
第3話目: Web3とAIの社会的・倫理的課題: 技術がもたらす影響とは? Episode 3: Social and Ethical Challenges of Web3 and AI: How Technology Impacts Society



1. プライバシーの侵害とデータの取り扱い


2. 自動化による雇用への影響


3. 偏りと差別の再生産


4. ディセントラライズドな責任の所在





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English Version

Social and Ethical Challenges Brought by Web3 and AI

Web3 and AI are hailed as next-generation technologies with the potential to fundamentally change how society and businesses operate. However, as these technologies become more widespread, we must also carefully consider their impact on our daily lives and ethical standards. Specifically, several social and ethical challenges have emerged, and it is crucial to address them.

1. Privacy Invasion and Data Handling

As AI and Web3 handle vast amounts of data, the risk of violating privacy becomes increasingly high. For example, health diagnostic apps that utilize AI collect users' health data to make predictions. But how that data is stored and who has access to it is a significant concern. Similarly, when blockchain technology is used to make transaction histories public, malicious actors may exploit the information. A concrete example is the ongoing debate surrounding Facebook and Google’s massive data collection, which is used for ad targeting and raises concerns about privacy invasion.

2. Impact of Automation on Employment

AI development is automating various tasks, such as self-checkout systems at convenience stores and robots assembling products in factories. While this improves efficiency, it also raises concerns about the growing number of jobs that could become unnecessary. In particular, simple or repetitive tasks are being replaced by AI, potentially causing many workers to lose their jobs and exacerbating social inequality. For instance, Amazon’s warehouses in the U.S. have introduced robots to complement human workers, but reports also suggest a reduction in the number of employees.

3. Bias and Reproduction of Discrimination

AI learns from vast datasets, so if the data itself is biased, AI decision-making will reflect those biases. For example, a company using AI for recruitment may disadvantage women or minorities if its past hiring data was predominantly male. A concrete case is Amazon’s recruitment AI, which was scrapped after it was found to favor male candidates. Although AI is often seen as neutral, it can reinforce discrimination if the underlying data is biased.

4. Decentralized Accountability

Web3’s decentralized network removes the need for centralized management, but it also raises the issue of unclear accountability. For example, if a cryptocurrency exchange is hacked and assets are stolen, it’s not always clear who is responsible for compensation. In 2021, a DeFi project was hacked, resulting in the loss of millions of dollars, but since there was no central authority, victims were unable to receive adequate compensation. This highlights the urgent need for legal frameworks and governance rules.

Next Episode Preview: Success Stories and Implementation Methods

In the next episode, we’ll introduce concrete solutions and success stories that address the social and ethical challenges we've discussed. We’ll explore how technology can tackle real-world problems and achieve significant outcomes through proper implementation. This will provide insights into how Web3 and AI can positively transform society and offer a glimpse into the future.

For those interested in deeper technical explanations, advanced implementation examples, and the latest research findings, an advanced edition will be available on Kindle. If you’d like to explore further, please check the link below.

👉  https://amzn.to/489pjHM

#Web3社会課題 #AI倫理問題 #未来技術の影響   #Web3Ethics
#AIEthicalIssues #TechImpactOnSociety
