
"Bilingual Post" 「フェイク画像の脅威と見抜き方:AIが創り出す偽りの世界」 ”The Threat of Fake Images and How to Spot Them: The False World Created by AI”






なりすまし: 自分の顔写真を合成された画像で悪質な出会い系サイトに登録され、被害を受けた事例
名誉毀損: 政治家の合成画像がSNSで拡散され、名誉を毀損された事例
社会不安の煽動: デモ隊の過激な行動を映したフェイク動画が拡散され、社会不安を煽動した事例









In recent years, the development of AI technology has made it easier than ever to create fake images that are indistinguishable from real ones. However, these fake images can have a variety of harmful consequences, including the spread of misinformation, the theft of personal information, and the defamation of individuals.
The Need for Human Judgment
Professor Echizen, who gave a lecture on this topic at the National Institute of Informatics (NII) in Tokyo on March 4, 2024, pointed out that while fake image detection technology is improving, the final judgment must be made by humans. AI is good at finding unnatural features in images, but it is not good at understanding context or background. Therefore, it is necessary for humans to ultimately determine the authenticity of images that AI has flagged as suspicious.
Examples of Fake Image Damage
Professor Echizen also presented examples of the damage that has been caused by fake images. These include:

  • Impersonation: A person was impersonated in a fake image that was used to create a malicious dating profile.

  • Defamation: A politician was defamed by a fake image that was circulated on social media.

  • Incitement to social unrest: A fake video of a protest that showed violent behavior was circulated, inciting social unrest.

These examples illustrate the serious harm that fake images can cause.
The Evolution of "Protective AI"
To combat the threat of fake images, Professor Echizen is working on the development of "protective AI." This is a technology that uses AI to detect fake images.
Professor Echizen introduced a technology called "MesoNet," which detects fake images by focusing on various features, such as facial shape, expression, and skin texture. MesoNet has been shown to be able to detect fake images with 99.8% accuracy.
The Future
Professor Echizen emphasized that in order to protect ourselves from the threat of fake images, it is important to take both technical and educational measures.
To spot fake images, it is important to:

  • Verify the source of the image.

  • Look for unnatural features in the image.

  • Evaluate the credibility of the source.

It is also important to report fake images to the authorities if you see them.
The development of AI technology has enriched our lives, but it has also created new threats, such as fake images. In order to prevent the damage caused by fake images, it is essential to take both technical and educational measures.
I hope this translation is helpful. Let me know if you have any other questions.

#フェイク画像に注意 #AI技術の進化 #情報リテラシー向上
#BewareFakeImages #EvolutionOfAI #ImprovingInformationLiteracy
