
【第3回】日本の国家戦略としてのWeb3の発展:The Development of Web3 as Japan's National Strategy






  1. ブロックチェーン: 分散型の台帳技術で、取引データを安全に管理します。

  2. スマートコントラクト: 自動的に実行される契約で、信頼性と効率を高めます。

  3. 暗号資産: デジタル通貨で、分散型取引を可能にします。

  4. NFT(Non-Fungible Tokens): 唯一無二のデジタル資産で、アートやコレクションの所有権を証明します。



1. 法規制の整備


2. 教育と人材育成


3. 産業応用の推進


4. 国際協力と競争力強化




  • 分散化: データの所有権がユーザーに戻り、プライバシーとセキュリティが向上します。

  • 透明性: ブロックチェーン技術により、取引の透明性が確保されます。

  • 新しいビジネスモデル: NFTやDeFiなど、従来のビジネスモデルにない新しい価値が創出されます。


  • 技術の複雑さ: Web3技術はまだ発展途上であり、理解や利用には専門的な知識が必要です。

  • 規制の不確実性: 各国での法規制が異なるため、国際的な調整が必要です。

  • セキュリティ: 分散型システムのセキュリティ確保には、引き続き多くの課題があります。




Web3 proposes a new paradigm for the internet, aiming for a decentralized web where users control their data and assets. Japan is actively incorporating Web3 technology as a national strategy to stimulate economic growth and enhance international competitiveness. This article will explain the basics of Web3 and how Japan plans to develop and utilize this technology, in a way that beginners can understand.

What is Web3?

Web3 aims to decentralize the internet, moving away from the centralized servers and companies that currently manage data. It uses blockchain technology to return data ownership to users, enhancing transparency and security, and paving the way for new business models and services.

Key Technologies of Web3

  1. Blockchain: A decentralized ledger technology that securely manages transaction data.

  2. Smart Contracts: Self-executing contracts with terms directly written into code, enhancing reliability and efficiency.

  3. Cryptocurrency: Digital currencies that enable decentralized transactions.

  4. NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens): Unique digital assets that represent ownership of digital art and collectibles.

Japan's Web3 Strategy

Japan is actively pursuing the development of Web3 technology as part of its national strategy. The following are some key initiatives:

1. Legal and Regulatory Framework

The Japanese government is working to establish legal and regulatory frameworks for blockchain and cryptocurrencies, creating a healthy market environment where businesses and investors can confidently use Web3 technology.

2. Education and Human Resource Development

To spread Web3 technology, it is crucial to train professionals with specialized knowledge. Japan is incorporating Web3-related courses into university and technical school curricula to nurture the next generation of engineers and researchers.

3. Promoting Industrial Applications

The Japanese government is promoting the application of Web3 technology across various industries. In the financial sector, decentralized finance (DeFi) is being introduced, and in the entertainment industry, new business models using NFTs are being explored.

4. International Cooperation and Competitiveness

Japan is cooperating with the international Web3 community to standardize and share technology. This collaboration aims to enhance the global presence and competitiveness of Japanese engineers and companies in the international market.

Benefits and Challenges of Web3


  • Decentralization: Users regain control over their data, enhancing privacy and security.

  • Transparency: Blockchain technology ensures transaction transparency.

  • New Business Models: Innovations such as NFTs and DeFi create new value not seen in traditional business models.


  • Technical Complexity: Web3 technology is still developing and requires specialized knowledge to understand and use.

  • Regulatory Uncertainty: Different regulations across countries require international coordination.

  • Security: Ensuring the security of decentralized systems continues to present challenges.


The development of Web3 technology is a crucial part of Japan's national strategy. Efforts include establishing regulatory frameworks, education and human resource development, promoting industrial applications, and international cooperation. Through these initiatives, Japan aims to lead in Web3 technology and create new economic models and business opportunities. By understanding the basics of Web3 and Japan's strategy, even beginners can prepare for the future of the digital economy.

#Web3国家戦略 #日本のブロックチェーン #暗号資産発展
#Web3NationalStrategy #BlockchainJapan #CryptoDevelopment
