
"Bilingual Post" 「AI革命: スマートフォンの未来を塗り替える」 "The AI Revolution: Redefining the Future of Smartphones"






Smartphone manufacturers are shifting their focus towards embedding Artificial Intelligence (AI) features into their devices. The tech event "Mobile World Congress 2024" held in Barcelona was abuzz with discussions on the evolution of AI technology and its application in smartphones. In the future, smartphones are expected to become smarter and more convenient through AI, enhancing device performance and integrating more deeply into our lives.

Companies are aiming to incorporate AI tools that operate without an internet connection into smartphones. This endeavor could improve processing speed and protect user privacy. While many AI tools currently rely on cloud servers, integrating these functionalities directly into smartphones could significantly enhance the user experience.

However, advancing this technology comes at a cost. Integrating AI features into smartphones requires high technical expertise and financial investment. Moreover, it remains uncertain whether the latest AI functionalities will invigorate the market, given the sales slump in smartphones over the past two years.

Smartphone manufacturers and chip makers are striving to provide more personalized assistant functions using AI technology. For instance, it might become possible to manage schedules or predict traffic congestion during commutes personally. This development could make smartphones an even more integral part of our lives.

The evolution of technology is shifting the allure from the quantity of apps to how smartly and personally devices can cater to our needs. With the advancement of AI technology, the smartphones of the future might operate without apps, allowing users to control them directly through voice or text. This shift could significantly simplify and intuitify our digital lives, marking a significant step forward.

#AIRevolution #SmartphoneFuture
#AI革命 #スマートフォン未来 #モバイルワールドコングレス
