
香港のWeb3開発タスクフォース設立と中国共産党との潜在的な対立:The Establishment of Hong Kong's Web3 Development Task Force and Potential Conflicts with the Chinese Communist Party



このタスクフォースは、26名のメンバーで構成されており、政府の要職者と業界の主要な参加者が含まれています。彼らはWeb3技術の持続可能な成長を支援するための推奨事項を提供し、倫理的な開発を確保します。このイニシアチブは、香港が世界のWeb3分野でリーダーシップを確立し、優れた企業や才能を引き付けることを目指しています​ (CoinTelegraph)​。














Hong Kong Establishes New Task Force to Promote Web3 Development

Hong Kong has established a new task force to promote the sustainable and responsible development of Web3 technology. This initiative aims to strengthen Hong Kong's leadership in the Web3 sector and foster innovation. However, this move also raises concerns about potential conflicts with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Background and Purpose

The task force consists of 26 members, including key government officials and industry participants. Their role is to provide recommendations for the sustainable growth of Web3 technology, ensuring ethical development and innovation. This initiative seeks to establish Hong Kong as a global leader in the Web3 sector, attracting top companies and talent to build a thriving ecosystem​ (CoinTelegraph)​.

Policy Support

The establishment of this new task force demonstrates the Hong Kong government's strong support for the development of Web3 technology. Paul Chan, Hong Kong's Financial Secretary, emphasized the task force's role in promoting innovation and sustainable development in the Web3 sector.

Industry Collaboration

The task force includes 15 industry participants and 11 government officials, bringing together diverse perspectives and expertise. This collaboration is expected to result in effective strategies and implementation. The task force focuses on addressing ethical issues and ensuring sustainability in Web3 technology development.

Establishing Global Leadership

Hong Kong aims to become a leader in the Web3 sector, and this initiative is a crucial step towards attracting top companies and talent globally. Hong Kong seeks to drive innovation by creating new application models and fostering a vibrant ecosystem in the Web3 space.

Concerns about Conflicts with the Chinese Communist Party

On the other hand, this move raises concerns about potential conflicts and disputes with the CCP. Although Hong Kong enjoys a high degree of autonomy, the increasing influence of the CCP may lead to interference in Hong Kong's policies. Since Web3 technology emphasizes decentralization and transparency, there is a risk of conflict with the centralized Chinese government. Therefore, it is crucial for the Hong Kong government to manage its relationship with the CCP while promoting Web3 development.

Market Response

The market response to the establishment of the task force has been very positive. Many companies are showing interest in Hong Kong's Web3 policies and are considering expanding their operations in the region. This indicates that Hong Kong is becoming a significant hub for Web3 technology development.


Hong Kong's new task force represents a vital step in promoting the sustainable and responsible development of Web3 technology. This initiative provides a strong foundation for Hong Kong to establish leadership in the Web3 sector and foster innovation. However, there are also risks of conflict with the CCP. To minimize these risks, coordination and cooperation between the Hong Kong government and the CCP are necessary. International companies and investors need to carefully monitor this development.

Given this context, it is crucial to observe how Web3 technology development progresses in Hong Kong in the future.

#Web3開発 #香港タスクフォース #中国共産党対立 #Web3Development
#HongKongTaskForce #CCPConflic
