saying I'm not sure why, because it doesn't seem to be as profitable as some of the other business models.


And considering that these guys want to pay back investors.


Some people were stating that they're struggling to retain cash and stuff like that.


That just didn't make sense to me.


But at the same time people resigning from the board, AI companies seem to be some of the most brittle recently.


We've seen it happen with OpenAI.


We've seen it happen with Inflection, now Stability AI.

私たちはInflectionでそれが起こるのを見てきましたが、今度はStability AIです。

And one concern about all of this that most people do have is they are concerned because you know, of course, they're not really concerned about Stability AI, although it's a really, really good software, a really good platform.

そして、ほとんどの人が持っている懸念の1つは、もちろん、Stability AIについて本当に心配しているわけではないのですが、それは本当に素晴らしいソフトウェアで、本当に優れたプラットフォームです。

You can do a lot with it.


Most people are concerned with the fact that if Stability AI goes under, someone else could acquire it.

ほとんどの人は、Stability AIが倒産した場合、他の誰かがそれを取得する可能性があるという事実について心配しています。

And there might be a giant tech monopoly with just basically Microsoft and Google just left competing for the entire market because Microsoft could acquire this company.


You know, Google could acquire this company.


But the point is, is that Inflection basically got acquired by Microsoft.


OpenAI went under for a moment, it got acquired by Microsoft.


We know that this is going to be really, really fascinating to see how things kind of go on here.


I wonder if this company will even continue.


And also the CEO and the co-founder of Hugging Face actually said, should we acquire Stability and open source Stable Diffusion free?

Hugging FaceのCEOと共同創業者も、Stabilityを買収してStable Diffusionを無料でオープンソース化すべきだと言っていました。

I think open source is really good, of course for the users.


It's good for the community because it levels the playing field on what you're able to do.


And I think it's good for customization and stuff like that.


But it's really fascinating to see like entire companies worth hundreds of millions of dollars just completely go under in just a weekend.


This AI stuff is moving rapidly and it's yeah, it's very, very, very interesting.


I'm wondering how this is all going to pan out.


And I think it'll be fine.


Like I think even if it goes on, I think another company will acquire it and just add it to part of the stack, maybe NVIDIA, maybe Microsoft.


I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft does do that, because Satya Nadella has he's been doing that quite a lot.


We'll be interesting to see how that plays out.


And then we had Meta introducing Scenescript, a novel approach for 3D scene reconstruction.


Essentially, they said today we're introducing Scenescript, a novel approach for reconstructing environments and representing the layout of physical spaces.


Scenescript, which was trained in simulation in the ARIA Synthetic Environments dataset, which is available for academic use.


Essentially it says, imagine a pair of stylish lightweight glasses combined with contextualized AI with a display that could seamlessly give you access to real time information when you need it, proactively help you as you go about your day.


In order for such a pair of augmented reality glasses to become a reality, the system must understand the layout of your physical environment and how the world is shaped in 3D.


Essentially, they just have a method of generating scene layouts and representing scenes in natural language.


It uses end to end machine learning and an LLM, and it's able to basically analyze the environment and understand exactly what's going on.


If we go to the start, you can see right here, it says walk around around your space to build up the point map.


And it seems that Mark Zuckerberg, Meta are really, really, really underrated in this space because this kind of thing is really, really good in terms of what the future applications for this are going to be.


There are just so many future applications for this is just pretty, pretty crazy.


And I've seen Meta stack what they're building on the back end is pretty, pretty incredible.


I wouldn't be surprised if Meta comes out as one of the top AI winners in the future far from now, because of LLaMA 3 AGI, what they're building, some really, really impressive stuff.

LLaMA 3 AGIによるMetaの取り組みを考えると、将来、MetaがトップのAI勝者の一人として出てくることに驚かないでしょう。彼らが構築しているものは本当に非常に印象的なものです。

We did have another article that was talking about the burning question everyone in the tech community is asking, where is Ilya?


And essentially, this article just recaps some of the stuff.


You know, I'm not going to cover too much of the memes because I think people do forget Ilya is a person he probably has feelings, he's probably just somewhere just I would say that he doesn't seem to be someone who like wants drama in any kind of spotlight.


But it just talks about do not bring up Statska with Altman, it makes him uncomfortable.


In a recent interview, Altman says, I love Ilya.


I have tremendous respect for him.


And it's just asking the question that where is he?


You know, and the fact that Statska was concerned about AGI safety and the rapid pace at which OpenAI was advancing, Altman confirmed the saying was one of the things I admire about Ilya is his serious approach to AGI and broader safety concerns, including the societal impact.


And of course the last time he was seen active was working on aligning superhuman AI systems capable of complex and creative behaviors that humans cannot fully understand.


I think he's probably just still working on super alignment, and maybe it just seems that he just wants to work in silence and just wants to get out of the way because he's not saying anything.


Maybe it's something to do with the lawyers where he can't make a statement or is not able to.


Either way, I don't think it's that much of a big issue.


Of course, he's a respected scientist and people all love his contributions to OpenAI, and of course, people are like, I guess you could say not fans, but supporters just kind of wondering where he is.


I think that we just need to wait because if he's not saying anything, the company is being very vague.


It's obviously for some kind of legal issue or for a reason that Ilya just doesn't want to say anything and just wants to remain silent.


Either way, we're just going to have to wait because there's pretty much no information on Ilya at the moment.


And we can only presume that he's just still somehow working and just getting things done.


We did get an update on the Neuralink guy.


This is pretty, pretty insane.


He's actually playing Mario Kart with his brain.


And saying that sentence is just pretty incredible because I literally can't believe that we're in this kind of future where this stuff is kind of reality.


Like even there was something I literally saw the other day.


I'll probably include in this video.


And I was just like, wow, the future is getting really, really to the point where certain things that you just didn't think possible are possible.


And I think it's great.


I think it's great that we're seeing the positive of this.


Of course technology can have negative ramifications, but I'm seeing the positives in a positive light where we're able to see people who previously unable to do certain things, be able to do them with technology.


And we know that it's only going to get better with time.


It's definitely it's definitely some kind of hope core, I guess you could say, or the light at the end of the tunnel, because there's a lot of doom and gloom that exists within the tech and AI community.


And I think stuff like this is rather important to highlight the good impacts that are going to come from an industry like this.


This was something absolutely insane.


Like when I saw this, I wouldn't say I freaked out, but I was like, what the OK.


Basically what we have here is the Unitary H1 robot.


They are working on a humanoid robot and they were able to make this robot back flip and stand still.


And basically this robot is it's really agile.


And the reason why this is surprising is because robots that are usually able to do this, they usually have a hydraulic system and it doesn't.


This is why they said the world's first full size motor drive humanoid robot flips on ground.


And I'm guessing that this was trained in NVIDIA's Isaac Sim.

そして、おそらくこれはNVIDIAのIsaac Simで訓練されたものだと思います。

I'm not entirely sure or Isaac Jim, either one.

私は完全には確信が持てませんが、Isaac Jimのどちらかです。

But this is some really, really impressive stuff, like really, really impressive stuff because it showcases that robots are going to be really, really more flexible and really, really more capable than we initially did think.


And, yeah, it shows us the future.


You know, it's it's insane.


Like this is insane.


Like a robot, a standard robot being able to do this, one that doesn't have hydraulic system, being able to back flip.


I mean, it was already a capable robot like this thing can move fast.


It can able to go over terrains.


You know, it's currently the fastest robot on the planet at the moment, the fastest humanoid robot the planet at the moment.


It does hold a lot of world records.


It will be interesting because this company is moving really, really, really quickly and they are flying under the radar in terms of the worldwide like not capabilities, but in terms of like worldwide recognition, because people aren't realizing the stuff that they're doing in terms of robotics.


It's very, very impressive.


The only other robot to be able to do this was the Boston Dynamics one.

これを行うことができた唯一の他のロボットは、Boston Dynamicsのものだった。

And that one did have a hydraulic system.


This is pretty cool.


Maybe they're going to like produce some kind of really cool demo where they can showcase everything that this robot can do.


But either way, I think this is fascinating.


Robots is starting to get that acceleration, this feel.


And it will be interesting to see where robots are in the next five to 10 years, because this kind of stuff is pretty insane.


And of course, we did see this.


And if you think AI compute is ever going to slow down, I honestly, I'm really surprised by this.


But the graph here just essentially showing how much AI compute has gone up.


And it just goes to show that we like if you thought the AI hype is is unfounded, if you thought that AI hype is not real, if you thought people are just too excited.


This chart should show you that the future coming in terms of what future systems are going to be capable of, how quickly they're going to be trained.


I think the demo was basically saying that GPT-4 took around six months or three months.


And with this, we could essentially train it in 90 days.


It's pretty, pretty intense.


And we're going to see some insane, insane training runs in the future.


And this is why people are saying that things are moving more rapidly, because if we're seeing this crazy graph in terms of compute power, that just means in the in the future, the capabilities, the systems, the scale.


Considering that compute was something that we do need.


And Sam Altman was asking for this chart shows us that the reality is definitely living up to the standard.


There was also something that might be a bit concerning for those of you who work in the health care industry, but I think you shouldn't in this specific case, not that you shouldn't be concerned about AI taking your jobs, because I think you should be.


But in this case, maybe not as much.


But it says NVIDIA announces AI powered health care agents that outperform nurses and cost £9 an hour.


Hippocratic AI and NVIDIA teamed up to develop an empathetic health care bot that handles patient calls.

Hippocratic AIとNVIDIAは、患者の電話を処理する共感的な医療ボットを開発するために協力しました。

This one isn't like a robot that's running around taking your jobs.


This is a bot that handles patient calls.


And essentially, it's kind of good because it helps reduce the amount of patients that you have to deal with at one time.


Essentially, Hippocratic agents have been tested more than a thousand registered nurses and by more than 100 licensed physicians in the US.


And we can see here that it says it says this constellation model outperformed real nurses 79 per cent to 63 per cent in identifying a medication's impact on lab values, 88 per cent to 45 per cent.


And then, of course, we had 96 to 93 per cent, 81 to 85 per cent in various other categories.


The point is, is that these systems are really, really good.


And the website shows that its agents cost $9 an hour to operate.


And the hourly pay for nurses was $39 an hour.


Basically what they're saying here is this is something that's really effective that can reduce the amount of stress on certain clinics, because as we know, not every single country has a great health care system.


And we do know that humans time is limited.


And it's really, really good because you're able to scale up the efforts in order to help pretty much everyone, as long as you can duplicate these agents and as long as we can get them cheaper.


Imagine if we get these agents down to a dollar an hour, because I think like as in the future, things are going to become cheaper.


Imagine people have talked about before health care becoming like the health of the cost of health care becoming basically zero.


I mean, this is going to be something that's really, really good overall, because this now means that everyone has access to this.


I'm not sure if this is like a private system or like a public system.


But either way, the point is, is that I think in the future, something like this is going to be globalised and worldwide to where there's at least a system that people can access that's going to help them more than them just wondering what on earth is wrong with them.


Something that was really, really fascinating as well was that Mustafa Suleyman, the new Microsoft CEO, said that humanity may need to pause AI in the next five years.


And basically, he said that you know, at the Global AI Safety Summit, that we might need to pause at the end of the decade.


And I think he said I don't rule it out.


I think that at some point over the next five years or so, we're going to have to consider that question very, very seriously.


He said the world is still struggling to appreciate how big of a deal the arrival of AI really is.


And we're seeing the process of a new species grew up around us and thinks that this new species maybe become maybe capable of becoming self-made millionaires in as little as two years.


And DeepMind's Shane Legg also said that if I had a magic wand, I would slow down.


Artificial general intelligence is the rival of human intelligence in the world.


And this is the arrival of another intelligence in the world.


And I do think that that is a very important statement because AI arriving is not a joke.


And I think that potentially, which is the scenario I don't want, is that people are only going to realize how crazy it is once it gets here.


And that's not something you want, because once it's here, it's here.


And it is quite also hard to slow down.


This is going to be something that the top labs will have to consider in the future.


But either way, we're going to see if people slow down or not due to either regulation, due to some kind of global agreement, because like we did with nukes.


But either way it's going to be kind of interesting to see how this all pans out.


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