
【Tree of Thoughts】英語解説を日本語で読む【2023年5月26日|@WorldofAI】

大規模言語モデル(LLM)を使用したTree of Thoughtsプロジェクトが紹介されます。Tree of Thoughtsは問題の解決経路や解決策を表す木構造を構築し、異なる枝を探索して有望な解決策を見つけます。このアプローチにより、より構造化された的確な応答を生成し、広い文脈を考慮した解決策を提供できます。フレームワークは自然言語処理、意思決定、計画、複雑な推論タスクなどの問題解決に適用できます。

Hey, what is up guys?


Welcome back to another YouTube video.


At the WorldofAI, in today's video, we're going to be showcasing a project which is called Tree of Thoughts.

WorldofAIでは、今日のビデオで、Tree of Thoughtsと呼ばれるプロジェクトを紹介する予定です。

Now, this is a framework designed to enhance problem-solving capabilities using large language models, and this is by employing a deliberate and systematic approach known as System 2.


Now, this framework aims to unleash the potential of large language models which tackles complex and general problem-solving tasks.


Now, in cognitive psychology, System 2 refers to a model thinking characterized by consciousness, effortful as well as deliberate mental processing.


Now, this contrasts with System 1, which represents intuitive and automatic thinking.


Now, the actual Tree of Thought framework leverages the power of large language models such as GPT-3 to engage in more deliberate problem-solving tasks, to basically akin force System 2 thinking.

実際のTree of Thoughtフレームワークは、GPT-3のような大規模な言語モデルの力を活用し、より意図的な問題解決タスクに取り組むことで、基本的にシステム2の思考に近づけることができます。

Now, the thought framework, I'm just gonna call it Dot because Tot involves constructing a tree-like structure which we can see over here, and it represents a possible path or solution to a given problem.


Now, each node, which we can see over here in the tree, represents a partial solution or an intermediate step forward to actually completing the overall goal, which we give it as an input.


And this is by employing a systematic tree search.


Now, the framework explores and evaluates different branches of a tree to find the most promising solutions, and this is how you're able to get the output.


Now, this deliberate approach allows that large language model to generate more of a structured and focused response, and basically considering a wider context and potentially providing more accurate and natural solutions.


And potentially, you're able to see that the tree search process enables the LLM to consider different types of possibilities which we can see over here.


You have many different nodes, but it can go through different paths to get you the best output.


Now, the thought framework can be applied for various different problem-solving domains, including but not limited to natural language processing, understanding, and it's not also limited to decision-making, planning, and complex reasoning tasks.


Now, by reasoning the power of large language models, you're able to combine it with the systematic search approach, and with Thought in particular, you're able to aim to push the boundaries of what a large language model can achieve in terms of problem-solving capabilities, as you're able to utilize this amazing powerful algorithm to help you go beyond the limits of a large language model.

大規模言語モデルの力を推論することによって、システマティックな探索アプローチと組み合わせることができます。特に「Thought」と共に使用することで、問題解決能力の観点で大規模言語モデルが達成できる範囲の境界を em><wbr>押し上げることができます。この素晴らしい強力なアルゴリズムを利用することで、大規模言語モデルの限界を超える助けを得ることができます。

And this is something that we're going to be showcasing in today's video.


You have the code actually down here, which you can install.


In today's video, I'm going to be more talking about, like, talking more about what the project is, as well as taking a look at some of the experiments as to what they've been able to do with this project.


But in case you wanted to install it, it's quite easy.


First things first, you're going to need to have Git, which is an application that will help you clone this repository.


Secondly, you will need Python, and lastly, you will also need Visual Studio Code as your code editor.

次に、Pythonが必要です。そして最後に、コードエディターとしてVisual Studio Codeも必要です。

It's fairly easy.


You go into the command prompt, you can just go over here.


What you want to do next is go click on the screen button over here, copy the link.


Once you're over here, you want to paste the link, but before you actually paste it, sorry, you want to write git clone and then paste the link.

リンクを貼り付けるのですが、貼り付ける前にgit cloneと書いてからリンクを貼り付けます。

And once you have done that, you just click enter.


Then after that, it has finished initializing its installation onto your desktop.


What you need to do next is type in CD3 of thoughts and put that type in into the actual command prompt and press enter.

次にすることは、CD3 of thoughtsと入力して、実際のコマンドプロンプトに入力し、Enterを押すことです。

Now, once you have done that, you can then start installing the repository.


It gives you a breakdown of what you can do as well as how you can install it and integrate it with your own custom large language model.


So if you want to get more in-depth with this, make sure you follow each command as well as each prompt that is written on the repo, so you get a better idea.


But in today's video, we're going to be focusing more on what the actual project is in terms of its research paper, so we can get a better idea.


So with that thought, guys, before we actually get into the gist of it, it would mean the world to me if you guys can go follow my Twitter page, as I'm continuously posting the latest AI news over here.


So please give this a follow, and you'll be updated with the most latest AI news over here.


Now, if you guys haven't subscribed, guys, please do so.


It would mean the whole world to me if you guys can like this video, subscribe, turn the notification bell, and if you guys haven't seen any of my previous videos, I would highly recommend that you do so because there's a lot of content and a lot of value that you will definitely benefit from.


So with that thought, let's get right into the video.


Now, before we actually get into anything else, I want to show you the schematic.


Now, it's presenting an illustration that is a different approach towards problem-solving using large language models.


Now, each rectangular-like box is a figure which represents a thought which we see over here, and this is coherent sequences of language that serves as an intermediate step towards solving the actual overall output.


And the figure is basically suggesting that the problem-solving with large language models can be approached in various different ways, which you can see over here.


Now, to provide more of a comprehensive understanding of the problem-solving process with LMS, a concrete example of how dots are generated and evaluated and searched upon are presented in this figure.


And these figures are likely provided to show you like how each of an out, like how an input is able to get you an output through this algorithm of three of three of thoughts.


Sorry, now the description of this figure also is able to see or also able to mention, sorry, that there's two important characteristics in the problem-solving process with large language models.


Firstly, is that instead of actually using a simple picking of one choice, the process involves considering multiple choices or options.


This basically suggests that large language models can generate multiple different thoughts or potential solutions and explore different paths to get you the actual output.


Now, this is a great way for you to get a more comprehensive exploration of a problem-solving like output, which can be quite utilized in different ways where you're trying to get the best output for a complex answer.


Now, secondly, they also focus on the problem-solving process, which is actively evaluating the current state of the solution, and it currently looks ahead and backtracks to get more of a global decision.


This is quite amazing, guys, because it can go back a step and then go another way and then go back, get you the next possible output, and go, giving you the best output that is like correlated to your initial prompt that you give it.


And this implies that the LLM can assess the progress that is made, and it considers the potential outcome for different choices.


And I definitely see this as a great way for you to get the best correlated answer using its algorithm.


Now, research on human problem solving indicates that people navigate through a combinational problem-solving space, and this can be visualized through a tree structure.


Now, in this tree, there you have nodes that represent partial solutions, and branches that represent operations or tasks that are modified through these actual solutions.


Now, human problem solvers usually rely on a heuristic way to determine which branch to actually take and which guides them to the actual solution.


Now, when it actually comes to large language models, it's mostly used for general problem solving, and there are two key limitations that have been identified.


Firstly, it's the existing approaches that often fail to explore different continuation options, and this is within the thought process.


Then, it basically means that they do not actually consider various branches of the tree.


Secondly, they lack the ability to incorporate planning, which basically puts it behind as it's not able to look ahead or backtrack the techniques to evaluate different approaches and options comprehensively.


Now, such heuristic-guided search methods are commonly observed in human problem solving.


Not to overcome this, what this application or research has been able to accomplish is that it utilizes the thought framework, which enables LMS to explore multiple reasoning paths within the thoughts.


Not in this framework, any problem that is framed as a research process over the tree structure.


It does utilize the node in the tree to help you get the output, which we can see over here.


It can go back, it can go forward, and it can reason through its thoughts to get you the best output.


Now, to implement the framework, there are four key questions that need to be addressed.


Firstly, how to decompose the intermediate process into the steps, into the thought steps?


Secondly, how to generate potential thoughts from each other state?


And thirdly, how, realistically, you are able to evaluate the states?


And fourthly, what search algorithms should be used in the actual framework?


Now, by answering these questions, what the actual framework can do is explore through different types of branches of the thought tree, and it generates irrelevant thoughts which can help you evaluate the states using heuristics and determine the appropriate search algorithm to get you the best output.


Now, the researchers of this project were able to propose three challenging tasks that remain difficult for models such as GPT-4 or for prompting types of techniques such as a Chain of Thought, as well as I/O.

さて、このプロジェクトの研究者は、GPT-4のようなモデルや、Chain of Thoughtのようなプロンプトタイプの技術、そしてI/Oでは難しいままの3つの難題を提案することができました。

However, they were able to demonstrate that employing a deliberate search within the trees of thoughts led to more of an improved result, and more importantly, it introduced an exciting as well as a promising approach for utilizing language models in problem-solving scenarios, and this is something that we can see with this example of the game of 24.


Now, for the people who do not know what the researchers applied in the tree of thought framework was, they experimented with the game of 24, which is basically the objective of this game is to use four given numbers in basic arithmetic operations such as multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction to arrive at the final result of 24.


So let me just zoom in a little bit so you get a better idea.


Now, to solve this game, obviously, it utilized the thought framework, and researchers basically formulated the problem as a search process within the tree.


Now, each node, which we can see over here, represents a partial solution or an intermediate step towards reaching the desired output, which is 24.


Now, the branches of the tree corresponded to different arithmetic operations that can be performed.


In this case, it utilized subtraction, it utilized addition over here, multiplication to get to 24.


Not by employing deliberate search techniques within the thought part space, what the researchers explored was they utilize different various paths or sequences for the operations to find a solution that led to the target of 24.


Now, they generated different thoughts and evaluated their progress using heuristic and made decisions based on the lookahead and backtracking methods of the tree of thought.


Now, by leveraging the power of language models of GPT4 and the systematic search-up approach that is utilized with the trio thought framework, what the researchers were able to do is that they found improved and interesting like solutions of the game of 24 or, and this framework basically allowed the language models to consider multiple reasoning paths to evaluate different options, which resulted in a more effective problem-solving approach.


Now, if you were to compare this with the chain of thoughts approach or the input-output approach, you can see that it's not able to utilize the same effective way to get you the output, and this is something that we can see over here in this graph.


So, if you really want to get more in-depth with what is happening, I highly recommend that you check this paper out so you can get a better idea as well as a better idea of some of the experiments that they did to get a better use case of the framework.


In this experiment, we can see that it utilized the game of 24.


It also experimented using creative writing as well as crosswords.


So, if you want to get more of an in-depth idea of these experiments, definitely check this out in the research paper because it created a creative writing aspect.


It focused more on problem-solving tasks, which introduced the way of tackling creative writing and testing the language model's ability to generate coherent and imaginative like passages.


So, if you want to get more of an idea for this type of writing as well as this approach for its experiments, definitely check this out because it's quite interesting as to what they were able to do with the trio thought.


Lastly, I just want to talk a little bit about the limitations and the future directions of this project.


Now, in summary, the paper was able to recognize the need for better search and planning abilities in language models for this could be used for complex tasks, as well as for this acknowledgment of research limitation.


Now, what it also suggests is that they can slowly but surely explore different types of ways to fine-tune the approaches based on a high level of decision making as well as an approach towards improving problem-solving capabilities within the language model, and this is something that they're going to be focusing on as they tend to work towards improving this approach as well as working towards innovating the framework of the tree of thoughts.


So, I hope you found this video quite helpful, guys.


Thank you so much for watching.


I'm definitely going to release more videos on this because I definitely see this as an amazing tool that could be used to help language models in a lot of different ways.


So, I hope you found this video quite informative and you got something out of it.


And with that thought, guys, make sure you follow this Twitter page.


If you guys haven't subscribed, definitely do so.


Turn on the notification bell.


Like this video, and I just want to end off by saying, have an amazing day, spread positivity, and I'll see you guys very shortly.


Thank you so much for watching.


I'll see you guys soon.


Peace out, fellas.

