
Depleted Uranium, to Know the Nuke Damage of the World "75years A-Bomb" Dr.Soko DAY42/50

Modern people, not to be told the fact of depleted uranium

The governments that used nuclear weapons would never admit to the damage. This is because, once acknowledged, it is possible that criticism from the world will concentrate and it will be difficult in the future to use the “valuable” developed nuclear weapons. Historically, Japanese doctors and scientists had been banned by the U.S. military from publishing the results of the bomb in their papers. It shows that it takes time to spread the facts of the inhumane effects of new weapons to the modern people of the world.

Therefore, the ban on weapons will be delayed and the radiation damage to innocent people will spread. Modern people must be mindful to acknowledge the fact of depleted uranium.

In the Gulf War, where depleted uranium was used, 950,000 depleted uranium shells were fired by the US and British forces, dropping more than 300 tons of depleted uranium. Iraqis, including children, have become cancerous, have more babies born with malformations, and American and British soldiers have started to notice abnormal physical conditions after returning home. The nations do not even admit the possibility of damage from weapons, saying that the cause of the "Gulf War Syndrome" is unknown.

Characteristics of Depleted Uranium

Depleted uranium is produced in large quantities as waste during the uranium enrichment process for nuclear power generation and nuclear weapon manufacturing.

Used in weapons to maintain two characteristic destructive powers. The first is hardness. The density of depleted uranium is 2.5 times that of iron and 1.5 times that of lead, so it is hard and can penetrate thick iron walls when used for shells. Therefore, its destructive power is exerted as an anti-tank shell.

Second, it emits radiation, causing enemy soldiers to suffer radiation damage. When its shell penetrates iron, it releases frictional heat up to thousands of degrees. Then, due to the explosion after penetration, fine particles containing radioactivity are scattered into the atmosphere. Since the radiation is taken into the lungs as fine particles, it gives humans a permanent sequelae in the latter life even if they could avoid a direct hit.

Radioactive material sticks the lungs as a fume

Iraqi soldiers who were not directly exposed to depleted uranium bombs in the Gulf War also suffered health problems due to radiation damage. Not only that, but also American soldiers walked on the ground suffered permanent radiation damage by inhaling radioactive material into their lungs. When the depleted uranium bomb explodes, the radioactive material turns into fine dust and flies in the air, so without knowing it, the radioactive material was stuck into the lungs. After that, he suffered from health damage such as cancer through his life left.

Depleted Uranium Emitting Radiation in the Body

Depleted uranium U238 is said to have a radioactive half-life of 4.5 billion years. It keeps emitting α rays for such a long time beyond imagination. Alpha rays is a weak penetrating radiation and can be shielded even by a piece of paper. However, it badly influence on a human body, when it was inhaled into the lung. 

Its characteristics are different from those of the atomic bombs used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where strong-penetrating γ-rays were effected. In the atomic bomb, radiation penetrated the human body, and the bone marrow and internal organs were greatly affected immediately after the atomic bombing. Nobody knows what the developers intended, but if they estimated  that α-rays had a low level of damage due to their low penetrating ability, it would be a big mistake. The α-rays become fumes (fine dust) and enter the inner part of the lungs, where they continue to emit radioactive substances throughout a life. Fumes flow from the lungs into the blood and travel throughout the body. Then, it reaches the organs in the body and continues to emit radiation that causes catastrophic damage to those organs. Alfa rays' cytotoxicity is badly strong. It goes without saying that it causes cancer and causes physical and mental distress. Moreover, fetal malformations and childhood illnesses can only be described as inhumane.


Statistics on the damage of depleted uranium were released in December 1998.

Exposed soldiers were 4.5 times more likely to have leukemia and 5.6 times more likely to have lymphoma than unexposed soldiers.

 In children born after the Gulf War, the deformities and defects of the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, genitals, limbs, as well as a wide variety of congenital anomalies, have been observed. This is beyond what humans can be allowed to do with weapons. 
