
【無料で使える!画期的なAI動画生成ツール】英語解説を日本語で読む【2024年6月14日|@Curious Refuge】

最近、新たなAI動画生成ツール「Dream Machine」が登場し、その性能が非常に高いと話題になっています。このツールは画像をアップロードし、プロンプトを入力することで2つの動画を生成します。Dream Machineは生成中にショットを変えることがあり、非常に面白い結果を生み出します。また、中国の「Kling」というAI動画ツールも紹介されました。これは2分までのAI動画を生成でき、魚やコーヒー、花のタイムラプス、ギターを弾くパンダなどのシミュレーションが非常にリアルです。さらに、Stability AIの新ツール「Stable Audio Open」や、ElevenLabsのサウンドエフェクトツールなども紹介されました。これらはオープンソースで、独自の音声データを使用してトレーニングすることができます。他にも、NetflixのようなAIツール「Showrunner」や、映画制作費削減にAIを利用しようとしているSonyの発表、各種AI映画祭でのAI映画の受け入れなど、多くのAI関連ニュースがありました。

We were given special access to test a brand new Sora competitor, and the results are absolutely mind-blowing.


There's a brand new sound effects tool that you can use right now, and there are a few contests that you need to know about to win a pool of over $120,000.


This is your AI film news of the week.


I want to kick things off by taking a look at a brand new AI video generator that is a very real Sora competitor.


It's by the folks at Luma AI, so the people that do the scanning tool for doing Gaussian splats and also text to 3D models, they're now getting into the video generation game and they're really going to make a splash.

これはLuma AIの人々によるもので、ガウス分布とテキストから3Dモデルを作成するスキャンツールを行っている人々が、今度はビデオ生成ゲームに参入し、本当に話題を呼ぶことになるでしょう。

The tool works by allowing you to upload an image, type in a prompt, and then generate two videos from the tool.


They were kind enough to give the Curious Refuge team access, and we went ahead and tested out various applications.

彼らは親切にもCurious Refugeチームにアクセス権を与えてくれましたので、私たちはさまざまなアプリケーションをテストしてみました。

It's really incredible.


The first thing I want to show you is this trailer created by Dave Clark, the instructor of our AI advertising course, and basically this is a trailer he put together for the Dismal Swamp, which is just a film concept that he's been wanting to create.

最初にお見せしたいのは、私たちのAI広告コースの講師であるデイブ・クラークが作成したこのトレーラーです。基本的には、彼が作成したいと思っている映画コンセプトであるDismal Swampのために彼がまとめたトレーラーです。

You can see that the shots here look pretty darn amazing.


The closeups look really, really good in many of the shots, and it really holds a lot of the weight and the physics simulations that you would hope to see from realistic footage.


Is it perfect?


No, it's AI video and it requires curation to get the most from the tool, but a lot of these shots look pretty darn interesting, and some of them, if I saw them at a quick glance, I would never guess that they were generated using artificial intelligence.


I think that tools like this one are going to be much more interesting compared to tools that only allow you to type in text and generate video.


Having the ability to upload your reference frames that you want the actual model to generate from is essential, and using a tool like the Luma tool that actually creates a 3D representation of the world is absolutely essential.


I have a few examples that I generated earlier that I want to show you.


We have this shot of this chihuahua barking at this wolf, and you can see it kind of changes the breed of the dog towards the end.


We have the shot of these kids playing soccer, and you can see that it actually cut to a different shot there.


One thing that I've seen with Luma is if it doesn't like the way that the video generation is going, it'll just completely change the shot.


But the interesting thing is a lot of the shots, they feel like they live together in the same world.


Luma is clearly creating a 3D model and representation of what the environment is supposed to look like.


It will literally change the camera to a different location just because it wants to, which is really funny.


We also have this shot here of this guy at the ocean just kind of looking off into the distance.


Looks really good.


I have a few different shots here of just kind of this Viking concept that we put together at Curious Refuge.


You can see that the quality of the generations look really, really good.


This shot was really interesting because it started with this shot of this Viking and then it just decided it wanted to cut to a different shot of Viking character.


He actually looks pretty cool.


Like it looks like his clothing is kind of somewhat similar to the original guy.


But it just, for whatever reason, Luma likes to change the shots every now and then.


We have this establishing shot here and it looks really good, especially at a quick glance.


I would say that the resolution is not perfect at this point.


It does seem like there's a bit of dancing and some softness that can happen whenever you're using this tool.


But definitely for online distribution and for film concepts, I think that this tool is absolutely amazing.


There's also the shot here of this Viking woman and it basically tracks along.


The physics they seem a little off, but it is pretty interesting.


We also have the second shot here where it has a really dynamic camera movement.


That is really an incredible tracking shot with the parallaxing.


We have this other Viking character that comes from the house.


Looks pretty darn good.


There are so many other clips that I'd love to share with you.


We included a download link below this video where you can download the videos that we generated and take a look at the quality for yourself.


To use Dream Machine, just go to the Dream Machine website.

Dream Machineを使用するには、Dream Machineのウェブサイトにアクセスしてください。

You'll find a link below this video and click the Try Now button.


You'll see this page here that basically has all of your previous generations.


We have this little bug character.


You can see that these shots look pretty darn good.


In order to create the video, all you have to do is click on the image icon here.


I'll import this sci-fi shot.


You have to type in a prompt.


All you have to do is explain what you want the movement to be like.


We'll say a person walks into a portal, slow zoom in.


You can go ahead and make sure the Enhance Prompt button is selected.

Enhance Promptボタンが選択されていることを確認してください。

That will basically improve the overall quality of your prompt.


If you determine that you're not getting the results that you want from the tool, you can turn off the Enhance Prompt button after a couple of generations.

ツールから望む結果が得られないと判断した場合、数世代後にEnhance Promptボタンをオフにすることができます。

But by default, it tends to do a good job.


All you have to do is click the render button here.


It will take just a second to push it and you're good to go.


I should note that these renders sometimes take a while.


Some people had to wait for a couple of hours in order to get their video generated.


But the quality is really, really good.


You do have the ability to add multiple items to the queue.


You can do more than one video at a time.


I recommend just uploading all of the images for your video and then taking a look at the result, I've found that it typically takes anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes, but it just entirely depends on how many people are using the tool.


While we're talking about AI video generators, I also want to showcase a really interesting AI video tool by a company called Cling in China.


Cling is an AI video tool that was developed by the Kaishou big model team.


Basically, they are opening up a waitlist to people that have a Chinese phone number.


It can generate AI video up to two minutes long.


Some of the simulations look really, really good.


For example, we have this shot here of this fish, we have this shot here of this coffee looks pretty good.


We have this shot of a time lapse of a flower growing, you can see that it looks pretty darn realistic.


We also have this shot of a panda playing guitar, which is just absolutely fantastic.


The shot of a rear view mirror during sunset, you can see that it holds the reflections incredibly well.


It's showcasing the video in a very realistic way.


I think it's a really great thing that a lot of these AI video generators are starting to pop up.


More competition means better quality and ultimately better films that you're able to create.


Stability AI also came out with a new tool called Stable Audio Open.

Stability AIは、新しいツールであるStable Audio Openをリリースしました。

Basically, it is an open source tool that allows you to generate audio for sound effects.


You also have the ability to train it on your own audio data.


There's some great examples over on their website.


For example, we have some synthesizer music.


It's also great for creating soundscapes.


We have some blackbirds here singing in the forest.


We have a rock beat on an acoustic drum kit.


Not to be outdone, the team at ElevenLabs also came out with their prompt to sound effects tool, and it's now available to the public.


To use the ElevenLabs sound effects tool, all you have to do is go to the ElevenLabs website and then go to sound effects.


You can just type in whatever prompts you want.


I'm going to say a chicken walking in the mud and go ahead and click generate sound effects.


Let's go ahead and listen to our result.


I suppose it's pretty accurate, but I'm actually curious about how this sounds when you compare it to sound effects libraries that are just royalty free and not AI generated.


I have some examples from Artlist and some examples from ElevenLabs of basically the exact same prompt I want to compare and contrast.


The first one is a focal shutter.


This first one is from Artlist.


This is the shutter from ElevenLabs.


They both sound realistic.


Let's play back a horse neigh.


This is from Artlist.


This is from ElevenLabs.


I actually think the ElevenLabs one sounded a bit better, but they both sound realistic.


Finally, I wanted to do some ambiance.


We have basically a busy office space.


This is Artlist.


Finally, this is ElevenLabs.


As you can see, when it comes to creating environments, I think that using royalty free sound effects is still a better choice, but for specific use cases or specific sound effects that you are looking for using the ElevenLabs sound effects tool seems like a great alternative.


There's also an announcement this last week that really turned some heads that I think you should know about.


Basically there's this tool that was created by Ed Saci, who's the guy behind the South Park AI generated episodes from about a year ago.

基本的に、約1年前にSouth Park AI生成エピソードの背後にいる人物であるEd Saciによって作成されたツールがあります。

Basically, Saci put together a concept for a tool that is basically the Netflix of AI.


Basically he is envisioning having the ability to type in a prompt and watch a film.


There's actually a wait list with about 50,000 people on it to basically get access to the tool.


It's kind of unclear as to where it's at when it comes to actual functionality.


But if you go over to the website, there are a few different examples of these AI generated films.


They say on the website that Showrunner is the first ever AI TV shows created by filmmakers and content creators using Showrunner technology.


Whenever you take a look at some of these films that have been created by Showrunner, they definitely are coming across as kind of like rigged after effects types of film concepts.


They're really unwatchable at this point, and they're not very captivating.


But the technology and the idea of having AI generated voices and scripts and basically putting together a film from just a prompt alone, it's definitely a concept that so many people are trying to accomplish at this point.


You can check out some of the films for yourself over on the website.


I'd love to hear what you think in the comments.


Speaking of AI in film, Sony actually came out with an announcement that their CEO is looking to use generative AI to cut movie production costs.


Obviously creating profitable films is a big challenge for a lot of major studios right now.


Studios are looking to the use of artificial intelligence to help cut costs.


We also came across a story this last week where the Tribeca Film Festival that just ended actually accepted AI films into their competition and showcased them across the event.


Tribeca is not the only major film festival to allow AI generated films.


From Venice to Cannes, AI film has been popping up at most major festivals.


The team at Pika Labs also came out and said that they recently updated their AI algorithm to create better video quality.

Pika Labsのチームも、最近AIアルゴリズムを更新して、より良いビデオ品質を作成したと述べました。

While we're talking about Pika, I should also note that they actually raised $80 million in funding to explore AI video.


Also came across an article this last week that basically argued that we would more than likely achieve AGI by 2027.


I think it was really interesting because there was all sorts of different charts and graphs and basically it was just showing statistics how four years ago AI basically was creating text prompts at a preschool level and now it is creating content that's basically the equivalent of a smart high school student.


We have no idea when AGI will actually happen but it does seem like it will more than likely be within this decade.


There were a ton of AI announcements from Apple this last week but basically the biggest thing that you need to know about is the fact that Apple products starting this September will be able to run AI locally on the device.


Basically it will use its own AI algorithm to process information about text that you're sending to generate emoji and just increase the productivity of you the user while you're using the Apple device.


But if you ever ask it a question that goes beyond what the local AI can comprehend, it will then send it to other AI algorithms like ChatGPT to answer your question.


Basically it's creating a super intelligent Siri.


Speaking of OpenAI, I came across a report this last week that said that 7% of Americans are actually using ChatGPT daily.


But what I thought was really interesting from this survey, it actually said that 53% of people actually know what ChatGPT actually is.


Only about half of the American population in this survey actually knows what ChatGPT is and does.


They also said that 4% of people have used AI to generate video, which I thought was kind of low, but I think it does show that this new exploration into the future of storytelling is just at the tip of the iceberg.


It does seem like it's still niche at this point, but of course that is changing very quickly.


ChatGPT is also releasing custom GPTS to free users.


You don't have to be a paid subscriber to utilize custom GPTS.


If you want to create your own custom GPTS, you do need to subscribe, but OpenAI unlocking custom GPTS for free to the masses is a huge step forward for people who are looking to use ChatGPT.


There was also some news from Adobe this last week that made some people pretty dang mad.


Basically, Adobe updated their terms and conditions to basically say that if you're using their tool, they have the right to use your data to train their model.


Basically, they say they have the non-exclusive worldwide royalty-free sub-licensable license to use, reproduce, publicly display, distribute, modify, create derivative works based on publicly perform, and translate the content that is created inside of their application.


This isn't content that you create using Adobe Firefly.

これはAdobe Fireflyを使用して作成したコンテンツではありません。

This is literally the assets that you upload to their tool.


Obviously, from an NDA perspective, that is problematic because if you upload assets to Adobe's tools, they're basically saying they have the right to train their AI algorithms on that data.


The team at Udio also came out with audio prompting, which is really interesting.


Basically, you have the ability to upload rough music and it will generate other genres of music based on the audio that you upload.


Let's take a look at a quick example.


Slip on, slip on.


Slip into what feels just right.


Slip on, slip on.


I see your eyes light up.


You love it like this.


This is obviously really interesting.


Having the ability to upload a rough track and then generate something a little more polished is a very powerful creative tool in the music production process.


We also came across a few futuristic white papers this last week that really got us excited.


The first is basically a tool that allows you to take a rough sketch and it turns it into a 3D sketch.


It's pretty cool.


Basically, it interprets what you drew and puts it in a 3D environment.


There's some pretty interesting examples over on their website.


For example, we have this sailboat here.


We have this bird and you also have the ability to upload an image and it will basically create a 3D sketch from that image as well.


Is there a lot of practical application for this specific use case?


I don't know.


Maybe you could hypothetically be working on a stylized film that is in this kind of tune shaded sketch style, but it is pretty interesting to see that the technology that can convert sketches into 3D models is so advanced.


We also came across a tool this last week called Multiply that basically takes video that has characters in it and turns the characters into really high resolution 3D models.


The quality is better than a lot of the 3D character replacement tools that we've seen up to this point in time.


The cool thing is you then have that data that you can take into a 3D application.


In the very near future, you'll be able to upload a video clip and get 3D characters from that video clip with just a few mouse clicks.


The final white paper I want to show you this week is a tool called Vivid Dream.

今週お見せしたい最終のホワイトペーパーは、Vivid Dreamというツールです。

Basically, it allows you to upload an image and then it will animate that image but also allow you to look around in 3D space.


It creates a 3D model of the world that you can traverse.


It seems like a lot of AI video tools are using this style of video generation where it actually creates a 3D world as opposed to the diffusion models that basically start with an input image and then just add noise and animates it from there.


There are also quite a few AI film competitions that you need to know about.


The first is our AI trailer competition.


We actually just ended the submission process for that competition and our judges are looking at the submissions.


We had almost 400 submissions and it is super hard to pick just one winner but we will announce the winners of that competition very soon.


We also announced a brand new AI film festival that is taking place in Venice at the same time as the Venice International Film Festival.


This competition is being hosted in collaboration with Reply and Mastercard and basically the finalist will be flown out to Venice during the Venice International Film Festival and the winner will receive 8,000 euros.


You can check out the categories.


There's four different ones that you can enter by clicking the link below this video.


Shelby and I will be judges for this event.


We can't wait to see the films you create and we will see you in Venice.


I should also note that there is a competition with MK2 in Paris that is giving away 10,000 euros to an AI film and it will premiere in Paris at the MK2 Bibliotheque so you can find more information below about that competition.


We also saw that Suno is actually giving away $100,000 to the top 500 songs that are generated on their platform in the month of June so if you generate a song and it really resonates with people you have a chance to win up to $10,000.


That brings us to our AI films of the week.


The first film that I want to showcase is called Loose Ends by Ike Wei.

最初に紹介したい映画は、Ike Weiによる「Loose Ends」という作品です。

Ike is actually the community manager here at Curious Refuge and he put together an incredible film that showcases really good storytelling, fantastic sound design, and some character replacement that looks really darn convincing.

Ikeは実際にCurious Refugeのコミュニティマネージャーであり、非常に良いストーリーテリング、素晴らしいサウンドデザイン、そして非常に説得力のあるキャラクターの置き換えを披露した素晴らしい映画を制作しました。

The next film that I want to highlight was created by William Bartlett, who is a VFX artist at Framestore.

次にハイライトしたい映画は、FramestoreのVFXアーティストであるWilliam Bartlettによって制作されました。

Basically, it's kind of an ode to the world and humans' impact on the environment.


It has some really interesting 3D shots and some of the best AI video generation that I've seen up to this point.


Finally, I came across a new story this last week that basically said that AI is being used to help bilingual stroke survivors communicate.


A lot of times whenever someone has a stroke, the part of their brain that processes language can basically get confused, and if you're bilingual, you can confuse multiple languages together.


Basically, scientists are using AI to determine what they are trying to say so that they can communicate more effectively.


Thank you so much for watching this episode of AI film news.


If you want to get AI film news sent directly to your inbox, you can subscribe over on CuriousRefuge.com.

