
アニマルシェルターとは/What is an animal shelter?


<アニマルシェルターとは >











  • 健康確認・投薬

  • 餌やり

  • 掃除

  • お散歩

  • ドッグラン

  • 洗濯・洗い物

  • 里親対応

  • シェルターの修理


  • 保護犬・猫たちが健康でいられるように掃除や消毒を念入りに行い衛生状態に気をつけている

  • 健康状態に合わせて餌の上げ方や人と接する時間を変える

  • 餌やりに知恵おもちゃを使って楽しくご飯が食べられるようにする

  • 「動物の愛護及び管理に関する法律」によって生活スペースと運動スペースが別な場合は保護権・猫を三時間以上運動スペースで自由に運動できるようにしなければいけない


<What is an animal shelter?>
Animal shelters are places where stray, lost, abandoned or surrendered animals are housed. On the other hand, animal rescues are typically foster-based organizations which don't have accommodations for animals and have volunteers (faster home). The number of admitted animals in animal rescues are larger than animal shelters as animal rescues don't restrict them.
Some animal shelters possess a veterinary medical facility, training equipment, consultation room of transfer and sale raising goods. 
The main problems of the animal shelters are costs (upkeep, personnel expenses, and feed), complaints from neighbors, a lack of the animal shelters, no one wants animals (because of their appearances, characters, and ages), and some people gave up their responsibility of rearing.

<Animal abandonment>
There have always been unresolved problems between us humans and our pets, such as abusing or abandoning pets.

If you own a pet without thinking, you can’t stand hard work and finally abandon your pet.

In order to stop irresponsible pet purchases, an organization called Eva runs a campaign every Christmas, "Don't Buy a Pet for Christmas.

Christmas season is full of advertisements that encourage impulse buys. Influenced by them, many people ask pets for gifts. 
However, keeping a pet is not that easy.
If you don't understand the difficulty of owning a pet, 
you will end up taking it to an animal shelter. If many people do that, animal shelters become overwhelmed.

Because of the pandemic, more people spend their time at home and some decide to own a pet seeking the healing power of animals.

However, many say “It’s harder to keep a pet than I expected.” Also, as life gets to normal, they don’t have enough time to take care of their pets. As a result, the number of pets taken to a shelter is increasing.

The Ministry of the Environment has asked people to refrain from irresponsible purchases of pets.

<Things to be aware of when owning a pet>
Dogs and cats (And so is any other kind of animal) are living creatures, just like us, humans. So if you want to own a pet, you have to be aware of the responsibilities you have, such as feeding him/her, giving all the support he/she needs like medical care, and giving the right amount of exercise he/she needs; not too much, not too less.
It is also a good idea if you think you might not be able to take care of a pet or not sure what to do, get familiar with the kind of pet you want. So if the pet you would like to take care of is a dog, you should probably familiarize yourself by asking a friend if you could take care of his/her pet for a short while, or you can ‘rent a pet’ and see if it is possible for you to take care of him/her properly. 
Anyone who would like to take care of a pet should also consider the option of going to an animal shelter. At the animal shelter, there are pets whose owners decided that they can’t take care of their pet anymore, or pets who were found being treated poorly by their owners. A lot of people think that pets from pet shops are much friendlier than pets from animal shelters, and that is true, because the pets from the animal shelters were likely to be treated violently or poorly, so their defence skills show more than pets from pet shops, but if you take care of pets from animal shelters with respect and love, they will grow more friendlier the more care and time you spend with them. 

<Duties of animal shelter workers>

  • Health check/ Medicating

  • Feeding

  • Cleaning 

  • Walking dogs

  • Taking dogs to the dog park

  • Laundry and washing equipment

  • Interacting with potential adopters 

  • Repairing the kennels and cages

Animal shelter workers make an all-out effort to ensure the health of their animals.

  • They provide their animals healthy and safe environments by thorough cleaning and disinfection of the living spaces and equipment

  • The amount and type of food fed and the time of contact with humans are changed according to the health of the animals.

  • They use some toys when feeding so that animals won’t get bored

  • They must have their animals exercise freely for at least three hours if the living space does not have enough space to do that
