
【未来のOS:MicrosoftのCopilot AI拡大】英語解説を日本語で読む【2023年9月23日|@The AI Breakdown: Artificial Intelligence News】

Microsoftをはじめとする大手企業は、AI製品の大規模な発表を行いました。AIの次のステップは、既存のワークフローやソフトウェアへの統合とされています。特にMicrosoftは、WindowsオペレーティングシステムにCopilot AIアシスタントを拡大する計画を明らかにしました。

Microsoft joins Google, Amazon, YouTube, and OpenAI in major AI product announcements this week.


Welcome back to the AI breakdown.


What an absolutely massive week for AI product announcements.


And as you've heard me discuss a couple of times this week, it wasn't really a story about new technology, although there is one exception to that.


Instead, it was a week that showed that the next phase of artificial intelligence is likely to be an integration phase, in which AI tools start to find their way into the workflows that we already use, into the software that we already use, and in so doing, likely reaches a much larger audience than it does today.


Now, the big announcement yesterday was that Microsoft is expanding its Copilot AI assistant across the entire Windows operating system.

昨日の大きな発表は、MicrosoftがCopilot AIアシスタントをWindowsオペレーティングシステム全体に拡大していることでした。

In their announcement post, they write, We are entering a new era of AI, one that is fundamentally changing how we relate to and benefit from technology.


At Microsoft, we think about this as having a Copilot to help navigate any task.


We have been building AI-powered Copilots into our most used and loved products, and today we take the next step to unify these capabilities into a single experience we call Microsoft Copilot, your everyday AI companion.

我々は最も使用され、愛されている製品にAIパワーのCopilotsを組み込んできましたが、今日、これらの機能をMicrosoft Copilotという名前の単一のエクスペリエンスに統一する次のステップを踏み出します。これは、日常のAIのコンパニオンです。

Copilot, they say, integrates the context and intelligence of the web, the user's work data, and whatever they happen to be doing at that moment on their computer to provide a better assistant experience.


Basically, this is a big step towards an AI-powered operating system, and it's coming really soon.


This is going to begin rolling out as part of a free update to Windows 11 that starts on Tuesday, September 26th.

これは、9月26日火曜日に始まるWindows 11への無料のアップデートの一部としてロールアウトを開始する予定です。

Now, this was not all they announced at this event.


They also discussed some new computers, including updates to their Surface line.


But as Tom Warren from The Verge said, So this was a Copilot event with a side of Windows and Surface.

しかし、The VergeのTom Warrenが言ったように、これはWindowsとSurfaceのサイドディッシュでCopilotイベントでした。

The initial response was fairly positive.


Linea Second Stam tweeted, Always on AI everywhere in Windows.

Linea Second Stamはツイートしました、Windowsの中で常にAIがどこにでもある。

This is the tightest operating system integration with AI that we have ever seen.


Microsoft is showing how it's done.


How many rapper startups will struggle now?


Now, there are two parts about this that I think are pretty interesting.


First of all, one of the things that I've seen people get more excited about recently than anything else is OpenAI's Open Interpreter.

まず、最近私が見てきたものの中で人々が何よりも興奮しているのは、OpenAIのOpen Interpreterです。

Open Interpreter is a terminal-based interface that's effectively like having a Code Interpreter from ChatGPT run on your computer, accessing all of your files.

Open Interpreterは、効果的にChatGPTからのCode Interpreterがあなたのコンピュータで実行され、あなたのすべてのファイルにアクセスするような、端末ベースのインターフェイスです。

Part of why people got so excited about Open Interpreter is that I think it showed a vision of a future in which a chat-based natural language control system becomes the dominant way that you interact with your computer, versus having to learn a specific set of controls and clicks and shortcuts.

Open Interpreterについて人々が非常に興奮した理由の一部は、チャットベースの自然言語制御システムが特定のコントロールやクリック、ショートカットのセットを学ぶことなく、コンピュータと対話する主要な方法としての未来のビジョンを示していると思われるためです。

In other words, the idea that Aslina says, This is the tightest operating system integration with AI we have ever seen, is a really significant precedent for the future.


The second piece, of course, that he mentions is this idea of how many rapper startups will struggle.


Now, this has been a big theme throughout the year, where companies that are effectively just building off of someone else's API, often OpenAI's, are struggling to provide enough value in a differentiated user experience to be a going concern in the long run.


In a world where the big tech platforms and the big software companies are all integrating their AI natively, just having a different interface is an insufficient way to differentiate for a startup.


Now, one other AI announcement that was in here was that DALL·E3, which was also announced by OpenAI this week, will be integrated directly into Bing.


It's another really smart way that Microsoft is leveraging its relationship with OpenAI to try to create enough value to get users to come over to their systems.


Now, of course, the other side of the conversation was represented here by Nick St. Pierre, who said, I don't care how many AI features and updates Microsoft announces today.

もちろん、この会話のもう一方の側面は、Nick St. Pierreさんが今日Microsoftが発表するAIの機能やアップデートの数がどれだけであっても、私は気にしないと発言したことで代表されています。

I'm still never switching to PC.


And as much as Nick was joking around for the sake of Twitter, you have to think that this is what market analysts are actually going to be asking themselves.


Can Microsoft's differentiation around AI actually change consumer behaviors?


On that front, I had to laugh at this thread from Rafael Rivera, who took a screenshot of a demo that Microsoft actually did at this event in which they were running an LLM locally on one of their new Surface laptops and said, Microsoft leadership signed off on this Windows app for today's forward-looking AI and Hardware event.

この点に関して、Rafael Riveraのこのスレッドを見て笑ってしまいました。Microsoftがこのイベントで行ったデモのスクリーンショットを撮影して、今日の先進的なAIとハードウェアのイベントのためのこのWindowsアプリにMicrosoftのリーダーシップが同意したと言っています。

What/how the actual app?


Basically, it's an extremely awkward, uncomfortable, and ugly-looking window with mismatched fonts, no clear visual hierarchy.


It just basically sums up all of the worst of what people think when they think PCs versus Macs.


And while ultimately this doesn't really matter, I just thought it was a funny note in the larger conversation.


Now, I want to take a step back and talk about just everything that we have gotten this week because I think that for as interesting as Microsoft's updates are, and they are interesting, what's even more interesting to me is the extent to which this really reinforces this idea of a new phase of integrated AI that we are moving into.


Going back through the week, on Tuesday, we got the announcement from Google that Bard is now fully integrated across Google Workspace apps, so it can take advantage of the information in your Google Drive, your YouTube, your search history, your Gmail, in order to provide better contextual results.

週の初めに、Googleからの発表で、BardがGoogle Workspaceアプリ全体に完全に統合されたので、Google Drive、YouTube、検索履歴、Gmailの情報を活用して、よりコンテキストに適した結果を提供できるようになったと発表されました。

At Amazon's fall hardware event, we learned all about the new Alexa, which is powered by a custom-built Alexa LLM.

Amazonの秋のハードウェアイベントで、カスタムビルドされたAlexa LLMによって動作する新しいAlexaについてすべて学びました。

This is designed, once again, to give Alexa much more power to actually understand the home environment that it's working in and to be able to interact with the user in natural language ways.


One of the examples again that they gave was being able to say things like, Alexa, turn on the new light we just added, and Alexa being able to parse out what that actually meant.


Also, on Wednesday, we had OpenAI's announcement of DALL·E3.


Now, this is one that bridges both technology novelty as well as this integration theme, given that they are promising that DALL·E3 itself is a performance upgrade over things like ChatGPT, given that it can handle, as they say, significantly more nuance and detail and not require the same sort of prompt engineering that you have with other systems because you can just interact with it through natural language.


But it is part of this integration story as well because it is, as they say, built natively on ChatGPT and thus fluidly plugged into a system that already hundreds of millions of people use.


Again, instead of having to set something up in Discord like you do for ChatGPT, you just talk to ChatGPT as you normally would, getting the advantage of using it as a brainstorming partner for refining prompts.


And then, the results of the prompting happens through the chat GPT interface as well for many observers who are assessing how significant the dolly 3 announcement was.

そして、プロンプトの結果は、dolly 3の発表がどれほど重要であったかを評価している多くの観察者のために、ChatGPTのインターフェースを通じても行われます。

It is this integration with chat GPT which is the biggest deal, even relative to any changes in quality versus what stable diffusion or mid Journey can offer right now.

最も大きな取引は、ChatGPTとの統合であり、現在stable diffusionやmid Journeyが提供できるものとの品質の変化に関してさえもそうです。

So, that's an announcement on Tuesday, two announcements on Wednesday, and then on Thursday, in addition to this Microsoft copilot event, there was also the big made on YouTube event which featured a slew of AI upgrades, including their dream screen feature which allows people to put AI-generated video and images behind themselves in shorts, use AI to generate new ideas for content, or even find the right soundtrack.

それで、火曜日に発表が1つ、水曜日に発表が2つありました。そして、木曜日には、このMicrosoft copilotイベントに加えて、YouTubeイベントでもAIの大量のアップグレードが特集されました。これには、shortsの背後にAI生成のビデオとイメージを配置することを可能にするdream screen機能や、コンテンツの新しいアイディアを生成するためのAIを使用する、または適切なサウンドトラックを見つける機能などが含まれていました。

And all this is happening in a new dedicated mobile Creator experience.


Once again, integration, integration, integration.


So, quite clearly, one of the big themes of all of these announcements is a new phase of AI which is not just about racing to new higher performing technology, but about bundling it in user experiences that make it more useful and get it to a wider audience.


However, there is another dimension of this week that's worth calling out as well.


When Jeffrey Hinton left Google earlier this year, he argued that competitive pressure was creating new dangers as companies that had previously been responsible stewards of AI were now under too much pressure to release things fast, regardless of the risks.

Jeffrey Hintonが今年初めにGoogleを去ったとき、彼は、以前はAIの責任あるスチュワードであった企業が、リスクを無視しても速くものをリリースするあまりのプレッシャーを受けているため、競争的な圧力が新しい危険を生み出していると主張しました。

That warning was echoed by Max Tegmark this week.

その警告は、今週Max Tegmarkによっても繰り返されました。

The MIT professor and founder of the Future of Life Institute was interviewed by The Guardian and said, I felt that privately a lot of corporate leaders I talked to wanted a pause, but they were trapped in this race to the bottom against each other.

The Guardianによるインタビューで、MITの教授でありFuture of Life Instituteの創設者である彼は、「私が話していた多くの企業リーダーは、一時停止を望んでいたように私は感じたが、彼らはお互いに対してこの競争に巻き込まれていた」と述べています。

So, no company can pause alone.


Further echoing that theme is an article from The Information about Jacopo Pantaleone, a senior engineer at NVIDIA who had been there since 2001, only to leave this July, leaving much economic value to himself on the table because he realized that the world that he was building wasn't the one that he had wanted to help build.

そのテーマをさらに反映しているのは、2001年以来NVIDIAに在籍していたJacopo Pantaleoneというシニアエンジニアに関するThe Informationからの記事です。彼はこの7月に退社しました。彼は彼が建てようとしていた世界が彼が手助けしようとしていたものではなかったことに気づいたため、自分自身に多大な経済的価値を残しました。

He said, This marketed machine learning artificial intelligence is almost entirely driven by the big players - Google's, Amazon's, Metas.


They have the enormous amount of data and enormous amounts of capital to develop AI at scale.


This was not the world I wanted to help build.


Now, writes The Information, Jacopo is dedicating his career to studying the unintended societal impacts of AI, including publishing a book on the topic this month.

今、The Informationによれば、JacopoはAIの意図しない社会的な影響の研究に彼のキャリアを捧げており、この月にそのトピックに関する本を出版しています。

Its premise: the concentration of power in the hands of tech giants like Google is the real danger of AI, not the human-killing AI future being propagated in the press.


So, this is an interesting twist where a person who had been in the belly of the beast of these companies is saying that something needs to give and government needs to get involved, not necessarily because we're all headed towards an inevitable extinction, but because the world is going to be too fully controlled by a small oligarchy of companies.


It's hard not to look at the slate of news from this week and not see at least some evidence of that thesis.


And yet, at the same time, and this is the damnable thing about the industry, it's also hard not to be pretty excited about all these new tools and new features that people like me and probably people like you are going to go use to be more productive and to create more things.


That's what makes this policy challenge so hard, and that's what makes this such an interesting moment in technological history.


Anyways, I'm sure we will get more announcements to go over soon, and I'm sure that it's not only integration progress that we're going to be seeing.


Obviously, the next big battle is going to be around Google Gemini and whether it can actually meet and exceed GPT-4, and what that means for the rest of the industry.

明らかに、次の大きな戦いはGoogle Geminiが実際にGPT-4を満たし、超えることができるか、そしてそれが業界全体に何を意味するかを围って行われるでしょう。

But we will wrap it there, and I will just ask if you are enjoying this content, do me a favor: if you're not subscribed yet, subscribe, and if you are subscribed, I would so appreciate it if you would consider leaving a rating or review.


It makes a big difference, and I really appreciate it.


Thanks as always for your attention, and until next time, peace.

