
新しい組織形態「DAO」の健全な発展を目指し「日本DAO協会」が設立 "Japan DAO Association" was established with the aim of healthy development of the new organizational form "DAO"








  1. 法的枠組みの整備: DAOに関する法的問題を解決し、安心してDAOを運営できる環境を整備します。これは、政府や規制当局との連携を通じて実現されます。

  2. 技術支援: DAOの技術的な課題に対処するための支援を提供します。具体的には、スマートコントラクトの開発支援やセキュリティ対策の講座を開催します。

  3. 教育と普及活動: DAOに関する知識を広めるためのセミナーやワークショップを開催し、一般の人々にもDAOの理解を深めてもらうことを目指します。また、企業や自治体向けの導入支援も行います。

  4. コミュニティ形成: DAOに関心を持つ人々が集まり、情報交換や協力を行うコミュニティを形成します。これにより、DAOの普及を加速させ、実際の運営における課題解決を図ります。






What is a DAO?

A Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) is a new form of organization based on blockchain technology. In a DAO, there are no centralized administrators; instead, it is governed by automated rules known as smart contracts. This ensures transparency and fairness, allowing all participants to engage in decision-making on an equal footing. This innovative organizational model is particularly popular among startups and community projects, offering a flexible operation free from traditional organizational constraints.

Background of the Japan DAO Association

Interest in the potential of DAOs is growing in Japan as well. However, implementing and managing a DAO comes with legal and technical challenges. To promote the healthy development and widespread adoption of DAOs, the Japan DAO Association is being established.

The Japan DAO Association aims to establish a legal framework, provide technical support, and promote education and awareness activities related to DAOs. By offering a platform for sharing information about DAOs, the association hopes to foster the growth and development of DAOs within Japan.

Roles and Goals of the Japan DAO Association

The Japan DAO Association has set the following roles and goals:

  1. Establishing a Legal Framework: The association will address legal issues related to DAOs, creating an environment where DAOs can be operated safely. This will be achieved through collaboration with the government and regulatory authorities.

  2. Technical Support: The association will provide support to address the technical challenges of DAOs. This includes assistance in developing smart contracts and conducting security workshops.

  3. Education and Awareness: The association will hold seminars and workshops to spread knowledge about DAOs and help the general public better understand this new organizational model. It will also support the introduction of DAOs to companies and municipalities.

  4. Community Building: The association will form a community where individuals interested in DAOs can gather to exchange information and collaborate. This will accelerate the adoption of DAOs and help solve practical operational issues.

The Future of DAOs and the Vision of the Japan DAO Association

Due to their transparency and fairness, DAOs are expected to become increasingly important organizational models in the future. DAOs are especially appealing to non-profit organizations, local communities, and startups because they do not require centralized management.

The Japan DAO Association aims to maximize these benefits and lead the promotion and development of DAOs in Japan. Furthermore, by strengthening ties with the international DAO community, the association plans to contribute to the development of DAOs from a global perspective.


The establishment of the Japan DAO Association marks a significant step toward the promotion and healthy development of DAOs in Japan. Through the establishment of a legal framework, technical support, education, and awareness activities, the association aims to realize a new organizational model that leverages the transparency and fairness of DAOs. For companies and communities exploring new organizational forms, the Japan DAO Association will be a reliable partner in pursuing the potential of DAOs.

#日本DAO協会 #分散型自律組織 #DAO普及 #JapanDAOAssociation #DecentralizedAutonomousOrganization #DAOAdoption
